Landmarks and Residents

What year is it?

November 18th, 1885

Kibum, Taemin, and Jinki were ready to go out, Jinki was going to a different town to find components to invent a new book, while Kibum and Taemin went into town to see the old sights. "Now remember you guys, Things you do in the past will determine what happens to you when we go back to 1985. The little things you do could change anything so be careful" Jinki warned his dongsangs for the billionth time. "We got it, hyung. Goodness, you sound like a broken record" Taemin sighed, starting to become afraid of interacting with anything or anyone in town, as it may interfere with their future. "I'm just saying, anything you do could change your lives so much. You talk to one stranger on the street, and when we go back to 1985, that stranger's family could be out to hunt you down. It could be anything!" Jinki repeated. "We'll be careful. Believe it or not hyung, but I'm more frightened than you are" Kibum gulps. Jinki hands Kibum a pair of keys. "These are the keys to the lock" Jinki says, pointing to the lock on the door to the lab. "You can come back here whenever you want to. Well, I'm off. Again, be careful" Jinki bids farewell before going to the next town to look for components for their new book. "Well, let's hit it!" Kibum smiles. "Are you ready Taeminnie?" he asks. "Not really, I'm sorta still nervous, hyung" Taemin shivers. Over night, Kibum, Taemin, and Jinki changed into modern 1885 clothes that Jinki had purchased last time he stayed there in 1884 so they wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb. Kibum and Taemin finally build up the courage to walk out of Jinki's lab. Kibum looks down at Jinki's house keys. "Key... Key. Yah Taemin. Have you ever thought Kibum is a stupid name?" Kibum asks. "What? No why?" Taemin says confused. "Do you think Key would be an easier way to say my name? I mean it sounds like Kibum, It's catchy-" "Oh God, Kibum, not another stupid nickname!" Taemin complains. "But this one seems really cool!" Kibum argues. "Yeah suuuure. What's next? We give Jinki a nickname?" Taemin laughs. "You never know" Kibum giggles, but stops and looks up at the familier, unfinished clock tower. "Hey Taemin-ah! The clock is here!" Kibum exclaims. Taemin looks at Kibum confused and follows his eyes and sees the clock tower from 1985. The clock was made, but it wasn't ticking or moving, and the tower it sat on was only several wooden boards holding it up. "It was here 100 years ago? But it looked so new!" Taemin says shocked. They stare up at the clock tower for a few minutes in awe then continue to walk through town, where they totally blended in. They were walking right in the street, where a car would run them over, but alas, there was no such thing as cars. People got around on horses. They both got a few stares, considering they were Korean, and they were in a small city on California in the United States. Kibum and Taemin were walking towards the meat shop when Kibum felt himself standing in something soft and squishy. "What the-?" Kibum squeaks and looks down to see him standing in a pile of horse manure. It was brown and green, smelled terrible, and Kibum was standing right in it, earning quite a few stares and laughs, which included Taemin. "Watch where you step, hyung" Taemin giggled. Kibum shot a death glare at his dongsang and shook his feet out of the horse dung. "Yah Kibum. I'm going in here. Wanna come?" Taemin asked, pointing to the parlor and bar. "Taeminnie, you're too young to drink." Kibum whispered. "So are you" Taemin argued. "No I'm not, I'm 21" Kibum whispered again. "In Korean age. We're in America, You're 20! And these people don't know us. They don't know old we are" Taemin concluded. Kibum nodded his head. "Very good point, but I'll pass. Be careful" Kibum warned. "Yes Umma" Taemin joked before walking into the parlor. Kibum rolled his eyes and continued to walk into town on his own


Taemin walked into the parlor which was filled with huge burly men. Taemin felt so small. They were all drinking and laughing. Making a huge commotion. But most of them stopped when they saw the small Korean teenager shuffle in, earning him a lot of attention. While Taemin walked up to the bartender. All the men were staring at him, making him uneasy, except for one man, who seemed to look like a teenager himself. He was rather small compared to the other men, but Taemin couldn't see his face. It was covered by his cowboy hat. His arms and legs were crossed and his legs were propped up on a table in front of him. He wasn't aware of Taemin's presence, so Taemin kept walking. When he got up to the bar, some of the men starting whispering and laughing at Taemin, as if he was an unpopular outcast in high school. "What'll it be?" the bartender asked Taemin before shooting him a confused look. As if the bartender was wondering why a small teenager like Taemin would walk into a bar so willingly. "What?" Taemin asked, not understanding the bartender's English lingo. A few men behind him started to cackle. Taemin started to turn red in embarrassment. "What would you LIKE to DRINK?" the bartender repeated with attitude, which made the men laugh. "Water please" Taemin said calmly. "Water????" the bartender guffawed, which made the other men roll to the floor laughing. By then Taemin was ready to run out, but thought this was a good time to earn some respect and perhaps grow a backbone. "You don't get water here boy. It's either nothing or whiskey" the bartender said, throwing down a shot glass and pouring whiskey for Taemin. Taemin was obviously confused. He has never heard the word "whiskey" before and had never seen a shot glass before. The bartender walked away and the men continued to talk and laugh amongst themselves. Taemin didn't know what to do. Either walk out, or drink the whiskey. Taemin chose the whiskey, he picked up the small shot glass with his index finger and his thumb. And though he didn't know it. The mysterious man who he hadn't been able to identify earlier was watching him the whole time. Taemin took a small sip of the whiskey and immediatley spat it back out because of it's strong, disgusting taste. Before Taemin knew it, he had spit the whiskey on one of the men's shoes. The whole parlor grew silent. Taemin silently looked up to see the man he spit his whiskey on and saw a gigantic, 7 foot tall burly man towering over him. "You can't handle that, runt? You can't handle whiskey?" he asked in the most deep, scariest voice. "What's your name, kid?" the man continued. Taemin froze. "Is this what hyung meant by 'be careful'? Should I give him my actual name?" Taemin thought to himself. He thought about a good american name to go by until the man stopped his thoughts by speaking out. "Name's Emmett" the man, who goes by Emmett throws his hand out to Taemin so he can shake it. But Taemin was too scared. Emmett's hand was five times bigger than Taemin's. But Taemin shook his hand, considering he had no other choice. When he did though, Emmett purposely crushed Taemin's small hand. "KYYYAAAA!" Taemins cries out in pain. Emmett, now in control of Taemin, pulls him closer. "You spit on my shoe, boy" Emmett whispers menacingly, He then takes Taemin's back and pushes him down closer to his shoe. "See that? That's all you!" Emmett growls. Taemin whimpers "I'm sorry" Emmett forces Taemin back up. "You're sorry??" Emmett laughs. "How old are you, boy?" he asks. Because Taemin was civilized and was raised to always tell the truth, he didn't lie. "18" Taemin responds calmly. With that, all the men in the parlor, including the bartender, all start yelling and cursing at Taemin. They all start to push him around and down to the floor. "Do you know what we do to kids who try to drink underaged?" Emmett asks calmly. Taemin shakes his head violently. "N-No" Taemin stutters, afraid for his life. Emmett smiles and throws a punch at Taemin, but Taemin manages to dodge it and Emmett ends up punching a total stranger square in the face. Taemin hides under the table and watches as Emmett starts a total bar fight. Literally all of the men join in, punching one another in various places, throwing each other on tables, smashing glass bottles upon each other's heads. Taemin starts to tear up, scared. "How am I gunna get out of here?" he cries. Then someone taps him on the shoulder from behind. Taemin turns around to see a man who he couldn't see due to the shadow the table made. "Come with me, I'll get you out" the man's deep voice said calmly to Taemin. Taemin felt like he couldn't trust anyone in that bar, but he was desperate. He grabbed the man's hand and he took him out the back door, where nobody could see. The bar fight continued long after Taemin and the young man left the parlor. Taemin could hear Emmett yell "Where are you, runt?! You deserve a good punch in the face!" Taemin knew he was referring to him, but continued running. The man and Taemin stopped in between the meat store and the wood shop. Taemin is breathless from running. "Thank you sir! I think you just saved my life" Taemin thanked the man, still out of breath. The man finally came into the light. He had a rather shocked look on his face. "Are you okay now?" The man asked Taemin, sounding rather concerned for him Taemin nodded, staring at the man. He was extremely handsome, and also Korean. "Lee Taemin inmida" Taemin smiled. "C-Choi Minho" the man, who goes by Minho said in the softest tone. Taemin smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Minho" Taemin smiled. Minho flashed a charming smile. "Very nice"


Kibum walked into the wood shop, leaving Taemin in the parlor. He saw a chair that somebody had made. "Woooow" Kibum exclaimed. "Who has the time and effort to make a chair as nice as this one?" Kibum asked admiring the chair. "Me" some man said, standing next to Kibum. "It's amazing!" Kibum responded, not looking up to see the man's face. "Thank you" The man smiled. Kibum nodded and wandered around the small shop, admiring every piece of furniture the shop owner had made. "Is there anything I can help you with?" the man asked, obviously following Kibum. "No that's alright, thank you though" Kibum responded once again, still not looking up at the man who obviously wanted to start a conversation with the boy from the future. Kibum was ready to walk out of the store, but then realized he had been speaking Korean the whole time he was in there. "Yah! You're Korean too?" Kibum asked the shop owner finally looking at his face, but the shop owner had his back turned to Kibum, but he heard what he said. "Yes why?" the owner said, turning around to see Kibum, but suddenly shifted his attention to a man in the store, stealing something. It was a small stool. "Hey you! Get back here!" the shop owner yelled in anger. "I'll go get him for you!" Kibum smiled and ran out of the store "No! Wait!" the owner tried to stop Kibum. But it was too late, Kibum was already out of the shop and after the thief. They ran down to the other side of town, dangerously close to Jinki's lab. The thief was planning on hiding in their lab, but couldn't because the door was locked. Kibum still had the keys. The thief started to race the other way before Kibum picked up a huge rock and threw it at thief's head. The rock successfully hit him and he fell to the ground. Kibum took the stool from the man and brought it back to the wood shop. When Kibum finally got back to the shop, the owner was standing by his desk, waiting for Kibum to get back. The shop owner raced towards Kibum "Thank you so much" the shop owner sghed in relief. "No problem. My father owns a jewelry store back home and people steal from him all the time. I'm kinda like the security system" Kibum laughed. "Well thanks again" the owner said calmly. "Do you want me to help get some of this dirt off of it, too?" Kibum offered. "That would be very nice of you, but you've done more than enough already" the owner sighed. "Kim Kibum inmida" Kibum said, looking up at the shop owner. "Kim Jonghyun inmida" the man, who went by the name of Jonghyun said, meeting eyes with Kibum. Kibum and Jonghyun looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like minutes, but was only a few seconds. "It's nice to meet you Kibum" Jonghyun smiled. "And thank you for getting my stool back" he added. "Anytime" Kibum smiled. They both stayed at Jonghyun's shop and talked for hours. While Minho and Taemin walked around town talking for the rest of the day


At the end of the day, Jinki came back to Kibum and Taemin, both staring off into space, thinking about the two young adults they met that day. "Yah, I got the things I need to make a second book. I need about two weeks until we're ready to leave. Taemin and Kibum snapped back to reality. "Two weeks?" Taemin said shocked "That's it?" Kibum added. Jinki was shocked at what they were saying. "I thought you guys wanted to get out of here ASAP, now you guys say you don't have enough time? What has gotten into you two? What happened while I was gone?" Jinki argued. Kibum and Taemin only looked at each other and smiled 



And Now 2min and Jongkey begins.


I liked writing this chapter. Minho is a quiet outcast who hangs out in bars and Jjong is a woodshop clerk.


Can't think of anything else more perfect for them :D


More fictional characters will be added in the story


Stay tuned :)

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~