The Party

What year is it?

November 24th, 1885

"Would you guys calm down before you break something?" Jinki yells within the lab while Kibum and Taemin are both chasing each other around the building in excitement. Tonight was the town's festival and Jonghyun and Minho invited both Taemin and Kibum to go. "But hyung, why can't you go with Carlyle?" Kibum asks. "I told you, I'm dead. Remember?" Jinki explains. "Oh yeah, forgot" Kibum nods in disappointment. Soon there was a knock at the door and Carlyle walked in before anyone could open it for her. "Jinki, the festival is starting and I've been looking for you everywhere!" she exclaimed. "Oh, and there are two young men outside asking for you" she continued turning to Kibum and Taemin. The two teenagers looked at each other and beamed. "They're here!" they both scream in each other's faces and run outside. Once they did, silence flooded the lab, until "Jinki, I thought we wer-" "I can't" he sighed. Carlyle tilted her head in confusion "Why not?" she asked, truly confused. EVERYONE went to the festival. If you didn't go, there was something wrong with you. "Do you not forget how I left town?" Jinki asked her in frustration. "I can't believe she forgot!" he screamed in his mind. "Carlyle! Everyone thinks I'm dead! What would people say if I throw myself out in public as if it never happened?" he rambled on. Carlyle finally understood and put her head down. "You can still go without me though" he said again, waiting for her to reply. "Well.. I don't want to go now. I wanna stay here" She said calmy. Jinki looked up and smiled. "Well since you're here, what do you wanna do?" he asked. Carlyle ran to the back door that lead to the back of Jinki's lab, where it was extremely dark. "Hey! Why are you going back there?" Jinki yelled, following her to the back to find her staring up at the stars. "I came back here cause it's so much easier to see the stars" she sighed. "This is also where we first kissed" Jinki added. Carlyle giggled and looked up at the stars with the scientist. Carlyle took Jinki's hand and blushed instantly. They both stayed silent until.. "Will you kiss me here again?" Jinki asked quietly. "Hmmm?" Carlyle asked confused. She was about to speak but Jinki pulled her closer and kissed her slowly under the stars

Taemin and Kibum walk into town with Minho and Jonghyun, passing by all of the buildings, which were all empty. Nobody was at home. Everyone was at the festival. Which made Taemin's gut perform somersaults. Emmett is here, and if he ran into Taemin, that would be the end. Taemin gulped as the four teenagers walked into the dancing hall, filled with americans, having an amazing time. "Do you uhh...Would you like to.. uhhh" Kibum stuttered, trying to ask Jonghyun the usual question when you're in a dancing hall, face to face with the one you're madly in love with. "I'd love to" Jonghyun smiled. Kibum looked up and smiled. Kibum took Jonghyun's hand and brought him onto the dance floor. Taemin and Minho watch as they sway back and forth. Unfortunately, Minho was a tad more shy to ask Taemin any question at the moment. Minho only looked at Taemin with his charsmatic brown eyes until something caught him off guard. Taemin's face went from his happy, perky expression Minho knew so well to total BLANKNESS. Minho tried to follow where Taemin's eyes were looking and ended up looking at Emmet, who looked like he was looking for something, or someone.. Minho looked back to Taemin, who was now backing away slowly. "Taemin-ah. No, you can't let him push you away from the festival" Minho argued trying to pull Taemin closer to him. "I can't. He's too scary. He's out to get me" Taemin cried, on the brink of tears. "You stand up for yourself, or I will" Minho declared, letting Taemin go. Taemin stood there frozen, waiting for an excuse to leave, but didn't find any in his brian structure. Minho rolled his eyes and went into the dancing hall, heading towards Emmett. Taemin couldn't believe how brave he was to face such a ruthless man as Emmett was. "Minho wait, stop!" Taemin tried to stop him from staring what he thought death was in the face. "Hey! You!" Minho yelled sternly, trying his hardest to act tough. Taemin could only watch from afar as Emmett's attention was shifted towards Minho. "What do you want?" Emmett, now towering over Minho, asked him with a disgusted look on his face. "Leave Taemin alone, hear me!?" Minho said starting to raise his voice. "So you know Taemin? Would you be so kind as to tell me where he is?" Emmett asked, pushing Minho back. Minho hesitated, but spoke louder. "I'm not telling you anything!!" Taemin heard Minho above all the laughing and music, knowing now how loud he was speaking. Taemin started to get closer to them without getting noticed. Emmett grew an angry expression on his face and pushed Minho up against the wall, and threw a punch in Minho's stomach. Taemin was taken aback and looked for something to throw at Emmett to get his attention. Emmett got closer to Minho's face. "Never raise your voice at me, you little runt" he whispered. He was about to deck Minho, but just as he was, a pie plate flew through the air and smacked Emmett right in the face. "AAAAAHHHHH!" he screamed in pain and fell down, grabbing his face. At this, the music stopped, and everyone was staring at Taemin, right in the middle of the dance floor. Pie crust covered his throwing hand. Minho got up and winked to Taemin. "Nice one" he whispered. Emmett got up with a huge red mark on the right side of his face. Everyone started to laugh and giggle. Kibum and Jonghyun shrieked with laughter in the back of the dancing hall. Emmett pointed to Taemin "You!" Taemin froze, yet ready to run. But started to loosen up. "Just leave me and my friends alone" Taemin said loudly, while walking the other direction. "What's wrong, dude?? Chicken??" Taemin could hear Emmett ask behind him. Taemin automatically stopped walking and felt an incredible angry burning feeling in his cheeks. The anger made his whole body shake, yet he only walked back calmly in the middle of the dance floor. "Nobody calls me chicken" Taemin hissed. He didn't care how small he was and how much he couldn't do, Taemin was mad and felt like he could throw Emmett against a wall if he could without getting arrested. "Then let's finish this! Right now!" Emmett declares, knowing he didn't have his gun. He shook his head. "Lik... Like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow" Then he stupidly remembered that him and his boys were robbing the woodstock stage. "Okay" he muttered under breath and thought. Everyone was completely silent. Taemin looked at him like he was a crazy person. "Monday! We'll settle it all then!" Emmett yelled in anger. Taemin was looking for the words to say, and that wasn't much. "I'm always up for a challenge" Taemin said confidently, shooting Emmett a death glare. Emmett got closer, but stopped when the town's sheriff walked out into the scene clutching a rifle. "Okay, what's going on here!? Someone starting trouble. Oh, Emmett, you again!" the sheriff spat. "I wasn't expecting anything less or more. Ever since you scared away that damned scientist, I've had my eye on you. And now look at you" he continued. "S-scientist?" Taemin stuttered. "Yes. Have you not heard of Lee Jinki? This monster harrased him until the day he died" Everyone in the hall except Emmett, Kibum, and Taemin bowed their heads in sadness. Kibum looked at Taemin in disbelief. "But let's not talk about that now. Emmett. I suggest you leave unless you want to be behind bars" the sheriff concluded as Emmett stalked off angrily. "MONDAY, RUNT! MONDAY!" Taemin heard Emmett yell from a distance. Taemin started to turn pale. He stood in the hall while the locals continued to dance. Minho, Jonghyun, and Kibum all ran up to him in shock

"What did you do!?"

"Are you really gunna fight him?"

"Are you gunna ignore him?"

"You guys!! Enough!" Taemin stopped the flow of questions. "Did you know Lee Jinki?" Jonghyun asked. Him and Minho waited for Taemin to respond but he ignored him. "You guys, everything is gunna be okay, really" Taemin sighed, not even believing his own words. "I just need to leave now. I'll see you later Kibum" he continued while walking out of the dance hall and into the dark, hallow town with Minho only 5 paces behind him. "Taemin-ah. YAH! Wait" he yelled while Taemin ran behind a random building. Minho followed him behind the wall. When Minho saw him again, Taemin was crying, letting all of the tears fall, watching them shine under the moonlight. "W-what have I just done? I can't fight that man!" Taemin cried into Minho's shirt. "Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. You're gunna be okay. I'll be right next to you. All the time" Minho reassured. Taemin looked up at him, his brown eyes coated with misty tears. "That was very brave of you, though. I would've never done such a thing, after everyhting you've told me" Minho giggled, trying to cheer Taemin up. Surprisingly, it worked. Access tears started to fade and Taemin started to giggle. They laughed to each other until a cold breeze flew across and made them both shiver in each other's arms. Taemin looked up at the moonlight one more time before kissing Minho on his soft lips

"What a night" Kibum sighed, worried for Taemin. "You can say that again" Jonghyun said. "What a NIGHT!" Kibum repeated. Jonghyun started to laugh while Kibum only giggled lightly. They were both on the roof on Jonghyun's wood shop, looking up at the moon. "Kibum, did you know Lee Jinki?" Jonghyun asked, hoping his crush would say yes. Kibum sighed, as he couldn't lie to Jonghyun "...Yes, I did" he said, trying to sound sad. "Oh, he sure was a nice guy wasn't he?" Jonghyun said with sadness in his voice. Kibum looked at him with one eye brow raised. "How did you know him? Why didn't you ever tell me?" Kibum asked. "I... I don't know. He would come into my shop and talk to me about his issue with a woman he liked and he asked for advice. Before I realized I was gay, I would help him with a few problems when it came to girls" Jonghyun explained. Kibum nodded, but then had another question. "What was his relationship with Emmett like?" Kibum asked again. Jonghyun sighed and shook his head loosely. "One day, Jinki ran into him in the bar and they started a fight. After that, Emmett was so ready to hunt him down wherever he went. He told Jinki he'd soon kill him. I guess Jinki got scared and left town. But when he tried, he got into a bad train accident" Jonghyun explained. Kibum wanted to tell him know so bad that Jinki was still alive, but he knew he couldn't. "Jinki was such a nice young man and I think it's safe to say he probably turned me gay, even though he died straight" Jonghyun said. "Well if Jinki were alive today, he'd be your best friend, who wouldn't wanna be?" Kibum said with pure sympathy. "Thanks, Kibum" Jonghyun said, turning to Kibum, whose face was perfectly lit by the moonlight, just the way Jonghyun liked it. Kibum couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed the older boy in a kiss that lasted like what seemed forever

After that, Kibum and Taemin met and walked back to Jinki's lab. When they got there, Carlyle was asleep and was Jinki was half asleep, working. "Hyung. Emmett was the man that threatened to kill you, wasn't he?" Taemin asked, Jinki's head slowly looked up in disbelief. "How do you know him?!" Jinki asked, now wide awake. "Cause I agreed to fight him on Monday" Taemin gulped. Jinki shot up and ran to Taemin. "How could you do that? You're in so much trouble. I don't wanna lose you to him, Taemin-ah!" Jinki said, tears ready to fall from his eyes. "I'll be okay hyung. Don't worry" Taemin said tiredly. "Oh, and Jonghyun said he misses you hyung" Kibum sighed. "How do you know Jonghyun?" Jinki asked again in shock. "Cause he's my boyfriend" Kibum blushed.

"This has definitely been a very eventful night" Jinki sighed

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~