We're Back!

What year is it?

---->> August 4th, 1985

In a town 20 miles west of Jinki's town were Carlyle, Taemin, Kibum, Jonghyun, and Minho sitting in a circle, in the same position they were before. 

Everyone blinked their eyes at the sudden change from being inside to outside. They were sitting in a small park. The park was currently empty. Everyone started to stand up together and look around. 

"We're back" Kibum gasped. 

"What should we do first?" Taemin asked himself. "Call our parents?" Kibum asked. 

"Oh yeah? How? Phonebooth? We don't have any money" Taemin complained. 

"Phonebooth?" MInho asked. "Oh boy" Kibum sighed. He had prepared himself for this. A confused Jonghyun and Minho. Utterly and completely lost. Everything is different, so they'll have to introduce them to e v e r y t h i n g! "Hey" Carlyle said getting everyone's attention. "Jinki.. didn't come back with us.." she said, starting to cry, everyone started to panic and look around for him. "No. That can't be! He came back with us! He did! He must've gotten lost! He's here. We just gotta find him. We didn't leave him back there!!" Taemin rambled, walking in circles, looking for any trace of Jinki.. "Did we?" 

"Before you turned to page three, he let go of your shoulder.. Because he was scared." Carlyle explained in tears, looking up at Taemin. 

"Why though, why did he let go?? Did he not want to come back? Why did he... Do that?" Kibum asked himself. 

"He let go because he was spooked by people breaking the door of the lab down" she sniffled. Kibum let out a confused sigh. "Wha--? No, he couldn't have"

The group sat in silence when it began to rain. The rain was accompanied by thunder and lightening. 

Suddenly, a car drove up beside them. The car stopped and a man got out of the driver seat. "Are you Kim Kibum?" the man asked, looking at the group. Kibum was confused as to how the man knew his name. "What?" he asked. The man got closer and spoke louder. "Is your name Kim Kibum?" he asked again. Kibum stepped out of the group to meet the man. "Yeah. That's me" he said. "I have something for you" the man said while reaching into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a letter. "A letter for me? That's impossible.... Who are you?" Kibum asked the man while taking the letter. "Western union. See I've only been with the company for about ten years. So I don't know what this is about.. Only that we've had this letter in our possesion for about 99 years." the man explained while Kibum opened the old-style letter. "And that is was given the explicit instructions to be delivered here at this exact location, at this exact minute, on August 4th, 1985. We had a bet down at the station as to whether a Mr. Kim Kibum would actually be here. Looks like I lost" the mail man laughed at the last sentence. "Did you say 99 years???" KIbum asked, shocked. "Yes sir" the man said. Everyone crowded around Kibum as he opened the letter. When he finally saw the writing on the parchment, he looked immediately for the name of the person that had written the letter. Then he saw it. 

"It's from Jinki!" Kibum screamed in delight. 

The group made it under shelter and a light. Kibum read the letter aloud

"Dear friends, if me calculations are correct, you will recieve this letter ten minutes after you were sent back to 1985. First let me assure you that I'm alive and well. I've managed to calculate the exact spot where you were all transported to. I'm sorry that I let go of your shoulder at the last minute, Taemin. I wanted to come back, but people broke my door down and I flinched. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to travel with you all back to the future. But as soon as I give this letter to the post office and give it the instructions that it needs to be delivered to you at this minute, so you can be reading right now, I will be working on a new book immediately. It will take me another few months, but that shouldn't get in the way. I love you all so much and I'm so happy we finally made it back. Kibum, I sent this letter to you because I know you can take good care of these things and also because you're one of my best friends. Carlyle, I can't wait to see you again, and begin our happy life together. I can't wait to introduce to you, along with Jonghyun and Minho, all the wonders of the future and I hope you like what you see so far. In the event that something might happen and I'm not able to come back, then I will miss you all so much. But don't fret. If I'm successful with my plan, I will travel back on August 4th, 1985 at the exact time. And If my calculations are correct, I will have already made it back shortly after you are done reading this letter. Welcome to the future. Sincerely, Lee Jinki. February 21st, 1886."  

As soon as Kibum was done reading the letter. Everyone shot their heads up at the exact same time. "Where is he??" Jonghyun whispered. They all looked around the park for Jinki. Searching in the rain. Still dressed in their 19th century attire. 

"Jinki!!!" "Where are you??" "We're here, we're here!" they all shouted out for the scientist. After 3 minutes of shouting, their voices started to become hoarse and their throats started to sting. "Maybe... Something happened and he can't come back..." Taemin said. "Don't say that!" Jonghyun yelled, feeling like crying. 

And then........

Out of no where.......

The voice they wanted to hear........

"DID YOU MISS ME??" Jinki screamed from the other end of the park. They all turned around and saw Jinki standing in the rain, with his arms wide open. 




Everyone took off full speed towards Jinki. Carlyle made it to him first, even though she was wearing a long, wet, heavy dress. She jumped in his arms and kissed him passionately on the lips, while Kibum, Taemin, Jonghyun, and Minho jumped around him and danced in the rain. "Finally, we're back!" Kibum screamed to the sky. All of them finally made it back. It was a dream come true moment. They all danced in the park, in the rain, until they couldn't anymore


"THIS WAS THE BEST VACATION EVUUUURRRRR!!!!!!!" Taemin screamed at the top of his lungs!


The story is almost over..  Dang.. I loved writing this :D 

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~