America Through The Eyes Of A Korean

What year is it?

"It's official, I've been here for only an hour, and I feel like I'm on a different planet!" Lee Taemin sighed looking up at the town's clock tower in awe. "We don't have one off these back home, do we? Or have I just been living under a rock this whole time?" Taemin asked the other Korean teenager, who had his back to him, staring up at a statue with his jaw dropped. "How on earth do I read these huge words?! I know I can read English well, but not like this!" Kim Kibum sighed in defeat. "And you're not living under a rock. It's a clock of course, but we don't have one of these back home" Kibum continues standing next to Taemin, both of them now looking up at the clock tower. "We should go down to Jinki's lab soon, Taemin-ah. He's waiting for us" Kibum smled to the younger teenager, leaving him to stare with shining eyes at the tall clock tower. "Whaa--?" Taemin asks nobody, snapping out his trance when he realizes Kibum is standing next to the street, waiting for the next street train to come by to send them on their way to Jinki's. "Wait, Kibum. Don't leave without me!" Taemin screeches, sprinting to the street.


"Jinki? You here buddy? It's Kibum and Taemin!" Kibum yells throughout Jinki's house, which seemed empty. "Is he not here?" Taemin asked. "No he's here, I was just on the phone with him" Kibum answered confused. Then..


Kibum and Taemin both jump from the explosion in the next room. Smoke begins to rise from behind the closed door through the seems. Kibum and Taemin both rush in to the obvious "lab room" to find Jinki. He's in a long white lab coat, his hair is slightly teased and smudges of dirt cover his face. His face is nearly black from the explosion. "Wrong components, obviously" he coughes to himself. When the smoke clears, Jinki can finally see and sees Kibum and Taemin, smiling in the doorway. "Jinki!" they both yell in delight. "Hey you guys! I haven't seen you in forever! How do you like America?" he asks, while Kibum and Taemin attack him in hugs. "It's so different from Korea! SOOOOO different!" Taemin beamed, happy to see his friend. "Ahhh, Korea. You don't know how much I miss that place" Jinki sighs. "You don't know how much we wish you could come back!" Kibum declares while Taemin nods in agreement. "So.. What exactly are you doing here? Whatever it is, it looks like it's not going well" Kibum laughs, looking around at the mess Jinki created. "Oh no. It's all going perfectly" Jinki reassures. "It's just sometimes my experiments make a little mess. I'm trying to make my homemade element. I have all the blueprints I need. I just need the right chemicals. It's getting there" Jinki smiles. Something about Jinki that Kibum and Taemin love is that he never gives up and never says anything negative. "What has been your latest ACCOMPLISHMENT?" Taemin jokes. Jinki only spreads his arms out to the room that looked as if a tornado sweapt through it. "THIS!" Jinki yells, smiling. "You must be proud of your mess" Kibum laughs. Jinki's happy expression drops. "Well there is something I created last year. I tried it out for myself...It worked" Jinki gulped, as if whatever "it" was was dangerous. "What is it?" Taemin asks. "Nothing you need to know Taemin-ah. Neither of you need to know" Jinki says, worried. He shakes it all away and returns to his perky mood. "So, I can take you guys out. Where would you like to go? Anywhere, you name it!" Jinki smiles. "Well, there is one place I'd like to go, the library" Taemin jumps up excitedly. "We passed by it and it's huuuuge!" Taemin continues. "Oh yeah!" Kibum beams, "I remember that place. I thi-" "NOO!" Jinki almost screams. Kibum and Taemin jump. "What?" Kibum asks. "I-I-I think.. Umm.. Uhh. I think the library is closed today." Jinki lies. "No!" Taemin argues, "I saw people going in. Jinki, me and Kibum wanna go to the library" he concludes while Kibum nods in agreement. "Ummm.. Ok-kay" Jinki stutters, obviouslly worried. Jinki thiinks to himself, while Kibum and Taemin are already out the door."What if they find it?" he gulps

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Chapter 18: Aww yay~ :3
Chapter 17: Noooooooo! Jinki! D:
Kayuki #3
Chapter 16: I like the chapter, even though it was uneventful, I think it's important to talk about the judgement they will get. But honestly, I think they would have been judged so much worse in the past than today. P.e. sometimes they got executed or an exorzist tortured them until they died...
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next chapter - I'm really curious how Minho and Jonghyun will cope with the future xDDD
Chapter 16: I guess that's just how I want my story to go. I'm straight up American and most of us are VERY judgmental towards gays. Which I hate :/ I don't know about Korea though..
Chapter 16: why do you write that gay ppl are more accepted in korea than america? its just nonsense.
Chapter 15: OMG whats going to happen to their parents? are they going to use the book? o-o and for taemin, jinki and key...are they going to get back safely?
DinoSourSaysRawr #7
Chapter 10: I swear I would have done way more to that Emmett dude. Of he ever hurt taemin I would throw a rock at his head. Then punch him multiple times. Then throw another rock at his head. Then keep on punching him. And then to finish it off I would kick him in the nuts.
No one hurt taemin or any member of Shinee
Waterdroplet #8
Chapter 13: Love the story can't wait for the next update!!
headphones #9
Chapter 12: Cute story~