

I sat back down on the couch beside the sleepy prince an took in his features, the way his face was always a bit shiny after a day. The way his hair fell against his head, and how it would look when every hair was in place. I caught myself staring and for some reason I couldn't, he looked peaceful. I moved my hand to move the hair out of his face, suddenly his head slid to the side onto my shoulder and I could feel a smile spread across my lips. I gently Rested my head on top of Key's before closing my own eyes for a rest.

The scene that played out in front of me was all to familiar, I was in my own dream. I learned that every once in awhile you could control your dreams if you knew you were dreaming, I have yet to master that. The sky was dark, the stars spread out in the sky like freckles and I was standing on a boat. The swaying made my body move side to side in a rocking motion, i reach my hands out to grab the closest pole. When my fingers come in contact with the pole I don't feel a thing, like my hands were sleep without the tingling. I started to panic, placing my hands all over the boat trying to feel some thing and I notice my hands are bleeding but I can't tell why. Even though the dream only lasts ten minutes it feels real.

I feel conscious and I reach out to the couch and feel it, I feel relieved and open my eyes. I was alone on the couch and the clock said it was one AM. I looked around before finding a note taped onto my pencil next to my sketch book.

'Key has your house keys. Ha.'

I just looked at the note and smiled. Then it hit me, if he has my keys I couldn't go anywhere. I got up from the couch and moved to my fridge and pulled out the next container. Key's face was stuck in my head, the way he looked so peaceful while he slept in a strangers house. I felt me heart start to swell a bit as I sat on the floor against the fridge.

"Breathe Olive. He is just the frog prince. Breathe." I got up from the floor putting the empty container in the skin before heading towards my room.

I sat on my bed with my phone and typed in Key's name into the search engine, articles and pictures in giant quantities filled my screen. I haven't realized how popular he was, his own web show, he hosted shows I never heard of. I scrolled through his pictures, subconsciously saving a few for later. He really looked good in everything, he had the most taste when it came to clothing. The rest of Shinee weren't to bad looking either, they all had their own beauties.

The next morning I woke up at a decent hour, the sun had my room looking like the inside of a fire. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, but it had died during the night. With a groan, I crawled out of bed and to my charging station and it booted up. The flood of texts came in, and to my surprise it was only Selene. They were just texts asking about how I was feeling and if I was alright in the job area.

To be honest I wasn't okay in the job area, I haven't even tried to look for a job since the hospital one. I had no confidence in my own skills at this point, I was down for the count and that count lasted weeks. As for how I was feeling was a different story, I felt not sickly but there was a weight on my chest.


I had looked back up to my phone and a text from the frog prince popped up.

'Feeling better duckling?'

'Still drinking orange juice after brushing my teeth. Still me.'

'Still don't see how you enjoy that.'

I laughed to myself, leaving my phone in the bedroom and heading to the living room. I picked up the sketch book from the floor and looked at the picture I started to draw of Key. I began to smudge lines, and erase blotches before I had finished the drawing. I closed my book and made a b-line to the kitchen. It felt like it would be a long week,.

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Chapter 14: nooo what a beautiful ending!! im in tears, er for happy endings T_T especially loved it when key was shouting and running on stage
Chapter 13: khahaha im getting excited!!! damn the build up to her blind date.
Chapter 12: oh noo key dont say that. 'i hate normal' wow that line hurt!!
but the ending of this chapter totally tossed that emotion to the side !!!