Absent Key


Dissociated Sensory Loss. It was the same type my mother suffered from, the type that slowly lead herself to suicide. The lights in the hospital are bright, I take notice because I don't have much to do. No one has visited me yet, but they know I'm here.

Selene and Key are both busy with being idols, but have called me to let me know they are worried. Dad is on a business trip and Darby is coming as soon as she could, I wasn't looking forwards to it.

I sat with a childs toy in front of me, simple place the right shape in the right spot. When you couldn't feel that you had the piece this game felt hard, my eye sight was now the main sense I had. After a few minutes I finished the game, next was walking. I never thought I would have to practice how to walk again, two male nurses held my arms as I took a few steps.

"Yep, my feet are on the ground but I can't feel it." I joked as we turned the corner, my eyes caught Darby walking towards us. I felt happy to see her, it felt weird.

"Oh my! You are already practicing! On a roll Olive." She clapped her hands full of excitement.

I was helped back to bed, I was able to swing my own legs back onto the mattress with ease. Darby had brought me some essentials while I was staying in the hospital, also she had hired some movers to move me back in with Dad. I wasn't too happy about living back at home but I didn't have a choice, I couldn't even pour a glass of water yet.

I pulled open the back pack slowly trying to pull things out, I was happy when she brought my sketch book to me, along with my cell phone, head phones and Key's sweater. I pulled it close to my face to inhale his scent, It made me feel warm hearted.

"What's his name?" Darby asked me, she was pointing at the sweater.

"K-kibum." I said , knowing I was probably blushing.

"Kibum, glad you have someone in your life." her smile was light.

"I guess he is in my life. Even if he is too busy." I mumbled and placed the sweater around my shoulders.

"You guess?"

"He's kind of famous.." I trailed off before starting another topic. "I wonder how long I'm in here for."

"Once you have your walking down, you can come home." Darby stood up and kissed my forehead before excusing herself.

I snuggled Key's sweater into my chest and closed my eyes. His beautiful face danced through my head as I smiled to myself. I was lucky to have him even if he wasn't always there. I took this moment to reflect on my life so far, broke and senseless. I didn't know how to feel, emotionally. Before anything else questioned my brain I fell asleep.

"Ol...ve" A voice stirred me in myself.

"Olive.." the voice said again.

"Five more minutes." I buried my face into the blankets.

"I guess five minutes couldn't hurt." I could finally recognize his voice now.

I shot up with the biggest smile on my face, he was sitting on the couch across from the bed. I went to stand up, forgetting that my legs are weak and stumbled into his arms. I frowned, He was hugging me and I couldn't feel it. I hugged him back regardless earning a chuckle, as I was hugging him too tight.

"S-sorry. I can't tell anymore." I felt so small standing next to him, yet he wore a smile.

"We'll just have to practice! How are you feeling?" His smiled faltered a bit, before pointing to my brain "Up here."

"Scrambled. But I don't feel too bummed out." I wasn't sad, I had Key.

"I brought you something hoping to cheer you up." Key dug around in his bag and pulled out a bottle of orange juice and Mints.

"I know it's not the same." he started to say something, but I cut him off.

"I love it. Thank you Kibum~" I lightly kissed his cheek before sitting down on my bed.

"So this is the absent Kibum." Darby smiled as she walked through the door.

I smiled back a her, having her around make things a little more easy on me.

"Nice to meet you. But call me Key please." He bowed politely.

"Darby, I'm the evil step mother."

Key's eyes went light before he laughed covering his mouth.

"Are you sure your the evil kind?"

"Oh yes," we both laughed lightly as she sat down on the bed.

Darby handed me a Rubixcube out of her bag and smiled.

Our visit was short before Key had to go home to sleep, and he leaned down to me and kissed my lips. It still made me feel special, even though I couldn't feel it, it mean the world to me.

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Chapter 14: nooo what a beautiful ending!! im in tears, er for happy endings T_T especially loved it when key was shouting and running on stage
Chapter 13: khahaha im getting excited!!! damn the build up to her blind date.
Chapter 12: oh noo key dont say that. 'i hate normal' wow that line hurt!!
but the ending of this chapter totally tossed that emotion to the side !!!