
What is love?
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"Chwe! Kim! Out of my room this instant!" The teacher yelled at the both of us while pointing the door.

Taking disappointed and dragging steps as I went outside the room. I can't stop blaming that bluey eyed monster for all of this. Its my first time being bailed out of music class. Why did we have to be joined at the same one?

"Wait a go, you multi-hairdyed freak! You just had to get us kicked out of my favorite class." Vernon hissed at me.

" Oh sure, it was my fault." I drawled at him in sarcasm.

"Yes, its yours you lunatic. If you hadn't been disrupting my attention by doodling some kind of weird cryptic code at the edges of my score sheet I wouldn't have gone berserk and poured some correction paint on your hair!" He reasoned, pointing a finger at me in accusation.

"It was our score sheet. And it wasn't codes I was writing it was musical patterns." I corrected him. "And besides, the doodles were all you. You drew a cartoon of me first! Its only fair, I splash your face with white out too when you did the same to me!"


My heart stopped, and we both turned to see our music professor, still red on the face and lips strewn into a straight line, in attempt to keep his temper in check.

"In my office." He said with a clipped tone.

Hansol and me, then started walking with Mr. Dae trailing behind us.

"You better admit yourself guilty for getting us in trouble. " he muttered under his breath.

Not able to keep my cool I muttered back a retort at him, temporarily forgetting that our professor was still behind us.

"Over my dead body, dicaprio."


"Poo face."

"Two toned freak."

"Ramyun head."

"2 dime-"

"Walk.In. Silence!" Professor Dae's voice raised from behind us.

Ducking our heads down in unison, we then padded our way to his office and none of us dared utter a word. Even when we were breathing, we tried to make it as quiet as possible.

Arriving at our destination, Professor Dae opened the door for us and tilted his head to the side signaling us to go in.

Heading for one of the chairs, I took the cushioned one that was placed at the right side of his desk. While Hansol took the other one placed beside me, making me edge my chair back a little farther from his, because in an arm's length of distance with him disgusted me right down the bone.

Professor Dae, took a seat on his velvet lounge chair, resting his elbows on his desk and clasping his hands together obscuring the sight of his mouth that was upturned into a frown.

"You are both aware why you were sent here, right?" He asked exchanging his glances from Hansol to me.

None of us answered to his question, since we're already of what we did seeing how guilty we both looked.

Our professor let out a frustrated sigh and looked back at me. "Dahyun, you're great at playing instruments, especially the piano. A lot of universities that specialize in the field of arts are already rooting on you. But you were my favorite from the start when you shared me some of your own composed works." 

Because of those words I flashed a haughty grin at Hansol in mockery, making him roll his eyes at me. tss. Do I sense jealousy overpowering? 

Turning to Hansol he said. "You, you're not into classical music like Dahyun over here, and you can hardly hold an instrument except the guitar.But what makes you one of my favorites too-like Ms. Kim over here- is that you're great in making complex drum patterns and you're more on the modern side of music which makes my subject seem fresh and updated to the youth whenever you would share some ideas to the class."

Hansol peeked at me at the corner of his eye, his lips twitching up into a smirk when he was also given praise and deemed a favorite to Mr. Dae's eyes.

"I'm supposed to scold you, but I don't think that won't resolve this long-time dispute between th

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tzukimbap #1
Chapter 12: still reading! Hope u update soon! but just take your time!
Tea_Inhaler101 #2
Chapter 12: When will you update again? These are great! I love them!
Chapter 12: Hi! Thank you for the update.
Gi-chan #4
Chapter 8: hi
still there? :) <3
Gi-chan #5
Chapter 7: I should be paying attention at the movie I'm supposed to be watching, bug that was just impossible because, OMG, what the heck just happened? Uau my heart... I was shocked, seriously... but well, once again, good writing :)
nzk_pcr99 #6
Chapter 2: Omg!
Gi-chan #7
Chapter 6: Heyy! I am liking the story a lot. Really good. I like a lot Dayhun and Vernon so I really hope to read a lot about them hehehe but all the others are sp cute too.. xoxo :)