Chapter 9: Day 9: Breaking

Vulnerable Heart

That was the only question Ga Eul could think of as she lay on her bed. Hours had gone by one, two, three... It was hard not to burst into tears at this point. Why had she believed that So YI Jeong would keep his word? He had stood her up. 
“I’m an idiot.” Ga Eul whispered to herself hugging her body and wanting to bury herself deep within the bed. 
    She hadn’t brought along much on the trip but her mother had insisted she bring a small black dress. The dress was short, to her knees but had that air like flow to it that poofed the dress up enough from the bottom, on the top it hugged her body enough and the material was warm enough to keep her just like that at night. Her hair was in soft curls and she wore the softest makeup. 
“Natural beauty is what a woman should strive for.” Ga Eul remembered her mother saying to her. 
“What use is that now?” She wanted to ask herself. Tears welled up in her eyes and her shoulders shook once again. 
    There was a knot that had been swallowed. Causing an irritation to go down knotting itself down to where her collar bone was. Irritating her further and further with lack of air until she could only gasp and force herself to swallow. It was then that the strain moved to her heart and all Ga Eul could do was clutch at it tightly.
“Ga Eul. You pabo.” She spoke to herself. Scolding herself once again for even thinking that she could believe in him. Had liking someone that had been out of her reach before not taught her a lesson? Why was it that Ga Eul always believed in fairytales? 
    She wanted to forget and as she tried to cling to the rest of the night and find herself a bit of peace there came a frantic knock at her door. Wiping at her tears as quickly as she could Ga Eul headed for her door wondering who was knocking at such a later time.
“Who is it?”
“Ga Eul. It’s Geum Jan Di.” Came the hesitant voice of the young heiress.
“Is something wrong?”
“Do you need anything?” Ga Eul questioned heading towards the door and opening it to find Jan Di with a look of dread on her face. Her eyes were red and swollen and Ga Eul was confused as to why Jan Di was crying. Briefly she wondered if Goo Jun Pyo might have hurt her feelings in some sort of way.
“Are you alright? Did something happen?” Ga Eul asked once again. 
    This time, Ga Eul was shocked when Jan Di hugged her rather tightly.
“It’s Yi Jeong.” Jan Di spoke causing Ga Eul to freeze. The tightness in her heart increased but it was like the rest of her body became numb and somehow her mind had gone foggy. There were moments in time when things somehow stood still and everything became unbalanced as if the world suddenly decided this was where things would, and could go wrong. This was one of them.
“Ga Eul. He’s been kidnapped.”
    The words sounded so far away. Like a dream. Or a nightmare. It was difficult for Ga Eul to breathe once again let alone speak, or find any thought. Everything was blank and it was like her body and mind had at once become unresponsive.
“Ga Eul.”
“What- What happened?” She could hear someone ask.
“Someone came. Ji Hoo and Ariel. They saw the men that took him. They were armed and.” 
A sob escaped Jan Di once again before she continued.
“There was nothing Ji Hoo and Ariel could do.”
“Where are they?” Someone spoke again. The voice sounding so familiar to Ga Eul and yet; she could not realize who exactly it was that was talking. 
“They’ve been talking to police for hours now. Ariel took some pictures and police are already looking at who could have done this.” 
“Take me to them.” The person spoke once again and Ga Eul could only be thankful when Jan Di takes her hand and leads her out of the room she is staying in. 
    They walk for what feels like hours and Ga Eul doesn’t remember it taking so long to get to the beach. The waves seem to crash in the back and there are so many people out. She has yet to notice that she is not wearing any shoes. The sand beneath her feet feels like nothing and when she see’s Ariel who stops talking to the police Ga Eul is yet to come to even as her friend leads her to sit close by. All her mind can really think about is one thing; one person. Yi Jeong.

    The soft smell of bread slowly creeps into his nose and Yi Jeong closes his eyes. Inhaling the smell of coffee that accompanies the smell of fresh bread. The smells feel so familiar and at the same time the warmth calls to him. Yi Jeong opens his eyes and finds himself in a small kitchen. The small table in the middle of the room is covered by a white colored sheet. There are three chairs and a high chair around the table. The giggling of a baby is heard and then Yi Jeong can see a baby crawl from underneath the table. 
    The child no older than a few months, maybe a year, crawls over to his foot in a blue onesie and slobbers all over his shoe reaching to touch it with his little fist wanting to grab at it only to scratch with his little nails. Unable to move Yi Jeong is unable to do anything as the child continues to drool all over him. Looking around the small house Yi Jeong can see a very small living room that looks withered. The walls which are covered in light green paint is chipping away.
“Is anyone here?” Yi Jeong calls out.
    The child at his feet is startled by his voice and jumps in fright. Yi Jeong looks down at the small child who is now looking up at him. His eyes water and Yi Jeong knows what is to come next but prays it doesn’t. A loud wail is heard as the child begins to cry. Hurried footsteps are heard and Yi Jeong is confused when he sees Ariel. Her hair is tied into a ponytail as she walks in wearing a long sleeved gray knitted wool sweater, a pair of blue jeans and a red apron. 
“Don’t cry.” She tells the child going to pick him up.
“It’s alright Yi Jeong. Your safe here.”
    A small child runs in no older than nine maybe a bit younger. Yi Jeong watches as Ariel offers a smile to the child who Yi Jeong recognizes as his brother Il Hyun. 
“You shouldn’t carry Yi Jeong Auntie. You’re pregnant.” Il Hyun speaks removing Yi Jeong from Ariel’s arms though he struggles to carry the small child in his arms. 
    It is only when Il Hyun points out that Ariel is pregnant that Yi Jeong sees the pregnant belly that is hidden underneath the apron.
“I can take care of both of you.” Ariel speaks with warmth as she gazes down at Il Hyun reaching to caress his cheek in a motherly way.
“You don’t have to worry about anything other than being a child. This house may not have much but it contains love. And love is something that will never run out.”
With one last smile Ariel reaches for some fresh croissants that have been taken out of the oven and hands one to Il Hyun who is trying to set Yi Jeong in his highchair. 
    Yi Jeong can only look as his brother struggle to place the much younger version of himself on the highchair. With a soft laugh Ariel helps Il Hyun place the child on the highchair.
“I can do it.” Il Hyun speaks when he sees that Ariel is going to place a small bib on baby Yi Jeong. With a kind smile Ariel hands the bib to Il Hyun who places it on baby Yi Jeong and then hands him a small piece of the croissant. The baby gurgles happily as he on the piece of bread and smiles at both people in front of him. A loud knock is heard from the door and Ariel pats Il Hyun on the head gently before she heads out of the kitchen.
“I want them back.”
“I have the papers that allows me to get them back!”
“Give them to me now!”
“No.” Il Hyun speaks in fear pulling baby Yi Jeong out of the high chair quickly.
    Yi Jeong is confused as to what is going on but as the baby in Il Hyun’s arms starts to cry Yi Jeong can only watch. Il Hyun clutches on to the baby tightly and they hide under the table.
“We can’t go back.”
“We can’t go back.” 

    Water suddenly crashes on to his face and Yi Jeong wakes up with a gasp. He can’t see and he can feel a bag over his head. Because it is made of what he assumes is cloth it clings to his face. The wet material makes it hard to breathe. Someone is speaking in Japanese and then the bag over his head is removed. The men from before, in dark suits and cheap cologne are all starring at him. 
“Why am I here?”
“Why have you taken me?” YI Jeong questions. 
    No one seems to answer. The aura around him, much like this room is suffocating with tension. He’s is in a warehouse. Yi Jeong can feel simply because there are several boxes all labeled “Takashi CORP.”  Yi Jeong is hanging beside the lamp by chains that are tied around his body. His hands are tied behind his back by a rope and he knows that if he tries to struggle it would not end well for him.
    Trying his best to keep calm, Yi Jeong tries to discretely look for an exit and is more than a little disappointed to only see one exit. There was a door that was open that Yi Jeong assumed led out of the warehouse or into another room. There was something about the labels around the warehouse which told him he had heard of this somehow. He could hear radio frequency and as he looked closer he could see these men with walkie-talkies. Whatever was being said Yi Jeong could not understand but when the man with the scar across his right eye spoke directly at him Yi Jeong knew he was in deep danger. 

    There was a bad feeling inside her stomach. Ji Hoo and Ariel had both given statements and all of F4 were working vigorously with the police to try and find where Yi Jeong was being held. Families had been called but it had been Ariel to give the news to Ga Eul’s parents. It was hard for Ariel to tell them that Yi Jeong had been kidnapped and although Ga Eul had not been with Yi Jeong when it had happened she was in a state of shock.
    Ga Eul was a mess. She didn’t speak, she did not cry, but the blank look in her eyes as though she had buried her thoughts and feelings deep inside her worried Ariel more. Her friend was indeed quiet and gentle but Ga Eul was not someone to completely shut down.
Having a folded blanket placed in front of her Ariel looked up to Ji Hoo who was quietly looking at her.
“Thank you.” Ariel whispers turning to look at Ga Eul.
“They’ll both be alright won’t they?” She questioned Ji Hoo who nodded reassuringly. Not just because he wanted to comfort her. Ariel could see it in his eyes that Ji Hoo was more than sure that they would find Yi Jeong.
“I called Ga Eul’s parent’s they think it be best if she came home right away.”
“I understand but the priority right now is Yi Jeong.” Ji Hoo spoke to her. 
“I understand.”
“Did you call your parents?” Ji Hoo questioned.
“Yes. Mom didn’t take this well. She blames herself for taking her guard down for my trip.” Ariel whispers feeling tears rim her eyes. Still she sniffled loudly and suppressed her tears.
“Now is not the time to cry Ariel you have to be brave for Ga Eul.” She speaks out loud. Ji Hoo can only look at Ariel who tries to collect herself.
“What about Yi Jeong’s parents?” Ariel questioned.
“His mother is… unavailable and his father is nowhere to be found.” Ji Hoo spoke to her.
“What’s going to happen? Isn’t Yi Jeong still technically a minor?” She questioned.
“Yi Jeong has an older brother he’ll take care of him.”
“Good.” Ariel says to Ji Hoo softly.
“Because I need to take care of Ga Eul right now.” Ariel spoke heading towards her friend to wrap the blanket around her.
    Ga Eul on the other hand remained silent and without notice. Looking off in to the distance a tear slipped Ga Eul’s eyes and Ariel simply hugged her tightly.
“It’ll be okay.”
“It has to be.”

    Yi Jeong doesn’t know how long he’s been hanging the way he has and the tension in his body is making him exhausted. The men around him continue to speak in a language that Yi Jeong cannot understand and right about now he wishes he’d paid more attention when he was being taught Japanese by one of his private tutors back in grade school. Finally, the one with the scar begins to speak to him.
“Do you know why you’re here?” He asks YI Jeong in Korean. Even if this is a dangerous situation YI Jeong can’t help but answer sarcastically. His tone is cold and detached.
“Does it look like I know why I’m here?” He answers. 
    The man in front of him smirks and then moves forward.
“You should not disrespect your elders. I’ll let this slide for now but when Mr. Takashi arrives I advise you to answer with respect.”
“Whether I answer that way or not won’t change that I am here to die. Right.” YI Jeong spoke. Not a question but a statement. Once again the man in front of him smirked.
“Tanaka-san.” One of the men called out to the one with the scar. 
They exchanged a few words and it seemed like the entire room had gotten denser. This place was bigger than he originally thought. Mainly because he was sure he could hear a woman crying. His mind suddenly though of Ga Eul. Trying to remind himself that Ga Eul was safe with his friends. Whatever this was or what he had done he was sure that no one would touch Ga Eul as long as his friends were there. He was sure that even though his family were people that he could never count on his friends were the ones to trust and he needed to believe that they were going to get him out of this.
“Mr. Takashi!”
    The polite screams startled Yi Jeong out of his train of thought. More so when everyone including the man that had spoken to him all dropped to their knees in front of a man that looked to be around his father’s age if not older. He wore a black fedora hat, a dark suit and his face was passive. Once Yi Jeong met his eyes however, he could see that a storm of rage was built inside him and it was more than obvious that his anger was in deed directed at him. There was a woman beside him in tears being held in place by two men. She wore a short dark green sleeveless work dress. Her eyes were fearful and when they met Yi Jeong’s eyes she gasped and Yi Jeong instantly realized why he was here.

    It came as no surprise to Ji Hoo when Jae Hee arrived to Caledonia with Yi Jeong’s brother Il Hyun. In fact, it took just a bit longer than expected for the two to arrive. 
“What do you know?” Il Hyun spoke without any greetings. 
“What do you know about Ken Takashi.” Goo Jun Pyo spoke up Jan Di and Jae Kyung both standing beside him comforting each other. Woo Bin having to make calls to his family’s old mafia connections.
“Takashi Corp?” Il Hyun spoke with a frown.
“So you know about their business endeavors.” JI Hoo questioned.
“Of course. Mr. Takashi once tried to do business with all out families.” Il Hyun spoke.
“He was refused.” Jae Hee spoke though her eyes landed on the two people who were not there. Ariel and Ga Eul. Ariel still sat by a pair of large rocks trying to comfort Ga Eul who was still and unresponsive. 
    Even so when they had tried to take Ga Eul to her room for some much needed rest she would not budge from the place she was in. 
“I’ve managed to move some things on my end but it doesn’t seem like Mr. Takashi has taken Yi Jeong very far.” Jun Pyo spoke.
“Even so. No one knew Mr. Takashi had left Japan and that makes this situation more dangerous than we thought.” Ji Hoo spoke knowing that more than likely what awaited Yi Jeong was a death sentence unless they got to him on time.
“We’ve informed the police but we’ve called our people and their ready to move any time.” Jun Pyo spoke.
“Woo Bin is doing the same and so are Jan Di’s family and my own.” Jae Kyung assured Il Hyun.
“I found something!” Woo Bin spoke rushing over to them.
“My connections have managed to get enough.”
“Do you have his location?” Il Hyun asked desperately.
“No. I have a few warehouses where they could possibly keep him. Their off the grid and not under his name but an old friend of my fathers assured him these are definitely Takashi Corp owned.” Woo Bin spoke.
“We should go find him now!”
“Ga Eul!”
“Ga Eul!”
    Everyone’s eyes shifted to Ga Eul who was walking towards them her eyes with tears.
“Please. Let me go with you.”
“Please.” She begged in tears gripping on to Il Hyun’s shirt with desperation. 
“Ga Eul.” Ariel spoke trying to gently pry Ga Eul away from Il Hyun while fighting off tears herself.  There was much more than desperation and pain in Ga Eul’s voice that told everyone she was still not all back in to herself but no one could blame her. 
“You can’t come.” Jun Pyo spoke to Ga Eul coldly.
“Please. He has to be alright. He can’t hurt anymore.” 
“No.” Woo Bin spoke this time.
“Woo Bin.” Jae Kyung spoke gently.
“Ji Hoo sunbae.” Ga Eul then pleaded turning to him. Ji Hoo turned to look at Ariel before he too shook his head.
“Sempai.” Ariel spoke in tears.
“No. Yi Jeong wouldn’t want her to come.” Ji Hoo spoke trying to make all the girls understand.
“None of you girls are allowed to come with us.” Jun Pyo spoke.
“Ya Goo Jun Pyo! He’s our friend too” Jan Di snapped in tears.
“We know that. But we can’t let you risk your lives. Yi Jeong wouldn’t want that. And if it were us in his position he would never let the person we love get hurt.” Woo Bin spoke.
“And we won’t let his person get hurt either.” Ji Hoo spoke looking at Ga Eul who was now in Ariel’s arms uncontrollably sobbing. Ji Hoo knew that she had not heard a word of what they had said mainly because all she did was cling on to Ariel and cry while pleading in her arms.
    For a few moments Il Hyun looked at Ga Eul. His eyes flickering with an emotion too quick that Ji Hoo could not understand and then he reached to touch Ga Eul’s shoulder. 
“You can come.”
“That’s settled then. Let’s go.” Jae Hee spoke up not allowing Woo Bin, Jun Pyo nor Ji Hoo to say otherwise while she simply motioned for her assistant in the distance to start the helicopter she and Il Hyun had arrived in. 
“There’s more.” Woo Bin spoke.
“This picture was sent to me.” Woo Bin spoke showing them a photo sent to his phone by his source. It was a very young a beautiful woman. She was smiling flirtatiously while she wore a very tight red dress and her hair was placed elegantly to the left in soft neat waves.
“Do you know who she is?” Woo Bin asked.
“Damn it.” Il Hyun cursed.

    It was always the same. This cycle that always brought him pain and an emptiness and self hate that Yi Jeong had been raised with. It was like being fed poison slowly and having your life infected little by little with your parents’ sins. Because that is what it felt like to him. Yi Jeong could still hear his mother’s pleas and at the moment all he wanted was not to feel and what better way to numb this all than with alcohol and yet here he was. Doing this all over again.
    It wasn’t hard to pick out who his father had chosen. As Yi Jeong stood outside the studio in which his father taught pottery Yi Jeong smirked bitterly watching the not so subtle brush on the shoulder his father gave to a very beautiful woman that was “learning pottery”. There was a subtle smile that the woman gave and though Yi Jeong wished not to be here in this particular moment in time he knew he had to wait.
“Make him come back!”
“Bring him to me!”
    Shutting his eyes tightly he waited even after the class had ended Yi Jeong knew he had to wait. Almost an hour went by before the woman came out. She was startled when she came across Yi Jeong. Knowing very well who he was and though she tried to walk away.
“You aren’t the first. And you won’t be his last.”
She didn’t say anything in fact she seemed to still under his cold gaze. Yi Jeong’s eyes landed first on her smeared red lipstick reaching to wipe it he smirked when she took a step back but otherwise he removed the lipstick with his thumb. His eyes then landed on the wedding ring that was on her ring finger and Yi Jeong couldn’t help but laugh sarcastically.
“Of course.” He spoke grabbing the woman’s hand.
“Your husband must be thrilled that you are here taking classes with the famous So Potter.”
“This is none of your business.” She spoke to him though Yi Jeong could see the fear in her eyes as she took her hand back from him and quickly scurried away.

“This is her.” Yi Jeong thought looking at the woman who he knew his father was having an affair with.
“Do you know why you’re here?” Mr. Takashi questioned Yi Jeong.
“No.” Yi Jeong answered. 
“Very well then.” Mr. Takashi spoke removing his suit jacket and rolling up his shirts long sleeves up to his elbows.
The woman in front began to cry again and beg frantically but it all meant nothing to YI Jeong because he was sure this was retaliation for what his father had done. Another cross of shame that he would have to carry because of who his family was.
“Do you know this woman?” Mr. Takashi questioned.
“No.” Yi Jeong spoke and it was then that the man launched a very aggressive punch to Yi Jeong’s stomach causing him to wince. 
“I’ll ask you again. Do you know why you’re here?” Mr. Takashi spoke his henchmen Tanaka grabbing ahold of the woman that continued to plead.
“I have no idea who she or you are?”
    The anger in the eyes of the man in front of Yi Jeong increased and he then punched Yi Jeong square in the jaw. His head violently moving to the right. The impact was fast and YI Jeong could already taste a sour metal that was his own blood.
“We can do this all night.” Mr. Takashi spoke punching Yi Jeong on the left side of his face.

    Worry. Pain. Emptiness. There was so much at once that was trying to creep its way into her heart that it was building inside Ga Eul’s chest making her unable to properly breathe. She could cry, plead, pray that nothing happened to Yi Jeong. Her heart was on the verge of popping so painfully like a balloon that had been filled with so much air that it eventually pops into bits. Nothing was helping to calm the ache in her heart that she was feeling. She couldn’t remember much of what happened around her until the moment she heard Yi Jeong was found. The pain in her heart had suddenly swallowed her and it was like she could not remember how to live without Yi Jeong in her life. How could one week of knowing one person completely changer her life. She felt guilt and anguish when she realized she had so readily accused Yi Jeong of not caring about her the moment something went wrong. 
    Her mind began to slip to the bad side and she shut her eyes trying to stop those thoughts from pulling her in again. 
“Yi Jeong has to be okay.” She continued to chant inside her head like a magic spell hoping that it somehow would help. Ariel who had been sitting beside her on the helicopter gave her hand another squeeze, to remind Ga Eul that she was not alone in all of this. Yet, Ga Eul couldn’t acknowledge this comfort or turn to look at the other girls that sat beside her. There was talk from the boys from the other helicopter that she could hear because they were all wearing headsets in order to communicate. They had found YI Jeong. The location had been pinpointed using top of the line technology no doubt provided by the Shinwa heir and Ga Eul was glad that Yi Jeong had his friends. Woo Bin had explained it all to them as they made their way to the location when Yi Jeong was. 
    From what Ga Eul understood it was Yi Jeong’s father who had put him in such a situation. The woman whom was having an affair with Yi Jeong’s father was Mr. Takashi’s fifth wife. Ga Eul had not seen her picture nor did she care to know her name. At the moment she was afraid for the life of the person she liked and that was all that mattered to her. From what she understood it seemed like Mr. Takashi thought Yi Jeong was having an affair with his wife.
“It seems more likely than his father.” Ji Hoo had explained. For brief second before that Ga Eul had considered that maybe it had been YI Jeong. That idea wasn’t far fetched with Yi Jeong’s reputation but only brought her guilt. More so when Yi Jeong’s older brother also confirmed the affair was indeed their father and not Yi Jeong. 
    Right now she needed to have faith in their friends and Yi Jeong that somehow he would make it out alive. Otherwise, what did she have. In that moment, she promised herself that she would stick by Yi Jeong. It was too soon to label this feeling love but it was close enough.
“He’ll be alright.” Jae Hee spoke to her while she sat in front of Ga Eul on the plane. 
“We’re on our way inside Ga Eul.” Woo Bin spoke up and all Ga Eul could do was clutch tightly to the skirt of her dress which she had not had a chance to change out of. 
“Please god. Save him.”

“Do you know why you’re here?” Mr. Takashi asked once again his knuckles now covered in Yi Jeong’s blood and busted open with the force he continued to hit Yi Jeong. 
Yi Jeong’s body ached and he was more than sure that he had a few broken ribs. His head was throbbing and his eyes were both practically shut with how hard he had been hit repeatedly for what felt like hours.
“No.” Yi Jeong struggled to say before another hit was delivered to him.
    His face has now gone numb the only reason he knew he was still being hit there was mainly the blood that he felt run down his face and the way the woman that had remained there continued to cry.
“Yet you refuse to tell the truth.” Yi Jeong thought to himself briefly just as another hit to his ribs happened. He could feel vile rise up his throat until he was spitting out more blood. He could feel that he was slipping away and knew that any moment either he was dying or passing out. Somehow, that no longer mattered anymore.
“Please. He’s had enough. He’s had enough.” Mr. Takashi’s wife pleaded.
“I’ve had enough of you.” He spoke turning to face her and hitting her across her cheek harshly causing her to fall. Blood on her cheek that was no doubt Yi Jeong’s.
“Drop him.” Mr. Takashi ordered Tanaka who did as he was told first untying Yi Jeong’s hands and then going to one side of the room where Yi Jeong could no longer see, mainly from how swollen his eyes had gotten. He heard the sound of chains turning and suddenly he was on the floor with a harsh thump. There was fatigue and so much pain that made Yi Jeong sluggish to react. 
“You brought this on yourself. You decided to sleep with my wife.” Mr. Takashi spoke and upon hearing the confusion confirmed YI Jeong began to laugh.
    The entire room filled with men were silent and all watched as Yi Jeong laughed at Mr. Takashi. This only enraged the man further and caused him to Mr. Takashi to kick Yi Jeong harshly and repeatedly. So exhausted and hurt was YI Jeong that he could not even raise either of his arms to protect his head. 
“You dare laugh at me! You insolent child.” Mr. Takashi spoke.
“You’re pathetic.”
“An old man with a younger woman did you really think that would work out?” YI Jeong struggled to say. 
“Then again. You are your wife’s type.”
“So is my father. This has nothing to do with me.” Yi Jeong spoke. 
    There was silence then from either side and Mr. Takashi suddenly yelled out in anger turning to his wife who more than ever shook with fear.
“Is this true?” He questioned the young woman. There was no response from her only true fear and then she suddenly got on her knees. 
“Please. Kill me if you must don’t harm him.  Not Robert. Not him please.”
“You wench!” With another harsh slap she was once again clinging to the floor in tears. Yi Jeong on the other hand couldn’t help but laugh.
“That doesn’t matter I have his son.”
“His son.”  YI Jeong thought knowing full well that his father by now had fled and his somewhere. Why else had he come home so early from an abrupt trip but to hide and when the time was right like now YI Jeong was sure that his father had taken a flight to a remote place on the other side of the word. There were tears in his eyes as he laughed again bitterly.
“Mr. So does not care about his wife. He never has. What makes you think he will care about his son?” Yi Jeong questioned. 
    His question was not met with an answer instead; he was kicked again causing him to groan. His vision was blurring more and more as time went on and it felt like time was slowing more than it already had been. 
“I may not have him but I have his heir and I will get my revenge.” Mr. Takashi spoke walking closer to Yi Jeong and then stepping slowly on to his right hand. It was then that Yi Jeong screamed out in pain. While he had been hit several times this was the one place that had remained undamaged. This hand that had been more than just a limb but what held part of his heart. Pottery. He could feel himself die. He was being ripped apart. The one thing he had always grasped and refused to let go was being torn away from him. Around him the lights began to flicker on and off, he could hear yelling, people running. Sounds of gunshots more men come in. He can see his friends. Jun Pyo, Woo Bin, Ji Hoo. They’re fighting for him and when they reach him they call out to him. Their voices sound far away. There’s chaos around him and suddenly more people are coming his way. He’s being picked up by someone he can’t recognize their face nor hear what they’re saying to him and then he sees her. Ga Eul. Her eyes are rimmed with tears and worry. She reaches for his hand and is speaking but he can’t understand her. His mind is getting fuzzy and his eyes are closing. The darkness begins to crawl inside his mind and he can only speak with what little force he has left.
“Ga Eul-yang”


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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon