Chapter 7: Day 7 The Strike of Midnight

Vulnerable Heart

            It was quite early. The sun was yet to rise and Ga Eul sleepily continued to finish packing the last of her things. Beside her Ariel was laying dramatically face down on Ga Eul’s bed as she moped. Jae Ha sleepily laid beside her patting Ariel’s back occasionally. When Ga Eul had arrived home the previous night Ariel’s mother had already asked if Ga Eul was allowed to accompany Yi Jeong on the trip.

“How did she know about this?” Ga Eul had found herself asking but later dismissed that thought when she realized her friend’s mother was too eccentric to truly figure out.

“He should ask us properly instead of having someone else ask for him.” Ga Eul’s father had spoken to her.

            She’d thought previously that her parents would scold her for arriving so late the previous night. Instead, they’d asked her to call if she was staying out late. Her father had warned her to not let herself be enchanted by a boy who would speak of giving her the moon and the stars and not comply once she gave him something he wanted. Remembering this Ga Eul blushed. Shaking her head, Ga Eul finished packing her things. A yawn escaped Jae Ha and Ga Eul sighed.

“You really should go back home. Your not going on this trip with us.”
“Neither am I.” Came Ariel’s muffled voice.

“What happened again?” Ga Eul questioned. Her friend hadn’t told her what happened. Only that when she had arrived to Ga Eul’s home that morning Jae Ha came attached with her. Her friend’s eyes were blood shot and the cloud of depression that loomed over her was so weird Ga Eul thought she’d been dreaming.

            There was a muffled sound that came from the bed as Jae Ha patted Ariel’s head sympathetically and then turned to Ga Eul.

“She doesn’t want to talk about it.” He spoke but there was a frown on his face which told Ga Eul two things. One, that whatever it was Ariel had definitely told Jae Ha about it. Two, whatever it was it was bad enough for Jae Ha to go big brother on Ariel.

“Come on skunk girl. We need to go get your bags.” Jae Ha told her gently.

“I said I wasn’t going.” Ariel spoke finally looking up. She looked tired and it seemed like she’d hardly slept the previous night.

“This wasn’t your fault you were just trying to help.” Jae Ha reasoned.

“I’m a horrible person.” Ariel spoke tears in her eyes.

“Come on.” Jae Ha spoke sighing pulling her up from bed and dragging her out.

            With not much time to say anything all Ga Eul could really do was briefly grab on to Jae Ha’s jacket sleeve. Jae Ha offered her a smile and then dragged Ariel along with him. Sighing Ga Eul checked her phone. She’d received a message from Yi Jeong that they would have to leave at five and realized there was at least 30 minutes left. Hugging the large bear that was on her bed she wanted to get some sleep. Just like her friend she had not slept much. But while Ariel seemed to be having some other problems Ga Eul had spent the past few hours trying to calm her racing heart and reliving every single aspect of the previous night every single time she closed her eyes. Biting her lip, she rolled to her back reaching for the heart in her room. Though her eyes were closed and she was aware that she was not dreaming she could still see the fireworks and hear them in her head.

“Good morning Ga Eul-yang”
Surprised Ga Eul sat on her bed quickly only to meet a bright smile from So Yi Jeong.

“Ready to go?”


            The morning was cold. Fog still lingered on the ground. It seemed like the clouds had descended from earth and decided to play on the ground leaving cold and remnants of evidence that they had indeed come down. The road was remotely empty and Yi Jeong was glad to be alone with his thoughts. The previous night while it had certainly been a good experience over all. Remembering the last of it left a bitter taste in his mouth and he felt for the first time a bit dirty.


            Opening the door of his room Yi Jeong felt unimpressed to find Eun Jae Sitting in his bedroom in only black lingerie. His eyes reflected what he felt for that woman. Nothing. Whether Eun Jae was aware of that or not she did not give Yi Jeong any indication of this. Instead, she threw herself back on the bed lazily and offered him a come hither look that at any other point in time would have been hard for him to resist. But not tonight. Not when Yi Jeong had been given a glimpse of an essence that could only be described by him as unearthly and pure.

            Ga Eul’s smile that entire night seemed to clear his head and he found himself finding her innocence an attractive attribute to Ga Eul that no other girl seemed to posses. Eun Jae included.

“Did you have fun Yi Jeong?”
“That little prude you had with you was cute. I’ll give her that.” Eun Jae spoke the look in her eyes calm and seductive. But Yi Jeong knew better. Behind those eyes there was a storm of rage brewing inside this woman.

“What are you doing in my room? Where’s Il Hyun? I’ve told the staff not to allow you to come in here.”
            There was a giggle from Eun Jae before she sat up.
“Come on.” She spoke sitting up and offering Yi Jeong another seductive smile, heading over to him and clinging on to him. Yi Jeong trying to pull himself away from her briefly only to have her hold on to him just a bit tighter. The annoyance in his features was clear but Yi Jeong opted to completely brush her off by not reacting to her at all. Eun Jae clung to him moving forward to press a kiss to his cheek, then the corner of his lips that action making him feel for the first time disgusting. It felt like somehow the sweet and innocent moment he had shared with Ga Eul moments before as he said goodbye to her had been tainted and he cringed away from this woman who laughed.

“Don’t play coy Yi Jeong.” She whispered in his ear.

“This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve done this. It never bothered you to be with me.” She continued reaching to caress his cheek.

“Even if I’m still with Il Hyun.”
            It was only a day prior when he wanted Il Hyun to hurt. Yi Jeong wanted him to know but now he realizes that he doesn’t want that again. Not only for his brother but for Ga Eul. Her smile comes to mind and Yi Jeong thinks about how Ga Eul will react to knowing how he is; who he truly is. A fear creeps it’s way inside his chest that he cannot hide. Yi Jeong wonder if Ga Eul would ever forgive him for that. Granted they were just friends but Yi Jeong knows Ga Eul’s entire view of him would shift. An innocent girl like Ga Eul would be horrified by his actions and terrified of him. And then… then Yi Jeong would never get to see Ga Eul smile that way towards him again. Somehow… that though felt like a knife twisting inside his chest.

“Things change.” Yi Jeong speaks trying to get Eun Jae’s hands off him only for her to tighten her grip on him her smile intensifying.

“Don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with her Yi Jeong.” Eun Jae teases.

“She’s a child.”
“What can she do that I can’t” Eun Jae whispered pressing another kiss to Yi Jeong’s lips.

“She and I are incomparable.”

“You’re right.” Yi Jeong spoke to her earning a smile from Eun Jae who settled herself in front of Yi Jeong with a seductive smile. Smiling back at her Yi Jeong pulled her closer the thrill that crossed Eun Jae’s eyes only causing Yi Jeong to smirk as he moved rather quickly pressing her against the door. Moving to whisper in her ear Yi Jeong spoke.

“Your right.”
“She’s better,” With that Yi Jeong pushed her out of his bedroom and locked his door. He could hear soft pounding on the door and realized she had not begun to scream because she would be discovered. Yi Jeong thought about leaving Eun Jae to walk out of his house like that but knew that would be a bad idea.

            There was no need to cause a ruckus when nothing happened. Finding Eun Jae’s coat placed on the bed he grabbed it, his room key slipping out of the front pocket. Taking the key out he placed it in his pocket and headed back to the door were Eun Jae glared once he opened it.

“Your going to regret this Yi Jeong. I’ll tell Il Hyun and”
“You won’t. Because you have just as much to lose as I do.” He spoke to her pushing the large black coat to her.

“I took my keys back. Don’t come back here again. What we had is over and your attempts to sleep with me are pathetic.” With that Yi Jeong closed the door and minutes after he could hear the soft click of heels.

            Leaving his thoughts Yi Jeong reached to wipe his lips with the back of his hand in disgust. It seemed like being near Ga Eul seemed to repel anything that wasn’t like her. Whether that was a good thing or not Yi Jeong wasn’t sure of it. It felt wrong, the moment that Eun Jae kissed him; it felt like betrayal. It sounded absurd to him, simply because he knew he and Ga Eul were nothing more than friends. However, the fact that he had kissed Ga Eul; on the cheek no less, and less than an hour later was kissed by Eun Jae felt wrong.

*Beep, Beep*

            Looking beside him Yi Jeong is surprised to see Ji Hoo pull up in his white lotus car.

“What are you doing here?”
“The lights turned. You can start driving.” Ji Hoo says but when Yi Jeong doesn’t move Ji Hoo sighs.

“Goo Jun Pyo asked that I pick up Ga Eul’s friend Ariel. He didn’t want to send a car for her and your car only has room for two as well.”

With that being said Ji Hoo took off leaving Yi Jeong to follow after him.

            There were many questions that Yi Jeong wanted to ask Ji Hoo but with no time to speak he simply sighed and headed towards Ga Eul’s house. Trying desperately to forget what happened with Eun Jae the previous night and trying to focus only on Ga Eul. By the time he reached Ga Eul’s house Ji Hoo was parked in front of Ariel’s house. There was a look in his eyes that Yi Jeong could not read but before he could say anything there was a knock on his car window. There was a man that looked just a few years older than his own father, which Yi Jeong recognized from a previous encounter.

“So Yi Jeong right. Please come inside. My daughter is still not done packing for this trip.” The man spoke quietly. There was a sharp look in his eyes which told Yi Jeong that he thought nothing good would come of him with Ga Eul.

            It was the first time in a long time that Yi Jeong had been looked at in such a way. Most of the time because of who his family was, other people were blown away by his charm; this included parents. Yi Jeong was very disgusted at the fact that most men upon knowing their daughters were “Dating” him, encouraged his behavior. Ga Eul’s father’s reaction was rather refreshing. The man meant business and it was clear that he wanted Yi Jeong not to come near his daughter.

“Our house is nothing compared to yours but I assure you it is a home.”
“I did not mean to offend you. I was sidetracked.” Yi Jeong spoke getting out of his car and bowing respectfully. Though he was aware that Ga Eul’s father had not meant anything about his parents and was simply telling Yi Jeong not to look down on his family. Yi Jeong couldn’t help but feel inferior. Ga Eul had good parents, people who cared; Yi Jeong did not.

            There was no response from the man and he simply led Yi Jeong inside his home. The sharp look in his eyes never disappearing. Just before entering Ga Eul’s house Yi Jeong caught a glimpse of Ji Hoo who was standing in front of Ariel’s house about to knock.


“This is ridiculous.” Ji Hoo spoke to himself for what seemed like the thousandth time. The previous day certainly was a mix of emotions. Given time to reflect and less time to sulk about Seo Hyun in the end Ji Hoo settled for feeling guilty. Was he still in pain over Seo Hyun? Yes. But then there was this girl. Ariel.

            The very few times they had encountered one another Ji Hoo had always seen her smile. It seemed like her giant honey colored eyes seemed to always dance with cheerful glee that Ji Hoo couldn’t understand.

“She must have a very happy and eccentric life.” Had been Ji Hoo’s conclusion. The previous night however, he’d made a very cheerful girl cry by releasing his frustrations and pain out on her.

            Maybe it was cowardly, but Ji Hoo had hoped that he would never see her again. Mainly because he was unsure of how to apologize to her. He’d made a girl cry. Sighing he tried to find the courage to get out of his car. Ji Hoo was just glad that Yi Jeong seemed to be too preoccupied to notice. Feeling amused when he saw who he assumed was Ga Eul’s father walk towards Yi Jeong’s car with a stern look on his face; Ji Hoo chuckled. Though his smile was wiped away when the man turned to look as him as well and shook his head in disapproval.

“Right.” Ji Hoo thought to himself finally getting out of the car.

            There were so many thoughts running through his head, mainly how to tell Ariel that she would be going to the airport with him. He could see Yi Jeong being led to Ga Eul’s house but ignored it. He was about to knock on the door; his hand raised into a fist to do so, only to have the door abruptly open.

“Hello. Your earlier than expected.”
            Mrs. Lee was standing in front of Ji Hoo with a bright smile similar to her daughters. Though he supposed it was Ariel who inherited her mother’s smile.

“She’s saying good bye to Jae Ha she’ll be out soon.” Mrs. Lee spoke.

“Please come in.” She spoke moving aside to invite Ji Hoo in.

“That’s alright.” Ji Hoo spoke politely feeling more than a little awkward and settled for an awkward bow, though the woman’s’ smile only widened.

“Already feeling apologetic. That’s good.”
            For a moment Ji Hoo felt embarrassed and he wondered whether Ariel had spoken to her mother about the incident the previous night.

“She didn’t tell me” Mrs. Lee spoke as if knowing that Ji Hoo wanted to ask this.

            A man stood there, his expression more than a little abrasive and he squinted his eyes at Ji Hoo.
“Honey.” Mrs. Lee began.
“I don’t have to like it” The man spoke kissing his wife on the cheek and moving out of the way.

“She’s locked herself in her room with Jae Ha.” Mr. Lee informed his wife.

“Follow me Ji Hoo. I think my daughter needs a little persuasion.”
            There was no room for argument because Ji Hoo was practically dragged inside the Lee’s home. The smell of herbs lingered in the air and Ji Hoo found it quite calming. The atmosphere soft. They passed by the small living room and in to a hallway there were two doors on opposite sides. In the middle another door that read “Madam Lee”. The door on the right however was different than the rest of the hall. While the walls and doors were painted white the door on the right was painted in a soft pistachio green and had dark green leaves painted on the outside. There was a board that was stuck on the door that read. “Ariel is not here. She has moved back to Japan.”

            Ji Hoo wasn’t sure whether to feel amused or apologetic at the note but settled on amusement cracking a smile.

“Ariel. Come out now. Your friend is here to pick you up.” Mrs. Lee spoke up.

There was a muffled voice that came from the room.

“Speak up honey. I can’t hear you.”
“I’m not going!” Ariel spoke. Biting his lip Ji Hoo wondered if he should go not knowing how to face this girl that was still very clearly upset.

“It’s an adventure Ariel. A Lee doesn’t turn down adventures.”
“This one does! Go Away or I’ll run away!”
“You forget who your talking to honey.” Mrs. Lee spoke in amusement opening her daughters room with a key.

            The room was surrounded by a similar design of the door, inside however there was a regular teenage girls room. Surrounded by posters of SS501, Jay Park, Big Bang, SHinee BTS. Her bed was surrounded by a light pink veil and Ariel was sprawled on her stomach, head buried in a pillow while a boy laid beside her. Ji Hoo remembered him from the festival and recalled he came with a very annoying girl the previous time. Where as before Yi Jeong had been at the end of his glare it seemed he was now at the receiving end.

“I’ll just run to a place where you won’t get me.”
“I’m already inside.” Mrs. Lee spoke t her daughter triumphantly though Ariel did not raise her head up.

“I’m still not going you can’t make me.”
“Ga Eul needs you there.” Mrs. Lee said to her.

“She has Yi Jeong!”
“It’s rude to make your friends wait.”
“He took his time to come pick you up and your being very rude.” Ariel’s mother spoke.

“Yi Jeong is at Ga Eul’s house.”
“I’m staying here with Jae Ha.”
            Ji Hoo already felt uncomfortable but figured he’d just get this over with and cleared his throat. He watched the girl on the bed go rigid and then slowly turned her head to face the boy on the bed with her. The boy in turn motioned his head to Ji Hoo. Slowly Ariel turned and she bit her lip quietly sitting up. She was in a pair of pink pajamas and a red shirt with a hello kitty patch on it. Her hair was in a side ponytail. The times that Ji Hoo had seen this girl her hair had either been in a bun or let down. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles under her eyes as well which told Ji Hoo she must have spent the entire night crying.

“Jae Ha let’s allow them to talk now.” Mrs. Lee spoke to Jae Ha who nodded reaching to pet the top of Ariel’s head very gently.

“See you later Skunk girl”
“Bye Pepe Le Pew” Ariel muttered softly earning a soft smile from the other boy.

            The room door was left open and Ji Hoo was unsure of what to say while Ariel sat on her bed reminding Ji Hoo of a very upset child.

“I should go get changed.” She spoke softly heading to a doo to the left picking up a small pile of neatly folded clothes that was on her desk.

“Damn it.” Ji Hoo muttered to himself feeling guiltier.


            There was no sign of his country bumpkin and frankly Yi Jeong was more than a little impatient to leave Ga Eul’s home. There was a muffin that was placed in front of him and a cup of coffee while he waited for Ga Eul to be called. Though Yi Jeong doubted that was the case seeing as more than five minutes had passed by and he was still sitting in Ga Eul’s living room uncomfortably smiling at Ga Eul’s father. The man sat across from Yi Jeong now openly glaring at him. There was an unsettling feeling again that he felt and frankly Yi Jeong wanted to leave.

“So Yi Jeong is it?” Mr. Chu spoke to Yi Jeong.

“You and my daughter go to school together yes.” It was more of a statement then a question and before Yi Jeong could answer he was already being asked another question.

“What are your intentions with my daughter?”
            The question made the room shrink for him. It was like he was being swallowed whole into an uncomfortable vortex and Yi Jeong found himself smiling uncomfortably.

“We’re friends I-”

“Is my daughter not good enough then?”
“I didn’t mean-”

“Why are you bringing her on this trip then?”
“Friends can go on trips together.” Yi Jeong found himself saying and he swore the man seemed to pop a vein in his forehead.

“What do you expect to do on this friendship trip with my daughter? I assure you that my daughter isn’t the kind of girl you-”

Yi Jeong wasn’t trying to be rude but it seemed like Mr. Chu got angrier by the minute and Yi Jeong wanted to avoid a confrontation if he could.

            With a fake smile Yi Jeong interrupted the man careful that Ga Eul would not come by otherwise Mr. Chu wouldn’t be the only one yelling at him.

“I don’t mean to interrupt you but you are misinterpreting my words.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“Ariel is going on this trip and.”
“That other boy has come for her. A friend of yours?”
“Don’t you boys have friends of your own class women that-”
“Ji Hoo is also friends with Ariel and Ga Eul. And yes. Geum Jan Di and Ha Jae Kyung will be accompanying us on this trip along with my friends. We all grew up together.”
“My daughter and Ariel-”
“The girls have met them. We’ve all spent a fair amount together. We went to the festival together and the girls really wanted Ga Eul and Ariel to come.”
“And you? You don’t want them to go?”
“Why didn’t they come pick them up instead?”
            It seemed that no matter what Yi Jeong would say he realized Mr. Chu wasn’t about to let him go so easily.

“My friends Goo Jun Pyo and Song Woo Bin are their boyfriends. They wanted to pick them up. But we will all be spending time together as a group in Caledonia.”
“You offered to pick my daughter up?”
“She’s my friend. Ga Eul-yang is a very nice girl.”
“Do you like my daughter?”
“Do you wish to date her?”

            The question sent prickles of nerves in Yi Jeong’s hands and all through his body. There was a soft compression in his chest and for a second Yi Jeong can see something flicker in the man’s eyes but it’s too quick to catch.

“We’re friends.”
“Very well then.” Mr. Chu spoke standing up. Without speaking Mr. Chu expected Yi Jeong to follow him and Yi Jeong did so. The house was rather small. It was just a bit bigger than his kiln but while his own home lacked any warmth, this one seemed to be decorated with memories of this happy family and contained more family love that Yi Jeong could never have.

            It was like that warmth was laughing at him and spitting in his face. There was a door that was painted pink and was wide open.

“I’ll allow her to go not because I trust you but because this will be a good opportunity for my daughter to know a bit more of the world.”
“However, I’ll trust your words of friendship”
“A friend should want the best for another friend and not hurt one another. If they do, they will not be allowed in my home. Is that clear.”
“Yes sir.” Yi Jeong responded in understanding.
“Good then.” Mr. Chu spoke placing a hand on Yi Jeong’s shoulder briefly and then leaving.

            With a sigh of relief Yi Jeong tried to relax and headed to Ga Eul’s door. His intent had been to knock but instead Yi Jeong found himself taking his time to observe Ga Eul who was sprawled on her bed hugging a very familiar bear. There was a genuine, and very relaxed expression of happiness on her face that instantly brought a smile to Yi Jeong’s face. Her room was exactly what Yi Jeong expected of his country bumpkin, Pictures of friends, stuffed animals, and lots of pink. Yi Jeong watched as Ga Eul closed her eyes tightly and her back. There was a soft smile on her face as she reached for the ceiling and Yi Jeong found himself looking up only too see a small post-it note in the shape of a heart stuck there.

“So innocent.”  He whispered to himself before finally speaking up.

“Good morning Ga Eul-yang”

With amusement Yi Jeong watched Ga Eul sit up from her bed and look at him.

“Ready to go?” Yi Jeong asked Ga Eul who blushed. Unable to stop himself Yi Jeong laughed genuinely.


            The morning felt cold, and the air seemed to carry something bitter that lingered around them. Still, Ga Eul couldn’t help but feel excited. She didn’t carry much as far as what to take, from what she understood they wouldn’t be there for too long. For a moment, she wondered if her friendship with Yi Jeong would survive past the next week. There was a soft hurt that was starting to settle in her chest and to her that mean that she was starting to care whether or not Yi Jeong remained in her life.

“Ready to go Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong asked again getting on the driver’s side of the car and buckling himself in.

            There was a genuine smile on his face that caused Ga Eul to smile back at him. In front of them Ji Hoo’s car had already taken off and Yi Jeong proceeded to follow them.

“Have you ever been anywhere Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong asked while they drove on the road. The windows were closed and the heat was . Ga Eul was glad, it was only 5am and the morning was just too cold.

“No Sunbae.”
“Caledonia is nice. It’s Goo Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di’s favorite place. Jun Pyo insists on going at least once a year.”
“Would you have taken whoever you were dating with you?”

            Ga Eul see’s Yi Jeong tense for a moment and she blushed upon realizing that she’s spoken out loud.

“Sorry Sunbae I.”
“No Ga Eul-yang. These trips are only for F4 and our friends.”
There was a look in his eyes as Yi Jeong said this to her that made Ga Eul feel apologetic. At the same time, it made her heart skip. Biting her lip, she looked down at her intertwined hands for a moment. Silence remained between them for a bit and then Ga Eul spoke.

“Sorry Sunbae. That was none of my business.”
“It was a fair question Ga Eul-yang” Yi Jeong responded.

“Let’s not overthink things and just have fun.” He said to her and somehow Ga Eul couldn’t quite tell if there was more to his words but found herself nodding anyways.

            The remainder of the ride was quiet and when they reached the airport Ga Eul was not surprised that a private entry was there for F4 to reach their private plane. There were SHINWA locals everywhere which told Ga Eul that Goo Jun Pyo owned everything. There were three other lotus sports cars parked close to the plane.

“Ga Eul! You’re here!” Jae Kyung shouted in excitement while she, Woo Bin, Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di stood by the plane. There were people that stood by their car and Ga Eul’s door was opened, behind them the trunk of the car was opened as well and Ga Eul could see people take her luggage doing the same with Ariel’s who was shyly standing beside Ji Hoo until finally walking toward Ga Eul and entangling her arm with her.

“I don’t want to be here.” Ariel sulked.

“We should go inside.” Yi Jeong insisted offering a smile to both girls. Though he did stop to pet Ariel’s head. The gesture caused Ga Eul to smile. It seemed that no matter who she was around Ariel was always treated like a child or a little sister to those who accepted her and it seemed like Yi Jeong and his friends all felt the same way.

“Did you bring me fish cakes?” Jun Pyo asked both girls who shook their heads and Jan Di then proceeded to hit the Shinwa heir in the head lecturing him about manners.

“If I invite them on a trip they should bring me something in return.” Jun Pyo snapped back at Jan Di.

            The atmosphere was very light and pretty soon everyone was smiling and laughing while boarding the plane and enjoying the amusing banter between the Shinwa heir and his fiancé. Ga Eul found herself relaxing at the atmosphere she’s never thought she’d be accepted in Yi Jeong’s circle and she never truly cared about class or status it wasn’t something that she needed nor wanted but she realized that not everyone was the same. Yes, there were people that would look down on her for having “Less” but at the moment as the plane took off she couldn’t help but feel blessed for the people she had in her life new and old.

            Breakfast was served a few minutes after takeoff and Ga Eul found herself happily eating an American breakfast. She was in the middle of drowning her pancakes in maple syrup when she noted Ariel was still obviously sulking.

“You’re not eating.”

“I’m not hungry.”

            From across the plane Yi Jeong and Ji Hoo both sat together chatting. Yi Jeong who seemed to be the only one talking at the moment turned to Ga Eul to smile while Ji Hoo on the other hand looked at Ariel who continued to look away.

“What happened?” Ga Eul asked her friend leaving no room for discussion or argument but Ariel simply sighed.

“I’m a bad person.” She whispered causing Ga Eul to be taken back at her friend’s words. There were unshed tears in her eyes again and Ga Eul had never seen Ariel like this. Not even when she was being bullied at school her friend always seemed to have a tough exterior to her that was shielded by her genuine smile.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Ariel whispered telling Ga Eul not to push. Even so Ariel then picked up her fork and began to drown her pancakes in strawberry jam and began to eat quietly.

            Ga Eul took her time, not wanting to disturb her friend and instead spent her time looking out at the window at the sky. The clouds reminded her of cotton the way that they looked up close. The blue sky felt like a holographic picture of the ocean, reminding her of waves. The wings of the plane almost cutting the air but it all felt so peaceful and majestic. The exhaustion of the previous night and the early morning caught up with her and before long Ga Eul’s eyes were slowly dropping from exhaustion. The last thing she feels is Yi Jeong walking over to her and placing a pillow on her head gently and wrapping a blanket around her for warmth.



There’s soft music playing in the background. There’s a pink feeling that surrounds the air. Ga Eul looks around, there are people all dressed in the most elegant gowns, tuxes. All of them wearing masks.

“Ga Eul”

            Ariel is standing there, her hair a waterfall hairstyle that made her chestnut colored hair look beautiful. Her dress was large, silky and fell down to the floor. It was a soft cream colored dress the straps of the dress were at shoulder length. Ariel wore little to no makeup on her face but she looked really pretty. There was a classic yet innocent elegance about her as she approached her.

“Your late.” Ariel tells her a soft smile on her lips as she speaks.

“Late for what?” Ga Eul asks.

“Jae Kyung and Jan Di are already dancing with Jun Pyo and Woo Bin Sunbae’s” Ariel tells her.

            From across the room Ga Eul can see Jan Di who is in a Shakespearian pink dress her hair long as opposed to her usual short hair. There was a smile to her face while she danced with Goo Jun Pyo who was in a black suit. Jae Kyung on the other hand was in a green dress that was covered in black chiffon material making her look prettier than any girl on the dance floor. Woo Bin and her danced close together smiling happily at one another.

“Good thing prince charming isn’t here yet either. And they say that women should be the ones to make and entrance,” Ariel joked.

            Finding herself in the hallways before entering the large ballroom Ga Eul can feel a spike of nerves hit her chest and travel down to settle in her stomach.

“Prince charming?”
“Well charmings. Only you would have two prom dates Ga Eul.” Ariel says.

“Two what are you.”
            Abruptly, Ga Eul is turned and faces a mirror eliciting a gasp not only from shock but horror. Her hair is in wild curls appearing too wild and yet they are very much tamed around her face to accentuate it. Her dress is half white (left), while the other half (right) is a blood red and covered in black chiffon with intricate and beautiful designs. Unlike her friends who are in Shakespearian wear, her strapless dress is short just above the knee. Her make up on one side is light, soft eye shadow that is less noticeable, soft blush, soft pink lipstick, all giving the illusion of natural beauty. The other side however has a shocking smoky eye, winged liner, large lashes, and a red lipstick color. Reaching with her hand across the mirror Ga Eul can see even her nails are done differently the left in black the right in red.

            There was so much confusion in her eyes as she gazed back at herself. It was like looking at two people one that she was and another that she couldn’t recognize. Looking down at her feet Ga Eul saw black heels and turned to Ariel with a soft smile.

“No red and white?”
“A different pair for your feet? That would be silly Ga Eul” Ariel spoke with a smile.

“Besides black goes with everything.” Ariel adds with a smile.

“He’s here.” Ariel says and Ga Eul finds herself looking at Yi Jeong who is dressed in a dark red suit that matches half of her dress.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong speaks to her. The smile on his face is fake. She can tell by the cold in his eyes. Only this time there is no warmth in his voice either.

“You forgot your mask. This is a masquerade ball after all.” Yi Jeong Speaks and when Ga Eul turns everyone is in a mask and she wonders whether this is a dream of a nightmare.

“Wait let me take a picture of the two of you.” Ariel speaks to Ga Eul, the girl is now wearing a glittering silver mask that only covers her eyes beside her there is a guy in a gray suit and Ariel smiles.

“Put your mask on Ga Eul.” Ariel instructs and Ga Eul notes that this mask only covers the left side of her face and is completely white.

“Turn a little I want to get your right side only Ga Eul.” Ariel speaks and Ga Eul finds herself being turned by Yi Jeong.

“Aren’t you going to put on your mask?” Ga Eul asks him as the flash of the camera hits them. The white flash blinding Ga Eul for a second until she blinks, though her vision is a bit distorted for a moment it quickly gets back to normal.

“New York is awesome.” Ariel speaks before the man beside her takes her hand and leads her away to dance.

“Shall we Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong asks, not giving Ga Eul enough time to answer.

            They walk towards the ballroom the crowd seems to part with ease as they become the center and Yi Jeong bows to her in a very prince like manner but there is nothing but nerves, the bad kind that Ga Eul feels when things are about to go sour.

“Everyone is wearing a mask.” Ga Eul finds herself saying dumbly. The crowd around them is already dancing to the sound of the orchestra; everyone turning together, dancing in sync. Suddenly she’s lifted up and she gasps only to relax when everyone else is doing the same.

“Why aren’t you?” She asks Yi Jeong again.

            His hands are at her waist as they move together swaying back and forth they turn in unison dancing around the ball room.

“Yi Jeong Sunbae.”
“I’m already wearing one.” He speaks to her. He won’t look at her. Even if he’s staring right at her his eyes are void. It’s like the light in his eyes has left and he’s looking through her. Grabbing his face in her hands he stills at her movement. For a second Ga Eul wishes that even his wild eyes came back.

“Sunbae look at me.” Ga Eul pleads but the lights flash out and then Ga Eul is grabbing on to air.

            When the light comes back out no one seems to notice that anything is wrong in fact, it appears that only she witnessed the darkness. Around her couples are still dancing and Ga Eul can see her friends all close by. She makes her way toward Ariel and her companion muttering a soft “excuse me,” before pulling her friend away from her date.

“Have you seen Yi Jeong. He was just here and then the lights went out and.”
“Ga Eul, What are you talking about?” Her friend questions a look of confusion in her eyes.

“The black out. Yi Jeong Sunbae he-”
“Oh. Yi Jeong left already. You promised half of the night to him and the other half to the other guy.”
“Half the night? Other guy?”
“Ga Eul are you sure your okay? You’ve been dancing with Yi Jeong for hours.”
            The room feels like it’s spinning for Ga Eul and she finds herself about to fall only to have a chair stop her fall. When she looks up Jae Ha’s concerned face is the one that greets her.

“Ga Eul.”
“What is going on. I don’t understand. Where’s Yi Jeong? Who is this other guy?”
“I would never agree to be with two people.”
“You did.” Jae Ha and Ariel both answer.

“Are you the” Ga Eul begins looking at Jae Ha who shakes his head at her.

“He’s over there.” Jae Ha speaks.

            His mask is different. Silver. Covering only his eyes. His suit is all white. There’s a smile on his face as he looks at her and Ga Eul is too confused to feel anything at the moment.

“Who is he?” She asks but her friends don’t answer her as the mystery man approaches them. He bows at Ga Eul, the kind smile never leaving his lips as he reaches for her hand and kisses it. He doesn’t say a word as he helps Ga Eul to her feet placing a red mask that only covers the right side of her face. She notes how careful he is when placing the mask on and his touch feels familiar as he caresses her cheek with his knuckles softly; offering a smile to Ga Eul before turning his body away from her and placing a hand to her waist.  Ga Eul is then turned to her left side and a flash meets her eyes again.

            By the time her eyes have adjusted the hold on her waist is gone and so are her friends. The man that was beside her is nowhere to be seen.

“Great.” Ga Eul mutters to herself.

Thunder strikes around them but everyone continues to dance and when lightning hits once again she sees him. Lingering in the dark. Another flash and he disappears. Determined to know who he is Ga Eul follows him. With each thunderous roar he appears to escape to another place until she is lead outside of the large ball room and into an empty hall. He’s standing there waiting and when she starts to walk toward him he turns his back to her and continues to walk through corridors.

“Who are you?” She calls after him but he doesn’t answer her question and only turns his head in acknowledgement that he’s heard her words.

“Wait. Please.”

She calls after him trying to run after him but it seems like no matter how much she runs she can’t catch up to his fast paced walking.

            This hall in particular feels like jumping through hurdles. There are old chandeliers on the floor, pictures of people she can’t recognize, the smell of clay, hundreds of white paper hearts stuck to the ceiling, candles lit on the floor. It’s chaos.

“Screw this.” Ga Eul thinks taking off her shoes and running faster hoping to catch him thunder strikes and when she can see again he’s gone. She turns only to come face to face with him and she gasps taking a step back though he only smiles at her.

“Who are you?” Ga Eul finds the courage to ask. Though her heart seems to be jumping out of her chest she stands her ground.

            He doesn’t answer her; instead offers a smile to her. It’s kind; familiar, there’s something in the back of her head which tells her she should know who he is and she should not be afraid of him, so she stays.

“I don’t know who you are.” She continues while he begins to walk around her in slow circles. His gaze never leaving hers.

“This is a dream right? I know it is.”

“If this were real I’d know who you are and. I would have never agreed to come her with you and Yi Jeong?”

            Something flickers in his eyes; amusement Ga Eul thinks because he smiles at her teasingly almost.

“If this is a dream and not reality then I must know who you are as well. You’re not Jae Ha. And I know you’re not Yi Jeong because he’s left.”

“Jun Pyo is with Jan Di and Woo Bin is with Jae Kyung. Are you Ji Hoo?” Ga Eul asks wondering why she’s not seen the musical prodigy with his friends. The man in front of her shakes her head and Ga Eul bites her lip trying to figure out who this man is.
“You could be anyone.”
“Are you a classmate? A neighbor? A friend? And acquaintance?” Ga Eul asks only to receive a nod. To which answer she doesn’t know.

“So I do know you?” Ga Eul questions and he shrugs.

“I don’t?”

Her question is met with another shrug.

            Ga Eul frowns and he offers her another smile.

“Then who are you? I can’t just invent somebody in my head.”

“Have we met on the street?”
Another nod. Ga Eul frowns again and she looks back at the ballroom which now appears to be miles away from them though she wonders how it is it’s still visible when she felt like there had been so many twist and turns in the hallways to get to where she was now; then again this was a dream. Ga Eul looks at Ariel and the man dancing with her. Her friend is smiling and there’s a look in her eyes that Ga Eul has never seen before. Her friend is in love. The man that’s looking back at her though Ga Eul cannot see his face because of the mask he himself is wearing; but she can see his eyes.

            There is a look in them that reflects her friends’ eyes and as he reaches to caress her cheek, Ariel smiles up at him with the same intense emotion.

“She said New York. But she’s not suppose to meet him yet. But. This is a dream I don’t know him. He’s her future and-”

            It takes Ga Eul a moment and she feels like she can’t breathe. The whole world stops in this place and the man standing in front of her is smiling at her again.

“Are you him?” Ga Eul asks. The question lingering between them for a moment before he nods. There’s pressure in her chest and an emotion of something more than excitement wanting to burst out of her. There’s so many things she wants to asks him, so much she wants to know and say but before she can he removes her mask and places a finger to her lips to silence her.

            Ga Eul’s heart races at the intensity in his eyes, the warmth that seems to envelope her as he places a hand on her waist and softly caresses the left side of her face. His thumb gently grazing her cheek as he presses his forehead with hers. There’s something in his eyes that tells her he wants to kiss her and Ga Eul finds herself closing her eyes. He moves closer his breath on her skin and his lips only inches away.

“Wait.” Ga Eul speaks softly as more of an afterthought; though he does stop.

“Before you kiss me” She begins a soft blush to her cheeks.

“I need to know who you are.” She tells him. Her hands reach up to his face gently as she reaches for the mask. Gently she removes it. The person in front of her is still smiling. His eyes kind; gentle. The mask drops to the floor eliciting a sound that echoes through the hall and the music stops and any other sound but her racing heart fades.



            Waking up with a gasp just as the pilot announced they were about to land Ga Eul looked around her and found mostly everyone waking up from the eight-hour flight they had just taken. Yi Jeong amongst them looking at her with sleepy eyes that had Ga Eul not just had a weird dream about him; she would have found cute. Beside her Ariel stirred and offered her friend a weak smile before looking out the window. Ga Eul herself found herself enthralled at the beautiful scenery. The landing was smooth and by the time they were out, private cars me them in order to take them to their destination.

            Everything about the place held a tropical feel to it. The ocean breeze was soft kissing her face and Ga Eul found herself closing her eyes to breathe in the fresh air.

“It’s all so beautiful.” She though to herself.

“Come on.” Yi Jeong spoke lacing her arm with hers a soft smile on his lips that caused Ga Eul to feel her chest tighten and butterflies begin in her stomach. Her dream had felt so real and she wondered if it meant something.

“Please don’t leave me alone.” Ariel whispered close by to Ga Eul. Yi Jeong must have heard because he turned to look at Ji Hoo who was silently following behind them though he offered one of his fake charming smiles to Ariel and offered his free hand to her which she took.

“Sorry for being a third wheel.” Ariel mouthed to Ga Eul apologetically though Ga Eul only blushed.

            They explored the island first, though F4 had been there plenty of times Jun Pyo insisted on doing so each time they went to Caledonia and for Ga Eul it was pretty exciting. There was so much too see and it felt like so little time to do so. While the whether in Seoul had been cold; here it was sunny and warm. They explored small shops picking up souvenirs Ga Eul picking a few necklaces for her mother while finding a small painting of a shell in the ocean for her father. Ariel on the other hand spoke about finding shells on the beach for her mother and bought her father a book on the island. Though not once was she smiling and her camera remained on her neck never once being picked up to snap a picture.

            Yi Jeong remained by Ga Eul’s side smiling and watching her try on various things. Ga Eul enjoyed herself this way. There was no need to talk between the two but they still had fun. Memories of their date at the mall came to mind and Ga Eul found a warm feeling creeping to her chest again. A hat was placed on her head and she looked up at Yi Jeong who chuckled softly.

“It looks good on you Ga Eul-yang.”
“I think it would look better on Jan Di.” Jun Pyo spoke up snatching the hat from Ga Eul’s head and running to Jan Di.

“Hey!” Yi Jeong spoke while Ga Eul laughed wholeheartedly.

“It’s fine Sunbae.”

            There were so many things that Ga Eul liked; in particular a soft pink pearled ring. Anyone could tell that it was fake but Ga Eul thought it would be a great reminder of the trip and picked it up in order to pay for it. However, before she had a chance to pay for anything Yi Jeong had taken out his credit card and paid for her.

“I invited you on this trip Ga Eul-yang. I’ll pay.”
“Technically Goo Jun Pyo did.” Ga Eul whispered softly.

“Tomato potato.” Yi Jeong joked handing Ga Eul her things and leaving no room for argument.

“Alright. But that just means I’ll have to buy you a present Sunbae.” Ga Eul added with a smile.

“Alright then. Something hand made next time Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke with a smile which caused Ga Eul to blush but otherwise nodded.

            She wanted to tell Yi Jeong that only couples made things for each other but she supposed Yi Jeong not having any experience when it came to that did not know. Then again he was a Casanova. So what exactly did this mean. For a moment she thought of her dream but quickly dismissed any stray thoughts as they headed out the shop door. Outside there were many people selling things in small stands and Ga Eul found herself drawn to a small tarp laid out on the floor where a little girl stood selling flowers. The little girl looked at her and offered her a smile. She handed Ga Eul a flower pot with a small flower. She spoke a language which Ga Eul could not understand. Ariel who was close to her looked confused as well.

“It’s a soulmate plant. Whomever you give it to means they are your soulmate.

It means that you’ve chosen them.”

“She’s gifting this to you Ga Eul.” Ji Hoo explained to her.

Bowing as a thank you Ga Eul took the soulmate plant in her hands bringing it close to her.

            There were so many questions and thoughts lingering in her head. Mainly who could she give this too? When could she give this to them? Her gaze unconsciously drifted to

Yi Jeong who was up ahead discussing something with Woo Bin and Jun Pyo while Jan Di and Jae Kyung were a few feet behind them. Their eyes met and Yi Jeong offered her a smile that caused her to blush in embarrassment and almost drop the plant.

“Are you alright Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong questioned walking over to her.

“I’m fine Sunbae. Maybe a little tired,” She lied.

“We’re heading to our hotel now. You can rest for a while before we head out again.” Yi Jeong reasoned. With a nod, Ga Eul followed Yi Jeong silently her thoughts confusing her but at the same time she felt peace to be beside him at the moment.


            Her room was beautiful. The view outside was incredible, surrounded only by water Ga Eul could only every see such a place in her dreams. Everything felt so perfect and she felt like she was in some sort of romantic movie.

“All that’s missing is Prince Charming.” She whispered to herself falling on to the large mattress.

            Ga Eul wanted to relax, to take in this experience and take in as many memories as she could. There were so many things to do here and Ga Eul felt like a child wanting to explore everything. She laid on the giant bed for what felt like hours. Happy to relax and breathe in this adventure that had been offered to her. She liked the atmosphere her new friends and the side of Yi Jeong that she would have never thought possible for her to see. Smiling to herself when she realized exactly six days ago she’d deemed So Yi Jeong a jerk and now she saw him as a friend. Someone who needed her.

“He’s cold sometimes. Afraid. Wild. Kind, Gentle, soothing, warm.”
            There were so many things to describe. Hot and cold and things that were at different ends of the spectrum. She liked this new side of him that she was discovering. To her it wasn’t about money. Ga Eul cared about the person and she was learning that though So Yi Jeong was a complicated man by no means was he bad. No, So Yi Jeong had many facets but deep inside he was good.


            Night seemed to come too quickly for Ga Eul. She’d distracted herself not only with her thoughts but by spending an hour or so in the bathtub, relaxing and leaving herself to drift with hundreds of peaceful thoughts. There wasn’t much to stress about but the past few days felt like a roller coaster ride with many highs and lows and this trip felt like a good time to unwind. Her hair was up in a bun and as she made her way out to the beach where everyone had agreed to gather, Ga Eul took in the beautiful night sky and how beautiful the water looked. The waves were soft in the water appearing to ease themselves with the night. Reflecting only the moon back at itself.

            A spread of éclairs, fruit and many other things were laid out for everyone to enjoy. Goo Jun Pyo seemed to be very vigilant with what the chefs were doing and Ga Eul was surprised to see that the Shinwa heir was personally laying out things on another table which looked to be specifically for Geum Jan Di and himself. It was a very rare moment to watch as Jan Di went to him with a smile on her face reaching to gently caress the Shinwa heir’s cheek. In turn Goo Jun Pyo smiled at Jan Di reaching to grab that same hand and placing a soft kiss to her palm. There was a look in their eyes of love and pure adoration that Ga Eul found herself blushing; feeling like she’d witnessed a very private moment. Turning to look away she found herself briefly watching Woo Bin and Jae Kyung.

            The two were dancing to the music that was playing, but while Jan Di and Jun Pyo felt a bit more... innocent. The way that Woo Bin and Jae Kyung were holding one another and flirting back and forth caused Ga Eul to blush. It all seemed to... ual. Not wanting to stare any longer Ga Eul settled for standing by the food spread and enjoying éclairs. She wondered where Yi Jeong was and looked around the beach only to find him missing. Ariel was on her own a few feet away from their gathering and simply watching the water while Ji Hoo himself looked at the sky ignoring Woo Bin and Jae Kyung who seemed to be talking to him and wanting to engage him in the fun.

            Normally, Ga Eul would not involve herself in other people’s affairs but whatever happened between Ji Hoo and her friend was affecting both their moods. Making her way to Ji Hoo she offered him a kind smile though he didn’t much acknowledge her.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” Ga Eul asked. Though Ji Hoo did not answer her, instead he made room for her to sit but continued to look away from her.

            Silence lingered between them and Ga Eul found herself unable to speak. There was so much she wanted to say, and so little she knew she had a right to speak about. Ariel for who she was, was a very private person herself and there were many things that weren’t for Ga Eul to say. Some things Ga Eul knew Ariel only shared with her, other things she only shared with Jae Ha. This seemed to be something all three had in common. Ga Eul and Jae Ha both sharing certain parts of their lives to one or the other. Though they all had things all three shared there was a special bond as individuals as well.

“I’ve known Ariel since I was fifteen.”  Ga Eul explained.

“She moved here from Japan with her parents. We went to school together until I was offered a scholarship to attend Shinwa. I’ve never seen her upset before. No matter what’s happened in her life she’s always smiling.” Ga Eul spoke to Ji Hoo who looked down momentarily something flickering in his eyes. Taking it as encouragement to go on Ga Eul continued to speak.

“I don’t know what happened. Ariel’s refused to talk about it but I know her. And I know she’s upset.”
“A lot of people don’t understand her they think she’s different and weird but even if she is eccentric people seem to forget that she’s still human. Like everyone else she has feelings, and feels and hurts the same way everyone else does.”
“Don’t treat her differently just because you think she’s weird or.”
“I don’t think that.” Ji Hoo spoke finally looking at Ga Eul.

“I don’t think she’s weird or eccentric. I think she’s normal.”

            His words made Ga Eul smile and for a moment she wondered if there might be something there in the future. However, New York came to her mind and Ji Hoo’s recent broken heart made her realize that it would be impossible. Two people whose future would be to walk different paths. She thought of Yi Jeong and realized that they too would be the same.

“Maybe friendship. I can settle for friendship.” She though to herself. Wondering who her own happiness would be and if Yi Jeong would find her as well.

            Side tracked by her thoughts she blushed when she realized Ji Hoo was still looking at her.
“Well.” Ga Eul began.

“She seems to think that she’s a bad person because of you.” Ga Eul spoke with a frown.

“You seem like a nice person Ji Hoo and out of all of you in the past and now I believe you are the most kind and level headed of your friends.”

“But I don’t like when people hurt my friends. And Ariel is like my sister.”
“I understand.” Ji Hoo spoke to her standing up and heading towards Ariel.

“Good.” Ga Eul thought with a soft smile.


            Making his way toward Ariel, Ji Hoo was unsure of how to begin. All day he’d watched her sulk and after hearing Ga Eul’s words he’d only confirmed that this girl was too nice for her own good. At first he’d wanted to avoid speaking to her mainly to avoid the awkwardness but as the day progressed he’d only found himself feeling guiltier by the second.

            She wasn’t acknowledging him at all. Instead, she seemed to busy herself by drawing circles in the sand and allowing the water to wash it away.

“I’m sorry.” Ji Hoo finally spoke up to her.

“I was upset that day.”
“I still am”  He added bitterly.

“But not with you. And I still took my frustration out on you.”
“I’m sorry.”

            The apology lingered between them for a long time, behind them sounds of laughter, and music faded softly.

“Me too.” She whispered.

“I just. I didn’t want you to feel sad.”
“I don’t like it when people are sad.” Ariel spoke tears in her eyes.

“I’m not very good at making friends but. I wanted us to be friends.”
With a harsh sniff Ariel wiped at her tears with the back of her hand reminding Ji Hoo of a child.

“I just wanted you to forget for a while but my mother says that sometimes you need to know pain before the better comes along. And Sempai.” Ariel began a look of determination on her face.
“You’ll find it again. You’ll find someone even better and that girl now will be forgotten in your heart. I just know it.” Ariel spoke to him.

            He was unsure of what to say to her. Mainly because he didn’t want to tell her that he believed Seo Hyun who had made such a large imprint in his heart could never be forgotten. Not wanting to say anything hurtful he said nothing but she still offered a pout to him.

“It will. My mother says you and your friends are all destined for true love.” Ariel continued.

“Mine is in New York. He’s waiting for me.” She spoke to him a look of adoration in her eyes. It was innocent, reminding Ji Hoo of what a crush was like. Pushing your ideals on someone else and yet, there was so much more in her eyes that Ji Hoo found himself smiling at her innocence. Suddenly however Ariel began to cry again and Ji Hoo panicked wondering if he’d offended her.
“I’ve been so upset today I missed opportunities for great pictures. This is my first trip since coming to Korea and I haven’t even taken one shot.” She cried. Taken back by her words Ji Hoo found himself stunned and then for the first time since news of Seo Hyun’s wedding, he laughed genuinely. Ariel stopped crying and pretty soon they were both laughing.

            It felt liberating to laugh again and Ji Hoo felt like the pain lessened just a bit but not enough to stop the pain. However, he realized that maybe one day it wouldn’t hurt so bad.

“Don’t worry about that. There’s still tomorrow.” He said to her with a soft smile.


            Looking at her surrounding Ga Eul sighed watching the night clash with the water. Sitting herself in the sand she allowed her toes to dig themselves into the soft sand. It was like a fresh blanket that covered her feet. With a smile Ga Eul found herself laughing to herself.

“Shouldn’t you be with everyone else Ga Eul-yang?”
“Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke with a soft smile to her lips.

“I’ve been searching for you Sunbae.”
“Miss me?” Yi Jeong joked only causing Ga Eul to smile at him while he chuckled.

            Remembering the beginning of this entire spectacle Ga Eul would have cringed at Yi Jeong’s flirting. But this, this wasn’t flirting but playful banter with a friend. Back then Yi Jeong wasn’t smiling as naturally as he was now. His entire posture had been of someone who was aiming to please everyone but himself. Now, he was relaxed around her and was being himself. Coming to sit next to her they watched the waves together quietly. Though the music was behind them it seemed to have gone silent along with the rest of their friends who seemed to be enjoying themselves together.

“You asked me before if I’d brought anyone here.” Yi Jeong spoke to her.

“Sunbae I.”

“It’s alright Ga Eul-yang. I’ve given it a lot of thought. And my nature hasn’t really brought me anything good.”
“Everyone seems to have a certain view of me but it’s alright.”


“Is it?” Ga Eul asked Yi Jeong.

There was a look in her eyes that was so calm, so welcoming. Maybe it was the night that was accompanying them. In fact, telling himself this later on would justify the act for the means.

“I mean. You call it your nature Sunbae.”
“It’s like you expect people to believe that. Maybe you believe it yourself but I don’t think it’s your nature but. Your defense.” Ga Eul whispered, her words sending a pang of panic to his heart and yet; something was telling him not to run.

“Ga Eul-yang. Is it possible to fix something that’s not only useless but practically dust.”
A smile appeared on Ga Eul’s features softening her laugh while she gazed down at the sand where her feet were buried.

            For the longest of times silence lingered between them. It was comfortable and the smile on Ga Eul’s lips, and the way she was gazing out into the night told Yi Jeong that she was still thinking about what to say.

“Nothing is ever useless Sunbae. People have a purpose in life. No matter how small or how big. It all makes an impact in the world.”
“I don’t think your useless Sunbae. Your talented, kind, a little bit or a jerk.” Ga Eul spoke earning a genuine chuckle from Yi Jeong who offered her a smile their eyes meeting when Ga Eul reached to grab his hand.

“You’re a potter Sunbae. You create things out of nothing with your hands. When you first start it the clay is nothing but dust and you mold it with your hands. You should never feel useless over your own life. Not when you can mold it from the bottom up.”

            There was a feeling of being able to breathe again. The prickles in his hands spread and his heart began to thump wildly. Yi Jeong could feel Ga Eul’s hands begin to slip away but he simply held on to it. The air seemed to grow warm and there was a glow around the atmosphere.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong began reaching to caress her cheek with his right hand while the other held on to Ga Eul’s hand.

“Do you want to see magic again?” Yi Jeong asked her.

“Magic?” Ga Eul questioned her voice only above a whisper while Yi Jeong pulled her closer.


            The sound of a loud whistle like sound was heard in the air before several colored sparks lit the air. Gazing up in wonder at the fireworks Ga Eul smiled; genuinely while Yi Jeong returned it, pressing his forehead against her own his nose gently brushing hers. The last Yi Jeong saw was Ga Eul close her eyes, right before he closed his own and pressed a soft gentle kiss to her lips. Around them fireworks continued to sound along with cheers, and laughter of their friends all drowned away by racing hearts and a gentle kiss.



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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon