Chapter 15: Crossroads

Vulnerable Heart

As Promised guys here is the next chapter. Also I have a few important things to discuss with you guys once this chapter is done so please stay tuned. =)



There was insistent knocking on YI Jeong’s door which caused his head to pound harder than it had been. Groaning he covered his head with a pillow and shut his eyes tightly hoping that his headache would magically disappear. Yi Jeong vaguely remembers stumbling upstairs to his own bed. What he does remember clearly however was his fight with… well, everyone.


Yi Jeong tried to ignored the feelings of guilt that continued to try and push their way inside him. He wanted to forget Ga Eul’s eyes which were so sad and there was a look which he knew meant she’d given up on him which he did not know how to take. It was over, and yet; Yi Jong wanted it never to end.

“It was for the best.” He reminded himself once again.


The pounding on the door had not subsides and Yi Jeong had finally had enough he spoke hoping the staff would go away.

“Get lost!”
When the knocking abruptly stopped YI Jeong sighed glad that he could rest.

“I’m not going anywhere So Yi Jeong you open this door.”
Confused Yi Jeong frowned and sluggishly he got off his bed and headed to open the door.

“Auntie” Yi Jeong spoke in surprise.

“Sorry I.”
“Your father’s out.” She spoke to him calmly.

“Come downstairs once you’ve showered and have breakfast.”
“I’m not really hungry.”
“I’ll be waiting downstairs you have thirty minutes. Dress casually. You and I will be going on a trip afterwards.”

Yi Jeong wanted to protest but when he opened his mouth to speak his aunt glared at him shutting him up.

“Make it fifteen.” She spoke to him narrowing her eyes at him and Yi Jeong had no other choice but to nod in acceptance. With a pounding head and feeling the sleepless nights he had gone through Yi Jeong sluggishly got ready. By the time he was downstairs his aunt was already putting food on the table.

“Take this.” His aunt spoke handing him medicine for a hangover.

“Eat. This hangover soup will help you settle your stomach.” She continued.

“Ariel informed me of what happened.” She spoke, causing YI Jeong to cringe.

“She didn’t say anything to compromise you. Not that she needed to.”


Once again YI Jeong winced. He was aware of what Ariel’s mother claimed to do. Then again, as he remembered part of what he was sure was the past. Him living with the Lee family, his aunt and uncle, Yi Jeong had to swallow the anger that rose in his chest.

“I know things have been hard lately. I can’t say that I’m not angry.”
“It’s not your business.”

“I can take care of myself. I always have.”

For a moment Annabelle did not say anything and Yi Jeong simply continued to eat quietly there was something building in his chest which he was trying to ignore and simply focused on the task at hand which was eating in order to forget.

“Really?” Annabelle questioned.

“You sure know how to make an argument.” She continued.

“Where’s your father?”
“Alright. I’ll let you finish having breakfast. But I’ll be waiting in the car.”
“We’re going on a trip.”




Her mind had not shut itself off for a minute. Sleep had once again left her and once again Ga Eul found herself crying once more. When Jae Ha had dragged her away from Yi Jeong part of her was glad because she did not have the strength to do so herself. She had not wanted to give up on him but there was nothing she could do.


All time had truly proved to Ga Eul is that she was not enough to pull Yi Jeong from that ledge. She had gone out early that morning long before her parents had woken up and she found herself walking on the street aimlessly. Yi Jeong’s fight with his brother had hurt Ga Eul. Not because of what she learned. She could never judge YI Jeong for the things he had done in the past.


Even when he had not said it the past night to Il Hyun Ga Eul knew, Yi Jeong regretted it. There was so much that he was holding on to by himself and Ga Eul could only be useless to help him. He needed so much more and even when she was willing to give him all that she could it somehow felt like it was not enough. Her phone buzzed and there was an unknown number which flashed on her screen and a text message which accompanied it.


-Ga Eul. I’ve been informed about what happened last night. I have two addresses for you. One is Eun Jae’s address. Do with it what you may. The other is Il Hyun’s coffee shop’s address. I don’t know if I’m putting too much hope on you who is still a child. But I hope that you can somehow make things better for these two brothers. I will talk to Il Hyun myself later on but I feel he needs to hear from someone who loves Yi Jeong.

Jae Hee-

Unsure of what she should do Ga Eul held on to her phone tightly. Standing in front of the crosswalk while cars and people passed by her.

“What should I do?” She wondered quietly. Her heart was being squeezed in many ways that Ga Eul was unsure as to what she was feeling in that exact moment. Biting her bottom lip Ga Eul made her decision.


Her heart felt so full of emotions that had not been released and there was so much to say and part of her now understood Yi Jeong enough to know that this had been earing away at him for a very long time. His parents, his mother being committed multiple times, his father a shameless womanizer, and now this with his brother.


Standing in front of that door Ga Eul was unsure of what to do but taking a deep breath she knocked on the door. Ga Eul’s heart pounded.

“Well isn’t this a surprise.” Eun Jae spoke looking at Ga Eul condescendingly. Ga Eul was unsure of what it was she was here but she felt that she needed to say something.


Eun Jae on the other hand simply raised and eyebrow and folded her hands looking at Ga Eul coldly.

“Are you here to say something. To ask me something?” Eun Jae continued before she smiled mockingly at Ga Eul.

“If you’re here wondering it what happened between Yi Jeong and I is real then-”

“I know it is.” Ga Eul spoke cutting Eun Jae off her voice just above a whisper which caused Eun Jae to laugh.

“Awe. Don’t tell me you’re here to cry me a river.”
“Then why are you here?” Eun Jae questioned.

“Why what?”
“How could you do this. Don’t you have any conscience?”
“You manipulated Yi Jeong in order to get what you want.” Ga Eul spoke causing Eun Jae to glare.

“Me. Manipulate Yi Jeong?”

“Ha” Eun Jae scoffed.

“Yi Jeong is a lot of things but he’s not naïve and I certainly did not force him into anything.”
“What I did do is make things clear to him. Between him and you there is nothing good that will ever come of it.”
“What can you offer Yi Jeong that I can’t?” Eun Jae questioned.


“It was you wasn’t it?” Ga Eul spoke in realization.

“You were there that morning when Yi Jeong woke up in the hospital. And when he started screaming.”

“So what if I did. Yi Jeong is better of without you. He’s better off with.”
Ga Eul raised her hand and slapped Eun Jae before she could continue speaking.

“I’m not here to fight you over Yi Jeong. If this were any other situation I would tell you to keep him. But we both know you don’t love Yi Jeong.”
“Someone that loves another person doesn’t hurt them the way you did to Yi Jeong.”
“You’ve taken away the only person Yi Jeong has truly ever cared about. You used Yi Jeong.”
“You’re not that important Chu Ga Eul.’
“I wasn’t talking about myself. Maybe your right and Yi Jeong does not care about me. As much as that hurts I can let him go if he does not love me. Even if I’ll always love him.”
“I’m talking about Il Hyun his brother.”
“Yi Jeong has always felt alone as if he’s had no one even when he has his friends all he truly cares about is his family and everyone has always seemed to let him down one way or another. But not his brother. Yi Jeong cares to much about him and you’ve made him hurt the person whom Yi Jeong cares about most.”
“Please if he cared about Il Hyun he would never have said a word”

“And was it not you who sent Yi Jeong over the edge!” Ga Eul shouted in anger tears running down her eyes.


“You made Yi Jeong feel like he had to lie to everyone including himself!”
“I’m not his parents. Yi Jeong had issues long before I“
“Maybe.” Ga Eul spoke cutting her off.

“But people like you could never understand matters of the heart. Not when all you care about is yourself.”
“Don’t you realize that you’ve only caused Yi Jeong pain.”
“Please. Stay away from him.”
“Empty people such as yourself have nothing to offer the ones who need love and kindness.”

“Leave Yi Jeong and his family alone.” Ga Eul spoke trying to walk away only to have Eun Jae grab her by the arm harshly.

“And you can give him that.”
“Let go of her Eun Jae.”
Turning to look at the person Ga Eul was surprised to see Il Hyun who walked towards her and pulled her away from Eun Jae’s grasp.

“She’s right. Leave my family alone. I don’t care what you do with yourself from now on but stay away from my brother.”

With nothing more to say Il Hyun pulled Ga Eul away. He seemed to drag her on for what felt like ages until they came up to an empty road and he finally let go of her.

“I’m sorry.” Il Hyun spoke.

“For Eun Jae and for Yi Jeong.”

“Dam it.” Il Hyun cursed running his hands through his hair angrily.

“What were you doing there?” He questioned in anger.

“Why does everyone feel like they have to clean up Yi Jeong’s messes.”
“All his life I’ve taken care of him and looked out for him just so he can do something like this to me.”
“You’re better off without him.” Il Hyun said to her.

“You sound just like him.” Ga Eul whispered quietly.

“Yi Jeong was raised by you wasn’t he?”
“He cares for you a lot. You should talk to him Talk things out. He’s your.”
“He is not my brother!”
“Not after all he’s done.”
“How can you protect him when he’s hurt you too?”
“You should be just as angry as I am if not more. Yi Jeong cheated on you with Eun Jae.”
“He didn’t”


There was silence once more for what felt like hours and the Il Hyun spoke looking at Ga Eul quietly.

“Did he tell you that himself?”
“He’s a good liar.”
“Please don’t do that.” Ga Eul spoke.

“Do what?”
“See him the way everyone else does. See him in the way he wants others to see him just so they don’t hurt him.”

“Yi Jeong didn’t tell me he cheated on me or not. He and I we weren’t together. I’d like to think I understand Yi Jeong enough to believe in him.”
“You shouldn’t. I believed in him and he did this.”
“Not intentionally. You should know how much Yi Jeong cares for you. You’re his family. You’re his mom, his dad, and his big brother.”
“This is a burden Yi Jeong has carried for years. Ji Hoo Sunbae said it himself back then. It wasn’t their place to tell you but. F4 they are all good people and if Yi Jeong was doing something wrong. Still… they would have spoken up. Even if they are his friends.”
“How can you believe in him so much.”
“Because I love him.”
“And I know you still love him too,”
“Otherwise. You wouldn’t have apologized for him. And you would not have called him your brother and defended him from Eun Jae who has also hurt him.”


“I don’t care about him anymore.”
“I just want to keep living my life. Without him in it. You can tell him that. He should know that I never want to see him again. Whatever care I had for him it’s all gone. He’s made sure to push me away enough for him to be alone.” Il Hyun spoke to Ga Eul.

“Then maybe you don’t understand Yi Jeong at all.” Ga Eul spoke. Hearing her phone ring with a new text message Ga Eul sighed when she realized it was an angry text from her father who demanded she come home right away.

“Good bye and thank you for helping me out back there.” Ga Eul spoke bowing politely to Il Hyun.

“Please. Forgive Yi Jeong. Although the way he handled things was wrong you should be grateful to him.”
“Had he not spoken the truth you would still be engaged to that woman and you’d be unhappy for the rest of your life.”
“Then should I thank him for the misery I feel right now?” Il Hyun spoke coldly.

“Yes. Because when you find the person that is meant to love you this will feel like nothing.”
“I can’t forget his betrayal.”
“I’m not asking you too. You’re aloud to be angry. Just make sure it won’t be forever because Yi Jeong won’t be the only one that will regret and always feel lonely.”




Jae Ha and Ariel found themselves once again outside sitting on the grass and simply enjoying the view. Ga Eul had been out all day and simply left the two of them after school.

“Things have been hectic lately.” Ariel muttered to herself while she rested her head on her school bag.

“I blame your new friends.” Jae Ha said to Ariel who frowned and sat up.

“Why are you talking about this again?”
“Aren’t you too involved with Ga Eul and Yi Jeong’s business?” Jae Ha retorted back.
“Or is it because of your Ji Hoo Sempai?” Jae Ha questioned.

“Why are you bringing him up?” Ariel questioned.

“Is it not this that keeps you going to them?” Jae Ha questioned. For a moment Ariel was quiet and then she laughed wholeheartedly.

“Come on Ariel.”
“You come on don’t be ridiculous. Ji Hoo sempai and I are just friends.”

“I think I would know the difference you don’t treat him the same way you do me and you certainly don’t look at him the same way you look at me.”
“I’ve just known you longer that’s all.”

“I don’t mean that. I just mean that your eyes seem to sparkle whenever you see him.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is.” Jae Ha said to her with a smile.

“He’s not so bad. Not like Yi Jeong but he’s trouble”
“Ji Hoo sempai isn’t like that he’s my friend.”
“I know. I also know that he’s hung up on someone else. And that’s just asking for trouble.”
“Jae Ha.”
“I really don’t like him. Believe me.”
“Fine then. But just try not to get hurt.”
“Oppa!” Ariel complained causing Jae Ha to laugh.

“Fine. Come on help me practice for the school’s play.” Jae Ha said to her.


Standing up from the grass Jae Ha helped Ariel up and the two began to walk, Jae Ha handed the script to Ariel who scrunched her face upon reading the title.

“Again? I’ve practically learned the script myself already”
“Why are you auditioning?”
“Because.” Jae Ha spoke throwing an arm around Ariel casually.

“There will be agents there and as you know I want to become an actor.”
“Why are you asking me to rehearse with you again?” Ariel questioned.

“Who can I rehearse with at the moment without having a girl fall for me.” Jae Ha teased winking and causing Ariel to pull a face of disgust and push him away.

“Aren’t you too full of yourself?”
“Just help me.” Jae Ha spoke.


For a moment Ariel looked at Jae Ha as if deciding or not and then she sighed and Jae Ha smiled knowingly.

“Page 50. Your Oh Ha Ni, I’m Baek Seung Jo.” Jae Ha explained whole Ariel nodded and flipped through script pages.

“Alright. I’m ready.” Ariel spoke both of them standing in front of Ariel’s house. For a few seconds Ariel closed her eyes frowning in consentration before nodding and dropping the script on to the grass carelessly. Jae Ha followed both of them having already memorized the scipt.


Jae Ha waited for Ariel to open her eyes and nod in order for him to continue. (Playful kiss is in no way owned by me nor am I taking credit for it’s characters. This ‘script’ is based on a drama which in turn is based on a manga with the same name or known as ‘Itazura na kiss’)
“An irritating fool.” Jae Ha spoke coldly.

“Baek Seung Jo!”

“That’s right.” Ariel spoke looking down at the groud with a frown.

“I’m a little afraid of you now.”

“A little?” Jae Ha asked.

“A lot.” Ariel spoke with a pout, causing Jae Ha to smile and chuckle silently to himself.

“You should not boast with your talent. Because you have not achieved that with your own hard work. Aren’t you just a genius? Must you look down on me like this?” Ariel spoke angrily.

“I am not looking down on you.” Jae Ha spoke calmly.

“You are looking down on yourself. That is the thinking of a person with low self-esteem.” He mocked.

“You are so bad.” Ariel pouted.

“A man with no feelings.”
“Bad guys, cold blooded. You are really irritating!” Ariel shouted angrily causing Jae Ha to chuckle cooly.

“Since I am so bad and cold blooded… why so you still like me?” He questioned.

“What?” Ariel questioned surprised.

“Didn’t you say you like me? You said you feel happy… Even your books are full of scribbles of my name.” Jae ha continued causing Ariel to bite her lip in embarssment while she avoided looking at him.

“How are you going to study well like this?”

“Is that so? Then you don’t regret” Ariel argued back glaring at Jae Ha.

“I have something to say too” She spoke with a smile.

“Are you mentally prepared?” She questioned looking up at the sky raising her hands up to scream into the daylight.

“Jae Ha use to wet the bed!” She shouted before laughing wholeheartedly.

“Yah!” Jae Ha snapped covering .

“You deviated from the script.” He whispered looking around and hoping no one had heard.


“What’s the fun in following a script?” Ariel questioned softly,

“Are you really a genius?” She questioned smiling widely and following the scrip back again.

“Come here.” Jae Ha spoke grabbing Ariel by the arm and pulling her toward her front porch.

“It hurts! Let go of my hand!” Ariel complained following the script. When Jae Ha let go he simply backed Ariel up against the door by raising a hand up against it too keep her from leaving.

“What are you doing?” Ariel questioned.

“What?” She asked again avoiding his eyes.

“What are you trying to do?” She asked timidly.


Internally, Jae Ha wanted to laugh. He had to admit Ariel was a good actress but he really could not see his friend as a girl. She was fun and essentric, these were things he liked about her but it was simply friendship. From the corner of his eye Jae Ha noticed someone on a white motorcycle from across the street and he smirked inwardly. Ariel was too enthralled in the script to notice the third part. Masking his features and returning to the script Jae Ha continued.

“Who asked you to make that statement public?” He questioned.

“Don’t ever think I will be intimidated by your threat.” Ariel snapped before her eyes dimmed to expressing sadness and heartbreak.

“Because of my feelings for you…you said it as a joke in front of so many people. I only wanted a revenge… I will not do it again… I will not like you anymore.”
“Do you think you will be able to do that?” Jae Ha questioned moving closer to Ariel who looked away frowning before looking back up at him in determination.

“I can do that!”

“I finally know your true self. Once I graduate my one sided love for you will end too. Nothing like this will happen in the future.”

“Did you say that you will forget me?” Jae Ha questioned.

“Yes.” Ariel spoke in determination.

“I will forget you. After I get into college. I also want to-”

“Then try forgetting me.” Jae Ha spoke cutting Ariel off as was in the script. However, as he did so he turned to look at Ji Hoo and smirked and then shifted his body in a way that Ji Hoo could not see him press a hand to Ariel’s mouth in order for her not to speak. It was then that he moved down and pressed a kiss to Ariel’s lips, his hand blocking the actual kiss.


Eyes widening Ariel tried to push him away but it was only after Jae Ha heard the roar of an engine take off that he let go of Ariel laughing while she hit him.

“You jerk!”
“That’s not funny! I thought you were really going to kiss me!” Ariel spoke in disgust while Jae Ha broke into fits of uncontrolled laughter grabbing on to his stomach and almost falling to his knees, tears falling down his eyes.

“I’m done!” Ariel snapped.

“Wait! Wait. I’m sorry” Jae Ha spoke stopping Ariel from headind inside her house.

“I just thought I’d get you back for going off script. Which I technically didn’t do.” Jae Ha spoke to Ariel who continued to glare.

“Come on. Don’t be mad.” Jae Ha spoke throiwing an arm around Ariel once again and pulling her back out, closing the door behind her.

“Let’s go buy some ice cream. My treat?”
“Fine. But I get to pick two scoops and extra sprinkles.”
“Deal.” Jae Ha spoke with a smiele which Ariel returned.


As they headed out on to the street Jae Ha wondered what would happen next now that he had stirred things up a little. The look on Ji Hoo’s face caused him to smirk.

“Can you handle it Yoon Ji Hoo?”



Yi Jeong was quiet while sitting in the car beside his Aunt. There was music playing softly which did nothing to ease the tension that was in the car. It was weird. Yi Jeong somehow felt like he was being reprimanded for his behavior. They’d been in the car for hours and he was getting a little fed up but could not say anything. Instead he shifted uncnomfortably for what felt like the hundredth time.

“We’ll be there shortly.” Annabelle spoke calmly.

“Were are we going?” Yi Jeong questioned trying not to sound irritated.

“You’ll see when we get there.” Annabelle spoke calmly. It was due to this that Yi Jeong eventually gave up and drifted off to sleep. By the time he had woken up it took him a few seconds to realize that the car had stopped moving. Frowning Yi Jeong was about to stand up but when he looked up he froze. It was a hospital. Turning to look at his aunt she was calmlylooking ahead.

“What are we doing here?” Yi Jeong.

“You’ve missed all of your appointments for therapy.”
“What are we doing here!” Yi Jeong asked raisng his voice angrily trying to get out of the car only for Annabelle to lock the doors in order for Yi Jeong not to leave.

“Let me out!”
“I’m not going!” He shouted trying to pry open the door tears falling from his eyes while Annabelle calmly watched tears falling down her own eyes more so when Yi Jeong raised his hand to break the car window only to hesitate.


“Enough!” Annabelle snapped.

“Why do you care? This is not your business.”
“How is this not my business. Watching you throw away your life, drinking yourself to nothing, hurting the people that love you. Hurting yourself!”
“If fixing that hand can fix everything else then I am going to help you get your hand back!”
For a moment. Yi Jeong remained quiet, the tension around them slowly evaporated and Yi Jeong sniffled like a small child trying to get himself together.

“It won’t be the same.”
“You don’t know that.” His Aunt explained softly.

“It’s alright to be angry. It’s alright to want to scream and feel like nothing will ever be the same but it’s not okay to wallow in your own pity and make everyone miserable around you.”
“Why does that matter to you? You don’t know me. We only met a few weeks ago.”
“You should know. Il Hyun must have told you that you and he were going to be raised by your uncle and I.”
“But you allowed her to take us.”
“She is your mother.”
“And you knew what she was! What they both are! And you allowed them to take us!” Yi Jeong shouted angrily. Finally saying part of what he had been holding on to for a while now.


“Yi Jeong sweetie.” Annabelle spoke gently reaching to grab his hand gently, her eyes filled with tears as she spoke.

“There was nothing I could do. Your uncle and I were already expecting Ariel.”
“I get it. She’s your daughter and a priority.”
“It’s not like that Yi Jeong. Your mother made it impossible for us to get custody. Your father made sure that your uncle was out of work. He was unable to get a job in Korea because they made sure he was never hired.”
“I thought.”
“That promotion was a lie. We had no choice but to move. I raised you for a few months and I cared for you and Il Hyun like my own.” Annabelle cried.

“You have no idea how much pain I was in when they took both of you. The only reason I got better was because I had Ariel. But that did not mean I forgot about the two of you.”
“I wonder about how things would have been.”
“Couldn’t you stop it? What happened to knowing things?”
“It doesn’t work that way I don’t always…”
“How different would things be today?” Yi Jeong pressed on.

Sighing Annabelle closed her eyes. Fighting back tears that still feel from her eyes.

“You would have grown up along side Ariel. You would have not met your friends and Ariel would never have met… it doesn’t matter. Things were meant to happen this way.”
“Tell me.” Yi Jeong spoke angrily.

“We always lived right beside Ga Eul’s parents home. When we came back years later it just so happens that the house was for sale and your uncle and I we bought it once again. If your parents had not pushed us out of Korea, then you and Ga Eul would have met much earlier.”


Yi Jeong was unsure of what to say and there were far too many thoughts running through his head. What more could he say?

“Yi Jeong.” Annabelle called out to him.

“You need to go to take the therapy. Not just for yor hand but you need to talk to someone. Do you understand me?”

“It’s for the best.” Annabelle spoke trying to offer Yi Jeong reassurance.




When Ga Eul arrived home that afternoon her mother was not there. She was still off visiting a friend and Ga Eul found herself alone in her home with her father. Without a word Ga Eul simply walked to the living room cautiously knowing her father was upset.

“Where have you been?” He asked calmly.

“I needed to take care of some things.” Ga Eul answered softly, avoiding looking up at her father.

“And what would you have to do other than go to school?” Her father questioned.

“You are at the best school in all of Korea. You have always made me feel proud of you but now you disappoint me.”
“Father.” Ga Eul spoke, her chest tightening at her fathers’ words.

“You’ve always listened to us. You’ve never been a stubborn child and when you were accepted into Shinwa I could not have been more proud.”
“I’ve thought of you as a very smart child. You’ve never misbehaved and even though you sometimes cause mischief with Ariel and Jae Ha it is nothing but child’s play. But making a stink bomb and skipping school for a boy are two very different things.”

“Father I.”

“I understand that being in love makes people do extreme things I was young once. What I did not do is thro everthing I had going for me away!”
“I have never forbidden anything to you Ga Eul. We have given you everything or have at least tried our best to make sure that you were happy here.”
“But I refuse to see my daughter hurting for a man who does not love her.”
“Father.” Ga Eul spoke but when her father looked up at her with silent rage Ga Eul grew quiet once more, bitting her lip nervously.

“You are not to see him again Ga Eul.”
“His problems are not yours. It is not your job to rectify his life nor is it your job to worry or care for him.”
“I understand that boy has been through many things and while part of me understands his behavior I refuse to give my daughter to a man who makes her cry.”
“You hardly eat, you’ve spent little time with other friends, that smile which would light your face is now gone. You spend days crying silently on y our own. That man has caused my little girl pain and I refuse to allow him to keep hurting you child.”


Hearing her father’s words Ga Eul could only cry. Her heartache was overwhelming her and she had not realized just how much she had been hurting her parents with her actions.

“I’m sorry father.” Ga Eul cried softly.

“Look at me child.” Her father spoke sternly, though his voice was calm.

“We do not hurt because you are hurting us. We hurt because you are in pain. You should not keep feelings to yourself.”
“I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Appa. What can I do?” Ga Eul cried sobbing into her father’s arms who hugged her gently, trying to calm her.

“There is nothing you can do now. You have done what you could. But you must worry about yourself now. If he loves you, he will search for you. If he does not come, then he does not deserve you child. Do you understand Ga Eul?” He asked her, though Ga Eul did not reply and simply allowed herself to cry for the very last time over So Yi Jeong. Promising herself that this was really the last time. For her parents sake. She was really done.


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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon