Chapter 13: Long Night

Vulnerable Heart


There’s a feeling. Deep inside her chest that just won’t go away. This place is dark but Ga Eul isn’t afraid.


The sound of a cat is heard and Ga Eul looks ahead. Her Garfield like cat is standing in the middle of the empty hallway. Ga Eul remembers the way he would curl his tail up and swing once or twice. His eyes would lower and then he would hiss and pounce.


The sound of a small bell rang as her cat walked.

“Cinnamon.” Ga Eul spoke squatting down to allow the cat to walk toward her and into her arms. Ga Eul watched as her cat hissed and glared as if it annoyed him that Ga Eul was calling him. Even so he slowly climbed his way into Ga Eul’s arms and immediately began to purr.

“I missed you too Cinnamon” Ga Eul laughed.

“Having fun?”


Looking up Ga Eul found Yi Jeong standing in front of her. Standing up with her cat still in her arms she offered a smile to him.

“A little.” Ga Eul admitted. Smiling at her, Yi Jeong reached to pet the cat in Ga Eul’s arms.

“Are you okay Sunbae?”
Her question was met with a smile and Yi Jeong shook his head.

“Will you tell me what’s wrong?” She questioned.

Once again her question was met by silence. Instead, Yi Jeong reached to caress Ga Eul’s cheek. Closing her eyes Ga Eul leaned into the touch welcoming Yi Jeong’s warmth. But just like that, when she opened her eyes he was gone.


Looking down at the cat in her arms she sighed.

“Why is he like this even in my dreams?” She questioned.

“Dreams are portals to our own thoughts and truths Ga Eul.”
Standing in front of Ga Eul was Ariel her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore a short strapless pink dress that just reached above her knees. To Ga Eul Ariel now looked like a ballerina with her flats and the way she was standing as if ready to leap at any second.

“Maybe.” Ga Eul replied.

“Honestly.” Jae Ha spoke dressed as a nutcracker.

“Definitely.” Ga Eul corrected herself and causing her friends to smile at her.


“Come on then. You’re late again. Punctuality doesn’t seem to be your forte in dreams” Ariel spoke taking Ga Eul by the hand. Cinnamon jumping out of Ga Eul’s arms in the process.

“Don’t tell me I’ll be split in half again?” Ga Eul spoke thinking of her half dress.

“No. He needs the entire you this time.” Jae Ha spoke following them.

“Besides. We’ve already changed your clothes silly.” Ariel spoke.


Looking down at herself Ga Eul was shocked to find that she indeed had changed. She was in a sky blue sparkly dress that fell a little below her knees cascading in small little uneven ripples. around her. Her hair had been curled and filled with small sparkles.

“Jae Ha”
“Wait!” Ga Eul spoke while being dragged to a familiar hallway. She could already hear music playing louder as they got closer.

“You’ll be fine.” Jae Ha spoke when the door opened.


There were many people around all looking at her and then Jae Ha extended his arm to Ga Eul who took it and held on to Jae Ha nervously.

“Have fun.” Ariel whispered just as a masked man came to get her and Ariel smiled brightly.

“New York!” Ariel mouthed with excitement to Ga Eul as she was led away. From far away Ga Eul could also see Ji Hoo there was a sad expression in his eyes which made Ga Eul feel bad for him.

“Come on. I have to take you to your date.” Jae Ha spoke leading Ga Eul into the dancehall people parting left and right until she stopped in the middle.


Music continued to play but no one was dancing. Only staring at Ga Eul who felt more than a little overexposed at the moment. Smiling awkwardly, she felt added pressure when Jae Ha walked away and into the crowd of people. Her heart was raising so fast Ga Eul thought it would jump out of her chest.

“May I have this dance Ga Eul-yang?”


Ga Eul could immediately feel butterflies in her stomach, a blush to her cheeks and she had to suppress a smile which she felt come on upon hearing Yi Jeong’s voice.


Offering Ga Eul a charming smile which melted Ga Eul in place Yi Jeong took her hand. His hair was perfectly styled while he wore a white suit. Shyly Ga Eul took Yi Jeong’s offered hand. With a smile Yi Jeong brought Ga Eul’s hand to his lips giving it a soft kiss.

It was hard to breathe for Ga Eul and when she finally did breathe she released a nervous breath.


Feeling Yi Jeong pulling her closer Ga Eul felt her breath hitch. Everyone around appeared to fade away as if there was no one else in the room but she and Yi Jeong.

“Having fun Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong asked with a smile which caused Ga Eul to laugh.

“Yes.” She answered.

“Good.” Yi Jeong spoke pulling Ga Eul closer to him so their bodies were practically pressed against the other. Ga Eul could feel herself give in when Yi Jeong reached to caress her cheek. Closing her eyes, she awaited his kiss.



The sound of the bell caused Ga Eul to sit up from her seat startled. Blushing she realized she’d fallen asleep for the last period of her class. Looking around she was glad no one seemed to notice and quickly gathered her things and headed outside of the classroom. Heading to her locker where she had agreed to meet with both Jae Kyung and Jan Di.

“Hi.” Ga Eul spoke to both Jan Di and Jae Kyung.

“Hey.” They both answered with a smile.

“Are you really alright with us coming to your house Ga Eul?” Jan Di questioned.

“Ariel will be there too. She’ll come a little later.” Ga Eul spoke though her mind continued to go to her dream. She could feel a blush coming on and Ga Eul tried to hide behind her hair a bit; glad that Yi Jeong had not attended school today.


It had been earlier that morning that she’d received a message which told her Yi Jeong was at home. Mainly because Il Hyun had been called to the school by Jae Hee to talk about Yi Jeong. Whatever was going on Ga Eul was just glad that Yi Jeong seemed to be getting back to himself.

“Come on. Just give our driver your address.” Jae Kyung spoke.


{Jae Hee}


Jae Hee didn’t need to speak much in fact as she sat in her office she could already see Ga Eul leave with Jae Kyung and Jan Di. There was a smile on Ga Eul’s face and a look in her eyes that any woman who had ever been in love could recognize. She thought of Yi Jeong and Il Hyun both of them had been in her childhood. Il Hyun had always been her best friend. She remembers Yi Jeong who for most of his childhood had often been a conservative child and like many little brothers Yi Jeong worshipped Il Hyun.


The door of her office opened and Il Hyun walked in offering a kind smile to Jae Hee; which she returned.

“Have a seat.” Jae Hee spoke motioning for Il Hyun to take a seat. Sitting at her desk Jae Hee reached for a porcelain coffee pot and served fresh coffee to Il Hyun causing the man to chuckle.

“What is it?”
“Nothing I just think it’s a bit ironic that your serving the man that owns a coffee shop coffee” Il Hyun spoke causing Jae Hee to laugh lightly.

“Cream? Sugar?” She asked to which Il Hyun nodded and watched as Jae Hee prepared his coffee.

“Thank you.” Il Hyun spoke to her raising his cup to his lips and taking a sip.


There was silence while Il Hyun looked at Jae Hee pensively as if deciding if he liked the coffee or not. Then he nodded quietly.

“Not bad.”
“But you should come to my shop sometime. I could teach you how to make a better cup of coffee” Il Hyun spoke with a smile which Jae Hee returned.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jae Hee answered.

“But. I think that for now we should talk about Yi Jeong it’s why I called you in”

“Have you talked to him. About pottery. About Ga Eul? Your parents?”

“A little. He says he’s alright. I mean.”
“I don’t really know what to say. I can only relate to him to a certain level. He’s changed so much over the years and. Our parents don’t exactly make things easier for us.” Il Hyun spoke.

“Have you talked to Ga Eul then. Because if there’s anyone who understands him aside from the F4 boys I think it’s her.” Jae Hee spoke causing Il Hyun to smile.

“I think so too.”
“He’s different. I had not seen him smile so genuinely in a long time. And I had not seen anyone worry or care for Yi Jeong as much as Ga Eul does.” Il Hyun spoke.

“I’m just glad that he’s found someone.”

There was a look in Jae Hee’s eyes that flickered briefly before she smiled.

“And you? Have you found that person? In Eun Jae?” Jae Hee questioned.

“Of course.” Il Hyun answered with a smile.

“She’s great. We met a few years ago. And. It feels comfortable.”
“Comfortable?” Jae Hee questioned.

“You know. I love her.”
“Comfort and love are two very different things.”

“I would know.” Jae Hee answered.


For a moment she recalled her marriage which had been arranged. At first things were fine when she had met her betrothed they both did not want this marriage. Ryan was a nice man. He was kind, and they understood each other. Shared their burdens with one another. It was comfortable to be together. But love?

“Love would come later,” They would tell themselves.


There was no way out of their marriage. Jae Hee wasn’t as fortunate as her brother Jun Pyo who was head over heels in love with Geum Jan Di. Even so Jae Hee understood her duty as the eldest daughter much like Ryan knew his as an only so. So they went forward with the marriage. While they had been friends to a certain extant neither of them knew enough about one another to truly be happy. With his work Ryan left Jae Hee alone for the most part. It was how Jae Hee found herself feeling lonelier then she had ever been.


Without her family, her friends, or people around her that cared for her Jae Hee felt so out of place. Sure there were times when Ryan was at her side. But that did not make her feel any better. It would be a few months later that she saw it in Ryan’s eyes. He’d met a nice woman she was a music teacher. When Ryan asked her for a divorce Jae Hee couldn’t refuse him. He was going against everything and everyone for the person he loved and Jae Hee was not going to be an obstacle.


“Jae Hee?” Il Hyun questioned when she had remained quiet for a long time and there was an obvious look of pain in her eyes which she immediately masked.

“Right. Just take care of yourself. And Yi Jeong.” Jae Hee spoke with a strained smile.



Class was uneventful. Most days Ariel tried to blend in with the crowd of students but for the most part she felt like she stuck out like a fly in the milk. Most of her classes were alone and she was lucky to have at least one or two classes with Jae Ha. They would meet for lunch but not always.


Jae Ha tended to be very social and everyone liked talking to him. He was Mr. Popular in school but that did not mean she got a free pass by association. Currently they were both in study period. The teacher had stepped out and everyone was now talking. Jae Ha who was sitting in front of her was busy trying to cram a few more calculus equations down since he had a test tomorrow morning.


Ariel wasn’t really good at math but she tried her best and studied as hard as she could. Her goal was to one-day travel to New York and study photography. Of course then there was him. The person whom her mother had always told her was tied to her destiny. New York guy. While she daydreamed quietly a wad of paper was suddenly and purposefully thrown in her direction hitting her head and bouncing off her and on to Jae Ha’s open book.


Bowing her head and biting her lip Ariel tried to pretend as if nothing happened though Jae Ha was the one that looked up and glared. Grabbing the ball of paper and crumbling it.

“s.” Jae Ha muttered underneath his breath.

“You alright Ariel?” He questioned.

“I’m fine.” She spoke with a bright smile motioning for him to get back to his books.


Looking down at her bag Ariel reached for her camera and smiled. She’d taken so many good pictures at Karaoke. She had enjoyed putting on a wig and pretending to be someone else. It was fun to dress up. Her favorite picture was of her and Ji Hoo. She’d asked Jae Ha to hold her camera and take a picture while she sang with him.


Having lots of memories was important to her. Ariel had never really had so many friends and her heart seemed so full when she was with F4. She was always smiling, always feeling happy and comfortable to not be judged for being her. As she scanned through her pictures she laughed softly at how awkward Ji Hoo had seemed as he sang with her. He looked so serious and uncomfortable but it made her smile anyways.


Another paper ball was thrown her way and she looked to see the usual group of kids that most often picked on her laughing. Autumn, Ha Na, Summer, Gook, Ray, and Joon

“Open it.” Autumn mouthed to her. There was an ire feeling that washed over Ariel.

“You’re dead!” The note read.

Turning to look at them she watched them laugh and when Jae Ha turned to look at her knowingly Ariel offered a weak smile and discretely stuffed the ball of paper in her satchel.


The bell rang causing Ariel to jump. Quickly she gathered her things waiting for Jae Ha and hoping that her tormentors would just leave her alone.

“I’m staying for a project today.”
“I can wait.” Ariel spoke.

“It’ll take too long you’ll get bored.”
“Alright. I’ll see you later.” Ariel whispered feeling her heart sink when Jae Ha left. She could see her tormentors; boys and girls walk out and she waited until she was sure they were out of the building.


Heading out the door of the classroom. Ariel made sure to take the back door outside of the building and then head out of school through the back. Her heart feels uneasy a she sneaks out of school looking around and hoping that no one sees her. It is only when she’s out of school and walking down the street that she can finally breathe.


When she hears her name Ariel can only speed walk. Looking both ways while she hears her last name called once again. She can see out of the corner of her eye that they’re running towards her.

“Crap.” She thinks and without hesitation she takes off into a run.


She’s afraid. Knowing exactly where this is headed. A beating. Ariel has always gotten the short end of the stick wherever she’s gone. Crossing the street and pushing past people she takes a left turn on the busy street. They’re gaining on her. She thinks of taking her phone out and calling someone feeling stupid for not staying or telling Jae Ha.

“Come back here Lee!”


Her feet are burning and she’s out of breath when she turns right turn. Not noticing she’s lost a shoe. She gasps when she sees the boys come up in front of her.

“What did you think? That we wouldn’t catch you Lee?”
Turning she can already see the girls coming and she runs straight into an alley only to fall on her knees. Struggling Ariel stands up only to find herself surrounded. One of the boys, Gook glares at her and pushes her.


When her back harshly hits the fence she winces already feeling bruises.

“What do you want?” She questions holding on to her bag tightly.

“Nothing. I just hate freaks.” He answers.

“We saw you at the Karaoke bar.” Summer speaks.

“What are you doing hanging out with the richest people in our society?” Ha Na asks her eyes angry yet her voice is calm.

“I bet you crazy witchcraft loving mother did something so that you could gain the attention of F4”

“I didn’t do anything. My mother didn’t do anything.” Ariel speaks up.

“Shut up” Autumn snapped raising her hand up as if to hit Ariel and when she flinches the rest of the group laughs.

“You’re going to stay away from them. People like you deserve nothing more than to be alone. You’re a freak Lee.”


There was a feeling deep inside Ariel, one which told her that she’d had enough of all of this. Just when she was feeling happy. Just when she was making good memories which she would treasure for the rest of her life.

“I’m not going to do that and you can’t stop me from hanging out with my friends.”
“You can beat me up all you want but I won’t let you terrorize me”

Anger flashed in the Autumn’s eyes and then she turned to one of the boys; Ray.

“Take her bag.” Autumn ordered. Without much conviction Ray simply moved forward and grabbed on to the strap of the bag. Shaking her head and afraid Ariel held tightly on to her bag pulling back.


Ariel could feel the force in which her bag was being pulled because it was draped across her right shoulder. Finally, the boy had enough and pushed Ariel hard enough for her to fall on her . With a smirk the boy pulled the satchel away from Ariel causing her to wince the strap was pulled harshly off her neck with so much force that it felt like she’d been burned by it. The bag was tossed between all of them while Ariel forced away tears and tried to catch her bag.

“Let’s see what you have inside here Lee?” Joon spoke.

“Don’t touch my things” Ariel spoke trying to take the bag away only to have a Ha Na and Ray hold her back while her bag was emptied out.


Her bag contents fell out and with it her camera was smashed with how hard it fell.

“My camera” She cried causing the people around her to laugh.

“Aww. She’s crying.” Autumn mocked walking over to Ariel who was let go by the people restraining her.

“Stay away from F4 especially Ji Hoo Oppa” The girl spoke moving closer to Ariel and causing her to fall when she backed away.

“Stay away!” Autumn shouted raising her hand up to hit Ariel.


The roar of a motorcycle was heard which caused Autumn to stop and everyone else seemed to part; startled when the motorcycle stopped in front of them.

“Sempai.” Ariel spoke in amazement when Ji Hoo got off his motorcycle. Without a word he walked toward her.

“Let’s go” He spoke to Ariel. Who nodded but reached to get her things.

“Leave it.” He spoke to her.

“I can’t leave my camera.” Ariel spoke to him taking the camera in her hands. Without another word Ji Hoo took her hand and led her away from the crowd of people only to stop a few steps away from them.

“Leave her alone. This is my one and only warning. Or I won’t be so forgiving next time” Ji Hoo warned.

“Why her she’s a freak?” Summer said while Ji Hoo handed Ariel his helmet.

“She isn’t a freak.” Ji Hoo said helping Ariel on his motorcycle and driving away with her.


No one spoke a word Ariel didn’t really have the courage to ask Ji Hoo anything but held onto him tightly feeling tears falling from her eyes. Ji Hoo had saved her. When they finally came to a stop it was at a mansion she recognized.

“Why are we here?” Ariel questioned quietly after wiping away her tears. Ji Hoo on the other hand pretended as if he had not seen her crying or felt tears on his back while driving her to his house.

“I’m suppose to go home. Ga Eul needs help picking something to wear for her date with Yi Jeong.”

“You need to get cleaned up first.” He answered her. Looking down at herself Ariel finally noticed the blood dripping from her knee and she had not noticed she’d also lost a shoe.

“Oh. It’s nothing big.” She spoke offering Ji Hoo a bright smile.

“I really should go home. I’ll get cleaned up there.”

She was about to leave when Ji Hoo caught hold of her arm.

“Stay. I came to find you because I need your help with something.”

“What is it?” Ariel questioned.

“Come inside first.” Ji Hoo answered.

“Okay.” Ariel spoke finally giving in.

Leading her inside his home Ji Hoo took her toward his living room.

“I’ll give you some clothes to change into. These clothes are dirty.”

“It’s alright.” Ariel answered quietly.

“I’ll go get the first-aid kit.” Ji Hoo spoke to Ariel.


It took longer than Ariel anticipated and she simply sat on the couch quietly. When Ji Hoo did come back there was a small first-aid kit with him and a gift bag which she recognized.

“I put some of my old clothes in there for you to change into when I’m done.” Ji Hoo said to her.

“And the pair of shoes I bought for you last time at the fair.”

“Alright.” Ariel answered quietly.


Careful Ji Hoo took Ariel’s right leg and using an antiseptic wipe and began to clean the blood that had now dried down Ariel’s leg. He wasn’t asking her questions which caught her off guard. Normally people fussed over her when this happened and Ariel hated it. She hated when people worried about her. She hated that people were also hurt because of her or that they felt guilt for her being weak. But though Ji Hoo was taking care of her by cleaning her up he really wasn’t making a big deal.


When he took some alcohol in order to clean her knee Ariel winced and Ji Hoo simply blew on it carefully.

“Thank you.” Ariel spoke to Ji Hoo quietly who did not speak and instead reached for a small Band-Aid to place on Ariel’s knee.

“Hands.” Ji Hoo spoke firmly to Ariel who did as she was told. Carefully Ji Hoo turned Ariel’s hands, cleaning her palm with a few wipes.

“I fell when I was running I didn’t even notice when my shoe was gone.” She spoke.


Quietly she winced when he applied medicine to her hands where her skin had been scrapped by the pavement on the street when she fell.

“It’s a shame.” Ariel spoke; reaching for her camera once Ji Hoo was done cleaning her hands.

“I loved this camera. It brought me good memories.” She thought to herself trying to get it to turn on. Sighing she looked down at it sadly. She had saved so much money in order to get this camera and had worked hard to take care of it.

“It’s just a camera. You can always get another.”
Surprised at hearing Ji Hoo’s voice so close to her Ariel looked up and was startled to see Ji Hoo’s face so close to hers.



He was so close to her face. Ariel was unsure what to think and her mind went completely blank.

“There’s a bruise.”

“What?” Ariel managed to say.

“On your neck. There’s a bruise.” Ji Hoo pointed out moving away from Ariel. Reaching to touch her neck Ariel winced.

“He pulled my bag too hard.” Ariel muttered to herself.

“I’ve lost all my school supplied too.” She added. Smiling to Ji Hoo she simply reached for the bag that Ji Hoo had placed beside her and stood up.

“Where’s your bathroom? I should change and get going. I don’t want to keep Ga Eul waiting.” Ariel said to Ji Hoo.

“Down the hall last door to your right.”




“Done” Ariel spoke coming back after a few minutes. Ji Hoo had given her a pair of old clothes he had lying around. He tried to find the smallest pair of clothes he owned but it still seemed to big for Ariel. The black hoodie he’s given her looked like it was swallowing her up and fell past her knees. The gray sweatpants were bunched up and looked too big for her. Ariel reminded him of a child playing dress up with her father’s clothes.


The bruises and wounds were no longer visible. Ji Hoo tried his best not to show his anger. There was a look in Ariel’s eye which he understood. The way she had smiled also told him she didn’t want to worry him. He’d been in the exact same place when his parents had passed and he hated people fussing over him. Just like they’d done when Seo Hyun had left.


“So what did you want?” Ariel asks looking up at him.

“It’s my grandfather’s birthday today and while I’ve already gotten a gift I thought you could help me with the cake and maybe stay for dinner?”
“He wants things done from scratch and I’m not that great in the kitchen.”
“Alright.” Ariel answered with a smile.

“Can I borrow your phone I can’t find mine I think it’s still on the street.” Ariel spoke bitting her lip.

“Alright.” Ji Hoo answered handing her his phone.


With a smile Ariel took the phone and dialed Ga Eul’s number.

“Sorry. Something came up.”
“Yes. I’m with Ji Hoo Sempai.” Ariel continued.

Watching Ariel JI Hoo could not help but think about his grandfather. The old man was crazy. His grandfather had ordered him to invite Ariel to dinner. He had an incline of why his grandfather had asked this of him but Ji Hoo could not understand why his grandfather was trying to play matchmaker.


He was still no over Seo Hyun and the last thing on his mind was to start dating anyone. He liked Ariel, she seemed like a nice girl but beyond friendship. Ji Hoo was sure that nothing would happen.




“She’s not coming is she?” Jan Di spoke knowingly.

The girls had been in Ga Eul’s house about and hour and there was no sign of Ariel. When Ga Eul called her cell phone it would go straight to voicemail. At first Ga Eul was worried about Ariel’s safety but it seemed as though Ariel was with Ji Hoo.

“She’s not coming. Ji Hoo Sunbae went to pick her up from school. It’s his grandfather’s birthday.” Ga Eul explained causing both Jan Di and Jae Kyung to smile.

“It think this is good.” Jae Kyung spoke.

“What do you mean?” Ga Eul questioned.

“Oh come on. Don’t tell me you don’t see it Ga Eul.” Jan Di spoke.

“See what?” She asked.

“Ariel and Ji Hoo.” Jae Kyung spoke.


Keeping quiet Ga Eul was unsure what to say. She couldn’t really pretend that she knew nothing was going on between her best friend and the white knight of F4. But her friend hadn’t confirmed anything and as far as Ga Eul knew Ariel was still head over heels for her mystery guy in New York and Ji Hoo; he was still heartbroken over Seo Hyun.

“What about Seo Hyun?” Ga Eul questioned.

“That never really took off.” Jae Kyung spoke.

“Yeah. Besides Seo Hyun and Ji Hoo were never anything more than friends and honestly speaking Seo Hyun was more like a sister or even a mother to Ji Hoo. You remember don’t you Jan Di?” Jae Kyung asked Jan Di who nodded in agreement.

“But that doesn’t really mean Ariel has a chance or that they like each other.” Ga Eul spoke.

“We know” Jae Kyung and Jan Di both answered.

“But they somehow seem perfect together. I think they mellow each other out. Like a positive and a negative. You need both.” Jan Di explained.

“When you get to know their personalities though” Jae Kyung began giggling.

“Ariel is bubbly and Ji Hoo is rather calm but they’re good together. The look good together too.”

“But enough about them.” Jan Di spoke interrupting Jae Kyung.

“Let’s finish picking what you’ll wear tonight.” Jan Di spoke causing Ga Eul to blush.


It was then that her phone dinged and she received a message from Yi Jeong.

“Is that him?” Jae Kyung teased causing Ga Eul to blush.

“Picking you up at 8”

Ga Eul’s heart fluttered uncontrollably and smiled.

“Come on let’s just get you ready.” Jan Di encouraged with a smile.


There were jitters inside her stomach while Ga Eul was getting ready. She wasn’t the type to want to fee over glamorized. Ga Eul wanted to be herself with Yi Jeong and hoped that he too would feel the same way with her. She wore a red coat, her make up was light and her silky straight hair cascaded down her back. A car pulled up in front of her house which Ga Eul immediately recognized as Yi Jeong orange lotus.

“We’ll see you tomorrow Ga Eul.” Jan Di spoke walking out of the house and heading towards another parked car where a driver was waiting for both Jae Kyung and Jan Di.

“Call us. Tell us everything.” Jae Kyung spoke with a smile. Nodding to her friends quietly she watched them leave and then turned to walk in Yi Jeong’s direction.


Her parents weren’t all that fond of Yi Jeong yet and Ga Eul knew it wasn’t without reason. Still, they both did not come out to greet Yi Jeong and it was clear to her that they both still did not approve of him.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke smiling at her as he opened the car door for her. With a smile Ga Eul simply got inside the car.

“Hello Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke quietly to Yi Jeong who offered he another smile.

“Shall we go?” Yi Jeong asked Ga Eul who nodded.


Her heart continued to race but at the same time there was a sinking feeling deep inside her that seemed to get worse. It had taken her a moment to realize that Yi Jeong had been looking straight through her not at her. This feeling inside her only deepened when she realized that he’d also used that fake smile with her one again. So many things were running through Ga Eul’s head which made her realize this had all just been her wishful thinking and nothing more than that. Yi Jeong was still not himself.

“We’re here.” Yi Jeong announced to her confirming what her heart was begging her to listen to.


They stood in front of a club and when Yi Jeong pulled her out of his car and led her inside. Ga Eul knew. This was going to be a very long night. Yi Jeong stopped talking to her immediately after leading her to a table in the back of the club. Women began to progressively pass by and Yi Jeong would smile charmingly at them and wave. Ga Eul’s insides could only twist more and more as if someone was taking a knife and twisting it inside her stomach. had dried to the point it began to ache and drinking something was not lessening that pain.


Two women in particular, both very beautiful pushed passed her in order to get to sit beside Yi Jeong who had not talked, nor looked at her through out the night. She’d become invisible and silently stood up. Making her way toward the bathroom she washed her hands somehow she felt like she was in some sort of alternate universe and she just wanted to go home. She couldn’t bare this any longer her perseverance was now cracking and before it did crumble she would go home. She needed time to think about what to do. She refused to cry because she knew that Yi Jeong was going to push her and hurt her and she did not want this side of Yi Jeong to win.



Heading out Ga Eul was about to call Jae Ha but was stopped by Yi Jeong who offered her a smile.

“You can’t leave yet Ga Eul yang.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“There’s still another place we need to be.”



Ariel was smiling and quietly chatting to Ji Hoo’s grandfather who was laughing at the many jokes Ariel was telling him. She’d helped him make dinner and a homemade caked which turned out better than Ji Hoo had expected.

“My mom is a great cook and she could be a pastry chef herself.” Ariel had said to him.


Laughter filled the room once again and Ji Hoo turned to look at his Grandfather who was smiling brightly.

“I like her.” His grandfather spoke to him while Ariel offered him a smile.

“Tell me Ariel. What do you think about my grandson?”

“I think Ji Hoo Sempai is quite… serious.”
“Serious?” His Grandfather questioned.

“What about handsome?”

“Grandpa” Ji Hoo spoke causing Ariel to giggle.

“That too.” She added.

“But I feel that Ji Hoo Sempai’s seriousness adds to him being handsome.”

Offering Ji Hoo a cheeky wink she smiled at his grandfather.

“Tell me young lady. Would you be willing to date my grandson.”
“I’m sorry Ariel. My grandfather is overstepping.” Ji Hoo spoke to her.


“It’s fine really.” Ariel answered.

“But I think when it comes to matters of the heart. You can’t really force anything. It has to come naturally. Love is complicated especially when your heart already belongs to someone else.”
“Does that also apply to you?” Ji Hoo’s grandfather asked.

“Yes.” Ariel answered with a smile.


Ariel’s words gave Ji Hoo a lot to think about. He knew what Ariel though and what her mother had said and yet, he could not believe that she was wishing for someone and loving someone whom she did not know anything about. Then again, who was he to judge when he himself was in what could only be described as a one sided dead end love. At least Ariel was sure her love would lead to a happy future. But he… he was stuck with feelings that would never be reciprocated.


He hadn’t said much as he dropped her home and when she got off his motorcycle as she stood in front of her house she smiled.

“I had a good time. So thank you.”

“For everything.” Ariel spoke and Ji Hoo knew what she meant.

“I’m sorry about my grandfather.”
“I understand.”
“He just wants to see you happy.”
“I know. I just don’t want you to be in that uncomfortable position.” He answered.

“I’m alright. Besides I was honest. You love someone else and I”
“New York.” He ended for her.

“Yes.” Ariel answered.

“So can we agree then. Just friends.” Ji Hoo spoke.

“Just friends.” Ariel answered with a smile.

“Good night sempai.” Ariel answered while Ji Hoo watched her head inside her house.

“Just friends.” He repeated to himself.




He was ruining it. Everything that he’d wished to have with Ga Eul. Everything that he wanted to say to her truly. Yi Jeong was ruining it all. He couldn’t bare to move forward and there was something stopping him physically and emotionally from wanting any more. That morning he’d had a few drinks which would numb his pain of an empty house. His friends couldn’t really understand and when it came down to it. He was the only one who could not see himself with a future. Pottery was gone. He remembered that morning. Waking up remembering what he’d asked Ga Eul in a moment of weakness. When that part of himself was struggling.


He couldn’t allow himself to wish. So he had to destroy it. Deep within himself he buried that wishful part and hardened his insides so that only a cold hard shell would remain. But he needed to forget about a future that had now been destroyed. So he started with what he knew was no longer coming back. Pottery.


Taking a hammer, he started smashing everything. Destroying anything that he had once built. Every piece that had once brought comfort was now a bitter reminder of what could have been. It was a future he no longer had. Even if on the inside a small part of him was screaming at him to stop this it was too late.


“So you’ll come?” Yi Jeong asked his father that morning when he had seen him at home. Another one of those rare occasions.


His father hadn’t said much and Yi Jeong was glad for that. He could see surprise in his father’s eyes when he’d brought Ga Eul over she’d quietly and politely bowed. Introducing herself. His father offered a charming smile the way he always did when meeting a beautiful woman. Of course, there was curiosity in his eyes as he looked at Ga Eul but he smiled anyway and told Ga Eul she was free to order what she liked.


“She’s beautiful isn’t she?” Yi Jeong asked his father who was quiet.

“Just your type is she not?” He asked again.

“Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke up while his father was silent not speaking a word but tense and unsure as to what Yi Jeong was doing.

There was a thumping inside his head which was screaming at him to stop but he continued taking Ga Eul’s hand tightly.

“If you want. I can give her to you.”
“She’ll be a gift.”

Yi Jeong suddenly felt Ga Eul rip her hand away and before he could process what was happening she’d spilled a glass of water on his head.

“Excuse me.” Ga Eul spoke calmly bowing to Yi Jeong’s s father and heading out.

His father who had remained calm finally spoke.

“Today. You crossed the line.”


There was only one person Ga Eul knew would come. No questions asked. Nothing more to say. So she did. Within minutes Jae Ha had come to get her. When he arrived there was nothing said instead he enveloped her in a hug tightly. There was a feeling deep within her which wished for her to cry but Ga Eul gulped her feelings down forcefully even when the knot in continued to tighten.

“Let’s go.” Jae Ha spoke quietly. Opening the car door for Ga Eul Jae Ha then proceeded to get in the car himself.


The roar of the engine was heard and Ga Eul got lost in her thoughts. She felt broken and so hurt. To the point where she did not know if she could recover from this. Humiliation. Because to her it meant that Yi Jeong did not care for her. That he chose and wanted to hurt her in a way that she had not even fathomed. His pain was pushing him to hurt others. People that cared for him. People that loved him. And she was one of them.


She couldn’t understand why Yi Jeong was so keen on pushing people away but she just couldn’t handle this. She’d tried to be there or him but he wasn’t allowing her and maybe it was time to give up. She’d been trying to reach that part of Yi Jeong and she’d had no such luck. Why was this happening. She turned to Jae Ha who was busy driving and she wondered if she’d be this hurt if she still had feeling for Jae Ha. At least with him there wasn’t this much pain and Ga Eul laughed at herself.


Maybe she just wasn’t lucky in love. Period. She thought of what Mrs. Lee had said to her about finding love and she wondered if love was for her at all. All that Ga Eul felt she was good at was falling in love with the wrong people. Why was she always having unrequited love?

“We’re here.” Jae Ha spoke quietly. Looking up Ga Eul realized it was the playground a few blocks away from their house.

“Come on.” Jae Ha spoke taking her hand and leading her towards the small tower where they would climb in order to get to the slide.


Quietly, Ga Eul followed after him. The night wasn’t as bright as usual stars were out, but there was too much fog to truly see the night sky or the full moon.

“How many times did we come here to play?” Jae Ha asked Ga Eul who offered a kind smile.

“Too many to count. You and your brother would always race down the slide and you’d scrape your knees too much from all that shoving you did to one another.”
“True.” Jae Ha spoke with a smile.

“You always liked to play in the sand and make cakes and sandcastles. Your mom would always push you on the swing.” Jae Ha said to her.

“I liked the swing. I pretended to fly. I liked the wind in my hair and I wanted to imagine that I could touch the clouds.”
“I found Cinnamon here.” Ga Eul continued thinking of her cat.

“That cat was more trouble than anything.” Jae Ha spoke to Ga Eul.

“You always liked to fix things.”
“I remember when we found the cat. It scratched the heck out of you whenever you went near it even when you fed it every single day.”

“You showed it kindness and love but he was still ungrateful for all of it.”
“Not always.” Ga Eul spoke quietly.
“With everyone he was cold. Distant. But... with me he was kind and loving once he trusted me. I loved him. But do you know what hurt the most when he left?” Ga Eul asked tears welling up in her eyes.

“Our times of happiness felt so short.”


Without a word Jae Ha hugged Ga Eul tightly allowing her to cling to him and cry to he hearts content. The night was silent and the air cold. This was the way Ga Eul had ended her night.

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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon