The Release

Breaking good

As Jimin shakes the girl again, trying to get her conciousness back, everyone walks up to them. "What happened to her?" Jungkook asks, looking shocked at the sight of the girl laying in ripped clothes and witha pale face. "Lets get her to the bed." JImin says as he slowly lifts her up and brings her to the bed, laying her down on it. "Is she still alive?"Jungkook asks as Jin feels for a heartpuls. "Yes she is." He says as everyone sighs in relief. "Pfieuw, thats good." Jimin says, sitting down next to her. Jungkook pulls Becca closer and whispers in her ear: "Its gonna be all fine, dont worry." he tells her reinsuringly as she nods, a small smile forming on her face. "Thanks" She replies as she leans against him, him placing an arm around her. "When we will get released?" Jimin suddenly asks. "Uhm, he said tonight." Jin replies. "He said that we could choose to go back to them after they've released us. Thats a bit weird isnt it? Do you think that means anything Jin-hyung?" Jungkook asks his older friend. "Uhm, i havnt thought about it that far but guessing it could be something out there, maybe worse than this. I have no clue guys, sorry." He says, looking down. "Its okay hyung, we dont know either." Jimin says. Suddenly Elise opens her eyes and looks around at everyone sitting nearby or on the bed she is lying on. As she opens she tries to speak, but nothing really comes out except for some high-pitched noises. "She is awake!" Jimin suddenly yells making the rest look at her. "E-Elise?" He softly speaks as he makes the girl look at him, he sees she is having trouble breathing "Shh, calm down its okay." he reassuringly tells her as she takes a deep breath and slowly sits up, holding her head. "I-its hurts." She says as she leans against the wall, now facing everyone. "Your head?" Jungkook asks, she nods. "Then go sleep some more." Jimin tells her as he scoots back over to make some space on the bed. She nods and lays back down, closing her eyes and doozing off as everyone is watching in silence.

"Hyung, do you really think this is a good plan?" Yoongi asks, looking over at the leader who is finishing the last preperations for tonight. "Yeah, they'll see how much they want to be here." He replies, grinning at his own plans. "Fine then." Yoongi exclaims. "Stop questioning the leader yoongi, if you were better than him or smarter than you'd be the leader, but you arent." The clown says, looking annoyed at the vampire. "Shut it, clown." Yoongi replies, now growing more angry each word the clown says. "Both of you stop it now!" Namjoon bursts out, making the two shut up and look at their leader. "So, yoongi, you did everything you had to do for tonight?" He asks. "Yeah I did hyung." Yoongi replies. "And you Hobie?" Yeah leader, the clown replies nodding his head in response. "Good, now lets talk about the release, okay?!" The leader speaks up again, both nod. "Well, first of all I am going to realease them, yoongi will wait and so will you Hobie, wait for my sign. Understood?" Both nod again. "Good."

As everyone slowly starts falling asleep the doors suddenly open and someone walks towards the now clearly awak victims. "Food." The clown says as he stands infront of everyone and puts a huge plate with baked potatoes and some vegetables down onto the ground next to a can of water and walks away again, locking the door behind him. "Oahh im so hungry" Jimin exclaims as he leans towards the plate to pick up some food. "Na-ah" Jin says as he moves the plate away from the younger boy and hands it over to Becca, letting her eat a bit. "Thank you Jin." She softly speaks as she starts eating, after some more bites she hands the plate to Jungkook and he eats some too, being carefully to not eat everything, because they are all almost starving. The plate is moved away from Jungkook over to Elise, she eats very little. "You dont want anything more? Arent you hungry?" Jin asks concerned. "No, thanks. You guys can eat the rest." She says as she leans back and takes a few sips of water. As everyone finished eating and the plate and watercan are empty they all feel a bit better. Suddenly the door is opened again, but no one enters. "Who is there?" Jimin yells, no answer. "D-Do you think this is it? T-the release....?" Jimin asks.

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