
Breaking good

"JIN!!" Jungkook screams as he looks at the body hanging, dead. He falls down on his knees and stares at the figure. As Jimin walks up to Jungkook he places a hand on his shoulder and kneels down next to him, tears also falling from his eyes. "T-they are going to kill u-us." Jungkook exclaims while soflty sobbing ginto his hands. "Shhh.." Jimin says as he hugs the boy carefully, holding him. "Its gonna be all fine kookie, we will find Becca and get out of this nightmare." "W-we can't hyung." Jungkook replies, more tears falling down onto the ground as Jungkook looks at his elderly who gets up and offers him a hand. "Lets try atleast... for Jin..."Jimin says as he pulls Jungkook back onto his feet. "So we are going to search the rest and escape?" Taehyung asks, looking at the boys. "Yeah.... thats the plan." Jimin replies. "Good, lets go." Teahyung says as he grabs Jimins hand and they run off.

As they all run, following Jungkook hot on his heels they reach the fench again, bumping into it. As they stop running and look around, panting, suddenly a voice is heard from nearby. "One of you will die... One of you guys has poison running through their veins, but the antidote can only be found if one of you dies." The voice speaks and disappears as quickly as it came. Everyone looked at eachother in shock and then Jungkook and Jimin looked at Taehyung, letting their jaw drop down. "W-what?" Teahyung asks as he looks at the boys. "Y-you said you got knocked out and woke up here... Y-you have the poison in your blood..." Jungkook says as he is still staring at Taehyung. Taehyung looks at them in shock as he processes the new information. "S-so i h-have to kill one of you, t-to save myself." He finally exclaims, shocked from hiw own words as both Jimin and Jungkook nod. "B-But only on of us has got the anti-dote in our body." Jimin replies. "W-what do I do guys?!" taehyung asks looking at them scared.

As Taehyung suddenly feels something stinging in his pocket he moves his hand into it and feels a cold metal. He grabs it and pulls the cold metal thing he couldnt yet identify out of his pocket and stares at it, revealing a pocket knife shining as it hits the moonlight. "N-No.." Jungkook exclaims in a shaky voice as he stares at the weapon too and grabs Jimins hand. "NO!" He screams louder, starting to run away, pulling Jimin along with him. A they both run deeper ito the woods they hear footsteps following them. Tpgether they run as fast as they can, away, away from the maniac with his knife. Suddenly they hear a loud scream coming from behind them, they both stop and turn around, seeing only shadows of two people struggling. "W-who is that?!" Jungkook asks as he slowly approaches the two figures. "LET ME GO!" A girl yells, suddenly Jungkook recognizes the voice and starts running towards the two figures. As he now clearly sees the, he yells again "BECCA!!!" He screams while runnig up to her. "ONE MORE STEP AND I'LL SLIT HER THROATH!!" Taehyung yells at the younger boy who stops and stares at the scene infront of him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" Jungkook yells, growing more angry and scared. "MY ANTIDOTE!!" Taehyung yells back in reply. "HOW!?" Jungkook screams as he takes a step closer. "Kill him." Taehyung says as he nods his head towards the guy standing behind Jungkook, Jimin.. "I CANT KILL HIM!!" Jungkook screams as he looks into Jimins eyes who is getting small tears. "Just do it .." Jimin softly speaks as he lets a tear fall. "N-No!"Jungkook replies. Suddenly Becca screams as bloods starts pouring down her body, Jungkook looks around and sees the girl bleeding from her throath. "DO IT!!" Taehyung speaks up again as suddenly Jungkook jumps on Jimin and fights him to the ground, holding his throath and cutting hir air flow of, making the guy choke and kick around in self-defense, useless... Jungkook thinks as he still holds his grip on Jimins' throath. A few moments later Jimins body becomes numb and he gives up the fight, rolling his eyes back and he stops moving. Jungkook lets tears fall onto his friends' face as he watches the boy making aftershocks as he dies, infront of Jungkook. "Good." taehyung says as he lets the girl go and runs to the dead body, shoving Jungkook aside as he grabs the knife and slits open Jimins body, blood covering everything, the trees, the grass. Both Becca and Jungkook watch him in utter disgust as Jungkook places a hand over Becca her eyes saying;"Youre save now Becca, dont worry." She nods and secretly peeks through Jungkooks hands as she watches Taehyung pulling out Jimins intestines and throwing them in a hurry aside as he pulls out a small package with some pills in it. He cheers happily, but in Jungkooks and Becca's ears it sounds like a horror laugh. As Taehyung takes the pills he looks over at Becca and Jungkook, he nods at the both of them and they start running. Running away from this nightmare their best option was to just go back to the house and hope they'll be save there. As Jungkook pulls the girl along the the house they reach it in a short amout of time and sink down while panting heavily, leaning against the frontdoor of the house. A crack is heard and the door opens slightly, revealing the smirking clown as he looks down at the both of them. "WELCOME BACK!" The clown yells in a way too happy voice, making Becca and Jungkook shiver in fear as they get up and slowly walk into the house, Jungkook grabbing Becca her hand and he softly carresses her hand and takes her with him into the house.

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