
Breaking good


As Jungkook walks to the livingroom part of the house they see the leader sitting down on a velvet-red sofa, leaning back and watching the two come in. "So you two decided to come back, well sit down you two." He speaks, pointing a the black couch. Becca and Jungkook walk over to it and sit down, watching every move the leader makes as he lights up his sigaret, puffing the smoke into the air as it dissolves and vanishes into the room. "So you two are the only ones who survived?!" The leader asks again, now looking over at the two. "N-no, Taehyung is still out there and we dont know where Elise went." Becca speaks up as the leader just nods in approval and continues to ask questions. "So, why did you guys decide on coming back to us? Wasnt it fun out there?" He asks with a sinister tone of voice. They both look down and carefully shake their heads. "Well, you guys are probably sooo tired." He speaks up again as they both look up at him and nod their heads. "Hoseok, take their to their rooms." The leader says as the clown walks up to Becca and Jungkook and grabs their wrists, pulling them along. As they walk past all different kind of paintings on the wall, all equally disturbing, they see something that catches their gaze. In a small transparant box, which is attached to the wall, they see different kinds of eyeballs, human eyeballs. As they shiver in fear they walk past it, still following the clown.

As they clown keeps walking they reach the staircase which leads down to the basement, in which they stayed before too. Suddenly Becca feels the clown pushing her, she turns around in a rather quick spin and kicks the clown right in the face as she immediatly pulls his wig onto his mouth, trying to choke him. The clown kicks and and starts panicking, causing him to lose more oxigen as Jungkook hurries over to the girl and tries to choke him, by holding his throath, pressing down on it with his weight. "youre the best" he whispers to the girl who is still holding the guy down as he slowly gives up his fight. As he finally stops moving and has his eyes fallen back they both release the guy and look up, seeing the leader stand infront of them, holding a huge kitchen knife in his hands, pointing it at the both of them. "Or you two go into the basement right now, or I'll kill the both of you." He says in an extremely calm voice, a bit too calm. Both stand up and look at eachother as Jungkook starts walking dopwn the stairs, followed by Becca. As they sit down onto the bed in de basement they hear the door closing and locks put back on it. Both sigh, frustrated but still though, relieved, in some way. As Jungkook looks at the girl he manages to smile slighty, as she smiles back. "Good job." He exclaims as she nods, feeling pride, small pride, deep deep in side. She has to admit, it did fell great in some horrifc way. She yawns and lays down, putting her head on Jungkooks lap as he leans against the wall and plays with her hair until she sleeps. He looks at her peacefully figure and whispers "We'll be fine, we'll get out of here soon." as he closes his eyes too.

"You'll be staying with me" A voice whispers as strong arms grab Elise and pull her into bushes, making her stumble backwards and almost losing her balance. "W-what the f-f..." She exclaims, looking at the vampire who is now holding her back. "Just be quiet and you'll be save." he replies, making her shutup and look at him. "W-why me?!" she whispers, barely speaking. "I need u, remember? To stay alive." He replies, answering her question. He holds her wrists and starts walking, as the girl follows him in silence she sees he is heading back towards the house. As they reach the frontdoor a scream is being echoed through the woods, piercing through every ear, making Elise shiver, knowing its Becca. As he pulls the girl into the house he immediatly walks to one of the bedroom, as he opens the door she notices a small drawing on the door off canines, she shivers, thinking back off what happened earlier when he used his. The weird sensation almost coming back to her as she tries to not think about it. He loosens his grip on the girls' wrist and closes the door and walks with her to the bed. "Now, ask away." He says as he sits down on the bed next to her. "Where are the others?!" She asks looking him straight in the eyes. "Well, Becca and Jungkook are downstairs and you can see them in a short time and the rest, well, Taehyung we havent seen..." He replies. "Who??!" "Taehyung. We found him in the woods and, well, decided he could join the game too." He explains to the girl who slowly backed away from the guy. "Did the rest... die?!" She asks. "Well, uhm, yeah." He answers, nodding his head slowly. "Its a pitty, I couldnt even get their blood, leader told." He whispers, clearly talking to himself. Elise leans back and covers herneck and arms, not trying to show him any of her veins. "Dont worry, I can't kill you." He says. "And why would that be? I thought you guys just let us escape to kill us, or wasnt that 'trying to kill us'?" She says, with a sarcastic smile on her face. "If I decide to kill you, I will die too." "And why would that be? Because im stronger and i'll kill you first?" "NO, because, remember i bit you?" he asks, she nods in response. "Well, because i did that I made you mine in some way. So if you die, I'll die too." "That . So if I kill myself, like suicide, you'll die too?" She says, smirking slightly. "Uhm, maybe, yes" He whispers. "Oh good to know." She replies. "But you cant!!" He yells, voice cracing slightly. "And why cant I kill myself then?" "B-because I dont want to die. I wont let you kill yourself." He replies, frumbling with his hands as he doesnt dare to look up at her. "We'll see" She replies, getting off of the bed, heading towards the door. "WAIT!" He says. "What?!" She replies as she slowly turns around to look at him. "Uhm, youre not really save out there. Hoseok and Namjoon, will probably try to kill you. I still havent told them about what happened and that i'll die too if they kill you." He explains, standing up and blocking her way to the doorframe. "Thats kinda youre problem." She replies, trying to walk past him. "No, its OUR problem." He exclaims as he quickly turns around and locks the door, putting the key away in his jacket. "ughhh.." She says as she turns around and sits on the bed. "Im tired" Yoongi says as he yawns and tosses his black biker jacket at a nearby chair, walking over to the bed too. "This is my bed, now move over and let me sleep." He says in an annoyed voice. "You could just ask nicely too." She replies, staying put at her spot. "And YOU could just go off of MY bed." He says as he kicks his shoes off and pulls his pants off, now only wearing a shirt and boxers and gets into the bed as the girl stood up. He lets out a soft sigh and turns his head away, closing his eyes. "Give me the key." She says in an irritated tone. "Goodnight." He says in a grumpy voice. "Whatever".

After a while he falls asleep as the girl stares infront of her, studying the walls, full off drawings and writing. As she hears his breathing calm down she leans over to grab the jacket, quietly getting the key out of his pocket. As she gets up and checks if he's still asleep she walks over to the door and puts the key in, turning it around and opening the door and locking it behind her, keeping the key. she tiptoes towards the basement stairs and finds out the door is locked, ofcourse. As she tries the key on the door, it suprises her, it fits! As she carefully opens the door she walks into the basement, because of the darkness she almost trips, but manages to walk towards Becca and Jungkook. A small lightbulb illumitaes the door and she can see the two sleeping, Becca leaning onto the boy as she sleeps peacefully, almost looking like she feels save. Suddenly a hand grasps the girl and covers , pulling her back, as she struggles. "Shhh.. shouldnt have walked away then." The voice whispers, as she recognizes it as Yoongi's, getting scared. He pulls her back to his room and she sees that the door is still intact, probably one of those other creeps opened it for him, she thinks, as she gets pulled back into the room and he locks it again. He turns around, facing her and pushes her back onto the bed. That wont happen again he says, twirling a pair of handcuffs around his fingers as he attaches both to the girl, binding them to the headboard of the bed as he pulls the blanket on top of her and lies down too. "Goodnight now." He says, smirking, pleased with himself he falls asleep. Elise gives up the fight, she is tired, from running htrough the woods, from all the events, and she doozes off too.

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