
Breaking good

Screams piercing through all of their veins, making shivers run down spines. As Jungkook stares infront of him into nothing he moves his hand down to his abdomen, feeling something drip down. He moves his head down to see whats dripping as Rebecca begins to scream from outside, everything is happening in slowmotion. He slowly falls down on his knees and stares ahead, without making any noise. "JUNGKOOK!" Jimin screams loudly, but Jungkook doesnt hear anything, just someone breathing slowly and intense, like he's never heard before. As he falls on his face everything fades to black, only screams from Rebecca and Jungkook can be heard, as he gives into the darkness.

"JUNGKOOK NO! Stay with us!" Jimin yells while shaking his friend, trying to wake him back up. Tears slowly start falling down Jimin's cheek and land onto Jungkooks face. Jimin slowly looks at the grinning guy behind him, he doesnt know what to say, just seeing the guy grin sends shivers down his spine. "Thats what happens when you invade our house.." The guy exclaims without any emotion. "Now get up and stop crying about your little week friend!" He suddenly yells while harshly lifting Jimin up by his shirt as he moves his face to stare into his eyes. "I'll kill you" Jimin exclaims angrily towards the older male. "We'll see..." The older male replies as he drags the guy with him to the basement, locking him up.

"W-who are you??" A soft voice fromout the dark in the basement asks. "J-Jimin" he soflty answers back. "Did they get you too?" The female voice asks again. "Y-yeah, i-i think so." As he slowly walks to the lightbulb so move it around he sees a bed with a girl strapped up to it. He lets go of the lightbulb and walks slowly up to here. "W-Whats your name?" He asks. "Uhm, im Elise" She softly speaks. "And you?" She asks. "Well, im Jimin and they just killed my best friend." he tells with anger in his voice. "Im sorry, Jimin." She replies. Suddenly the doors open and someone is being thrown in, groaning loudly as he falls down onto the hard and cold ground. As Jimin runs towards the figure he sees its his friend Jungkook who is laying on the ground groaning in pain. "Y-youre alive? J-Jungkook?" he asks wiping the hair of his friends face. "Well, its what you call alive, but yeah... i breath." he ironically explains. "Ooh i thought you were dead!" Jimin says wiping the tears of his face as he hugs his friend tightly, never planning on letting go of him, scared of him slipping away again, scared of the older man here to touch him again. "J-jimin?" The younger one manages to speak. "Yeah, Jungkook?" Jimin asks while shaking the guy soflty. "D-Do you think they have Becca and Jin too?" He asks while coughing up some blood. "I-I uhm, im not sure Jungkook, but maybe they escaped." Jimin answers. "I hope so." Jungkook replies as he closes his eyes. Suddenly the girl sits up, her hand still seemed tied up to the headrest of the bed but her legs are free. "He can lie here if he wants." The girl says. "Uh yeah, thats nice thanks." Jimin replies as he carefully helps his friend get up and walks with him to the bed, supporting him all the way. As Jungkook carefully lies down on the bed he closes his eyes. "Now rest for a while Jungkook." Jimin says as he sits down on the bed too, next to his younger one. "I will, thanks so much hyung." Jungkook speaks before closing his eyes and doozing off into a careless few hours of sleep.

Running, as fast as they can. Away from the house, away from the problems, away to a saver environment. As the trees pass by in a hurry the manage to run all the way back to their house. Panting from fear and the efoort they put in running away as quickly as possible. As they enter the house jin leans against a table and is heavily panting from the long run. "W-What d-do we do now?" Becca manages to speak out. "W-Well, we need to come up with a better plan." HGe replies to the panting girl. As they take a few glasses of water and finally calm down they sit down to think of a plan. "What about we just hide around the house with our guns and kill them, from a distance like sharp-shooters." Becca starts off.  "Hmm, that is a plan. But i think we have to wait for atleast one day before we get back. The probably expect us soon." Jin explains. "Yeah, youre right. Im just so worried about the screams. Maybe they killed Jimin, or hurted him bad, he screamed so loud." Becca says while looking very concerned about her new friends, and ofcourse Elise. "Yeah, I know Becca. But we have to act smarter than them." Rebecca nods, understanding. "So lets just rest for tonight and tomorrow we'll come up with a new plan. Okay?!" he says. "Agree." She says as she gets up and walks off. "Goodnight Jin." She says while leaving to bed. "Goodnight Becca." He replies softly, still developed in his own thoughts.



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