Bloody fangs

Breaking good

Birds were chirping at each other harmonizing their sounds with each other, making it sound like a song, a song to tell things that cant be understood by humans, only by them, and its gorgeous. A blessing to hear, as if they want you to hear. But then suddenly the beautiful verse is interrupted by a highpitched scream, piercing through all ears, hurting the vessels in brains. Like someone is dying, something is dying, something important. Becca woke up shocked, afraid of the screams from the ravens who circled the spot where here friend must be. She looked around searching for her friend. "ELISE!!" She screamed getting more afraid. She screamed her name again, and again, until her throath hurted so bad she couldn’t pronounciate any words anymore.She got up and walked over to the spot where she last saw her friend, sitting by the campfire. Now there was no one there, the campfire died out and there was only a bit as ash left. She screams again the name of her friend, this time more in a panicked and scared way, scared of not hearing her response, again. Suddenly she hears a soft voice calling her name. "Elise!?" She yells, no answer. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her and she turns around quickly, almost falling while doing so. The guy catches her in a reflex and puts her carefully back on her feet. "Sorry to scare you, it wasn’t ment like that." She looked at him questioning, a strange men, but in some way he is really handsome, a korean guy with holy arms, she giggled to herself. He looked at her, "So , and who are you?" She asked him. "I'm Jin' He says, smiling. "Ah okay, so Jin. Have you seen my friend she was here yesterday and after tonight she is suddenly gone." "Im sorry, I havent seen anyone around except for you" he replied. "Ah okay then" she said, blushing slight at his handsomeness. "But what I do know is that in this woods there is a house, weird stories coming from there, I don’t think you wanna know." He said as she answered: "Tell me! Im not easily scared!" "Well the thing is there live four guys, three are as evil as someone can get and one is still not sure to be on the good or bad side." He tells in a most serious tone. "She stares at him in disbelief asking: "So you think they took my friend?: Kidnapped her? Or even worse?!" She started to panick slightly but was happy to have met the friendly man. "That could be, but watch out they have already done terrible things, so I wouldn’t go look for her on your own. The thing is that I and two friends of mine are planning on invading the house and killing them all." He said without showing any emotion. She looked at them with a sparkle of hope. "Maybe we can talk through the plan with you and help you get your friend back" He says while smiling at her, Becca smiles back.  As Jin takes her to their house, a little further into the woods he tells the girl more about the stories from the house with four guys in them who like to kill and torture, which makes Becca scared but also angry and truculent. As they arrive at the house Jin leads her into the livingroom where there were two other guys watching tv, as they saw the girl walk in they immediately stand up and greet her nicely, introducing themselves to her. "Hi, I am Jimin" the buffy guys says, shaking her hand nicely. He moves over and the next one introduces himself "And I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobie just like those two do." He says smiling. "So guys, this is Becca and she is going to help us with the plan to break into the Lucifers house." He says while sitting down with the others and turning the television off so the boys look at Becca. "Uhm, Lucifer? What does that mean?" Becca asks. "Well, they call the devil also lucifer and the guys who live in there are devils. The worst kind off, they show no compassion for their victims or anyone who stands in their way." Hoseok explains to the girl. "So our plan is to lure them out of the house with a dead corpse, an animal. And then when they go out to pull the animal into their house to eat it we are there to kill them. " Jin explains. "Yeah but the hard thing is the way we have to kill them" Jimin says. "Exactly jimin, we'll have to stab all of them exaclty thirteen times and and we have to get their eyeballs out of their skulls, after that we have to let the body vanish by using HF Acid, which will make sure they're gone." Jin says while smirking slightly. "W-What does that do?" Becca asked a bit confused. "Well , lets say it like this. It makes the bodies disappear." Hobie says while smirking lightly, Becca just nods, understanding what they mean. "So when are you guys gonna do that?" She asks them. "Tonight, so you're just in time" jin says. As the evening falls they go through their plan multiple times to make sure everyone knows what to do exactly. 


Meanwhile in the Lucifers house Elise slowly wakes up in a barely illuminated room, only litted by a small lightbulb hanging on a thin thread, dangling softly. She tries to rub her eyes, but notices she cant. When she turns to look at her hand she sees both of them tied up to the headspace of the bed. Suddenly there are sound coming from upstairs, screaming, a man screaming loudly. As Elise tries to escape she notices the knife is still in her pocket, she mentally laughs, despised of their dumbness. Moving her legs up quickly makes the knife fall onto her face, she take it into and moves upwards, cutting the rope with the knife. Her first attempt fails and she sighs out of frustration as she tries again, this time putting more pressure on the knife by using her teeth to hold it still, after what feels like ten minutes she cuts the last part of the rope loose and starts cutting of the rope around her ankles quickly.  "And now what?" "Well I don’t know, this is different from what we had before hyung" "Yeah I know, but we cant just keep her here, that’s no option. Or we do it the way we always do or she gets to live, for some time" -some guys are still heavily debating as they walk into the dark room where Elise is lying. She quickly hides the knife and pretends to still lie there unconcious and strapped. As the three guys slowly walk up to her she slowly bites the inside of her lip to keep quiet and act unconcious, scared to death. One of the guys sits down on the bed and she feels the mattress dip down because of his weight. "Was she alone?" A deep voice asks. "Yeah she was" answers the one sitting on the bed. "Hmm, that’s weird for a girl to be all alone in the woods." The younger one exclaims. "Yeah, but whatever. So what are we gonna do now namjoon?" He asks looking at their leader. "Well, yoongi im not sure yet. Lets just keep guards each turn and I'll figur out a plan." Both guys agree with their leader and nod. "Okay Yoongi, you'll watch her the first night then. And don’t do anything or I'll bring you back from where you came from" Namjoon exclaims as he is heading towards the door, followed by the younger one. "I wont" yoongi replies with as the both of them leave. 

"So, what do we have here.." Yoongi softly exclaims while the girls short blonde hair away from her face. "Nothing for you" Elise replies looking angry at him and shortly after turning her head fully away from here. "Don’t be like that now, but its good you're awake. I didn’t want to wake you up to this..."he says while moving his tongue across his bottom lip. She looks back at him scared for him to touch her, but he just smirks at her, devishly. Suddenly he dives to her neck and bites in it harshly, drawing blood, lots of. The girl screams in pain and tries to kick him in the stomach. He out the blood and moves back away, smirking and her shoulder back clean. "Wasn’t that painfull right? You didn’t even enjoy it a bit?" He sheepishly asks. "Y-You're a v-vampire?" She softly speaks. "Yeah, always have been" he says while smiling, showing the blood on his teeth, making her shiver. "Hmm, you taste nice tho" "Thanks, I guess, !" She shouts at him as she looks at the huge bite-mark on her shoulder, which draws blue from the sharp fangs. "I shouldn’t talk like that, you know. Now that ive bitten you, you'll turn into a vampire soon too, just wait for it." He says while cocking his head and getting back up, sitting down on a nearby chair. " you." She exclaims as she tries to break free from the ropes, which doesn’t work. "Yeah, that wont work you know. And by the way. I was the best out of the guys you could get." He says. "And why would that be?" She asks angrily. "Well," he starts as he leans closer. "that other guy, our leader called Namjoon, yeah he is the worst, to say it like that. He isn't a vampire like me, he is a demon, the worst kind.  kills people very easily and quick, or just chooses to torture you, in the worst way possible." He explains coldly. "And that his? How does he torture people?" The girl asks now growing more curious every second. "Well because he is a demon we also call him rapmon a mashup of rap because he is a good rapper and mon because he really is a monster. But anyway yeah he brings your soul out and kills it before eating your heart. So your body feels your soul being eaten and that’s the worst pain ever known to humans. After eating your heart and letting your soul watch it he returns to your soul and tortures that even more by setting it on fire, and yes that is possible." He explains while looking her dead serious into the eyes. "And you? How do you kill people? By just biting them? Haha that’s a joke." She ironically speaks, trying to get him angry and let go of more information. "Well, no. I kill people only if I have the right to do so from Namjoon. And if I kill someone I do it by using my poison, yes I have poison. I just bite them with my under teeth, I have two extra fangs with poison, they only come up when my body decides to kill the person." He looks at her as she looks at him scared. "But you never know when your body will say that you need to kill that person?" "No, but I trust it so we'll see. And be happy it didn’t happen to you." He says while grinning and leaning back into his seat. Elise watched him, dazzled, as she soon dozed off and fell asleep.

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