Sour Grapes (feat sulky Bacon)

Of True Love And Inappropriate Texting
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"Remind me why we have to do this, again?" Baekhyun grumbled, smacking his head back against the sofa cushion irritably.

Eunsoo scoffed, shaking her head at his in disapproval,"We're not doing anything. You're just sitting on the sofa whining."

Baekhyun just gave her an innocent smile, to which she rolled her eyes and turned back to the cardboard box she was sorting through. They had a load of boxes full of random knick knacks from when they'd first moved in that they'd just shoved in the cupboard and forgotten about. Eunsoo had decided to finally clear the cupboard out just in case they ever needed the extra storage space. Baekhyun hadn't been best pleased when she'd announced her intentions, and wouldn't stop complaining about it despite the fact that he hadn't lifted a finger past taking one of the boxes out the cupboard. She picked up a bag of marbles, a pair of fluffy cat ears and an old sock that was clearly Baekhyun's from the goofy, penguin pattern on it.

"I think we'll keep the marbles and throw out the sock and ears," Eunsoo said, placing them on their respective piles.

"No!" Baekhyun exclaimed, and his fiancee closed her eyes irritably, counting to ten. Not only had he not been doing anything to contribute, he'd interfered every time she'd tried to throw something away and claimed that it had super sentimental value, even if he didn't actually remember what it was or why it did in most cases. She heard him shuffle off the sofa and a hand snatched the sock and the ears away from her. She raised an eyebrow at him as he defensively hugged them to his chest."You can't get rid of these, no way!"

"Why not? It's an odd sock and a pair of cat ears that you could replace easily at any fancy dress store..."

"This sock is part of one of my favourite pairs!" Baekhyun argued, waving the object in her face.

Eunsoo scrunched up her nose, coughing a little as dust blew in her face,"Baekhyun, it's been in the cupboard since we moved in."

"Yeah...well...fine," he muttered, reluctantly giving her the sock. He quickly brightened up, now waving the cat ears at her."But not these! These have sentimental value!"

"Sentimental value?" Eunsoo tutted, pinching the bridge of her nose. Here he went again. She honestly didn't know what his aversion to throwing things away was."Go on then..."

"This was part of your Halloween costume during our first Halloween as a couple," Baekhyun grinned, unexpectedly popping them on her head."Remember, you dressed up as a kitten and I was a puppy? We won best couple costume at the school party?"

"Oh," Eunsoo blinked, before a reminiscent smile spread across her face."Yes, I do...okay, we can keep those, that's fine."

"Yes," Baekhyun muttered triumphantly, which kind of ruined the moment if Eunsoo was honest. She went back to rolling her eyes at him, digging deeper into one of the boxes with the cat ears still perched on her head, to Baekhyun's amusement. She removed a bunch of old exercise books from school (there was drawings on the front so she guessed they were hers and not Baekhyun's), before her eyes alighted on a familiar box. She gasped, making Baekhyun jump and scramble to peer over her shoulder at whatever it was that made her do that. Eunsoo pulled the dusty, falling apart box out, blowing the grey film off of it.

"Oh my God, I remember this," she giggled, covering ."Baekkie, don't you remember? We used to play almost every week with my parents."

"Oh, yeah," Baekhyun scrunched up his nose, making his distate for the game in her hands pretty clear."Great."

Eunsoo clicked her tongue, shaking her head at him,"You just don't like it because you lose miserably every time we play."

"I do not!" Baekhyun argued, his defensiveness making it very obvious that he did and he knew it."I just...don't do as well as everyone else."

"That's basically the same as saying you lose miserably."

"No! I didn't say that!" Baekhyun's eyes narrowed and he snatched the box from her, shaking a threatening finger in her face."Alright then, let's settle this. We'll play and if I win then you've got to take that back!"

"And what if you lose?" Eunsoo teased, chuckling as he prized the lid open, muttering sulkily to himself. 

"Then...then...whatever, I'm not going to!" Baekhyun pouted, ignoring her sniggering at his irritation as he began to set the board out.

"You remember how to play, right?" Eunsoo asked, settling herself opposite Baekhyun as he shuffled the cards.

"Of course I do!" Baekhyun frowned, sounding even more offended now. Eunsoo clicked her tongue at his oversensitivity; honestly, you'd think she's insulted his manhood or something the way he was acting. He placed the cards down, and grabbed the dice."Right, youngest starts."

"We're the same age, Baekhyun."

"You're a month older, which means I'm the youngest, so I start," Baekhyun said, eyes narrowed at her as if daring her to disagree. When she sighed and held her hands up in surrender he smirked."Aha! See, I'm already winning!"

"Just roll the dice and stop being such a child," Eunsoo rolled her eyes, though she supressed a giggle at his extraordinarily childish whine at being called a child, which somewhat proved her right. Pouting, her fiancee rolled the dice and grinned at the 6.

"Yes! 6!" Baekhyun said gleefully, popping the counter onto the space. It was a green one, so he had to pick up a green card. It was a very simple, fantasy themed game, in which the players had to roll the dice and pick up a card that was the same colour as the space they landed in. The card would then tell them what to do. There were 4 sections you had to complete before winning, and when you got to the end of a section you had to get a 6 to defeat the 'monster' to get to the next one."Okay...move to the next green space. AHA!"

Baekhyun placed his piece (he always picked the leprechaun for some reason) on the the next green square, smirking at her as he rocked back on his elbows,"Looks like somebody is losing miserably and I don't think it's me..."

"I haven't even rolled the dice yet," Eunsoo reminded him, to which he fell silent and scowled a little at her for ruining his victory. Eunsoo rolled a 4 and landed on a blue square."Let's see...advance to the next stage."

"What?" Baekhyun sat up immediately, snatching the card away. He scrunched up his nose at it, tossin

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Chapter 32: they are so cute >.<
Chapter 18: Oh my god I love this chapter!!! This is sooooo cute!! >.<
Chapter 36: Woaah.. I really wish someday you would continue this amazing fics authornim!
Chapter 24: ? this is cracking me up so much and it’s currently midnight XD
Chapter 19: Aww baek u don’t need to feel insecure ?. I love how OC can make him feeling better again
Chapter 18: woah am i fan of Harry Potter and i must say this chapter is amazing ?
Chapter 17: Im so glad that I came accross this fic! The banters between oc and baek are so cute! And I literally cried with the angst in this chapter. Depression isn’t rational and I really love the fluff after the angst. Every thing feels so realistic, daebak!
TaeJi101 #8
i miss this fanfic :(
Chapter 32: Hahahahahahaha. So funny and cute hahahahaha.
Chapter 30: Everything is just downright funny and entertaining because I rarely read fanfics that are funny but not dragging. This is definitely a go. I also love how naturally everything seems. So love your work <333