You're dating WHO!?!

Of True Love And Inappropriate Texting
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From Future Wife:


When are you home tonight, jagiya?

So I know when to start dinner.


To Future Wife:


Don't know.

It's probably not a good idea for me to come home, actually.

Well, not after I tell you what I have to tell you.

For my own safety and the safety of our future children.


From Future Wife:




Is there something wrong?


To Future Wife:



Before you explode just remember that I love you and only you and this was in no way my idea.

Seriously, drill this into your head right now.


From Future Wife:


Baekhyun, what did you do?


To Future Wife:


Well, technically speaking I haven't personally done anything wrong.

Yet another thing to remember.


From Future Wife:


Stop dancing around the subject.

You clearly did something that you know will piss me off.

So out with it, what have you done?


To Future Wife:




I'll just come out with it.


From Future Wife:


Yes, you will.

Preferably this millenia, if it's all the same to you.


To Future Wife:


I will.


Wait, you remembered about the whole 'I love you' and 'it's not my fault' thing, right?


From Future Wife:


Baekhyun, tell me what's happened!


To Future Wife:


Because it's really important that you recognise I have no say in this, because if I did this would not be happening at all.


From Future Wife:




Tell me what is wrong right now or so help me I will make you sleep on the sofa for a month.


To Future Wife:


Okay okay!

I'm doing it!

Right, well the company has decided to use me in a PR stunt.


From Future Wife:



And what does this PR stunt involve?


To Future Wife:


Oh, you know.



From Future Wife:


What kind of things?


To Future Wife:


Things involving a fellow idol.


From Future Wife:


What things involving a fellow idol?


To Future Wife:


Well, perhaps just a little bit of fake dating?


From Future Wife:


I see.



To Future Wife:


And what?

That's all there is to it.



From Future Wife:


I don't even need to be able to see your face to know you're lying.

Out with it.


To Future Wife:


Okay, so maybe to accompany the fake dating there will have to be some fake kissing.

In a car.

At night.


From Future Wife:



And who is your fake girlfriend then?

I assume it's a girl, anyway...


To Future Wife:


No, it's not Chanyeol, before you decide to go off on one about bloody Baekyeol again.


From Future Wife:


Then who is it?


To Future Wife:


Just remember that I love you and only you.


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Chapter 32: they are so cute >.<
Chapter 18: Oh my god I love this chapter!!! This is sooooo cute!! >.<
Chapter 36: Woaah.. I really wish someday you would continue this amazing fics authornim!
Chapter 24: ? this is cracking me up so much and it’s currently midnight XD
Chapter 19: Aww baek u don’t need to feel insecure ?. I love how OC can make him feeling better again
Chapter 18: woah am i fan of Harry Potter and i must say this chapter is amazing ?
Chapter 17: Im so glad that I came accross this fic! The banters between oc and baek are so cute! And I literally cried with the angst in this chapter. Depression isn’t rational and I really love the fluff after the angst. Every thing feels so realistic, daebak!
TaeJi101 #8
i miss this fanfic :(
Chapter 32: Hahahahahahaha. So funny and cute hahahahaha.
Chapter 30: Everything is just downright funny and entertaining because I rarely read fanfics that are funny but not dragging. This is definitely a go. I also love how naturally everything seems. So love your work <333