what are we

when my world no longer stops for you

-what are we-

Jimin was having a dream of the old days, then reality busts in.




It's the first Friday of April, and Bangtan High School is celebrating Kaleidoscope. A whole day dedicated to art exhibitions, booths, food, and games. Also understood by Jimin as the day to skip.

But unfortunately, he wasn't able to set that into action. Because the Photography Club is going to put up exhibitions and game booths, like why the hell are you so ambitious. And he can't just not turn up because Min Yoongi (as in his classmate from Junior High Min Yoongi) had personally asked for him to man one of the booths. ("Please? We're really short of hands", and Jimin is just unable to say no.)


Which is why he's actually attending school instead of faking a MC and hibernating in his bed.

"Thank you for coming, Jimin," Yoongi said in relief when he showed up at the club room after flag-raising. Jimin mumbles a no problem, although he really just wants to be at home sleeping until noon.


Yoongi directs him over to the corner where his batch mates Xiumin and Tao already are and instructs him to join them in decorating the boards before rushing off to head to Kris' call. Tao offers a pleasant smile and a soft "hi" when Jimin approaches, so he tries to reciprocate. They get about working in relative silence, with occasional comments on the pictures they're framing or decorating.


It was going pretty smoothly until he hears Jungkook announce his presence at the door. He looks up in surprise to see Jungkook surveying the room before striding towards them.

"Isn't there going to be a dance performance?" He blurts out before thinking twice.

"Oh," Jungkook blinks. "Minhyuk and the rest wanted to go play the games and everything, so we threw the performance to Junior High. Not that I'm complaining though."

Before Jimin can come up with a response, Yoongi waltzes over and drags Jungkook off. "Thank god another one came! Jungkook, right? Come here, I'll pass you some materials and you can join Jimin and the rest!"



After Jungkook returned with scissors and other art materials, the decoration became something like a bickering session between Jimin and Jungkook ("you're not cutting it right" "no I am see it's perfect" "no it's a disaster the lines aren't even straight" "nah you're just blind" "no you're just a failure that you don't want to admit"), with Xiumin, Tao and Jaebum (who came shortly after Jungkook did) side-eyeing them.

"Do you guys hate each other or something?" Tao finally asked, in between another banter.

Both Jungkook and Jimin looked up in surprise. "Oh, no, no," Jimin starts.

"They're always like that," A voice pipes in, and Jimin turns to see Zico strolling over. "You've not seen them in dance, they fight all day like some old married couple."

Jimin frowns a little. "Why are you here?" He blurts out, almost rudely.

"Well, I am a member of the Photography Club, of course!" Zico replied. "Yoongi asked me to come help with the polaroid booth, so here I am!"

"This is the game booth section though," Jimin deadpans. "You should be looking for Daeryong and Soryong, they are like, across the room."

"No need to be so tense, my friend," Zico singsongs. "I was just wandering about."

"I think Yoongi asked you here to help, not to wander around," Jimin remains unimpressed.

"Yeah, yeah," Zico dismisses Jimin easily, before noticing his new target who just entered the room. "Hyunsik, buddy! How're things going!"

Jimin frowns after him until Jungkook nudges his knee under the table.


"I thought you don't care about the photography club?" Jungkook asks in a low voice.

"Yeah, I don't, but Yoongi is obviously stressed and I just can't stand Zico's attitude urgh," Jimin responds, trying to keep his voice down as well.

"Well he was no better in dance," Jungkook replies, rolling his eyes.

"I know, but I thought he actually liked photography more so he wouldn't be such an ," Jimin mumbles.

"People don't change their nature that fast, neko," Jungkook says in response. "Once an , always an ."

Jimin stares at him for a while. "You talking about yourself?"

"Ouch, neko," Jungkook clutches at his heart, feigning pain. "Ouch."

Jimin ignores him and continues with the work at hand, trying to ignore the looks shared by Xiumin and Tao.


"Don't mind us," Jungkook says instead. "We're usually a little savage with each other."

"Doesn't seem to be just a little savage to me," Jaebum whispers, but Jimin caught it easily.

"You wouldn't want to see us in dance, then," he replies, before realising what he just said.

"Oh, you're a dancer?" Xiumin perks up.

"Yeah, since I was 7."

"That's cool, I've always wanted to try it out."

Conversations flowed after that, and Jimin tries not to think too much about what he says.








"Alright folks, we have 15 more minutes until the concert ends and the first crowd is coming in," Kris yells from the centre of the room. "Let's hurry up!"

"Sassy," Jungkook comments under his breath. Jimin shoots him a look. "Not as if we weren't equally bad in dance though," Jungkook quickly adds, and Jimin rolls his eyes at that but had to agree. The two of them were probably the bossiest student instructor in history.



They assembled themselves before the vice-chairperson and awaits instructions, and Jimin thinks of how foreign it feels because for 2 years straight, he's the one giving the instructions. He looks over at Jungkook, and Jungkook leans over to mumble a "isn't it weird that we're actually being bossed around?"

"I was just about to say that," Jimin whispers back. "New experience every day."

Jungkook laughed lightly at that, and Jimin draws back a little because Jungkook's hair is ticklish.

Kris shoots both of them a look, and they simultaneously wipe their face clean of amusement and put on twin looks of attentiveness. What Kris does not see, however, is how Jimin's pinching Jungkook's arm, or the little fight their adjacent legs are having.


Even with all that distraction, they caught the gist of the briefing: "… ... Jungkook and Jimin to man the water balloon game booth, Zico and Jaebum… ... Look for me, Suho or Yoongi if you have any questions. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" Jungkook calls out, and Jimin elbows him in the side to stop him from being a public embarrassment.

Kris narrows his eyes at them, before dismissing everyone.


"I didn't get to salute him!" Jungkook complained, pouting.

"You're just being a disgrace," Jimin deadpans. "Stop pouting and get to work, the crowd is coming in 5 minutes and we need to finish setting up the booth."

Jungkook salutes him. Jimin walks away trying not to smile.








The next hour involves a lot of 12-to-14-year-olds being fascinated, noisy and messy. Within the first 10 minutes, Jimin and Jungkook easily fall into their own pace of working, cooperating and dividing roles. Just like the old days. It's always easy working with Jungkook, they know exactly how to work it out with minimal exchange, taking over what they're good at and covering for each other with just one look.


While it was nice to be working beside Jungkook again, Jimin can barely think about it because there's barely time to rest, and also because the sun is frying his brain.

"Why do the booths have to be outside?" Jimin whines to Jungkook when the lower secondary crowd is clearing, fanning himself furiously with one hand and blocking the sun with another. "Can't we move indoors?"

"Indoors is for the polaroid booth, remember?" Jungkook replies. "You can't expect people to change costumes outside."

"Screw them," Jimin grumbled, sulking. Jungkook ruffles his hair a little and laughed. Jimin doesn't even have the strength to smack his hand away, only making some muffled noise of discontent.


"I need to go get my bag, can you manage? There's not a lot of kids left and the Y3&4s are not coming down yet."

"Yeah, go ahead," Jimin dismisses him easily. "Hurry up though, I need the toilet before the next crowd."

"You need anything from the room?"

"The aircon."

"… I'll try to bring some cold air with me when I come out then."

"Not funny, now run."

"Alright, alright."



Minutes later, Jungkook turns up again with his backpack. He fishes through it, comes up with a black cap and snaps it on instantly.

"What the fck, jeon," Jimin gaps at him. "Did you come prepared or what."

Jungkook rolls his eyes at him and continues fishing through his bag. Jimin takes the answer to be a no and assumes that he's looking for his (dirty ugly- purple) comb or something so he turns away, but a pressure was applied on his head after a moment. Jimin swats meekly at Jungkook in protest, before realising that the bright sunlight is actually shaded from his eyes now.

He shoots Jungkook a look. "Don't touch my hair, you bish," he mumbles, taking the snapback off and putting it on himself. He doesn't even want to ask why Jungkook would carry not one but two caps around in his bag on a daily basis. A greater urge to sigh washes over him Jungkook continues fishing in his bag and pulls out two pairs of shades.

"You're a fcking doremon, jeon," Jimin says in disbelief as he gladly accepted the shades. "You can open a store with just that bag of yours."

"Be grateful, you brat."

"Excuse me I'm two months older who are you calling a brat huh. Also since when do you carry shades around as well?"

"Since forever, and also, no one can tell that you're older neko just give up."

"Fck you."

"No thanks, I'd rather not. Anyway, if I were you I'd totally run for the toilet now because the next crowd comes in 3 minutes."



Jimin curses Jungkook all the way as he makes a dash for the toilet.








Finally, it's the third and last crowd of the day that is their Senior High mates that aren't involved in any performance or booth-manning. They've also moved the booth into the shaded corridors, much to their relief. Jimin sinks into his chair promptly, ignoring Jungkook's chiding as he slops over Jungkook's bag to rest.

"Neko you're sweaty, come on," Jungkook hisses.

"Uh-uh," Jimin responds, sticking his tongue out even though Jungkook is currently back-facing him.

"And don't stick your tongue out, I don't want your saliva on my bag."

"What the fck, do you have eyes on your back jeon?"

"No, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out," Jungkook deadpans.

Jimin pouts a little before getting up to stretch a little. "Fine, fine, Mr Idiot. I, Mr Genius, will be joining you again."

Jungkook doesn't even bother to reply and only kicks Jimin under the table. They glared at each other continuously as they manned the booth until a group of people approached the table calling Jungkook's name.



"Oh, you guys came!"

"Of course we came," one said. "Too bad you missed the concert, it was pretty good."

"Really? Damn."

"Yeah, such a shame. You were supposed to be with us."

At that, Jimin looked at Jungkook, before turning his attention back to the other group at the booth attempting the game.



"Hey, I'm going to the canteen, do you want anything?" Someone tapped Jimin on the shoulder, and he turns around to see one of his batch mates in Photography. "I'm Dahyun, by the way."

"Um, fanta grape, thanks. Do you want me to pay you now?"

"Nah, just pay me later," the girl waves him off before turning to ask someone else the same question.

"Thanks!" Jimin calls behind her.



Less than a minute later, someone's tapping Jimin on the shoulder again. This time it's Jungkook. "Hey, Seokjin's getting me some drinks from the canteen. You need any?"

"Uh, Dahoon…? Dayeon…? Uhhh, whatever, but one of our batch mates is helping me," Jimin replies.

"You didn't ask me when she asked!" Jungkook looks scandalised.

"… Well isn't Soonjin getting for you anyways?"

"Seokjin… it's Seokjin. Damn you're so bad at names neko."

"Whatever, names are not very important," Jimin replies, turning away.


The truth is that Jimin knows that name. Seokjin, currently Jungkook's closest friend in his clique. The other name that Jimin actually knows…



"Hey, can you help us take a picture?"

Youngjae. With all polite words and smiles but all Jimin see is an ugly smirk. And a chattering Jungkook with his friends who dressed up as various characters behind him.

Without thinking, Jimin turns around sharply. "Hey Jaebum! Do me a favour and help them take a picture, will ya."

He pretends to not notice Jungkook raise an eyebrow at that, rather pretends to be really occupied with fixing the booth deco.


He later feels a little apologetic that he made his distaste towards Jungkook's friends too obvious and that's against his usual self. I hope they didn't notice it, urgh what were you thinking Park Jimin.








Booth games still wrapped up nicely by 1pm. Jungkook and Jimin are the first to finish clearing up their booth and leisurely lent a hand to the rest.

"How are you two done so quickly? The water balloons are damn hard to dispose," Yoongi marvels.

"Teamwork," Jungkook replies, and high-fives Jimin.



Kris gave a short speech about they've worked hard and it was a smooth event. "Thanks for the effort, guys," Suho, the chairperson chimes in when Kris paused. Kris shot him a look of disapproval for interrupting before continuing. "Anyways, good work folks. Now pack up and head off to your electives. You are dismissed."

"Sassy," Jungkook comments to Jimin, and Kris certainly caught that, judging by the look that he gave Jungkook.



"Where's your elective?" Jungkook asked when they're walking out of the room.

"I think it's in the music atrium, not sure which floor though," Jimin replies.

"Oh, we'll be heading in the same direction then. Mine's at the Junior High block."

Jimin hums to show that he's heard that as he stops by the water cooler to fill up his  bottle.


Jungkook leans against the wall waiting and makes a casual comment out of the blue. "Say, we haven't spent time together like this in a while, haven't we?"

"Oh, so you've noticed?" is what Jimin really wants to say, but he clamps his mouth shut and lets out an ambiguous "mhm" instead.


Jungkook falls silent after that, and Jimin doesn't say anything else to fill in the silence as they continue walking down the corridor together. When they reached the other building, Jimin pauses a little to nod at Jungkook once, before walking off to find that "Boulez Room" in the music atrium.

Jungkook doesn't yell after him for not saying bye, and Jimin leans against the wall for support once he's made a turn and can no longer be seen by Jungkook.



What have we became, jeon?

Are we still best friends? We still have that great teamwork.

But just what the hell are we now.






Naggy author time!

Firstly, don't you just love me! A double update! I've not done this for any of my fics like ever. The MV for Fire has insfired me to complete chap 3, then when I was done, I found out that the freaking album was out. So fck my life I wrote chap 4 as well! INSFIRES, MAN. I loved the entire album urghhhh I can't wait for the MV of Save Me urghhh. FIRE IS SO DOPE IM CRYING. And the prologue ver of Butterly and the ballad ver of Run urghhhh

So there you go, a double update (each worth >2k), I figured I can spoil yall since BTS spoils us a lot. It's not very beta-ed though, I slept at 4 because of this, I probably missed out some mistakes. I'll beta it when I upload the next chapter on an unknown date XD No promises though. I just started my internship and sighs life is not easy friends. Treasure your time in school. 

Da angst is building up okay I hope. Warning: The worse angst is concentrated in the mid Apr - early May. Will probably be the next next chapter. I'll be nice to Jimin in the next chapter XD Namjoon will make an appearance in the next update, did you miss him? Hehe ^^

Meanwhile don't be shy to talk to me kays I don't bite.

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Ok I have (mostly) beta-ed all chapters including beeping out the 'fck' and 'sht' since I literally just realised that AFF has an issue with those words lol. Let me know if you spot any errors!


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Chapter 23: Wow.. it was a very good read.. I was expecting a romantic relationship in here somewhere but it was unexpected and I have to agree it was much better this way.. really.. and every good relationship will have phases both good and bad and u really explained it very well.. hoping for more jikook stories from u.. and thank u
Chapter 13: Why I am hurting even though it's not my life???? What have u done author-nim????
Chapter 2: I am not feeling well now.. those feelings Jiminieee having inside his stomach is reflecting in my stomach too.. u r an awesome writer.. really..
Chapter 24: Whoa. I enjoy this chapter with extra story pieces so much! Some quotes are really cool, especially the Chinese ones. Thanks for the update!
Chapter 23: You are the first author which made me addicted or fall for your A/N like dude ....Its sorta compulsory for me read everytime xD

Also You one of my fav author!
Kudos !
Sorry for long comment but here it goes...

Wow this is based on real life ! Wow I am impressed it must have been difficult for you to recall all that.
I remember ending up badly with a friend from a trio (we had a group but this trio was like a sub group.) ....not so badly but we don't know why we started to hate each other in sort of way.....I don't talk to her a lot anymore.
She sort of confessed that she used to get insecure by my presence since I had a strong vibe naturally attracting people.

But my other bff (like Tae in this story) from my trio is still with me , Its much more better now.
We were separated when I changed my school after migrating.
..... It was like my whole life came crashing down since they were centre of my world.
....I recall closing myself in , but initially meeting new people made me feel better or else I would have remained a shadow under one of my brightest friendd.....like a package added everywhere.
Like a side kick....how I hate recalling that T_T
Her insecurities about us ( me- jimin , Tae friend of mine) that we may overshine her made ....her do lot of stuff to us like she never considered us in anything imp.... I don't wanna recall or say stuff she actually did.

In past I used to repeatedly forgive her (that friend from my trio who I ended up badly with is like Kyungsoo)
And whenever I tried to talk it out she behaved as if me being away/hurt/sad doesn't matter to her at all.... It was a abusive friendship for all these years (4yrs) before I moved out .
I don't think she regret anything yet , but I don't want to do anything with her anymore.
Its like ...I am glad I moved out .xD

This story Actually was sort of reflection to my life too...
This story helped me to understand that , all these important things we tend to forget in casual relationships plays a major role to maintain any friendship.
Reading this story is probably the best thing I ever did ,It made me feel better about myself and sort of helped me move on for digesting the truth.... that sometime who claims "You are most special" aren't always telling the truth.
And how careful we should be in making new friends .
Jimin is the most relatable person to me in BTS since our personality traits match surprisingly a lot.

I am so so so so glad that you wrote this story and how in the end described everyone .... It was beautiful .

I have few questions....like the letters you used to share between the chapters are those from you real life.
Also what would you do if any of your friend who you wrote about , find this story out >_< hehe

P.S:- I wanna lowkey tell my whole Trio story to you ;-; I dunno why *cough*

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Fighting Author nim <3
Chapter 23: I've read the A/N to the very end and I must say I don't regret it hahah. thanks to the A/N, the explanations give me in-depth acknowledgement of the story, the back-side (?) of each characters, how they even more relate to you, etc. I'm excited about the side-stories
(?) you mentioned here, can't wait to read them! ^^
Chapter 23: You are an awesome Author hun
(Will read your a/n now xD)
Oh! And I'd like to see this story become more appreciated ㅠㅠㅠ I'd give this a hundred upvotes if I can (but I've given one so long ago, no worries!) ^^
Chapter 22: To be honest, this story has moved me, made tears rolling on my face, made my chest felt constricted, become so relatable to my experience, opened my perspective about things I've never wondered /that/ deep, and it has done many other things that concluded to one thing: 'when my world no longer stops for you' has changed my life, in one way or another.

So here's me, offering my gratitude to you for sharing the beautiful pieces of your lifeㅡthe struggles, the emotions, the thoughts, just- everythingㅡby writing and posting this story. I've been enjoying this story so much, I apologize for not showing up often. I'll keep supporting you, author!
