bonus chapter (more like old plots and broken scenes but ok)

when my world no longer stops for you

Welcome to the bonus chapter! Let's start with the original planning (old plot, old characterisation, old ending).


So there were many versions of drafts, but this is one of the most complete original draft I could recall (since my laptop crashed before and I lost quite some work. Initially this story was meant to be told from a God's perspective (do you call it God's perspective idk the direct translation holds in Chinese and I at being bilingual LOL), Jimin-centric with a Jungkook POV ending. The time span will be from 2012-2015, and JiKook were planned to be a couple that were never official and YoonMin will get together in 2015, with VMinHope as the platonic ship. The characters will be closer to the BTS members' personalities (eg Yoongi being the tsundere, Vhope being sunshines etc) rather how in the later version I did make some characters to seem OOC to fit their real-life match instead.


2012 and 2013: Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok pulled in Jimin, the loner, to form a dance team. The in between will be quite similar to the prelude, how they got close and occasionally intimate etc.


Early 2014: The dance team was disbanded by the school. Jungkook found new friends (Namjoon and Seokjin) in the student council and started to distance from the dance team friends. The same stuff as how the story turned out just with slight difference, overall just Jimin hurting and Hoseok & Taehyung being sweethearts. They pulled Jimin into the photography club, where Jimin meets Yoongi, a senior. One day Yoongi caught Jimin crying, and he manages to knock some sense into him (albeit in a harsh manner).

"I'd let you know you're fcking lucky that I'm not throwing you out right now because crying people makes me really uncomfortable, but I'll make an exception for you, sunshine. Just this once," Yoongi grumbles as he tightens his arms.

"Thanks, hyung," Jimin mutters embarrassedly, wiping the last of his tears. "I'm okay now."


Late 2014: Similar to the actual story but more toned down and fictional, Jimin and Jungkook talked. Jimin makes more friends and realised that life goes on just fine, if not better, when there's no Jungkook.


Early 2015: One random day the photography club came up with a plan to revive the dance club, and Jungkook was involved too. This is like the toned down version of Jimin joining back the dance concert as cameo in the actual fic. Then you have the mass run scene. Unlike the actual story, there was a small Jungkook POV after Jimin didn't stop.

Jungkook had stopped in his tracks and stared behind Jimin and Yoongi with a very lost look on his face. "Hyung, I think I lost something very important, I'm going back to find it." Seokjin wants to say that he can't find it now, but he doesn't open his mouth at all, only watching the boy turn and go back the same way they've came. You won't find it down the road, Jungkook-ah.


Late 2015: Graduation of Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin and some others (Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon were set to graduate the next year).

Jimin hanged around for a while, looking on at the seniors who are all laughing and hugging each other. "It's gonna be us next year, unbelievable huh," suddenly Jungkook is beside him, speaking exactly what he's thinking. He laughs a little when agreeing, thinking that even after so long they still know what's on the other's mind. They fall silent for a moment.

Jimin tells him that he has to go soon, the photography club is having a farewell party for the seniors. Jungkook grabs his arm and forced Jimin to look at him in the eye. "I'm sorry," he finally says. There was a long pause as Jimin digests the many meaning behind that. Finally he smiles, the same old smile that Jungkook is used to, the kind that can break through dark skies after a storm. "I know. It's okay."

They stood there for a while, and Jimin looks into Jungkook's eyes without fear, he wonders what he sees in those dark orbs that he used to love. "I've got to get going, see you around then," Jimin then says after a pregnant pause. "I think Yoongi hyung's been waiting for a while." Jungkook opens his mouth to protest, but stops when he realises he's no one to protest.

Jimin walks towards his Yoongi hyung, who was standing at the door, sunset giving his silhouette a warm glow. "Let's go, sunshine." "Okay."


After the celebration, when Yoongi walks Jimin home, at his doorsteps, Yoongi looks at Jimin in the eye, and asked, "Be mine, Park Jimin?" Jimin stares, before standing on tip toes to kiss him (how many insoles do you wear hyung). "I thought you'd never ask, idiot."



As mentioned, the original ending was going to be a Jungkook POV, inspired by this quote from (yet another) chinese exo fic (if I didn't stress enough, that fandom had so much talented writers esp 2012-2014 wtf I keep getting amazed every single time I read a new fic off the list): 想来记忆中一直都是我让你看着我离去的背影,无数次的,却从未想过你那时的心情。每次我回过头的时候,你总是还在那里等我,一如既往。我把这当成理所当然,欣然接受,却没想过有一天,我也会这么看着你的背影,而如今这一别,就是天涯永隔。Trans: Now that I think of it, I've always let you watched me leave every time, yet had never tried to think of how you would have felt. Every time I looked back, you would always be there waiting for me. I took this for granted, but I never imagined there would be one day where I would be looking at you leave, and this farewell would be forever.

Many months later, when Jimin asked him why he doesn't ask earlier, Yoongi says he was just waiting until Jimin's heart is ready for the next person. Jimin whacks him hard, but Yoongi feels more pleased watching Jimin blush, so he laughs it off. "You still love me." "Uh, huh, what's new?" "Nothing," Yoongi replies, and leads Jimin away. He doesn't tell Jimin that Jungkook was standing at the door of the supermarket, staring after them.

When my world no longer stops for you.




Okay enough of the old planning, here's the random bits that I wished were included in the story but failed because of this and that kind of reasons. Every part will have a time and setting of that scene, and where it was supposed to be. I'll try to have them organised chronologically.




Time & setting: first half of 2012, some of Jimin's facebook posts

Supposed chapter: mixed here and there in the earlier chapters, nothing concrete really


"I looked back at my life so far, and realize how many beautiful promises were made and yet how none were kept. From the grand and idealistic ones like "friends forever" and "together" to the simple ones like a meet up or a much delayed thumb drive, all those promises were drown out in the flow of time and no one would ever hear the cries of the lost innocence. The equation to being strong is to no expectations, time and distance."


"If you seek me as a choice I rather be none."



Trans: Libras are most afraid of changes. He promised others that he'll never change, but in the end everyone else did, so what's the point if he's still the same?


"Why am I doing this again. Turning to something new, escaping from what we used to share. Isn't this just so pointless and do I not know this. Why am I doing this."

(So I fell for DBSK and got Jungkook into them as well. In 2014 I spent the first half of the year getting into all kinds of new groups like MBLAQ, SHINee, and if I'm not wrong at the point of the post it was BAP. It's just really a way of running away from facing what we shared.)





Trans: Actually I wanted to say it, there just wasn't enough time. Actually I understand it all, I just didn't want to put you in a difficult position. Actually I'm just like that, just a little tired that's all.


"We had too many agreements that were unspoken, but always upheld. So I can't even say anything when these agreements were broken. Because it was never pronounced out loud anyway."



Trans: We've always been complaining of a place that we never quite had the courage to leave. But when I really did, I found that some things had quietly changed, while I can only watch helplessly and try my best to not care.



Trans: And from a point onwards, there's no longer my place. Or perhaps it's been so since a long time ago.



Trans: It's such a scary thing, how easily we adapt.






Time & setting: earlier half of 2014, taken from the online chat between Yixing and Jimin

Supposed chapter: probably chapter 5 (opening up)


Yixing: I find it sad that nowadays i actually need a reason to start a conversation with people i used to call and text all the time. Its like we used to be so comfortable, yet with a bit of distance and some more time i felt as if we were strangers who knew each other, to the point were we have to be careful around each other. But i think its sadder that theres nothing i can do about drifting apart. Its like i accept it as part of life and time's natural processes, but it still saddens me when i stand there and watch people leave me.






Time & setting: 2012-2013, anywhere outside of school

Supposed chapter: It should have been in the prelude, or in a random flashback scene of later chapters when Jimin was feeling nostalgic. I kind of forgot about this part of their dynamics while writing and it only came to me the most recent time I met up with her and I forgot my lipstick and she shoved me this entire bag of cosmetics lol.


Jimin doesn’t have the habit of carrying a bag when they meet up and just goes out with his wallet, phone and earpiece. Jungkook, on the other hand, carries around a huge, fully-stuffed bag with everything that's necessary and everything that isn't. He usually has anything that Jimin needs, from water and eyedrops to plasters and glasses. Jimin used to dump all his lobang into Jungkook's bag much to Jungkook's annoyance. It wasn't a habit that too long to fix though.






Time & setting: mid-2014, a random chat between Jimin and Bambam at the library café.

Supposed chapter: Chapter 7 (begin)


Bambam was telling Jimin of the recent progression between Jackson and Amber. "They wouldn't even be in the same room as each other ever since Jackson confessed to Amber and got rejected," he was complaining. "And Jackson would get mad if he finds out that I'm still talking to Amber, it's ridiculous."

Jimin sighs and pats Bambam sympathetically. "It must be hard on you, but there's really nothing you can do."

"I know," Bambam confessed sadly. "It's just crazy to think that just a few months ago we treasured each other to spend Chinese New Year with each other, but things turned sour so quickly and I never quite saw it coming."

"It’s like that," Jimin laughs humourlessly. "I was in Taiwan with Jungkook and Taehyung last December too, but look at what's left of that now huh?"






Time & setting: September 2014, from Jimin's blog post

Supposed chapter: meant for Chapter 10 (to a new me), in the end I only included a small part of this in the actual chapter.



















(very rough and very un-aesthetic) Trans

"Were you changing, or have I never really saw through you?"

It seems like I'm over you. I can tell others about you casually, I can say "we're fine" when old friends ask.

Bambam told me "if he's not making you happy, then why torture yourself?"

Namjoon told me "you should distant from someone that is making you sad and uncomfortable."

Kyungsoo told me "he's not worth it; you have others that would treasure you better."

But do you actually know, know that the person you've let go is me, know why I'm doing this, know why we aren't going to be possible anymore.

I guess I'm just a tiny bit bitter about it.

We're over. This dream that lasted 2 years, over.

Don't let me regret again. I can't afford to.

I don't want to tell you at this critical point. I don't want you to feel guilty, this cheap second-hand thought is useless. I don't want to affect you or owe you anything. What I owe you, what you owe me, let's make it equal.

I'm not cruel enough, because this is you, or more accurately the you that I used to know.

I've cried, I've hurt, I've treasured, I've despaired.

And now, there's nothing left, okay.

I've let go, can you see it?






Time & setting: late 2014, short conversion of Namjoon and Jimin on the bus

Supposed chapter: probably chap 10 (to a new me)


"I feel like you're somewhat different," Namjoon says suddenly.


Namjoon studies Jimin for a while. "You're a lot… brighter lately? It's like someone took away the old Jimin and replaced him with someone entirely different, but better."







Time & setting: late 2014, in Sehun's house for PW

Supposed chapter: chap 11 (hiraeth)


They have been getting closer anyway, ever since July, when Kyungsoo approached Jimin to demand if Jimin is aware that he's the Chinese penpal that Jimin has been writing emo ish to in year 4.

(Unbelieving face): "How the hell could you not have figured it out, we've been in the same class for 7 months now!"

(Defensive): "But I wrote to Jing Xiu and that sounds nothing like Kyungsoo!"

(Unconvinced): "But our lit teacher calls me Jing Xiu all the time during class!"

(Guilty): "… Okay, so I may not have remembered your name, fight me!"

(questioning life decisions): "Oh god why are you my penpal."

(Indignant): "It was assigned by Ms Lee! I don't have a choice!!!")






Time & setting: late 2014 - 2015, part of the year-end summary thoughts

Supposed chapter: possibly either chap 11 or 12 (hiraeth or joie de vivre)



Trans: I can finally face our past chapter calmly. Others were surprised at how well we worked together and I will only just laugh it off. There's no need to deny a friendship that was once sincere, nor is there a reason to deny the past memory that had brightened my day.






Time & setting: 2015, a quote that Yixing posted on his blog and is what Jimin aspires to be like

Supposed chapter: preferably the opening quote for chapter 11 (hiraeth)


"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

- lain S. Thomas






Time & setting: late 2014 to 2015, the first 3 were quotes taken from the chinese exo fics that I was very into then, the last was written by my more sentimental self.

Supposed chapter: nothing specific, just in the later chapters. I intended to use them as the opening or ending quotes.



Trans: When you love someone, you plant a forest for him in your heart, then you have birds singing from the branches, the ants carrying food in queues. When he leaves, you chop down all the trees, leaving a stretch of stumps. No more birds singing, or a passing deer. But he's still occupying a space, just that it used to be bustling with life, and now abandoned.



Trans: With time, people whom we used to believe was unreplaceable turned into groundless rumours.



Trans: We met at our HYYH (best moments of our life). We loved each other, yet each other the deepest.

*I think I used this as the opening for one of the chapters? But because I love this quote so much so yes you're seeing it again.


时光带来的是一种潜移默化的改变,有时连你自己都无法察觉。一些人就这么变得不再重要,一些则悄然成了你不可缺失的一部分。 而内心那些时光无法抹去的,也被封印在一个角落,少有问津。

Trans: Time brings about changes so silent that sometimes you may completely overlook it. Some people become less important to you while others have quietly become a significant part of your life. And even for the moments that time cannot erase are sealed into a corner and rarely visited.

*This quote actually appeared in the A/N of chap 16 (inception), but since I like it very much so I'm bringing it back again lol. I wrote this quote in mid-2015 I think.






Time & setting: a Monday of early 2015, on the morning bus

Supposed chapter: possibly chap 13 (when my world no longer stops for you)


Jimin forgot his tie at home, and he only realises when he's on the bus already. After some thought, he texted two people at the same time - Jungkook & Kyungsoo, asking if they had an extra tie to lend him.

This was the fastest time Jungkook has ever replied to his text, but before him, Kyungsoo already did.






Time & setting: early 2015, at the PAC

Supposed chapter: chap 14 (incalescence)


That was only the start to more slip-ups and mistakes, Jimin isn't surprised, but he's still sort of uneasy - after all, he's not used to this level of stress since photogs has a really lax atmosphere.

"Not used to the concert tension already? You've only stopped performing for one year," Jimin looks over to see that Kyungsoo has sat down one row behind him.

"Almost two years, actually," Jimin corrects. "And I thought you were needed in the control room for your techies stuff."

"You look like you need a coffee fix but you were ignoring my texts," Kyungsoo states easily, handing Jimin a grey thermos.

Jimin did a quick search. "Must have left my phone back in the practice room," he explains sheepishly.

"Your level of independence from your phone is remarkable," Kyungsoo notes, and laughs a little when he saw how Jimin shivered a little as he sipped the coffee. "Is the coffee this good?"

"Nah, the no-phone rule was set by us in Year 3, so I can't go against our own words," Jimin says distractedly, eyeing the stage where the JH is setting up. "And also it was a physical reaction, alright? The PAC is freezing and this thing is warm as hell, it's only scientific that I shiver."

"Why are you guys so hard core," Kyungsoo comments as he unties the jacket around his waist. "Here," he says, tossing Jimin the jacket. "Put it on and stay alive."

"But what about you?"

"The control room's air con is warmer," Kyungsoo shrugs. "You done with that coffee?"


Before Jimin could reply, he hears Jungkook yelled for his attention. "Jimin, can you check if we got the stage center right? It's hard to tell from up close."

"Give me a minute!" He yells back, shoving the thermos to Kyungsoo with a distracted "see you later" as he stood up to check. "I think you're a little off, stage center is like just 2 steps to the right of where Hoseok is standing right now."

"Okay, wait-- how about now?"

"Yeah perfect."


"Okay let's do one round of sound check, Hoseok and Ilhoon will stay on stage to help," Jungkook commands, jumping off the stage in a swift movement and heads in Jimin's direction.

"I don't think this spot is the best for sound check though," Jimin tells him. "It's a bit too up front, we should move back like 4 rows or something."



While they were waiting for Minseok to complete the briefing, Jungkook looks over at the jacket Jimin's wearing and asks, "that's your friend's jacket?"

"How did you know?"

"Jimin, unless you somehow managed to join the AV crew without anyone knowing, I can't think of an alternative explanation as to why you'll be wearing a jacket with the words 'TECHIES' printed at the back."


Jungkook looked like he had more to say, but sound check is starting and they both turned their attention back to the stage.






Time & setting: 2015, inspired by a short sunggyu x woohyun fic 'Don't fall in love with a curious one' (highly recommend you read it, super well written)

Supposed chapter: it was kind of planned either for the year-end summary or Jimin's own thoughts after getting the letter.


"The curious people don't settle with your shell, they want the insides too. They want to know what makes you heavy, what makes you uneasy, what makes you laugh of joy, what makes you scream of anger and what makes you cry of heartbreak. They will want you raw for them to know every single thing that defines you. They won't stop themselves from making a complete map detailing every little thing that composes you. And, like a contract with the devil, their skin will turn into pages that you learn to pour your entire being in. A hopeless necessity. An unseen dependence.

Don't fall in love with a curious one. Listen to me. They won't let a sigh go unexplained. They won't let a thought go unspoken. They want to know it all. They will want to know exactly what they did to get you to love them that much.

Don't fall in love with a curious one, because I've been there. I know it too well. They will slowly your shirt, strip you and take all their time to read every scar, every mark, every curve. As if they cared, they will carefully dissect your every limb, every organ, every inch of skin, every thought, everything. And then they will walk back home, eat their dinner and fall asleep without returning your calls.

You will never be their lifelong expedition.

The heart is a mystery only for so long.

There is no ache like loving a curious one who chases every falling star that crosses their way but never catches one. Who comes and sees, conquers and then leaves without a second thought."


*Above was the excerpt from the fic (once again highly recommend you check it out). It was so well written and so TRUE. I wanted to give it a small tribute, with Jungkook as the curious one, who explores every inch of Jimin's mind and pushes him further and further, then when Jimin is now attached he sees new people he's curious of. I didn't quite find a way to include it though… :(






Time & setting: first few months of 2016, some random day when Jimin started to use Instagram.

Supposed chapter: I planned for it in the epilogue, which was initially gonna be a mashup of the post 2016 Jimin x Jungkook interactions, but in the end I didn't really find it necessary so… yep.


Jimin came across Jungkook's Instagram posts of graduation day. His first post was dedicated to dance, and Jimin was in 2 of the 7 pictures in that collage. He wrote dedication to their batchmates, then a special segment to the other two zhidaos. From the caption, it was evident that Jungkook has never spoken of Jimin as if he was no longer a part of the team, and that was heart-warming to know. That Jimin had never really been replaced.






Time & setting: early 2017, Jimin's teacher asked Jimin to get a few friends to perform on stage, and Jungkook readily agreed. Less than one week after their concert, Bangtan High's dance crew had a concert in the same concert hall so they volunteered to come down earlier to help (it was a new place so even the teachers were not familiar with the place).

Supposed chapter: same as the above, this was planned for the epilogue


Jimin and Jungkook don't really get a lot of chances to meet, especially seeing that their schedules are very different (their universities have very different academic timetable so usually when Jimin has a break, Jungkook's semester still hasn't ended) and they all have other commitments like work and volunteering. A performance opportunity meant they meet weekly for a month to practice with the teachers. A performance meant rekindling their passion for dance and the stage. A performance meant weird selfies during practice, multiple shopping trips for outfits, doing make-up for each other, and unlocking new concert venues together.

One week later, back in the same place and easily slipping past the security who assumed them to be performers, Jimin and Jungkook sat in the rehearsal, and nagged them of where they could have done better. Concert starts at 7, so they decide to grab dinner first. Woojin and Daniel, their juniors who had dropped out of dance but came for support (Woojin was a junior that Jimin had personally mentored back when he was student instructor, while Daniel was the batch that joined when Jimin quit so he doesn't know that kid very well, but Daniel claims to be Jungkook's favourite junior so ok), tagged along. Those 2 kids seemed pretty close, and Jimin was quite surprised because he had always remembered Woojin as the more calm of his batch, yet he's so wild with Daniel, it's almost cute.

Over dinner Jimin and Jungkook kept up a banter, as they always do. At a point, Daniel complains loudly, "you two are so married!" and Jimin was stunned because wow, he hasn't heard this kind of comment in 4 years or something. "You and Woojin are not one to speak," Jungkook had retorted. "Sure I would call Woojinie my boyfriend, but you two?" The kid shakes his head dramatically. "You two are just married." Jimin sighs as Jungkook launches at Daniel playfully, and shares a look with Woojin. At least someone else here is normal.






Also this kind of belongs no where but I found these paragraphs under my OneNote folder of characterisation and I figure I can leave it here for you too ;)

No matter how cool or whatever others see Jungkook, Jimin sees through all that he and he calls bullsh*t. Jeon Jungkook is nothing but an over-sized toddler that doesn't fully understand emotions and has no idea how to deal with problems. He's also the grossest person Jimin knows alive, the type who skins the chicken or whatever meat and set it aside to gulp down at the end, the type to blow into the straw for the drink to bubble, the type to mix all sorts of sauces together for fun, the type to stab the slice of lemon in the drink when waiting for food to be served, the type… Yeah you get the idea. He's also the mushiest human ever when it's not spoken, and he cries a lot easier than what people think (he blames his eyes, and Jimin kind of agree that those eyes have a mind of their own). But at the same time he is ridiculously bad at talking, terrible with words. He can read situations pretty fast, but is a complete failure at reacting properly.

And Jimin? He was the most boring person alive, probably. Very stubborn on minor stuff. The type to only eat that one set meal, the type to only eat at one fast food, the type that has a sequence of eating that he religiously follows. He's also really easy to annoy, and Jungkook loves the reaction he gets. He's also selectively stupid to fool people into believing that he's as simple as he appears, which includes pretending to be the biggest failure at directions.

Which is why Jimin is sure that turning back time will change nothing. Because if there's one thing that Jimin knows about Jungkook, it's that he's great at making friends and being friends when you have daily contact, but he is terrible at keeping friends once there's just a little bit of distance because he would rather hang himself than be the first person to contact you. If they do ever go back in time, all these would repeat again and Jungkook will still be an although he regrets all that he's done but he has no idea how to act elsewise, but the difference will be that Jimin would socialise and make friends too, and Jungkook won't be able to hurt him or hurt him as badly, but they'll still end up drifting apart for sure and perhaps even less attached than they are now.





Yep so that's it for the bonus chapter! It took a little longer than I expected to sort out haha but school's been hectic and I only settled my timetable 2 weeks into school ugh. Anyway that's all from me! Hope you guys have a great year ahead and happy chinese new year in advance, hehe <3



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Thank you!
Ok I have (mostly) beta-ed all chapters including beeping out the 'fck' and 'sht' since I literally just realised that AFF has an issue with those words lol. Let me know if you spot any errors!


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Chapter 23: Wow.. it was a very good read.. I was expecting a romantic relationship in here somewhere but it was unexpected and I have to agree it was much better this way.. really.. and every good relationship will have phases both good and bad and u really explained it very well.. hoping for more jikook stories from u.. and thank u
Chapter 13: Why I am hurting even though it's not my life???? What have u done author-nim????
Chapter 2: I am not feeling well now.. those feelings Jiminieee having inside his stomach is reflecting in my stomach too.. u r an awesome writer.. really..
Chapter 24: Whoa. I enjoy this chapter with extra story pieces so much! Some quotes are really cool, especially the Chinese ones. Thanks for the update!
Chapter 23: You are the first author which made me addicted or fall for your A/N like dude ....Its sorta compulsory for me read everytime xD

Also You one of my fav author!
Kudos !
Sorry for long comment but here it goes...

Wow this is based on real life ! Wow I am impressed it must have been difficult for you to recall all that.
I remember ending up badly with a friend from a trio (we had a group but this trio was like a sub group.) ....not so badly but we don't know why we started to hate each other in sort of way.....I don't talk to her a lot anymore.
She sort of confessed that she used to get insecure by my presence since I had a strong vibe naturally attracting people.

But my other bff (like Tae in this story) from my trio is still with me , Its much more better now.
We were separated when I changed my school after migrating.
..... It was like my whole life came crashing down since they were centre of my world.
....I recall closing myself in , but initially meeting new people made me feel better or else I would have remained a shadow under one of my brightest a package added everywhere.
Like a side I hate recalling that T_T
Her insecurities about us ( me- jimin , Tae friend of mine) that we may overshine her made ....her do lot of stuff to us like she never considered us in anything imp.... I don't wanna recall or say stuff she actually did.

In past I used to repeatedly forgive her (that friend from my trio who I ended up badly with is like Kyungsoo)
And whenever I tried to talk it out she behaved as if me being away/hurt/sad doesn't matter to her at all.... It was a abusive friendship for all these years (4yrs) before I moved out .
I don't think she regret anything yet , but I don't want to do anything with her anymore.
Its like ...I am glad I moved out .xD

This story Actually was sort of reflection to my life too...
This story helped me to understand that , all these important things we tend to forget in casual relationships plays a major role to maintain any friendship.
Reading this story is probably the best thing I ever did ,It made me feel better about myself and sort of helped me move on for digesting the truth.... that sometime who claims "You are most special" aren't always telling the truth.
And how careful we should be in making new friends .
Jimin is the most relatable person to me in BTS since our personality traits match surprisingly a lot.

I am so so so so glad that you wrote this story and how in the end described everyone .... It was beautiful .

I have few the letters you used to share between the chapters are those from you real life.
Also what would you do if any of your friend who you wrote about , find this story out >_< hehe

P.S:- I wanna lowkey tell my whole Trio story to you ;-; I dunno why *cough*

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Fighting Author nim <3
Chapter 23: I've read the A/N to the very end and I must say I don't regret it hahah. thanks to the A/N, the explanations give me in-depth acknowledgement of the story, the back-side (?) of each characters, how they even more relate to you, etc. I'm excited about the side-stories
(?) you mentioned here, can't wait to read them! ^^
Chapter 23: You are an awesome Author hun
(Will read your a/n now xD)
Oh! And I'd like to see this story become more appreciated ㅠㅠㅠ I'd give this a hundred upvotes if I can (but I've given one so long ago, no worries!) ^^
Chapter 22: To be honest, this story has moved me, made tears rolling on my face, made my chest felt constricted, become so relatable to my experience, opened my perspective about things I've never wondered /that/ deep, and it has done many other things that concluded to one thing: 'when my world no longer stops for you' has changed my life, in one way or another.

So here's me, offering my gratitude to you for sharing the beautiful pieces of your lifeㅡthe struggles, the emotions, the thoughts, just- everythingㅡby writing and posting this story. I've been enjoying this story so much, I apologize for not showing up often. I'll keep supporting you, author!
