
Do you believe in Destiny?
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Chapter Fourteen:





Tiffany waked up rather early on this Monday, she didn’t even have a decent nap last night since thought about Jasper and her growing confusing feeling for Taeyeon keeps on running over her mind, plus the image of Yelena when they had that talk also keeps on playing. Tiffany felt like her mind was a freaking TV and she just decided to stupidly play with the channel just to torture herself.


Tiffany let out a tired sigh, she sipped the last ounce of her strong black coffee that she hope would help her survive the morning and would let her stay awake until lunch time. She let the cup sit in her sink and went to proceed to her room to get her blazer and bag since she she’s up early she decided to just go to the restaurant early and try to work on their marketing plan.


She was already in the front door but as she open up the door, she let out a shocked gasped and clamped her hand to her left chest when she got a very early surprise to one of the person that plagued her mind all night long.


“Good morning!”


Tiffany heard the happy laughter of her bestfriend and even though she’s still having a lot of mixed emotion right now, she can’t help but feel happy just seeing her bestfriend’s happy and smiling face.


“Oh my god Yelena! You almost gave a heart attack so early in the morning!”


“Hahaha! Well… that’s not my plan but I really do want to surprise you! I know how much you loathe Monday’s so I decided to make it better for you since I’m your awesome bestfriend!”


Tiffany’s eyes disappeared as she smiled back at her bestfriend.


‘Yelena… why are you always so good to me that sometimes I really do feel like I don’t deserve a bestfriend like you…’


“You went to my apartment so early just to surprise me? Well, congrats bestie you just successfully shocked my Monday blues away! So now can you please move and go to your girlfriend so I can leave for work?”


“Eh? But it’s still early! And didn’t Taeyeon tell you last night that I’ll take you out for breakfast?”


“Huh? No, she didn’t… although I saw her last night when Jasper brought me home… but we didn’t get the chance to speak…”


“Oh well… but since I’m already here and you’re about to leave let’s just have breakfast outside that’s much better!”


‘So she was suppose to meet me last night and talk to me…’


“Let’s go!”


Tiffany felt her hand was being pulled away by Yelena toward the elevator but before they could even move five feet away from her front door, Yelena suddenly stopped walking and Tiffany wondered what made her bestfriend stop moving and talking.


“Yelena, what’s wrong?”


Tiffany didn’t get the answer to her question, her eyes went wide in a flash when she Yelena’s body loosing it’s strength and quickly falling down to the ground like a falling stick, Tiffany’s body reflectively moved on its own as she tried to catch her bestfriend’s body from not hitting the cold hard floor with full impact.




Tiffany tried to gently slap her bestfriend’s cheeks in hope to wake her up, she even tried to shake but to no avail her bestfriend remained unconscious.


“Yelena! Oh god! Help! Somebody!”


Tiffany’s mind was in panic that she even forgot that Taeyeon is just a door away from them.


“HELP US!!!”


Her last scream for help was heard by her closest neighbor, who’s now also wearing the same shocked expression she had a few second ago came to rush to their side on the floor.


“Tiffany! What happened?! Yeonseo?!”


“Call the ambulance… Yelena she… save my bestfriend… please… Taetae…”


Taeyeon hurriedly went to take her cellphone out of her pocket and dialed 119 and asked for help. While Tiffany could only hold her unconscious friend in her arms and gently cupped her pale and cold face.


“Yelena… please be okay…”










“You two can relax now, Yeonseo will wake up any moment now.”


Yelena’s attending physician calmly informed them, Tiffany gave the middle aged doctor a small smile before turning her gaze back to her still unconscious bestfriend.


“The result of her X-ray and blood test will be ready by tomorrow morning, for now, I will give Ms. Oh some pain reliever if her head hurts again.”


Tiffany silently listened as Doctor Song continued to talk to Taeyeon about the test her bestfriend went to earlier today and just by hearing from it made her hold on to Yelena’s hand tighter.


“Does she needs to be confined, Doctor?”


“Well, it’s up to you Ms. Kim. You can take Ms. Oh back home now but I suggest we let her finish her IV so she can regain some strength from it.”


“Then can we just stay maybe until tomorrow afternoon so we don’t have to come back again tomorrow for all the test result made to Yeonseo.”



“That much better, Ms. Kim. I’ll ask the ER front desk to transfer Ms. Oh to a room so you guys be more comfortable and I’ll add a few more prescription to her chart so we can monitor her condition a bit more.”


“Okay Doctor Song, thank you so much Sir. Please do anything to make sure Yeonseo will be fine.”


Tiffany just continue to silently listen to Taeyeon and Doctor Song, she followed the doctor with her eyes as the middle aged man turn to walk to the front desk to talk to the nurse over there. Her attention was caught when she felt a presence beside her and when she turn her head around she found Taeyeon standing beside her and was now looking worriedly at her unconscious bestfriend.








“Taeyeon!~~~ why do I have to stay in this hospital for the night? We should have just went home tonight and get back here tomorrow for the result! I would even let you held me captured at Tiffany’s apartment if you want to!”


Yelena continuously whined to Taeyeon and Tiffany the moment the woman woke up.


“Yeonseo…” Taeyeon calmly begun and let out a deep sigh.



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czankx #1
Chapter 28: The story is good, there's just this nagging feeling about how Tiffany didn't even try to follow Yelena after passing out on her wedding i thought she's the best friend but just stayed at home with Jasper, and Tiffany letting Taeyeon to come back to her again selfishly, why don't she do it herself when shes the one who run away, uggh.. But well can't help it as long as its still a TaeNy ending
maemae08 #2
Chapter 28: MOREEEEEE
Chapter 28: Its pretty good story
Chapter 28: I'm loving ur stories now <3
Chapter 20: Ohhh no what will happen now ?
Jaehyun_jj #6
Chapter 28: finally they are together
Jaehyun_jj #7
Chapter 24: Happy ending taeny
Jaehyun_jj #8
Chapter 22: makes me cry
Jaehyun_jj #9
Chapter 7: Taetae