Dead End

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Chapter Thirteen:

Dead End




Tiffany was staring at her idle phone screen, she would have laugh at the blank expression of her face when she saw her reflection on the screen on any ordinary day but since this kind of expression of hers had been up lately, Tiffany finds it almost as natural as breathing.


When she finally had the courage she needed, she hastily let her fingers sweep through the smooth surface of her phone’s keypad and typed in lightning speed the message she wanted to form and send it as fast when she’s done, since she’s feeling afraid that she’ll only waver and won’t be able to do it the last second.


She let out another sigh and this time it was a tried one. Lately, if she’s not spacing out, she’s either sighing or locking herself in her own apartment. Declining on any invitation from Yelena to have meals or just hang out and most importantly, she’s doing this to avoid Taeyeon.


Tiffany felt her cellphone vibrated in her hold, she raised the device up and the moment she got a glimpse of the name of the sender, another sigh naturally escaped her lips.








5:05 pm

I’m free most of the time, remember?

So, YES, Tiff!

Can I pick you up at your apartment?


Let’s just meet at the restaurant.

5:11 pm


Then… see you later…

5:20 pm


5:21 pm

Text me if you’re on the way?

Take care!!!

5:32 pm






Tiffany stood up and left her cellphone on the coffee table and decided to just take a long shower to calm herself before the dinner she initiated to have with Jasper. She was just a step away from her previous spot when she heard the vibration her cellphone made against the glass surface but didn’t bother to check the poor device again and just went ahead to her room.


If before, she can’t let her cellphone away from her hands even just for a couple of minutes and would instantly check and reply to any message coming from Jasper no matter what time is it of the day or night, or if she’s doing some work, she’ll put everything aside and would text him a response in just seconds.


But now, Tiffany just can’t be bothered or more like she doesn’t bother herself any more.







Tiffany had arrived half an hour later than their set time, it was very unusual of her to arrive late on an appointment or a date, especially if she was the one who set it up in the first place but she just can’t help herself.


A part of her was telling her that’s it’s okay to make his ex-fiancé wait for some time, that it’s not always should be that should arrive first and do all the waiting. And then there’s a part of her that’s just simply stopping her body to move to the way her mind was telling to which only resulted her from slowing down.


When Tiffany entered the restaurant, she immediately notice the already standing Jasper who’s also waving his two hands at her at the same time so she can easily see where he’s at. Tiffany walked to where Jasper is and gave the guy a very small smile. Jasper pulled out a chair for her like a gentleman he is and somehow the simple gesture made Tiffany smile and felt slightly guilty in the inside when she came late but Jasper still treat her nicely.


“Thank you,”


Tiffany softly thanked Jasper which the guy simply returned with a smile. Tiffany stared at Jasper as the latter made his way back to his chair with his smile still plastered on his face. Tiffany tried to find, more like feel the way her heart used to thump wildly under her chest whenever she’ll see that charming smile of Jasper.


She waited, but there was none, only a heavy feeling slowly surging up to the pit of her stomach up to her lungs, the heaviness was slowly constricting her air passage, making it so hard for her to breath the more she stare at Jasper’s hopeful smile.


“I hope you don’t mind, I already ordered for us but told the waiter to serve it when my date arrives.”


Tiffany saw how Jasper’s eyes twinkle as he said his last two words. Before, Tiffany finds it sweet that Jasper would know exactly what she likes whenever they’ll go out for dates. She never had to worry about anything because Jasper seem to know exactly what she want and what she needs in every situation that they’re in.


But right now, Tiffany could only let out a small smile at Jasper’s gesture and hoped that the bitterness she felt when their past memories together played out in her mind would go un-noticed by the guy.


The silence between them was getting awkward, no one tried to start up the topic again, Tiffany sensed that Jasper had probably sensed too that she’s not so keen on starting a conversation or replying to any thing he’s saying, so he just stayed quiet for the mean time and would just wait until he’s been spoken too.


And this too, was one of the traits he liked most about Jasper when they were still together. The guys knows her emotion too well, actually, Tiffany used to tell herself that Jasper was like a second Yelena, the guy just simply can read her like an open book.


Tiffany finished her meal in a record time of fifteen minutes, she carefully placed down her utensil beside her plate. Jasper must have noticed her action and carefully ended his meal too and quietly waited for what she’s going to say.


“Jasper, I… I have realized that… I think I want to give you another chance…”


After Tiffany’s words left ,

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czankx #1
Chapter 28: The story is good, there's just this nagging feeling about how Tiffany didn't even try to follow Yelena after passing out on her wedding i thought she's the best friend but just stayed at home with Jasper, and Tiffany letting Taeyeon to come back to her again selfishly, why don't she do it herself when shes the one who run away, uggh.. But well can't help it as long as its still a TaeNy ending
maemae08 #2
Chapter 28: MOREEEEEE
Chapter 28: Its pretty good story
Chapter 28: I'm loving ur stories now <3
Chapter 20: Ohhh no what will happen now ?
Jaehyun_jj #6
Chapter 28: finally they are together
Jaehyun_jj #7
Chapter 24: Happy ending taeny
Jaehyun_jj #8
Chapter 22: makes me cry
Jaehyun_jj #9
Chapter 7: Taetae