Chapter 10: Finally...the Date.

Miracles in December

Mia pov


I spent all day freaking out I couldn't help but feel nervous. A good nervous but still I tried on every outfit possible but I couldn't find a damn thing that looked good enough for him. Urg. At noon Luhan showed up at the front door with a bag.


“Um hi Luhan, you do know Sabrina’s at the hotel right” I smiled.


“Yes I knew that, but I actually came to see you. Lay can't stop talking about tonight. I know you well enough to know your freaking out too. So I came to help” he said holding up the bag.


“What's in the bag?”


“Emergency supplies.” he said dragging me up the stairs and into the bathroom. Opening the bag he pulled out a smaller bag, a brush, and about 10 bags of makeup.


“Pull your hair up, makeup first!” I did as he said and he started covering my face with different types of makeup. After he took down my hair and straightened it perfectly.


“Here” he said handing me the smaller bag.


“What-” my eyes almost came out of my head when I saw the most stunning red dress. I pulled it out and was rendered speechless.




“Shut up and go put it on!” he said shoving me across the hall to my room. I walked back into the bathroom once I had it on.


“Luhan you're a genius!” he said to himself.


“Thank you, but how did you know my size?” I giggled and hugged him.


“Sabrina told me by the way you're welcome! What's family for?” he shrugged. Luhan and I just ended up talking for an hour, but before long it was time.


“ he's going to be here soon” I froze.


“Relax you look hot and you will have a great time and I will be here when you get back” he said pulling a thread off my dress. There was a knock at the door.


“Hi-” I said opening the door.


“Woah” He said looking me up and down.


“Too much?” I asked being a little cheeky.


“No you look stunning” he said handing me a bundle of red roses.


“Hold on. I’ll put these in water” I quickly passed them to Luhan who was hiding behind the door and returned to Lay.


“Shall we?” he gestured out the door.


“We shall” I smiled biting my lip. He looked so incredible. We walked outside for a bit arriving at the skating rink.


“Skating? Lay I’m in a dress” I laughed.


“Ah I thought you would be. Sabrina packed some clothes for you” he said handing me a bag.


“Ok.” was all I could manage to say. I quickly got changed and put on my skates. Lay was already on the ice. It was dark so the street lights lit the ice.


“I’ve been practicing” he said skating a circle around me.


“I see” he took my hands and we just slowly skated around for awhile it was simple but so perfect. Suddenly I hit a rough piece of ice and flipped pulling Lay to fall on top of me.


“Sorry” I said staring into his beautiful eyes.


“Never say sorry” he smiled and helped me up.


“Well ready to go to dinner?”


“Lay its eight” he rolled his eyes.


“I’m aware late night snack then” he laughed. I got changed back into my dress and we headed off again.


Luhan pov


I was just chilling at Mia and Sabrina’s I wanted to be the first to hear how the date went. I was happy for them and I guess I was also just trying to avoid the boys. I still hadn't talked to them since yesterday except Lay. I also hadn't talked to Xiumin. I wanted to I just didn't know how to start. I’m still pretty mad at him for how our hole ‘coming out’ went down. I’m just glad I have Sabrina she told me what Xiumin said after the whole event went down. She said I shouldn’t be as mad because he was scared out of his mind. I don't know what I would do without her. God bless that girl.


Mia pov


We were seated in the practically empty restaurant.


“I had fun” I blushed.


“I’m glad” he said grabbing my hand from across the table. We just ordered a dessert to share together. Since both of us were not that hungry.  


Sabrina pov


All the boys and I were in one of the hotel rooms playing random boardgames. I was winning of course. Xiumin was awfully quiet I mean I know why but still.


“So are Mia and Lay still out?” Chanyeol asked.  


“Yup” Tao said.


“I’m starving” Chen sighed. We had been so busy playing we didn't eat dinner.


“Ok well let's go down the street and get a pizza” I said while finishing my turn.


“Ok. Since Chen is starving and you suggested it you both get to go.” Kris smiled like the little he is. I through my cards at him hitting him in the face.


“Hey!” he yelled jumping up.


“Oops, common Chen!” with that we both left.


“Pizza place isn't far”


Mia pov


“Mia I have a problem” Lay sighed from across the table.


“Oh?” I smirked “what?”


“You, I can't get over you” my heart sank. I couldn't say anything really.


“Mia you and I we belong together”


“This was a bad idea” I got up trying to not cry.


“Mia don't leave. Just hear me out... I want to be with you. I want to be able to walk around and say “this is my girlfriend” please I need you, I love you” My mind raced...he just said I love you. I just shook my head..


Lay pov


She grabbed her coat and ran and I bolted after her. She ran down the sidewalk and bumped into someone but ran passed.


“MIA!” I yelled. As I got closer to the people I realized it was Sabrina and Chen. Both of them looked very confused.


“Lay what's going on?” Sabrina sounded concerned.


“I...I told her I loved her” I stuttered.


“What did she say?”


“She didn't she ran” I looked down at my shoes.


“SHE WHAT?!” Sabrina yelled.


“Ok...I’ll go after her. You just go back to the hotel.” she instructed. Chen just seemed really confused.


“Go with him” she addressed Chen then ran after Mia.


Mia pov


My mind was blank tears rolled down my face as I sat sobbing into the couch. I wondered where Luhan was. I really needed him. Sabrina stormed through the door and without staying anything slapped me as hard as she could.


“WHAT THE ARE YOU THINKING!” she yelled. My cheek throbbed.


“WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!” her face was red.




“You don't understand”


“Yes I do, but you obviously don't. He loves you. LAY LOVES YOU! Do you realize you have been dreaming about this since you were in grade 9 and it finally comes true and you freak.” I hate to admit it, but she was right.


“Why are you so scared?” she asked more calm now. Suddenly something hit me...something I should have seen.


“Because I love him…” I felt a sense of shock.


“Now was that so hard” she hit my sholder… I love him…from the day I met him we had something I didn't want to admit was real but now I know...I love him.


“I need to tell him!” I screamed.


“I’ll call a cab” Sabrina said. We waited ten or so minutes before a cab finally showed up, we drove to the hotel. What I saw when we arrived shocked Sabrina and I.


Luhan pov (A hour before)


I was watching some random show on T.V when I heard a loud knock on the door.


“Hello” I opened the door to find our security guard out of breath.


“Move” he pulled me out the door. He dragged me to a car and shoved me in.


“Whats going on?!” I yelled. I was scared out of my mind. I wish Xiumin was here.


“Were in big . We have got to get you boys out of here now” when we reached the hotel there was a good 40 photographers standing outside the hotel.


“Oh god” we are so screwed.


“Let's go” he pulled me over his shoulder and push through the crowd of people into the hotel. We got upstairs.

“Where are the boys” I asked.


“On there way to the airport” I


“Pack only the things you need and lets go. FAST! Luhan there have been major death threats against you boys” I felt the knot in my stomach get bigger.


“Wait no we can't leave Mia and Sabrina they...their our family” I cried.


“Ok sorry your right you have a choice your life or those two girls” he stopped I just stared at him.


“That's what I thought...common you have two minutes” he turned and left me to pack. I threw everything in my bag and quickly wrote a note to Mia and Sabrina. I didn't know how to explain this. I didn't have the heart to tell them. As I wrote I soaked the paper in tears then we left. Within five minutes they had me in a car on the way to the airport. We were followed by press. It was worse than home. They must have been pretty serious threats to have us leave this quickly. When I got to the airport I was rushed to a small room.


“Luhan thank god!” Kia cried hugging me which quickly ended up being a group hug. Everyone parted from the group hug but Xiumin stayed behind. He took one look at my face my eyes filled with tears. He embraced me as if he would never let go again. He wiped the tears from my face. Soon Lay and Chen joined us.


“NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS!” Lay screamed at the top of his lungs tears rushed down his face. Sehun hugged him and Lay balled on his shoulder.


“Lay we are so sorry” Baekhyun sobbed. It wasn't long before we were put on a plane. We all cried the whole way home. It didn't feel like we were going back home, it felt like we were leaving the two people who made us feel at home.


Mia pov(present)


Reporters surrounded the building. We got out of the car slowly so many thoughts ran through my mind.  We rushed passed them and into the lobby where even more reporters stood. I started to panic I could tell Sabrina was on the same page. We ran up the stairs and burst into Luhan's room. Thank god Sabrina still had a key. I felt my heart shatter when I looked around everything was gone except for a few little things.


“Mia…” Sabrina said walking further into the room. She was crying. Oh god It’s something bad I’ve never seen her cry. I took the piece of paper from her hand and she fell to the ground. I read it out loud.


“Sabrina and Mia,


We have had some major death threats made against us… they say we aren’t safe here anymore. That means we have to go back. We don't know who is after us but it's pretty bad. We we will miss you both. You really were our sisters you will always be our sisters. Mia, Lay will always love you. I'm sorry it had to end this way. Sabrina, god just thank you...I don't know if we will be able to survive without you. As for Xiumin and I we are going to try to say together but it’s hard. I think that means the end of us. It was amazing while it lasted Canada is not our home I realize that, you two are our home. You will always be the people who changed our lives. Thank you for that. Love you always




I finished. Sabrina was silent. I sat down beside her.


“Their gone” was all I could say before I broke down.


Lay pov


She's gone.


Xiumin pov


It's over.


D.O pov


This .


Kris pov


I'm gonna miss those two.


Chanyeol pov




Luhan pov


It hurts.


Suho pov


The only two who liked us for us...our sisters.


Kia pov


What now are we just supposed to forget. Bull


Sehun pov


Why...this isn't fair.


Chen pov


After everything we just left…


Baekhyun pov



Tao pov


I have nothing to say...this is so stupid.


Mia pov


Two weeks went by and I fell into a deep depression. I was supposed to go back to school a week ago, but I couldn’t. To be honest I didn't really leave the house. Sabrina managed to but I couldn't. I spent so much time crying that it felt like I never would stop. I wondered if they really felt the same way...or if they just...forgot.


Luhan pov


“LUHAN! DO YOU HAVE A COMMENT ABOUT PICTURES WE SAW OF YOU AND ANOTHER MEMBER KISSING?!” Reporters screamed at me from every way possible. I was pushed through crowds of people to get back to our house. Once we got in the door everything was silent. It had been that way for weeks...felt like years. The boys finally came to terms with Xiumin and I and agreed to come the wedding…..if there was still a wedding. I don’t think I can do this anymore. Xiumin and I will have to end it. I closed the door to my room. “I need Sabrina” I said out loud as I sobbed into my pillow.


Sabrina pov


I dragged myself to school each day. I always ate lunch in the dance room, It’s where we all first met. I could see them sitting there laughing. I could see Chanyeol, Kai and Tao pushing each

around. I could see Luhan and Xiumin discreetly trying to cuddling.  I could see Lay and Mia running dances. I could see all of us together they were like the family I never had. I hear footsteps behind me, I turned to see Mia. She didn't say much she didn't have too. I knew what she was thinking. I opened my arms and she ran into them hugging me and crying on my shoulder. I tried to hold back tears “shh, it's ok” I patted her on the back.


“It's not” she whispered wiping her tears.


“I know…” She looked at me and I watched something spark in her eyes.


“It can't end this way” She wiped the tears from her face.


“There is nothing we can do Mia” I said trying to stay calm… I was surprised she came to school I guess she needed a friend.


Kia pov


Up you get Kia...concert day” The manager flicked the lights on and off. I got up and looked in the mirror hanging on the wall I looked like . I hadn't slept in weeks none of us had. I tried to fix my hair. I threw on a sweater and jeans and walked down stairs to meet the boys. They all looked like crap. D.O, Sehun and Suho all had huge bags under their eyes and Chanyeol still had tears in his. I sat next to Chen who for once wasn't smiling.


“Ok boys I know we have been having a couple of rough weeks but it's time to get back on your feet. You know what you need to do, go rehearse I will meet you at the stage in 6 hours.” our manager turned and walked away. Leaving us all speechless.


“He's right. I know we all miss the girls but we can’t let the fan down.” Kris said unable to look at any of us. None of us said much. I couldn't think of anything to say. Kris was the first to stand up.


“We should go” he sighed but we all followed him silently.


Sabrina pov


Mia and I returned home. When we entered she went up to her room and me.... I just sat blankly on the couch. I heard a small buzz coming from the kitchen. I slowly got up from the chair and walked into the kitchen to find my phone sitting on the counter. I hadn't touched it since the boys had left there were too many pictures but still I picked it up.


Chanyeol's pov (5 minutes before)


As the boys and I headed to the studio I decided to look through old photos on my phone. It was not long before I realized...I HAD SABRINA'S NUMBER! What was I thinking hell we all did! I texted her immediately. Sometimes we can be so stupid.


me: Hey! Miss us yet!


Sabrina pov


I checked the message on my phone. OH.MY.GOD


me: Chanyeol!!!!! Yes of course! I have to tell Mia!


Tall lengthy giant: No don't! I have an idea.


Me: Go!


Tall lengthy giant: Want to come see Exo live?


me: That is all I ever wanted.




Mia pov


I had been sitting in my room all day like I usually do. The last time I left the house was a few days ago but I only ended up crying. So I have given up ever leaving this room again. Suddenly Sabrina charged into the room.   


“Get changed!” She yelled throwing a sweater at me.


“Um why?” I asked as she started throwing my clothes into a suitcase.


“We have a plane to catch” she winked.


“Context please?” I said putting the sweater on.


“Just go with the flow for once” She smiled and left the room and I ran after her.


“Ya I’m not a go with the flow kind of person!” I said staring at Sabrina who grabbed her purse and keys and quickly started shoving me out the door and towards the car.


“What about school we can’t just leave” I told her.


“You have missed about a week of school I sure another ten days won't matter”  She drove in a panic all the way to the airport. We ran to gate 20 and Sabrina threw two tickets at the lady. Once we finally sat down I looked at her.   


“Ok now can you tell me what were doing” I asked all she did was smirk and say “We are getting our family back.”


Lay pov


We ran our dances over and over again but none of us really tried our best. Except Chanyeol who for some reason was smiling, maybe he was just trying to be brave for us. We finished growl and decided to take a break. Dancing just didn't feel the same without them. It didn't feel the same without her. I didn't want to perform tonight but as always I would just have to smile through it. Nothing else I could do.




We got our mics and set for the stage. I felt my heart race back to reality I guess. We danced and sang but it didn't feel the way it used to. My solo was the worst. When my solo song came on I danced with so much passion because I could feel her dancing with me but when it ended she disappeared and I felt my eyes begin to water as I walked off stage. We did an encore like always then ended.


“That was good guys!” Chanyeol said smiling he was the only one. We walked into the dressing room and started to get ready to leave. Our manager entered with a smile on his face.


“Boys that was wonderful. Now before you leave we have two fan that would like to see you” he moved aside and two girls entered the room. We were all shocked.  


“MIA!” I yelled picking her up and swinging her around.


“SABRINA!” Chen did the same to Sabrina. The rest of the boys went to hug her as well but Mia stayed in my arms.  


“Lay I was wrong! This whole time! I love you too!” she smiled before she kissed me.


“Together again!!” Baekhyun sang as he hugged both the girls. We did a group hug and we all laughed.


“Ohh let's get a group photo” Suho said getting everyone to move close together.


Baekhyun pov


This would be the perfect chance to tease Chanyeol. We all moved so we could stand in one line. Thankfully Chanyeol stood right next to me so I moved a bit so I was in front of him. Then very discreetly I moved my hand so I could grop his junk. Once I placed my hand I could feel Chanyeol tense from the sudden contact. I started to palm him through his clothes he moved this head closer to my ear.


“Not funny Baekhyun stop before I get fully hard” he said in a stern voice.


“Ohh so you are already hard? I didn’t know you would like it this much” I said in an innocent voice and continued to palm him. He made a muffled groaning sound “Please stop”.


“Smile everyone” Suho said to all of us we both looked at the camera and smiled.


“Only if you say I win Channie” I said after the first photo was done he remained quiet after and I continued to only move my hand faster.


“Fine…. You….win” he said panting in between.


“What do I win?” I said as I continued to make him squirm.


“Whatever you want if you please stop”


“Whatever I want?” I said repeating him.


“Yes” he said under his breath.


“Okay” I said moving my hand away. I looked around and saw no noticed what we were doing they were setting up for another photo one of the girls wanted. After about ten minutes of photos we decided we should probably go home.


“Welcome to our home” Chen said as he hugged Mia from behind once we entered the house.


“Hands off Chen she’s mine” Lay said grabbing Mia and pulling her into a hug.


“Chill Lay!” Chen chuckled.


Sabrina pov


I had missed them.


“Ohh god it’s late we should head to bed” Suho said.


“Okay, what shall we do tomorrow?” I asked.


“We can plan that tomorrow. Night everyone” Kris said then made his way towards his room. We all headed to bed excited for tomorrow.

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JasmineExo #1
Chapter 2: Nice story. But why is Kai written as Kia..
It sounds funny