

I'm so amazed with Andy's house. It's so clean and neat. I can't believe this is a guy house. Probably he had hired a maid to do all the house chores. Andy invite everyone to his living room and then he show us (me, ahjumma and Ji On) to a guest room where I would stay for few days. He leaves us and join the guys in living room. 

"Is this for real? Look at the television and the beautiful Lily? It's fresh and the room is so nice also comfortable. His house is too perfect for a guy, right mom?" Ji On seem like she can't believe what she sees. Neither do I. Ahjumma didn't said anything and she just nods slowly. I'm sure she worried about me. 

"Ahjumma, I'm gonna be okay and safe when I'm staying here. Don't worry much since he will take good care of me like he did before. He also really good in fight." Like that 'fight' word can ease ahjumma worries. Again ahjumma only nods. 

"How about you get some rest and join us later. You need to recover fast." Ji On advise me and she bring ahjumma with her. Ji On was right about me to have a rest since my head so hurts and dizzy in same time. I think I just need to lay down for while. Before I realise that my head already on the pillow and I fall asleep.

In living room,  

"Andy, would you be responsible and take care of May? I know you did save her twice but I'm worried likes a father, who is worries about their children." ahjussi needs Andy's promises.

"Don't worry ahjussi. The reason Andy want May stay with him because Andy, I and Hyesung can protects her. Our house not so far from Andy. Since both of us has a black belt in taekwondo and I also recently learned MMA. We promised to protect her." Eric Oppa make a promise to ahjussi and all of them agreed with his words. Ahjussi just smile and take Eric's word seriously. After that ahjussi, ahjumma and Ji On went back home. I'm sure after they see that I won't be woke up anytime soon. 

All of them just hang out like they always do. Hyesung oppa, Minwoo oppa and Eric oppa playing games. While Junjin oppa and Dongwan oppa sings. Andy heating up the foods that ahjumma prepared for us. She also make some side dishes and kimchi.

Andy bring some meals to the room so I won't need to go out. Slowly I woke up and eat. Andy notice that I eat with gusto. I don't care if Andy stare at me since I'm so hungry after slept. Lucky the headache is gone. 

After eat, Andy and I watching some drama. After 1 hour and 30 minutes I fall sleeps again. This time on Andy's shoulder. Andy was surprises when May sleep so deeply on his shoulder. He smile and he doesn't even move so May can sleep comfortably.


Andy was surprises hearing May suddenly screaming while sleeping.

"May, wake up. Wake up May! " His voice woke me from my nightmares. I could only hug him so tight after wake up. Andy surprise with my action.

"Andy promise me that you will take good care of yourself too while protecting me? I don't want that nightmares happens. I can't lose you. Please promise me." I keep hugging him. Andy just pat my head.

"Yes I will do that so I can protects you. Don't worry. I'll promise. If anything happens to me you still have Eric Hyung, Minwoo hyung, Dongwan hyung, Hyesung hyung and Junjin." Andy try to comfort me but I'm still worried. Since Tae Mi even haunt me in my dreams. 

Andy push my body slowly far back bit from his. 

"Don't worry May. Six of us will protects you. We promise. I won't let anything happens to you. Now go back to sleep okay." I nodded and continued sleeping. 

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First, I would like to apologise for my very bad grammar. Second, thank you so much for your time by reading my stories. Enjoy (~_^)


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