

After been rescued, they bring me in the ambulance to check my condition. I told them that I'm fine but no one listened so I gave up and let them do their job. The detective come closer to me and at the same time a police patrol pass by with Tae Mi inside. I can see his sad expressions. I thought he would be upset or angry but he remains calm. 

"Miss Song May. We need you to come with us to the police station. Please follow us." said the detective. 

"Thank you so much for saving me. I'm glad he finally got caught." I bow at him for my gratitude. When I following behind the detective, there is a white SUV just arrived.

"MAY! MAY! MAY!" Andy shouting my name and he hugs me so tight. I can't even breathe. 

"Andy. Andy. I can't breathe. Let go of me." I begging him. Right then he releases me. 

"I'm sorry. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I can see how worry he is.

"I'm fine. He didn't hurt me at all." My short responses. 

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to break your conversation. Miss Song May need to come with us to the police station." Said the detective.

"I'll go with her. If you don't mind." said Andy. 

The detective just nod and four of us ride in one car. Both detective sat quietly at in the front of the seat. While Andy didn't let go of my hands and my shoulder. I like when he being closed to me. I can feel his warm hand and body. 

"I'm fine. Really. He didn't even try to kill or hurts me. He ask for a second chance. He just want me by his side all the time. He so calm, relax and nice. Exactly like when I first met him." Explained me. 

"He probably acting. Don't be too soft heart and fall for his trap again. You'll never know when he can change back to violent. How painful is when he hurting you. Keep that mind."

I can't denying Andy's words. But when I spend a day and half with him, he really like the man that I'm falling in love with from 3 years ago. I'm spacing out and don't even realised that we reached to our destination. 

"I'm sure my colleagues already started asking him a question. You want to join us to hearing it?" asks the detective. I nod. 

There were two detective with Tae Mi. He just low his head and sit quietly there while the both detective is in frustration mood. I made up my mind. I think I need to be in there. I ask for permission and straight away Andy don't accept my suggestions, as for the detective, he thinking hard about it. He agreed and said that he will be with me. Andy so angry but he can't make any difference since the detective already made the decisions. 


"You two can wait outside."

"Yes, Sir."

Tae Mi still looking at the floor. Suddenly he raised his head and look at us. 

"I was right. It was you. I can smell your perfume. Did they hurt you?" Ask Tae Mi. 

"Are you kidding me? Why would us hurting her? You are the one kidnapping her." The detective raised his voice at Tae Mi when hearing his nonsense.

"May, don't worry. We gonna be out soon. I'll get my best lawyer to set us free. So don't said anything. Remains silent." advise Tae Mi. 

"Tae Mi, do you see any handcuff at my wrist? They saving me from you. Don't you get it? So stop with the silence and cooperate with them. Don't make it harder." explained May. 

"They trying to separate us May. Don't trust them. The will brainwashed you. Stay focus." said Tae Mi with his desperate tone. 

"That's enough. This won't make any changes. Let's go May." The detective touch briefly May arm and Tae Mi saw it. He stand up and attacks the detective. 


"HELP! IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE." May call for help. She know he gonna kill him.

Three detective come in and take Tae Mi down. They tied him since he is out of control. I'm shivering after that. Andy come to me and hugged me. He knew this gonna happened. Andy take May outside of the police station trying to  calm me. 

"That's how he change to a violence person. That's how he obsessed with me. I remembered now. He really hates anyone someone else touch me. That's where he started to be so obsessed with me. That's why the senior got beaten by him. The senior only touch my shoulder then he come out of nowhere and punch him. His eyes. That's the third time I saw it. When he punch the senior, he trying to kill me and just now. Looks like he been possessed by demon." said May non stop. Andy just listening to May and hug May to calm her down. 

After all the chaos, we get to go home. In front of the police station entrance, I saw five mans standing and Hye Sung oppa come forward to hugs me. Then one by one do the same. I started to cried. 3 years ago, I have no one when this happens. Now I have them and Ji On's family. The group hugs, I feel their warm and they patting my head. 

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First, I would like to apologise for my very bad grammar. Second, thank you so much for your time by reading my stories. Enjoy (~_^)


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