Boyfriend Material


We went to a restaurant for a dinner. We having a wonderful dinner. I thought Andy will be sulky but he is not. I guess when he said he won't give up on me, I know he meant it. After dinner we when straight home since we need to work on the next day. Before going to our bedroom, Andy held my hand and he look straight into my eyes.

"Good Night and Sweet Dreams." short night wishes. He ending it with a kiss on my forehead. Then he just spontaneous walks to his room. I was stunned and just keep looking at him when he about to closed his bedroom's door, he peek and wink at me. I'm smiling. I'm really sure that I'm deeply falling in love with him. I'm just not confident enough to be his girlfriend. 

The next day, Andy really treat me differently. He acting like a boyfriend. He such a type of a romantic and cute boyfriend. Preparing me a breakfast with three beautiful orange Lily flowers. We went together to works and he even came on lunch hour just to have a lunch with me. I'm really pleased with his efforts. I guess this is what he means for not giving up and try to show what kind of boyfriend he is. In the evening we don't go home together since he have works to settle. It was Eric Oppa fetch me. 

"Hello bunny. How's your day?" Eric oppa ask in such a cute way. I'm giggling seeing him that way. He such a handsome and charismatic man you ever seen. You'll be surprised that he can acting cute. He is full of surprises. 

"I'm have a good day. Thanks to Andy. How about you oppa? How's your day?"

"Because of Andy? Why? Are you two dating or something? He even told me to send you straight home. He don't even allowed me to bring you out for a dinner. He said he will bought it for you. What is going on?"

"I didn't know about that oppa. I'm having a tons of work that pending and if not because of him, I'll be stuck in the office. So he came and we having lunch together. After that he gave me a text to boast my moods. It does help me a lot. That's all."

"No. There's something that you hiding. I can't look at your eyes since I'm driving right now so I don't know if you are lying or not. I'll let this passes since you're in good mood. So let's talk about others thing. How about the apartment? Are you sure gonna bought it?"

"Yes, I decided to bought it since I like the location and the neighbours. I'll be need your help soon so just be prepared oppa. I'm gonna use all of your muscles and strength. He he he."

"I'm gonna be fine. I'm just worried about you later. You know our body gonna get ache and tired so we don't have much strength to go home. We are gonna stay and sleep over at your apartment. Then you gonna hear our lullaby song made from our snoring just for you. He he he."

I was laughing hearing it. I guess he was right about sleeping at my apartment but the snoring, I'm not sure since I never heard they snoring. I guess I'm gonna record they snoring that time. It will be fun to tease them later. 

"May-ah, thank you for accepting Andy as your friend and us as your brothers. We are glad that you accept us as who we are and so happy to have you. So you must remember that you aren't alone since you have us and Ji On's family too."

"Yes oppa. I'm also thanking too to Andy. He make my life complete with giving me 5 brothers that I ever dream of. Having a siblings is a blessing. I'm so lucky."

Eric oppa smile and he touch my head. I thought he would brush my hair or patting my head but he just messing my hair then he laughed. I should know that he gonna do this. He is not Hye Sung oppa or Min Woo oppa. I just sigh and pinch his arm. He continued laughing out loud. 

We reach our location. I'm offering Eric oppa for a coffee since he send me home and it show my thanking. Eric oppa said he would accompany me until Andy back. Andy was surprises that Eric stay with me.  

"Eric hyung, why are you here? I told you I'll bought May's dinner. So no extra food for you."

"Yah Andy. I'm just worried that May gonna be bored so I decide to stay with her until you are back. Don't worry, I already eat. Aigoo are you really that worried about the food or May? Ha ha ha you are so easy to get jealous. Fine, since I'm not welcome here. I'll go home. Bunny, I'll see you tomorrow. Good bye."

Just like that Eric oppa left. I can see Andy expression change. He became a sulky Andy. He pouting his lips. He so cute when he do that. I stand close to him and start asking. 

"Why did you do that to Eric oppa? He even send me home safely. So I should offer him a cup of coffee and snacks. After all, he is our oppa. So you better apologise to him later."

"Our oppa? I can't believe hearing this."

"What? He is our oppa. You gave me 5 brothers. Did you forgot that?"

Andy looked at me and smiled since he admits that I'm right. We ate dinner together and watched some movies. Andy even sleep in the middle of movie. He must be so tired. I grab a blanket and cover him. I look closely around his cute face and brushing his bangs. My heart beats so fast. Watching him sleeping like this is a first time for me. Without I realised that I just giving him a peek on his cheeks. I stand up and run to my rooms. Hoping he didn't wake up. 

"Are you crazy? Why did you do that? What if he wakes? Omo, what did I just do? Song May, you really crazy." I'm mumbled at myself. 

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First, I would like to apologise for my very bad grammar. Second, thank you so much for your time by reading my stories. Enjoy (~_^)


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