

The door locker beeping can hear from inside. It was Andy and I quite surprise that he back so early. I run to the door and welcoming him. He only make a small smile. Why is he acting so cold since morning? 

"Andy. What is... " I can't even finish my words after hearing door bell. Both of us looked at each other. 

"I think it's Hye Sung oppa since he said he will come after works." Without wasting anytime I just open the door since I'm the nearest. 

"Are you waiting for me, May? Wow! This is amazing that you even know that I will be here at this hour. We really can read our mind, huh?" Hye Sung oppa joking. He look at Andy with his smiles. He just walk straight to the living room like usual. 

"What is inside your bag, hyung? Don't tell me that you gonna be sleeping here again?" Andy sound like he is uncomfortable with Hye Sung oppa staying here. 

"I can't? Why not? Just let me sleep at your house Andy-ah. Since I always alone at home and May is here so my plan to sleeps at your house until that bastard caught." Andy was surprises hearing it.

"Hyung, I told you that I will take good care of her. So no need for you to stay here. We will be fine. Don't worry. Just go home after this. Please." Andy really hope Hye Sung hyung will listened to him. 

"Andy-ah, let's discuss this later. I'm going to take shower. You should do the same. May, this oppa gonna be right back. Wait for me. He he he." I can't stop smiling when Hye Sung oppa acting like a player. 

While waiting, I just watched the drama. I can't focus since I'll be started working tomorrow. Even though they ask me to take another few more days of leave but I don't want since I can't stay do nothing. 

Hyesung : "Is the television watching you? You spacing out. What were you thinking?" 

May : "I'll be start working tomorrow."

Andy : "What?!"

May : "You startled me Andy-ah.. Yes, I'm gonna be working tomorrow. I'm fine. The bruise on my neck, I'm gonna wear scarf and make up to cover it."

Hye Sung : "Are sure about this? I'm fine with your decision. You must be bored staying alone at home, right?" 

I just nodded. I look at Andy and our eyes meet. Then he change his gaze at television. What's with him? Something bothering him. What could it be that he have to acting like this. Why is he in bad mood?

Andy : "We will go together to work. It's better that way. Safe too."

Hye Sung : "That's great Andy. If you busy let us know so anyone can do it."

May : "What is this? Aren't you suppose to ask me before making any decision? I really don't like it when you make decisions without discuss it with me."

I know that they worried about me but still it won't harm anyone if they discuss with me first before making any decisions. I just stand up and when straight to the room. I dunno which make me more angrier. 

Andy and Hye Sung don't say a words after seeing May walk to her room. 

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First, I would like to apologise for my very bad grammar. Second, thank you so much for your time by reading my stories. Enjoy (~_^)


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