No More. No More // Chapter Nine

No More. No More

Namjoon debated in his mind whether or not to ask Jimin about everything. The boy had opened up to everybody else and he wanted to comfort him as well. But the first step was to understand what he was going through.

“Jimin?” The said boy looked up from his lap. “You don’t need to answer this if you don’t want to but.” He took out the lighter, metal feeling heavy in his hand. Jimin’s breath caught in his throat.

“Where did you?”

“I went back to the alley to see if I could find anything that wasn’t caught the other night, to find out who this guy was.” It was odd, the way Jimin was staring at the golden metal with a teary eyed glare. “Did he do anything with this?” Instead of a direct answer, Jimin lifted his sleeve to reveal a small patch of red near his left armpit. “Jimin.”

“He threatened me. If I didn't go with what he wanted.” He didn’t need to finish the sentence, the rest was in an unspoken understanding. By the time he looked up, Namjoon had already left the room to get the firs aid kit.

“How did we not catch the burn?”

“It, I mean it wasn’t in a noticeable place anyways and it doesn’t really hurt that much.”

“That’s bull and we both know that. Obviously it hurts, last time I burned myself from the oven and I swear I was the worst. Next time something happens to you, tell us. It doesn’t matter how small it is.”

“Thank you.”

“You can trust me. I want to help.”

There was a look of hesitation on Jimin’s face but he nodded. “What are you guys up to? I’ve never seen Taehyung so serious over something.”

“If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won’t try to stop us.” They linked their pinkies before Namjoon continued. “Seokjin hyung and Hoseok are going to take down the Beggar Leader and before you protest I want you to know that he’s been caught killing at least twenty beggars in the past two days. Yoongi hyung and Taehyung are going to the gang that this man was part of.” The golden metal shook in-between the his fingers.

“But a gang has much more people than the two of them.”

“You have never seen us mad have you? We’re stronger than you think Jimin-ah, The two of them could take down that gang in an hour. And that’s considering how slowly Yoongi is going to drag it since he doesn't prefer running.”

“What about you and Jungkook?”

“We’ll be right here with you. Only if you want though of course.”

“No! I didn’t mean it that way.”

Namjoon went over to sit next to Jimin. “I was just kidding.”

“I just, don’t want to continue to be such a burden to you guys. I haven't done anything.”

“You make-”

“Us a better person, I know. I just. Hyung can I trust you?”

“Like I said before, you can trust me.”

Jimin took a deep breath. “That night, you know what happened to me right?”

Flashes of Jimin crying in Seokjin’s arms with blood around him made Namjoon shiver. “Yes.”

“The man’s hands, I said it the other night too. Hyung, I can still feel them on me. Earlier today when I went shopping with Yoongi and Hoseok hyung, there were these men and they looked like him. I was so scared, I didn’t know what to do, all I could remember was him and I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I don-” Jimin went into Namjoon’s outstretched arms, something he’s been doing to the people around him a lot. “I cant sleep too, he’s always there. I always see him. Please make him leave hyung, please.” Jimin bursted into tears, the stress and worries finally catching up on him. He sobbed even louder when he felt the elder’s hand slowly pat down on his head.

Namjoon was happy that Jimin finally opened up to him. He laid them both in his bed and let the boy cry into his chest. “You have us now, shhhh. It’s ok.” The sobbing had turned into soft cries and sniffles. “Do you feel better after letting it all out?” He felt Jimin nod. “You can relax and sleep here tonight. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m sorry for yelling at you guys that night. I shouldn’t have said what I did.”

“You wouldn’t have known about us. Don’t worry, Yoongi hyung was really worried that you hated him since he slapped you.”

“I deserved it.”

Namjoon pulled Jimin back. “You don’t deserve any of this that has happened to you ok? Sleep, I can’t sing and rapping would make you more awake so let’s just count sheep.”

“You’re weirder than I thought you would be hyung.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

There was a difference in how Namjoon’s hand felt as held him close. Where it used to be a cold iron grip was now replaced by a warm hand, smoothing out the tension in his back. He was right, he did feel more relaxed. Curled up beside him, Jimin thought his head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck.

When Seokjin found them, he only shook his head with a smile plastered on his face.

“I think he finally likes me.”

“He never hated you, what did I say? I told you it wasn’t your fault.”

“Come and join us hyung.”

“I’ll let you two have some bonding time, I need to get my things all packed.”

Much to Jungkook’s displeasure, the renovation of Jimin’s room was pushed back. He tried to convince Seokjin that he was a ‘strong man’ and that he was ‘capable of hanging a few lights and picture frames’ but the eldest would have none of it. After telling him to ‘just go back to your computers for now’ Jungkook was looking online for good gifts to give to a person who is going through a tough time. It took him an hour but after eight websites told him that scarves and hats were the ideal gift, he went into the storage room beside the kitchen where Seokjin kept all the household objects.

“Kookie?” He bumped his head on the shelf when he heard Taehyung call from behind.

“I spilt some sprite, want to help me clean it up?”

“No thanks, I’ll find you later.”

Jungkook’s plan to make Taehyung leave worked, if they found out that he wanted to knit Jimin a scarf then he would be the laughing stock of the whole gang. It took him another twenty minutes before finding the bag of yarn and knitting needles. Seokjin once went to knitting and crocheting class to make little gifts to sell to the single mother’s at the nearby Goodwill. It made a decent amount of money but Jungkook was sure that he wasn’t going to pick up the knitting needles for a while. The yarn was a light grey wool and it matched perfectly with the new jacket Jimin got. Focusing on starting the first row, he didn’t realize Seokjin staring at him with a distressed expression.

Seokjin himself was in the kitchen sipping on tea with Hoseok. “I want to go and help him so badly, I mean look at that first row! Even a ten year old could do better.”

“Hyung, you’re overreacting.”

“Come here where I’m standing and see for yourself.”

Walking towards the other side of the doorframe, Hoseok snickered behind his mug. “His fingers look like he's allergic to the yarn or something.”

“Exactly, I can’t watch this any longer. We got the plan all set up and ready to go?”

They had planned to give the Beggar Leader a slow and torturous death. “I still don’t get why he wants to find Jimin so badly.”

“I may or may not have said ‘Hi’ to him.”

“That was why you went out the other night? I thought we had a truce to not go after him!”

“I just went to give him a vaccination.”

“Yeah, and totally busted up his arm along the way.”

“That’s not the point. I’ll let you do more of the dirty work ok? Happy?”

“Now that’s more like it.”

Yoongi and Taehyung made the couches their place of choice to spread all their coffee stained papers with maps and faces on them circled in red marker. Taking down a gang had never been easier, especially since they had Jimin as their source of motivation.

After his sixth cup of coffee, Yoongi had decided to call it a night. Their plan was simple but effective, break in, shoot them down by twos and then use Taehyung’s bombs to set their deaths in stone.

“Quite an excellent plan if I do say so myself.”

Taehyung only shook his head at the elder who was on a caffeinated high.


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mwenlili #1
Chapter 20: This is a perfect end to the story!! I'm so happy I tagger along. Author-nim, thank you so much!! This is one of my favourite fic ever!! <3
Chapter 20: i can't believe it's the end of this story :( It was so great, i loved it from the beginning and you did a great job, it was really good!
Chapter 20: awhhh it's over :( but it was really good and had a nice ending withatouchofjikook i will say. i can't wait for the jikook oneshot, my otp feels xD thanks for this, this was a great story!! ~❤
Chapter 19: glad to see more chapters but aw it's coming to an ending. cant wait for the next chap tho~❤
Chapter 17: poor kookie!! (bawls for his hand)
mwenlili #6
Chapter 17: I really can't wait to see how you are going to end it, author-nim, but I'm sure it will be good, as usual ^^
I really enjoyed it!! Fighting~ <3
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for your update... keep write the good story especially jimincentric... love it so much
Kpopisidklife #8
Chapter 17: It's okay you don't need to be sorry I'm like that with my homework so I feel youㅋㅋㅋ
Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, well expect Jungkook getting shot on the hand.
Chapter 17: no need to apologize, take ur time. this was good, thank you ~❤ the jikook at the end made me squeal (':
Kpopisidklife #10
Chapter 16: I just started reading this just yesterday and I love it!!!
Omg Jimin's first fight>< I'm so excited!! Hope they'll be safe...but I'm kinda worried since Jimin's still on crutches. He should get a prosthetic leg so it's easy for him to fight and move around... Anyways I'm excited and worried about this fight~
Can't wait for the next update^^ Hwaiting!!!