No More. No More // Chapter Eight

No More. No More

Namjoon drove by to where they had found Jimin, the streets were still bright and he could still see strangers dig through the trash. The sun wouldn’t be down for another hour or two but Namjoon wasn’t scared, he had a gun hidden in his pocket and anyone who had a brain could probably tell that he wasn't just anyone in the neighbourhood. He parked his car in the gas station and made him way to the alleyway, what caught his attention was the shiny piece of metal that was beside the dumpster. A lighter. He usually wasn’t a stickler for the little things but it looked like a pretty expensive one.

“You’re in my alley mister.” He turned to see a young boy dragging a plastic bag full of leftovers.

“Your alley?”

“I claimed it this morning, it was the only empty one since it’s beside a club.” Namjoon stuffed the lighter in his pocket before leaving.

“Good luck out here.” The boy gave Namjoon a smile before nodding

“Thanks, I’ll need it!” He thought the boy was too naive, too young to live out here. Just like Jimin, but he didn’t have the time to worry about him. Jimin was enough.

The gas station, as Jungkook told him, was where Jimin had chosen to hide. He looked around and saw the booth. It was a small cramped area, enough to make his own knees tingle as the image of Jimin shivering in there. He took out the lighter again, it was gold with engravings on it. GSC. Namjoon thought about all the known gangs in Seoul and connected the acronym to the one just south of their own, the Golden Skulls Clan. Picking up his phone he dialled Jungkook’s number, they needed to do some research.


“Jimin, I can’t wait for you to see your new room. Its not done yet so you better not go in before its done.” Taehyung went under the covers beside Jimin and started to flip through the magazines. “I still can’t believe you’re living with us. You don’t have to worry about a thing from now on.”


Jungkook was waiting for Seokjin to come back from the kitchen but the look on Yoongi’s face told him to speak.

“The Beggar Leader’s going on a killing spree. I think he might be looking for Jimin.”

“How many has he killed lately?”

“Based off of what I found this morning, it’s been twenty.”

“Even if Jimin says we can’t kill him for him, we can still kill him for this.”

“We should still ask Namjoon hyung when he comes back.”

Seokjin sat next to Yoongi. “The bigger question is how we’re gonna kill this guy, no?”

“I’ll leave that to you guys, but I want to see how Tae’s doing. It’s not fair that he gets to be with Jimin all the time.” He made his way down but before he could get to Hoseok’s room, he heard his phone ring. “Hello?”

“Jungkook-ah, could you have a full list of the members in the Golden Skulls Clan, dead and alive for the past year ready? I’m almost home. Thanks.”

“You got it.”

Jimin had fallen asleep but Taehyung could feel him shaking, not wanting to wake him up he ran his hand through Jimin’s hair. It was soft and it was working, after a few minutes of the repeated action the sleeping boy started to lean in closer to the touch and let out a sigh. Taehyung put the magazines aside and studied Jimin’s face, the way his lips were parted slightly as he breathed, how his cheeks held onto some baby fat, and how he looked so relaxed. He thought back at how he looked like when they found him, it made him repulsed when he thought about who could want to hurt someone so innocent as Jimin. He leaned back with his hands still Jimin’s head and drifted to sleep.

When Namjoon came home, he went straight to Jungkook downstairs. “Is it ready?”

“It’s in the printer.”

“Good, when you’re done what you’re doing come upstairs, I need to tell you something.” He was stopped when Jungkook looked up.

“I was going to tell you something too, the Beggar Leader is on a killing spree and I think he’s looking for Jimin. Seokjin and Yoongi want to kill him but I wanted to ask you to make sure.”

“Call Taehyung, we’re having a meeting.”

“He’s with Jimin though.” There was a look of hesitation in Namjoon’s face but he motioned Jungkook to go.

“Bring him too.”


Jungkook woke Taehyung up but they carried Jimin up and onto the couch. Seokjin threw a blanket over him as they all gathered around the kitchen table. Paper’s with faces on them were scattered with the golden lighter in the middle.

“I went back to that alley and found that lighter, it had engravings of them that seemed like the one to the gangs down south since I’m pretty sure no normal person goes to that area. I told Jungkook to find out the members of the gang and found a match to the guy we saw, and killed.”

Hoseok took the lighter. “What’s the plan?”

“I was thinking about what Jungkook told me about the Beggar Leader so what do you guys think about hunting down him as well as this little gang here?” They all nodded in agreement and that was all it took for Namjoon to smirk and grab a pen. “Alright, who wants to go to who?”

“Me and Hoseok can take down that Beggar Leader, the rest of you can go do what we do best.”

“I’ll stay here as usual with Jimin and help over the computers.” Jungkook pointed to Namjoon. “Where are you going?”

“Since we’re taking down a whole group of people here, I think we’ve taken down enough gangs to know that they’re gonna also send people here as leverage so I’ll stay too. I guess Yoongi and Taehyung can go.”

“Oh we’re going to whip their asses so hard,” He looked at Seokjin. “hold that thought, they’ll be wiping their tears with their toes.”

“That’s settled then, what are we eating tonight?”

“I was planning on ordering in, we could have some to plan out everything in the meantime.”

“Alright, but since I don’t have to physically go. I’m taking Jimin.”


When Jimin woke up, he was moved to a little bed behind Jungkook’s desk, from where he was he could see Yoongi and Taehyung discussing over the at the couch and Seokjin with Hoseok looking over maps with red marks scribbled all over it.

“You’re awake! Are you hungry? Seokjin ordered some pizza so it should be arriving soon.” Jungkook had turned from his computer when he heard the bed dip in reaction to Jimin sitting up. Jimin kept silent but nodded. “It’s ok to talk to me, you can trust me.”

“I trust you.” He didn’t want them to think that he didn’t have any trust or gratefulness towards them. He was thankful enough already.

“That’s more like it, is something wrong?”

“Where’s Namjoon?”

“In his room, do you want to speak to him?” Jimin nodded. “Alright then let’s go. He carried him on his back as they went down to the end of the hall. “Namjoon hyung?”


Jimin stiffened once more. “We can go if he isn’t in the mood to.”

“It’s just Namjoon hyung so don’t care about that.” He faced the closed door. “Jimin wants to see you.” There was a quick shuffle of papers and the sound of clothes being kicked around. Namjoon’s head poked through.

“Come in.”

Jungkook left Jimin on Namjoon’s bed before leaving. “I gotta fix up on some of our earpieces. Can’t have them breaking down on us like last time right?”

Namjoon sat back down on his chair facing Jimin who had pulled his knees up to his chest, he was surprised that he boy wanted to talk to him. But being a awkward person in nature, he just sat there waiting for Jimin to speak.

“I wanted to say sorry for this morning. I ignored you for no reason.” He felt a hand ruffle through his head. Namjoon was smiling as he crouched to his level.

“You made me worried sick you know. I thought you hated me.” Jimin’s head snapped up, his eyes as big as saucers.

“No! I didn’t mean to do that to you, I just. It’s been a lot that’s been happening around me and I don’t to bring my bad luck to you guys.”

“If anything, you’re like a miracle to us Jimin. You bring a sense of normalcy and warmth to us.” Namjoon wasn’t lying, he killed too much to go to heaven but maybe with Jimin joining their family, he wouldn’t have to die to know how it felt to meet an angel.

I need to apologize for the lack of updates from me for the past few days but school assignments have been catching up to me and so are exams. But I was determined to update before this week started, realistically speaking, I don't think I can give a long chapter until the end of this week. I hope you don't give up on me, I really am thinking about all of you guys when I can't update with a new chapter. I hope I can be able to update as soon as possible so just wait a bit longer and I'll be done with semester one and get back on track with this fic. Thank you all for those who are so patient with me and I hope this chapter can keep you going until my next update!

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mwenlili #1
Chapter 20: This is a perfect end to the story!! I'm so happy I tagger along. Author-nim, thank you so much!! This is one of my favourite fic ever!! <3
Chapter 20: i can't believe it's the end of this story :( It was so great, i loved it from the beginning and you did a great job, it was really good!
Chapter 20: awhhh it's over :( but it was really good and had a nice ending withatouchofjikook i will say. i can't wait for the jikook oneshot, my otp feels xD thanks for this, this was a great story!! ~❤
Chapter 19: glad to see more chapters but aw it's coming to an ending. cant wait for the next chap tho~❤
Chapter 17: poor kookie!! (bawls for his hand)
mwenlili #6
Chapter 17: I really can't wait to see how you are going to end it, author-nim, but I'm sure it will be good, as usual ^^
I really enjoyed it!! Fighting~ <3
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for your update... keep write the good story especially jimincentric... love it so much
Kpopisidklife #8
Chapter 17: It's okay you don't need to be sorry I'm like that with my homework so I feel youㅋㅋㅋ
Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, well expect Jungkook getting shot on the hand.
Chapter 17: no need to apologize, take ur time. this was good, thank you ~❤ the jikook at the end made me squeal (':
Kpopisidklife #10
Chapter 16: I just started reading this just yesterday and I love it!!!
Omg Jimin's first fight>< I'm so excited!! Hope they'll be safe...but I'm kinda worried since Jimin's still on crutches. He should get a prosthetic leg so it's easy for him to fight and move around... Anyways I'm excited and worried about this fight~
Can't wait for the next update^^ Hwaiting!!!