No More. No More // Chapter Thirteen

No More. No More

“I was trying to distract them.”

Jungkook shook his head. “Dammit hyung, you only scared us more.”

“You’re lucky it didn’t hit any vitals, you’ll be fine Jimin-ah.” Seokjin gently wrapped Jimin’s waist as he sat back down onto the ground. They were all gathered by Jimin after they came and saw Jungkook’s bleeding shoulder. Hoseok looked around them, there were bodies lying all around them.

“They could be new bean bags.”

“Real stinky ones.” Jimin tried to brighten up the mood but couldn’t help the quiver in his voice. “So what are we going to do about these bodies?”

“We do what we always do. Hoseok can do it this time since he’s already dressed for the occasion.”

“Fine but one of you comes with me. I may be bloody but it doesn’t mean that I can carry all these bodies.”

“That doesn’t even make sense hyung.”

“It’s decided. Kim Taehyung, you’re coming with me”


Jimin was awake the whole time Seokjin worked on his wound, the blood making him gag. Jungkook wasn’t doing much better beside him. “Are you sure blood is supposed to flow that fast?”

“Just relax, I got this Kook. Just keep pressure on your own wound first before worrying about others.”

The five of them relocated to the couches after they changed into clean clothes but Jungkook couldn’t help but tighten his hold of Jimin’s hand. The elder smiled at him and used his other hand to ruffle his hair. “Hey, I’m still alive right?”

“But you could’ve gotten killed.”

“That’s ironic coming out of your mouth Kookie, don’t we all go out in the field to do this? You’ve never been so distracted when we go out on field missions.”

Giving Yoongi a look, Jungkook continued his thought. “What I mean to say is, never do that again hyung. I thought I was going to die from watching you jump on me.”

“Noted, but I don’t regret a thing. We’re all safe now isn’t that all that matters?”

“You two are so greasy; I’m going to help out with dinner.” They watched as Namjoon slip to the kitchen; Yoongi threw Jimin a little bag.

“I think it’s a good time to give you this. Should’ve given it earlier but never too late right?” Inside the bag was a bundle of rose gold darts. “I’ll make more when you run out. They’re great once you get the hang of it, plus you don’t need to move much with them.”

Jimin took a dart out and weighted it in his hand. “It’s too beautiful to throw.”

“Well then, let’s teach you how to use these bad boys.” And with that, Jimin watched as Yoongi throw one of the darts in the direction to the kitchen. There was a bang and a screech from Seokjin. “God dammit Yoongi! I swear you’re going to behead me one day!”

“It’s easy, just aim with your good eye and throw. All in one movement.”

“Got it.” Jimin would be lying if he told them that he wasn’t a bit shaken up from today. The bodies were gone but he could still imagine the lifeless forms on the ground beside him. “So, does this feeling ever stop?”

“The adrenaline?”

“It feels like I can still see them lying here.”

“Ahh, that feeling. Don’t worry, you’re mind is trying to understand what happened. Just remember that these guys wanted to kill us, it should ease your mind a bit.”

“I have another question.”

“Go at it.”

“Do you think they know who my parents are?”

Yoongi tilted his head in confusion. “And why would they know that?”

“A few days before all of this happened, when I could still walk. I was at my house when I saw the Beggar Master stand across the street from their house. I don’t know if anything happened to them and it’s been a while since I last saw them too.”

“If you want, we can go check out the house tomorrow when Hoseok goes on his rounds.”

“That’d be nice.”


When everyone gathered at the dinner table that evening, Taehyung cleared his throat that caused everyone to look at him.

“So earlier when Hoseok hyung and I went out to deal with the bodies, I felt like someone was watching us.”

“That’s strange, I thought we got everyone in the gang.”

“I don’t know, Hobi hyung said that it might just be another gang but it just felt off.”

Seokjin wiped his mouth with his napkin before giving a grimace. “Well, we should all be on alert. Just defeating another gang might cause the others to feel uneasy. What do you say Namjoon?”

“I agree, but there must be a reason why you guys were spied on.” Placing his fork back on the table, his eyes wandered to the rice that was in bowl. “Kook, after dinner, pull up the cameras of the whole town for the past two months. Jimin, your parents lived in the area right?”

“Mhm, just north of the town square.”

“I have a hunch and I’ll need to look into it for now. Anyone up for some Monopoly tonight?” There was a loud harmony of sighs before Seokjin took the dishes away to the kitchen.


That night, Jimin laid in bed with Jungkook. The youngest insisted on sleeping with his saviour and Jimin was thankful for it. He didn’t want to be left alone and it made him mad that he wasn’t getting over the dead bodies on the floor.

“Hyung? You ok?” Jungkook turned to face him. “Are you cold?”

“No, I just still feel a bit uneasy about all of this.”

“Don’t worry, we got each other. Seokjin would never let anything happen to us.”

“I trust you guys. But don’t you think its suspicious? How we are being spied on?”

“Namjoon hyung has an idea and knowing him for so long, I know he isn’t going to let an idea go so easily without figuring it out.” He brushed a strand of hair out of Jimin’s face. “Are you excited?”


“You can go back to your home tomorrow.” It came out in a whispered scream.

“I guess.”

“You don’t seem so excited hyung.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” Jimin let out a chuckle when he saw the excitement in the youngest’s eyes.

“I won’t tell Tae, I swear.”

Jimin pulled the blanket higher to their chins. “I really miss them, they won’t want to see me though.”

“Don’t think like that hyung. I never met my parents before but I would miss any of the hyungs if they just left. I would miss you too.”

“Since when did Jeon Jungkook turn into a softie?”

“International play boy since birth hyung, give me more credit.”

“Whatever you say Kookie.”

The next morning, Namjoon had darker circles than usual under his eyes. Seokjin had a worried look on his face and the rest of them were all silent. It wasn’t until after breakfast did their leader speak up.

“So today, Hoseok, you and Jimin will go to the north side of town. You should bring another person or two. Tae? You wanna go with Jungkook?” They nodded in agreement and his attention went back to the two eldest. “You two can just do the regular trips to town like the usual.”

“Can we go in the evening? They work night shifts so they won’t be home then.”

“Then you four can leave later today instead of now.”

Jimin had jitters all over. It had been too long since he had last seen his parents and took a nap in his old room. They drove around town and watched the people in the neighbourhood walk about like usual, nothing abnormal. Jimin gave out directions to his old home and pulled up to the the small house, burgundy garage and light brown tiles.

“It looks cozy. But Jimin, is there supposed to be a car there?” Looking in the driveway, he noticed the blue SUV that belonged to his father.

“No, did they carpool? Let’s go in, they have to have work right now.” Giving Jimin the crutches, they watched as Jimin heaved out a sigh. “Maybe we can pick it? I lost the key.”

“Right up my alley.” Hoseok took out one of his intricate knives and started to pick the lock. “Jimin?”

The boy turned his gaze from the lawn; darts feeling heavier in his pocket.

“The door wasn’t locked.”

Namjoon watched the cameras on a continuos loop; sticky notes all over the table and spilt coffee on his photocopies. To what Jimin said, the Beggar Master did visit Jimin’s parents but only once. He watched his movements and caught him talking to other gangs from other districts. One in particular visited Jimin when he was still under the Master’s reign, he followed the man and noticed how he had frequently stopped near Jimin’s house every once in a while. Knocking on their door and asking for Jimin while knowing fully where he was. He the audio for the footage and plugged his headphones in.

“Why are you looking for our son?” A woman, Jimin’s mother looked back inside the house while holding her ground.

“Nothing really, just some business.”

A man, who looked like the split image of Jimin, only older came out. “He doesn’t live with us, so could you please leave our property before I contact the police.”

“No need for that. I’ll be back.”

The couple at the door watched as the man drove off and Jimin’s mother fell into her husbands arms, crying. “What have we done? Where is that boy?”

Namjoon’s heart ached at the sight of them worrying for their son. It didn’t make any sense. Why did they need to look for his parents? What did the Beggar Master have in mind for Jimin? His train of thought was cut short when his phone started to ring. Keeping the footage rolling at a faster speed, he answered the phone.




The man came back to their house everyday.

“Is something wrong?”

“I wouldn’t necessarily say wrong, but Yoongi looks as if he is going to spit fire out of his mouth.”

“Seokjin hyung what’s wrong?”

On the exactly the day that Jimin was taken from their home to the strange neighbourhood, the man entered theirs.

“I need you to warn the other gangs, our friends, of Blue Jackals from district N” It hit Namjoon, on how the man looked familiar in the camera.

“Why? What happened? Why would we need to be warned of a gang from a whole other district?”

“All the small gangs in our district are getting shot down Joon, we need to warn them now!”

“Alright.” There was a minute of silence. “Stay safe hyung.”

The man walked out of the house, no longer a home, and no one else walked out of it for the next few weeks.


The war wasn’t over yet.

“Have you seen Seungho lately?”

“Choi Seungho?”

Hey guys~! Happy Valentine's Day ( Or I would call it Single Awareness Day) But I have finally updated with a new chapter! I want to thank all of you who have been so patient with me, I really don't deserve you all. And I'll be updating soon (probably within the next few days) with a new story (One-shot if I'm not lazy) called 'The Greatest Adventure in Life'. Hopefully you'll like that story as well. I won't keep talking here so you can get along with the story. Thank you all so much for the continuous support and I'll be sure to keep in touch with you guys in the comments section.

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mwenlili #1
Chapter 20: This is a perfect end to the story!! I'm so happy I tagger along. Author-nim, thank you so much!! This is one of my favourite fic ever!! <3
Chapter 20: i can't believe it's the end of this story :( It was so great, i loved it from the beginning and you did a great job, it was really good!
Chapter 20: awhhh it's over :( but it was really good and had a nice ending withatouchofjikook i will say. i can't wait for the jikook oneshot, my otp feels xD thanks for this, this was a great story!! ~❤
Chapter 19: glad to see more chapters but aw it's coming to an ending. cant wait for the next chap tho~❤
Chapter 17: poor kookie!! (bawls for his hand)
mwenlili #6
Chapter 17: I really can't wait to see how you are going to end it, author-nim, but I'm sure it will be good, as usual ^^
I really enjoyed it!! Fighting~ <3
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for your update... keep write the good story especially jimincentric... love it so much
Kpopisidklife #8
Chapter 17: It's okay you don't need to be sorry I'm like that with my homework so I feel youㅋㅋㅋ
Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, well expect Jungkook getting shot on the hand.
Chapter 17: no need to apologize, take ur time. this was good, thank you ~❤ the jikook at the end made me squeal (':
Kpopisidklife #10
Chapter 16: I just started reading this just yesterday and I love it!!!
Omg Jimin's first fight>< I'm so excited!! Hope they'll be safe...but I'm kinda worried since Jimin's still on crutches. He should get a prosthetic leg so it's easy for him to fight and move around... Anyways I'm excited and worried about this fight~
Can't wait for the next update^^ Hwaiting!!!