No More. No More // Chapter Twelve

No More. No More

Seokjin and Hoseok had found the Beggar Leader in the midst of talking with one of his slaves. The man had his gun ready to shot before a hand caught his wrist.

“See what I mean about guns?”

“Now is not the right time Hobi.” The eldest only watched as the Beggar Leader’s wrist got twisted back in to have the gun face himself.

“How is you arm doing?”

“Go to hell.”

Hoseok gave a smile before twisting harder. “It would be a shame if your only other arm is also broken, right?”

“Let me go.”

“Why do you want Jimin?” At the sound of the boy’s name, the Beggar Leader’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. The insane look on his face made Hoseok quirk his eyebrows in confusion.

“I’ve been looking for him. He’s gotten me the most money out of all these dumb sacks of .” The beggar on the ground lowered his head in shame; it made Seokjin sick at how much torture the he must’ve been through. “Hoseok-ah, I’m taking this boy to where the other beggars are. Have fun with him.”

“Oh I’ll definitely take my time with this one.” He reached out for his pocket knife and threw the leader against the wall. “So, what’s your favourite type of flower?”

“ing hell.”

“You seem like a daisy type of person.” He dodged the kicks that were directed at him and swiftly stabbed him in the shoulder. “Just you and me here buddy. I’ll make the best tattoo on you.”

“ing take all my money and leave me alone you er.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you’re stupider than I thought. Now, where would you want it?” He kicked him in the head and started to draw intricate designs on his face. The leader screamed in pain and yelped when his hair pulled his head back. “Warning you time after time to stop, Jimin actually didn’t want you to die. But let’s think about how many innocent lives you’ve taken for the past week.”

“You’re crazy.”

“I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

In a flash, Hoseok had the Beggar Leader paralyzed but still conscious. He bent to his level and started to whistle, knife carving in and out of the skin on the man’s back.


"Where are the rest of you hiding?” Seokjin was walking beside the young boy who kept his head low.

“Behind the bakery; in the parking lot.”

“Here.” Handing the boy a wad of cash, Seokjin ruffled his hair before stopping. “It’s not much but its all I have on me right now. You’re in our area so as long as you stay there, we’ll provide you enough to stay alive. Or at least until there is a new Beggar Master.”

“Please not another one.” The boy had tears in his eyes.

“Its not my say in how it goes, but let’s just hope for the best.”


“Mmm, this is looking really beautiful. One of the best that I’ve done.” Blood had soaked Hoseok’s clothes and if blood was permanent, his hands would look like he was wearing gloves.

“C-Can’t you just kill me?” His voice was dripping with pain and it only made Hoseok’s smile widen. The dried blood on his face flaking off.

“You’ll eventually bleed to death. So what’s the rush?”

“Just kill me!”

“I will,” He leaned back to tilt his head. “this picture just needs something else. A final touch, I was thinking butterflies. Do you like butterflies?”

“ you.”

“Butterflies it is!”


“Thank you so much.” The boy had lead Seokjin to the bakery and met up with a group of beggars that were relieved that the boy had come back in one piece. A woman, who Seokjin guessed was his mother, had grabbed his hand and couldn’t stop thanking him. “He’s all I have. May you be blessed.”

“Its the least I can do. But if you may, I’m going to head back now.”

With a wave, Seokjin started to walk back to where Hoseok was but slowed his pace when his phone starting to ring. Yoongi.


“Hyung? We’ve got a problem.”

“Are you and Taehyung alright?”

“We’re good but” He could hear Taehyung in the background yelling at him to drive faster. “the leader of this gang went back to our warehouse.”

“How did he even?”

“No idea, but you and Hoseok need to get back there asap. Namjoon was thinking that there would be more than twenty with him on the way.”

“We’ll be there in ten.”

Most would’ve gagged when they saw the scene of Hoseok smiling inhumanly as he bathed in blood and scar the dead man. Seokjin walked over to him, shoes turning red as he stepped in the blood. There was a fond look on his face. “I like the butterflies, its a nice touch.”

“Only the best from the best.”

“Speaking of the best, we got more asses to kick.”

Hoseok pushed the dead body off of him, Seokjin cussing was never a good thing. “Did something happen?”

“I’ll explain in the car, let’s go.”


Jimin wasn’t scared, but when he heard the first gunshot his fists tightened around the sheets. He heard yelling and Jimin knew that it Jungkook and Namjoon were outnumbered. To his right was a few fog bombs that Taehyung was playing around with earlier in the week, he figured that he could just make more so with a push and a grunt, Jimin grabbed a handful of bombs and pushed his way into the hall.


Jungkook could only shoot as the men ran towards him. There was roughly thirty of them and although it was better than Namjoon’s estimated fifty, they were still outnumbered. The elder had went outside to take care of the rest of the men coming in but the only thing that was running in Jungkook’s mind was Jimin. He needed to fight these men off otherwise they would run around to find the boy in Namjoon’s room sitting patiently for everyone to come home. Home. That was what they were. He needed to protect his home, his family, his Jimin. After the men around Jungkook all fell to the ground, he turned to replace the bullets in his gun. There was a burning sensation in his shoulder and Jungkook glanced back to see the leader of the gang emerging from the staircase.

“Aren’t you a bit young to be carrying a gun?”

“Aren’t you a bit old to be playing with someone this young then?”

“You’re outnumbered little boy, drop the gun and I’ll let you live.”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life.”

“What are you hiding?”

Before Jungkook could answer, there was loud coughing and a low whisper. “.” Turning to the sound, Jungkook turned to see Jimin smiling on the ground with fog surrounding him. “I finally figured out how to use this thing.”

“What are you doing out here?” His voice quivered as he saw the gang leader through the corner of his eye, gun pointed to him.


Jungkook moved fast and threw his laptop at the man and it hit his shin. Jimin crawled over to him and watched in slow motion as a gun was pointed to the youngest. He threw a bomb at the man and threw his arms out to embrace Jungkook.


Yoongi ran out of the car to help Namjoon with the fifteen that was left. Taehyung ran straight inside. Seokjin’s car pulled in right when Yoongi shot the last bullet.


Getting a bomb ready, Taehyung went to where a loud crash was heard. The round ball dropping out of his hand as he saw the gang leader have his gun pointed to the lump on the ground. Taehyung’s eyes turned barbaric, he took two long strides and pounced on the man.

“You motherer!”


Jungkook opened his eyes to see Jimin on top of him as they laid on the ground. “Jimin?” The boy kept his eyes tightly shut, as if he was dared to open them. Jungkook’s heart started to race as he pushed Jimin off of him; heart dropping when he saw blood pooling out of his waist. “Hyung!” He pulled his hoodie off, wincing a bit when his own wound was stretched and pushed it against Jimin’s laceration. It caused him to cry out in pain and Jungkook’s hands only shook more as he heard the sound. “I need to put pressure on it. Just bear with a bit more. Seokjin hyung should be here soon.” He himself was getting dizzy but he needed to stay awake until Jimin was fully safe.


Jungkook turned to see Taehyung beating the crap out of the gang leader and couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride for his hyung. “Tae?”

“Just one more punch.”

“He’s already dead.”

“I’m not done with him yet.”

“Jimin is bleeding hyung!” Taehyung stopped and looked over and it was then when he saw Jimin laying in Jungkook’s lap, face pale and in pain.

“Seokjin hyung! Hoseok hyung!” Tears started to pool out of Taehyung’s eyes as he ran next to Jimin. “What were you thinking? Fog bombs don’t do any damage!”

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mwenlili #1
Chapter 20: This is a perfect end to the story!! I'm so happy I tagger along. Author-nim, thank you so much!! This is one of my favourite fic ever!! <3
Chapter 20: i can't believe it's the end of this story :( It was so great, i loved it from the beginning and you did a great job, it was really good!
Chapter 20: awhhh it's over :( but it was really good and had a nice ending withatouchofjikook i will say. i can't wait for the jikook oneshot, my otp feels xD thanks for this, this was a great story!! ~❤
Chapter 19: glad to see more chapters but aw it's coming to an ending. cant wait for the next chap tho~❤
Chapter 17: poor kookie!! (bawls for his hand)
mwenlili #6
Chapter 17: I really can't wait to see how you are going to end it, author-nim, but I'm sure it will be good, as usual ^^
I really enjoyed it!! Fighting~ <3
Chapter 17: I'm waiting for your update... keep write the good story especially jimincentric... love it so much
Kpopisidklife #8
Chapter 17: It's okay you don't need to be sorry I'm like that with my homework so I feel youㅋㅋㅋ
Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt, well expect Jungkook getting shot on the hand.
Chapter 17: no need to apologize, take ur time. this was good, thank you ~❤ the jikook at the end made me squeal (':
Kpopisidklife #10
Chapter 16: I just started reading this just yesterday and I love it!!!
Omg Jimin's first fight>< I'm so excited!! Hope they'll be safe...but I'm kinda worried since Jimin's still on crutches. He should get a prosthetic leg so it's easy for him to fight and move around... Anyways I'm excited and worried about this fight~
Can't wait for the next update^^ Hwaiting!!!