Confused And Torn

Cinderella No More


Hebe stared at the wall thinking and thinking,until she could not think anymore.Seeing Jiro yesterday made her more confused than ever.Why did she has to see him again? At least when she could not see him,she won't be this torn,she won't have any choicest in her life anymore.But now he is here,and he is back home,and worst he is going out with her friend Rainie.How bad can it be? For sure they are going to bump into each other once again.

She wondered if Jiro told Rainie about their past or is it not important to him anymore? It seems like Rainie was not even aware  that they knew each other.So he never told Rainie about her.He sure has moved on.What does she expect ???? Three years is a long time,She told him that herself when he told her to wait for him. Is she expecting him that he will still be loving her after all this time ???But how come she is still loving him?

It  is sure hurts seeing Jiro with Rainie yesterday ,eventhough ,she got Arron now.Is she being selfish for not wanting him to have a relationship after her???She just wants Jiro to love just her and nobody else,That's what he promised her and that is what her heart holds for.She has been holding on to his promise,and hoping one day she will come back for her.But now,she just realized that it is not going to happen.He came back and never thought of seeing her.He never attempted to even see is only accidental that she has seen him yesterday.He never wanted to see her at all,as she cried .....

She was crying when selina her older sister walked in her room unannouced without knocking on her door,and she saw the tears.

"What is it with you? Are you crying? Did you have a fight with Arron?" Selina asked,as she looked at her.

"Why did you come in without knocking?There is no more privacy in this house." as she pouts and looked at the window.

"So did you have a fight or not?" Selina asked."So who's fault it is this time?"

"No we never have a fight.we are fine." Hebe said,as she hugged on her pillow."So can you now leave and let me be alone."

"Unless,you tell me what is going on,I am not leaving." Selina said."Maybe i should just asked Arron,why are you will saved me the trouble." She noted the alarm in her eyes.Something is going on here,with her Drama Princess who happens to be her sister.

"No,don't ask Arron. Selina please ,don't tell him that you caught me crying." Hebe said. Arron will suspect something and he will know that he is crying because of Jiro.

"So are you going to tell me,what is your tears all about.For all I know,you don't cry for nothing.You maybe a Drama Princess but you don't shed a tears for no reasons." Selina said."So what about?"

"It is....but promise me you are not going to tell anybody especially Arron." Hebe said."Promised me first."

"Alright,I promised." Selina said."I won't tell a soul." as she smiled at her.She might be hard on her sometimes,but she truly loves her sister a lot...

"The reason why I am crying is because I saw Jiro yesterday.And he is back and dating somebody else." Hebe said. "He did not even came to look for me.He has been back for sometime now,and I only knew it yesterday."

"So what is your problem? Of course,he is not going to look for you,after you dumped him.If  I am the guy,why would I ? After you broke my heart.,no way." Selina said."So why are you crying? because he is not that crazy about you anymore? Don't be greedy,you have Arron now.Unless you want to break up with Arron and be with him."

Hebe shook her head."I don't want to lose Arron.I love him." Hebe said."We have been together for years.And he really loves me." as her tears came again as she tried to wipe them away.

"Then there is no problem.Maybe you are just not used in seeing Jiro with a girl for he is all eyes for you back then.Pretty soon,it will be nothing even if you see him with a girl." she said."So is the girl pretty?"

Hebe nodded her head."He is going out with Rainie,and I never knew about it.What a small world we lived in." she said.

Selina hugged her."It is gonna be alright.You'll get used in seeing him again and then you'll forget whatever feelings you have for him before." she said

Hebe smiled at her.Yes she is going to get used in seeing him,and whatever feeling she have now for him will changed and she will forget him...Jiro is just her past now and Arron is her present.....She wondered who will be in the future?????

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
deardiaryyou #2
i really enjoyed
exomania #3
i had fun reading this
Acually I have not made up my mind yet.But it leaning more on Dongtian...
ManTou #5
is this a Dongtian or a Bebu =)