Taking The First Step

Cinderella No More

It has been a while since Hebe came this way,the other side of the town.The place where the simple people lives..She tried to avoid this part of the city as much as possible for the past three years.The memories are a lot and she was afraid of what she will find,if ever she pass this way.She was afraid of feeling the pain,if ever she came this way.But today,she has a different feeling.She is excited and happy  to be back this way again.Somehow the doubts that she had earlier seems to vanished in thin air.This time she is sure of what she is doing and what she hoped to accomplished.

Jiro's house is in the end of a dead end street .It is still the same old house that she used to visit before.The light blue paint on the wall needs a little touch up here and there,probably due from the changes of the  weather and has started to lighten up.The tree that stood in front has grown and the leaves are as green as ever.Wang Mama's flowering plants in front of the house are in bloom,as you can see the different colors of roses and azaleas .The house stood quiet ,as you can only see a single car in the driveway.She wondered if they have any visitors with them today.

She rang the doorbell, as she holds the cake in another hand.and before she knew it, a surprised Jiro with a smile in his face greeted her.

"Hebe,I didn't know you are coming.Come in." Jiro said as he let her inside the house.He was in his tee shirt and jeans.

"I decided to come after all I have not seen your Mom for quite a while.Where is she?" Hebe asked.

"She is in the kitchen.Come on, " Jiro said as he walked her to the kitchen,and sure enough Mama Wang was busy preparing something special for dinner.She smiled as soon as she saw her and came to her and hugged her.

"Hebe,this is a surprise.You remembered my birthday,after all." she said.

"Happy Birthday Mama.Of course I remembered." as she gave the older lady a kiss on the cheeks. and then hugged her tight."I missed you so much." she said.

"Me too.I am glad you are here now." Wang Mama said."Just a few more minutes and dinner will be ready.Wang Papa will be home soon from work Jiro why don't you enter tain Hebe and bring her to the living room.And then we will catch up with a lot of things."

"I love that." Hebe said,as she followed Jiro.She can't help but felt teary seeing Wang Mama again.Jiro looked at her and smiled more to himself.He just remembered the special bond that Hebe and his Mom had before and it seems it has never changed with times.

As they were seated on the sofa, Jiro flipped open the TV.he has alot of questions to her and wondered why she changed her mind all of a sudden.."Does Arron knows you are here?" Jiro asked.

Hebe stared at him,undecided whether to answer him truthfully or lie to him."No he doesn't know.I didn't tell him I am coming here today." she answered.

"Will he mind?" he asked. "I don't think so" Hebe answered.

"You know that coming here will create complications right ? I don't even know what came to me yseterday to invite you over." Jiro said.

Hebe frowned at his words."Does it mean you don't want me to be here?" she asked .Now she is feeling so confused.Earlier,she was so confident that she is doing the right thing coming over here and now,she didn't know that even Jiro has doubts.

Jiro stared at her,he looks like he doesn't want to answer her question.Is he afraid that he is going to hurt her if he said otherwise that he does not want her here and now? Suddenly she felt so uncomfortable....and she felt like an intruder and she felt like crying..totally embarassed at the same time.

Jiro noted the expression in her face.He is not handling the whole things right.Rainie might walked in any minute now,and the last thing he wants is to be in the middle of the two woman that he loves....He has to be honest to her and to Rainie but before he can be honest to Hebe,she needs to be honest to herself and to him.

"Hebe,we have to talk,really talk.You have to be honest with me and i will be honest with you.I can't go on with these games anymore.I want to know the truth ,once and for all.Do you love me? Do you still love me? " Jiro asked as he stared at Hebe's eyes.

Hebe swallowed hard,this time she has to face the truth,she can't deny it nor will she be able to hide it anymore...as they stared at each other's eyes....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
deardiaryyou #2
i really enjoyed
exomania #3
i had fun reading this
Acually I have not made up my mind yet.But it leaning more on Dongtian...
ManTou #5
is this a Dongtian or a Bebu =)