
Girlfriend Diaries (Boyfriend For Rent! XD : sequel)


Bigbang is daeBACK! And for that reason, I shall update! I am highly inspired. Kekeke~ Watch their mv BLUE.




Waking up in the morning, I've always considered it as a blessing. But not until that day. That day I woke up by a strong slap on my face. Who slapped me? REALITY. I might be the only person who can't differentiate a dream from reality. I really believed it happened. Everything actually felt true to me. I guess I am a total pabo.

The day when Jiyong escorted injured Mia to school, I went home immediately after getting out of the classroom. Went straight home and locked myself in my room crying my eyes out. The sadness brought me to sleep. That's when I dreamt about what I really wanted to happen To have Jiyong choosing me, fighting for our love.  But when I woke the next morning I was reminded that that isn't possible anymore, because I already chose to let him go.

Our chance of being together, its like a large bubble that popped in thin air. The sad thing is that, it seems like it never existed at all.

I turned my December break into a month of solitude. I was the spoiler of the special occassions, passing all the invitations of hangouts and fun stuff. I was like Bella when Edward left her, frozen on the same spot, staring at nowhere. When my omma couldn't take it anymore, she came to me and hugged me tight, made me feel warm and cared for. We both cried that day.

She called my bestfriends, CL, Dara, Minzy, and Bom to come visit me. It took  days of visiting before I was finally able to laugh heartedly and be happy. I realized that I had been so selfish. I had omma and four awesome bestfriends beside me, but I ignored them all. I was never alone from the start. Why do I keep wishing for that person who's so hard to reach when there are people who tell me that all I have to do is call out their names and they'd be there right away. 

I guess that's what makes life complicated. People always aim for what they don't have and forget to appreciate what they already have. 

So I decided to forget about Jiyong. Try to live a life having myself in the center of it again and not him. We're now on the second week of school and the exam week had just ended. Now everybody is fussing for Valentines day. Great! If there's a date in the calendar that reminds me of Kwon Jiyong, that would be non other than February 14. Because of that day, I took the most foolish act of renting a Boyfriend. Because of that day, I met Jiyong, my GDragon. And it was in that day that I fell ever so hopelessly in love with him, my first and probably my last love.

I've noticed how my bestfriends have been trying to distract not to think about it. CL wants to go shopping everyday, Dara keeps pulling me to the library even if I know she's not really a fan of books and Bom and Minzy always call me to go KTV. 

They've given so much effort for me while all I have done is think about the guy I am trying to forget. The guilt is killing me! And also, their acts are starting to irritate me. They're being too obvious. 

Because I still couldn't be fully happy around them and that makes them worry and do more crazy stuff to ease my sorrow, I chose to stay away from them for a while. Not that I'm ignoring them, but I make sure that we don't bump each other often and walk as fast as I can, just like what I did this afternoon. I even heard them looking for me, so I quickened my steps so they won't see me.

I wanted to take a walk home and breath some fresh air. The sky looks gloomy this afternoon, it might even rain. I took my backpack and opened the zip. Unluckily, I left my umbrella at home. When I looked up at the sky again, a drop of rain fell on my cheek. It was cold, I liked how it felt. I closed my eyes and kept my head up waiting for the rain to pour down on me. I heard the raindrops pouring on the ground. But I remained unwet and warm. 

I opened my eyes slowly only to find a red umbrella above my head. I looked ahead of me, there stood an unfamiliar guy smiling at me. Behind him, I was another guy walking away without an umbrella. He had his hands inside his pockets. I could see how his drenched clothes made his steps heavy. 

"uhh. Hi?" the guy infront of me tilted his head to the right, covering my sight of the guy walking in the rain. 

It was only then that I noticed how close our gap was so I took a step back. He immediately stepped towards me.

"Hey stay close or you'll get wet." he told me.

"Eh?" was all I could say.

He laughed at my reaction, though I don't really understand what was funny about what I said.

"You're cute!" he pinched my nose and laughed again.

I wanted to run away from him but somehow his friendly aura wanted me to stay close. 

"I'm Taeyang by the way." he continued talking like I was replying to him enthusiastically a while ago.

"Kysha." I said.

"Hi Kysh, so are we gonna start walking now or are you gonna wait for your house to come fetch you here?" he said.

"Would it be okay with you?" I didn't know why it was okay for me that he would walk me home.

"Unless your house is a two mountains away from here, then yes it will be." he smiled sweetly and then gone went his eyes. 

I found myself smiling at his cute expression.

We walked silently, with a really close distance from each other. It felt comfortable even if we were strangers to each other.

"This is my house." I pointed to my house.

"Okay then. Nice meeting you." he smiled again.

"Nice meeting you too and thank you so much. Take care." I had that much to say, weird.

He just nodded. I placed my palms over my head to shield my head from the rain then ran for the front door. Before I turned the doorknob,

I heard him call my name from the loud pour of rain. I turned around and found him still standing on the spot where I left him.

"Don't forget to bring an umbrella next time!" he shouted.

I smiled again and shouted, "Neh! Gomawo!" then I finally entered.




The next day, my bestfriends finally confronted me about ignoring them yesterday. I felt a little guilty and apologized. I'm never gonna do that to them ever again. I love them too much and am starting to miss them badly. 

"As payment for being mean, you have to treat us!" Bom suggested and everyone agreed.

It started raining again. We were stranded by the school gate, sharing the small roof with the other students. 

"Chamkanman." I reached for my bag and took out my umbrella. When I opened it, I thought of Taeyang, I didn't notice I had the same umbrella as his.

"Bakssu!" CL teased and the girls clapped their hands.  "Positions!" she instructed.

Bom,Minzy, Dara and her quickly positioned infront of me, we were clinging to each other tighlty, trying to fit ourselves in my small umbrella. We kept on laughing as we walked pass the school gate. This moment would be part of our friendship moments. 

"Unnie! Unnie! Let's take a picture!" Minzy blurted out of the blue. We kept on laughing while we walked with small and equal steps. Minzy fished her phine from her pocket and raised it. 

"Say kyshadarabomclminzy!" 

"KYSHADARABOMCLMINZY!" we chorused when all of a sudden, someone placed an arm across  my shoulder!

"KYAAAAAA!" we shouted in chorus!

When I found out who it was, I was more surprised than the audience in MAMA were when Hyunseung and Hyuna kissed furing their perf!

"T-taeyang?! What are you doing!?" I screamed.

"W-what? Don't want to share umbrella?" he pouted. 


"Excuse me?! Who are you?!" Dara shouted loud enough for all of us under the umbrella to hear.

"Ouch!" CL, who was very close to her, nursed her ear.


But Taeyang just ignored Dara.

"Kysha, just tell me if you don't want to share. It's just that I didn't bring my umbrella today." he turned to me instead.

"N-no, its not like that b-but~~~


"Oppa, kansahamnida." two girls from the same school as ours' passed by us. They were holding a red umbrella, similar to mine and

were acting all flirty as they waved at Taeyang.


I glanced at Taeyang's expression only to find him staring at me, waiting for my answer. Gulp! 


"DID YOU JUST IGNORE ME?" Dara screamed again making our eardrums vibrate.

"OUCH!" This time Bom and Minzy chorused with CL and covered their ears.


"L-lets just go to that store now. The rain is too strong. If all six of us are gonna share this umbrella, might as well walk in the rain.

We entered a food tent that sell dukbokki. 

"This is my treat, okay?" I claimed.

"Not complaining!" they all said.



When the food was brought to our table, all their eyes went ZERO and started with their ninja chopstick skills. While we were eating, a phone rang.

Since it was an unfamiliar ringtone, I knew it was Taeyang's.


"Aren't you going to answer that?" he turned to me with cheeks puffed with rice cakes inside. He even looked around and when he saw that we were all staring at him, waiting for him to pick up his phone, he finally did.


"Yobosaeyo?" I listened to the conversation as everyone did.

I could hear a girl's voice from the other line. She sounded irritated.

"Oppa! Why aren't you here yet? I don't have umbrella! Pick me up from school now pleeease!" 

"Aish! I reminded you repeatedly to bring it!" Taeyang was even more irritated.


"Aiyoo chincha! Arasso! I'm coming alright?" he said still obviously pissed then dropped his chopsticks and pocketed his phone.


He stood up and turned to me before leaving.

"Kysha, I haven't eaten enough. You still owe me, araso?" he said then finally left the tent.


I could here crickets by the silence that obviously meant something.

"Alright! I'll tell you everything!"

Then the girls sat close beside me and prepared their good ears.



To be continued...

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Situmeng18 #1
NinaNur #2
Chapter 13: Omg Why is jiyong so stupid ): poor kysha ): amazing story thumbs up (:
Chapter 12: I want to know if her father really asked Jiyong to be Mia's fiance.
Update soon!!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 12: This story is nice!! Please author you should update~
nasdilla98 #5
Chapter 12: Hey... ijust register in this website so that i comment on your super amazing story... hope you will update soon... and can someone tell me how to subscribe...
Dicey_Ivy #6
New reader here...
I love this so so much
Please update soon =) thank you
ylips #7
Please update the story soon! So interesting! Nice :)
Ahh thanks for update. Update soon
PurplePearl #10
oh god.... such a long time.... but finally u're back! yeaaahh!! horrayy

but again, I wanna nu update hahaha
Idk what happend w/ her father and yeah still I don't like mia...