Mia's Party 3

Girlfriend Diaries (Boyfriend For Rent! XD : sequel)


The human stampede parted me from my best friends. Feeling as weak as rotten vegetable, I fell on the ground. I knew I had to get up again because if I don't, I just might die today. I was kicked and stomped here and there as the disoriented guests scampered everywhere! My micro dress was tearing apart and I had my hands crossed over my chest, holding on to the edges of the fabric  to prevent it from exposing my bare skin. A knee hit my head from behind and my eye mask flew off my face! Oh no! 

No one can find out who I am. They'd immediately figure out that me and the girls are the culprits to this mess! That was my initial thought. with one hand holding on to my torn dress and another supporting my body weight together with my knees, I crawled my way to my eye mask which was a few feet away from me now.

But I received another kick in my stomach from one of the people running and I rolled, aching on the ground. With my head resting on the grassy front yard of Mia's house, I kept my eyes opened, watching the feet of the guests as they continue running for their lives afraid of a non-existing danger. I was already praying for God's forgiveness with the thought of my death. But I still don't want to go. I still have a lot of questions unanswered. Why, appa? Why, Jiyong? to summarize my it.

Darkness started enveloping my sight but right before it completely turned black, I felt a hand snake around my waist and another under my knees. In no time, I was cuddled closely in the torso of a guy in black tux. That was when my exhausted being gave in and drifted off.



Something wet and cold touched my skin causing me to flinch and moan. My mind is already awake but my body is still crying for more rest. I didn't bother move a centimeter even if I had no idea where I was. There was a sound of a chair moved followed by footsteps moving away from me. With the movement, I smelled a familiar scent of perfume mixed with the air I breathed. 

My eyes snapped open but closed back again when the light bulb on the ceiling blinded me. It took a few more blinking before I adjusted to the light. Foot steps are now coming back to me. My neck stiffened as I felt anxious to see who was with me in the room. I had a good guess who it was but I am wishing that I am wrong. I took a deep breath and prompted myself to sit on the soft bed where I was laying. With my eyes still looking down on my thighs, it took all courage for me to lift my gaze. 

In front of me stood the man of my life aka the man of my death. Jiyong. Nothing has changed in his face except maybe for his neat hairstyle tonight. His seductive eyes, his straight nose, and those lips... it's all the same. I wish everything else, aside from his physical appearance, also remained the same. 10 seconds, I counted the time that our eyes were glued. I was the first one to look away. If I stared at him longer, I might push myself up and give him a bear hug and scream how much I miss him and love him.

He moved forward and from my peripheral view, I could see his hand reaching for my chin. I quickly slapped them away then glared at him, my heart beating wilder each passing second. 

I never stopped hoping that one day Kwon Jiyong would return and would explain to me why he left then I would forgive and understand everything he says and we would go back to what we had before. But it's different when it's actually happening already. Inside me, the sorrow of losing him had already subsided. When? Just now, when I had found him again. But there is also a different emotion in me arousing, HATE. 

"Kysha." his voice was so soft and apologetic.

I kept silent, still glaring at him, waiting for him to say something else.

The sides of his eyes curved down, revealing his puppy stare. My heartbeat has just doubled it's pace again. But I stayed composed and strong in the outside. One minute passed and he's still not saying a word.

"What?! You're not even going to explain yourself why you just left me?!" I couldn't stop myself from blurting out how frustrated I was at the moment.

"I..." he sighed and I heard pain in it. "I'm not going to force you to hear me out. If.... you tell me that you don't want to see me anymore, I will understand." 

For a moment, I was just gawking at him, stupid and mystified. His face showed no emotions. I can't tell what he's really thinking right now. Or is he even thinking?! Did he ever even think about what and how I felt when out of the blue, my boyfriend dumped me?! Did he ever?~~ I can go on forever. But right now, I can't make this night longer. Because I know this would forever haunt me in my sleep, in my thoughts and in my memory.

He looked back at me for a second then lowered his gaze again.  "If you want to leave now----------

"Fine!" I cut him off, my voice cracked, I had to gulp a hard boulder that blocked my throat..

"K-kwon Jiyong..I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! And you don't have to tell me to leave! Because I certainly don't want to be in the same room with you for any time in my life again! I never want to breath the same air with you ever again!" my tears started falling at the same time that I finished.

He still had his head bowed down and the shadows on his face made him look more evil in my sight. I wanted to slap him, just leave him a scar to haunt him forever! But I couldn't move any closer to him. I still honestly love him with all my heart. And my love is the one shielding him from my anger. It's mind wracking!

Instead of going his way, I turned around and searched for the door. Luckily, I din't have to turn around again because the door was standing right in front of me. I took the knob and twisted it, not even looking back. 


When the door opened, I was boggled by the hugeness of the building where I was. I was on a higher story of the house, I could tell by the gold railings surrounding the edge of the floor up to the sides of the staircase. The whole floor was red carpeted. A real inside of a mansion. I made my way to the stairs, trying to erase my awe comments about the place. I ran down not wasting any time when I saw an old woman in a maid uniform coming my way. I stopped when I saw her holding my black micro dress folded neatly on her arms.

Just then, I realized that I was wearing pajamas instead of a torn black dress! My head just exploded. 

"Those are mine," I told the old woman being polite enough to bow and smile. She gave me my clothes and bowed to me too. "Kansahamnida." I bowed again and continued running past her. 

I paused midway and turned around just to see her still standing there, looking at me in amusement. "Ajhumma, are you the one who changed my clothes?" I had to ask.

"Anniyo. Young master just instructed us to lend him a girl's clothes." she answered with full respect. "Mianhe," she bowed. "that's the only decent clothes my daughter has." she sounded nervous.

"A-anniyo! Kenchana!" I assured her, thanking her afterwards and then finally finishing my way down the circular staircase and out of the humongous mansion.

I am now by the front yard, stupefied once again by it's wide range. Now how am I gonna go home?!

"Ms. Lee?" A rusty old man's voice spoke from behind me.

I turned around to see a man smiling at me. "Young master asked me to drive you home. Let's go?"

Before I could protest, he was already by the van opening it for me. I shall no longer protests because I really don't know where the heck I am!

I gave the old man my complete address and with him assuring me that he already knows the way, I slumped my back to seat rest and drowned my self into my thoughts. 


If Jiyong changed my clothes, then he saw my----?!?! EEP!!

Why are these people calling Jiyong 'young master'!?

How the heck did he get engaged with Mia after leaving me just like that!?!?!?


When my thoughts passed by Mia, a line of electricity struck my heart. Appa... could that really be him? But how? 

Omma shall never find out about this. She won't be able to take it. She's been through too much pain. 

Appa...why did you do that to us? Why? 


Then karma entered my mind. Karma... Karma is now targeting your own dauhter, appa. I'm the one recieving all the punishment!


Suddenly, the door beside me slid open, "We're here, Ms. Lee." he said.

I climbed off the van and thanked the old man, bowing politely. I took a deep breath before entering the house, with a long explanation already prepared in my head.





Okay... Tell me all your thoughts now!!! hahaha! ^_____^<3)

Thank you new subscribers! <3 <3 <3



Tell meee! I need help!


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Situmeng18 #1
NinaNur #2
Chapter 13: Omg Why is jiyong so stupid ): poor kysha ): amazing story thumbs up (:
Chapter 12: I want to know if her father really asked Jiyong to be Mia's fiance.
Update soon!!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 12: This story is nice!! Please author you should update~
nasdilla98 #5
Chapter 12: Hey... ijust register in this website so that i comment on your super amazing story... hope you will update soon... and can someone tell me how to subscribe...
Dicey_Ivy #6
New reader here...
I love this so so much
Please update soon =) thank you
ylips #7
Please update the story soon! So interesting! Nice :)
Ahh thanks for update. Update soon
PurplePearl #10
oh god.... such a long time.... but finally u're back! yeaaahh!! horrayy

but again, I wanna nu update hahaha
Idk what happend w/ her father and yeah still I don't like mia...