
Girlfriend Diaries (Boyfriend For Rent! XD : sequel)

Dear Diary,


Remeber Mia? My frienemy? Well she's been obviously avoiding me after Feb. 14. But I fear that she might have actually recovered already from losing 

at the booth with her boyfriend from me and Jiyong. Jiyong. Jiyong. Jiyong. *sigh* And what comes after her recovery would usually be revenge. I've seen

her revenge tactics on others and they are indeed kind of scary. No one does her bad and walks away without a scar, literally. Wew!


I'm kind of relieved though, that Jiyong is not here, because that would save him from all the trouble. Guess I'll have to endure Mia's revenge alone. Alone. 

Alone. Alone. *sigh sigh*




Class went on just like every ordinary day, boring. And my life also get's boringer and boringer every passing minute! Have you noticed?!

I guess you have. 


I was about to step out of the classroom when someone pulled my backpack a dragged me back with it. I turned around and saw my math teacher, the

weird one, looking at me with eyebrows meeting at the center of his wrinkled forehead. What now?


"We were discussing something yesterday, weren't we?" he said then looked away to remember what it was we talked about. 


He can really be soo WEIRD! He's lost in his own world again. If I stay  here longer, I might actually see him drool! Hahah! i took the opportunity to slide

my backpack from his hands and make a run. Just as I thought, he didn't even follow behind! Weird much!


I looked back again just to check if he was there but I stepped the wrong foot and stumbled on the ground head first! Luckily, I fell on something soft...

Too soft! Then I started smelling the stench and OH MY GASH! My nose hair fell off! I finally looked at where I landed and just as I suspected, a pile of dung

with my face engraved on it was right under me!


I stood up and started going "Pleh! Pleh! Pleh!" Wanting to clean myself up, I only scattered the dirt on my uniform! Then I hear the most horrible sound.

The sound of humiliation! Hundreds of students were laughing their heads off while taking pictures of me or maybe even videos!!!


I facepalmed in so much shame but then realized that my hands were full of animal poop! So without further ado, I started crying loudly while hugging

my legs. I probably looked more idiotic but I didn't care anymore, If you were in my place, what would you do!?


I could still hear everyone's laughter, they sure are enjoying this. Then I felt steps coming closer to me. I flinched when someone kicked my side. My head

spun to look at the person who just added up to my humiliation. It was tall, I can't identify it's gender!, but seeing that it's wearing a skirt she's

probably a she. She was tall and devil looking, laughing louder than anyone else. Not to be rude but she was ugly and scary! 


She pulled my collar and dragged me up with it, I didn't have to exert effort in getting up because it was all her. When I was straight up, I was punched on

the face with full force without any warning whatsoever! I fell back on the dung. Now I'm hearing the whole student body cheering for me, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" 

they went. Gosh! What's wrong with these people!? War freaks! But I thought about what was happening and figured, if this was my last they in the world,

I'd want to be seen fighting and not begging for mercy. So my fists closed tightly and I felt the adrenaline rushing in me! My knees suddenly were strong

enough to help myself up but when I did, the monstrous girl kicked my causing me to charge like a bull towards the students watching the 'show'. 

Everyone immediately back away, fanning their noses from the foul odor. Without straightening up, I charged for the girl who had kicked me twice already.

Amazingly, I shoved her off her feet and threw her to the ground! She was taller than me, BTW, and weighed much than I do but I got her!


I couldn't help but enjoy the cheers coming loudly now. "Wooo! Woo!" I punched the air above my head and cheered with them, head banging! When all of

a sudden, my enemy charged towards me! I fell on the ground with her on top of me. And though she was a girl, I felt yucky! I tried to wiggle away but

I couldn't lift her from this position. The cheerers immediately switched sides and screamed for her! All I could do was stare at her fist now aiming for my

face. Okay, I can't look!!!




My eyes shut tightly as I anticipated for the blow. But it never came. My eyes popped open again when I heard everyone going "Oooooooooooh!!!".

A guy, was holding the girl's closed fist which was about to hit me, then without much effort, he lifted her off me and shooed her away with just a look!

She sure ran for her life as she even stumbled on her way. 


Then the handsome face turned its attention to me. Handsome. ^^


I was waiting for him to take my hand and help me up but----- okay I'll just get up on my own. When his eyes were already at the same level as mine,

okay not really because he's taller, he turned around and walked away. 


What was that?!


Then all the other students started walking away too like nothing happened. I hope they forget about me too!!


to be continued...


tomyidol says: I had fun updating! Revelations to come later. ^____^)

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Situmeng18 #1
NinaNur #2
Chapter 13: Omg Why is jiyong so stupid ): poor kysha ): amazing story thumbs up (:
Chapter 12: I want to know if her father really asked Jiyong to be Mia's fiance.
Update soon!!
JiYong_JaGi #4
Chapter 12: This story is nice!! Please author you should update~
nasdilla98 #5
Chapter 12: Hey... ijust register in this website so that i comment on your super amazing story... hope you will update soon... and can someone tell me how to subscribe...
Dicey_Ivy #6
New reader here...
I love this so so much
Please update soon =) thank you
ylips #7
Please update the story soon! So interesting! Nice :)
Ahh thanks for update. Update soon
PurplePearl #10
oh god.... such a long time.... but finally u're back! yeaaahh!! horrayy

but again, I wanna nu update hahaha
Idk what happend w/ her father and yeah still I don't like mia...