Cards on the table

Three Types Of Fear


Park Chanyeol
"I'm representing the social awareness the South stands for but I'm willing to not only learn but embrace other cultures and approaching methods. I firmly believe that a raise in variety opens up more opportunities."


"I firmly believe that a raise in variety opens up more opportunities."
You don't say Captain Obvious, Jongin thought with an internal scoff as he skimmed the page of the newspaper.
That was such a redundant and useless statement. But why would the great Park Chanyeol care as long as people reacted with awe and admiration? It was all about making them believe in him, no matter what nonsense he spluttered. Park Chanyeol was the picture perfect example of being 'all talk' and the amount of success he was experiencing on a daily basis due to his ability to sweet-talk was sickening him. Greatly so.


"It's an honor to finally meet you."
"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine, Mr. Park." Jongin replied in an almost sweet voice, his head shyly lowered as he slipped into the seat of JYP Music's CEO.
He seemingly forced himself to look up and smiled hesitantly as it was expected of him.
"I'm Kim Jongin, from the FutureCare project-" he began and was already cut off by the enthusiastic CEO.
"Ah, of course I've read about you! You're the Eastern representative, right?"
Yeah, just cut me off. Rude much?, he thought but it didn't reach his expression.
"Y-yes. That's right. I hope you don't mind they sent me instead of Chanyeol."
Mr. Park only laughed good-naturedly and dismissed the thought, asking his secretary to bring them a cup of tea.
And here goes another Southener acting all socially aggressive.
He was beginning to wonder whether they were taught this behavior at an early age to grow into it that much. Still Jongin's smile didn't even twitch once during his careful presentation of the proposal they had prepared.
As expected the CEO was more than interested since the project was still rather fresh on people's mind and the opportunity too good to pass up.
"Our company has always been known for showcasing equality between the states! We've got plenty of idols and trainees from all the nations! Even from the North!" he exclaimed confidently and faking surprise, Jongin repeated "Really? From the North as well?" so that the guy could generously dismiss it as if now it wasn't that big of a deal anymore.
"Of course! The ones from the North are all about technique and precision, they make the best vocalists!"
U-huh, sure. All about equality but categorizing the whole North.
Completely undeterred the man continued.
"But of course everyone has their strengths! We got a few from the East as well, you know? Those are all about intuition and passion. They never fail to show a unique style. And the ones from the West-"
I'm calling bull on your concept of equality right here.
Of course Jongin didn't voice this opinion. He knew when to shut up and when it wasn't worth the effort. This case clearly belonged to the first category.
So he only kept his sigh internal as he faked shy interest and left the man to wallow in a digusting amount of self-praise.

"I say that's bull."
"You didn't even let him finish!" Chanyeol directly jumped in and was swiftly ignored by Jongin. He felt like the best way to stand people like Chanyeol was to ignore them. It had worked quite well so far.
Kyungsoo didn't seem fazed either as he crossed his arms.
"I don't need to let him finish, I know JYP's marketing strategy very well."
Jongin didn't even try to pick up where he had left(at re-telling JYP's proposal), preferring to listen and observe.
"I've been going through their strategies of the past three years and their way to promote is far too shallow for our purpose. They keep mentioning NOT having prejudices while at the same time putting way too much emphasis on people's origins. It doesn't make any sense. If we'd aim at silly teenagers this might be working but the whole goddamn world is looking at us."
This shut Chanyeol up, for the moment at least. Of course it did since it was nothing but the truth.
And that was the reason Jongin liked Do Kyungsoo.
He wasn't afraid to be blunt and voice his honest opinion, regardless of social conventions. He had a goal in mind and was armed with enough skills to reach it. In fact he was sure Kyungsoo would be able to replace both of them. Sure, he was really more of a practical guy and didn't try to up to the higher ups but... if the world was fair, someone like Do Kyungsoo should be far more successful than the likes of Chanyeol.
"If we are going to cooperate with JYP we gotta be the ones coming up with the concept." Kyungsoo said decisively and Chanyeol nodded along, seemingly thinking about it.
"Yeah... JYP is not THAT proud, we might put it in a way that sounds like we're merely trying to take the burden off of him. It might work."
Yeah, why don't we manipulate him a little, twist the words a bit... We're gonna make it work.
Cause apparently stupid people don't deserve any better.

A knock on the door ripped them from their discussion and Junmyeon, a co-worker, poked his head inside.
"Hey guys. vice-president Zhang would like to know how the meeting went. Are you free right now?"
Chanyeol threw a quick questioning glance at them and Jongin only blinked. They weren't even remotely ready. Kyungsoo threw him the 'we definitely AREN'T free'-look but Chanyeol had already turned to the front again and smiled that far too toothy smile.
"Sure, we're free!"
Jongin wanted to groan. Instead he put on a strained grin.

The day had started off bad enough when Chanyeol had ran into him on his way to the bus stop and wouldn't stop annoying the hell out of him with all sorts of questions he didn't intend to answer. It had gotten worse when the three had to talk about the JYP issue.
But it reached the level 'worst' and swiftly crossed over into the 'terrific'-category with flying colors during their meeting with vice-president Zhang.
It didn't even have a good start with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo both cutting Jongin off and correcting him all the time. He could already see Mr. Zhang's eyebrow slightly rising at them and even though he discreetly slapped Chanyeol's thigh under the table(which earned him a flinch and a kicked-puppy-look) the big idiot couldn't refrain from jumping in, mentioning side details he would have gotten to later while Kyungsoo kept throwing his judgment in.
Then it got down to their future plans for the project and that's where the actual trouble arose.
"We were just discussing this matter when we came here." Chanyeol piped in, still smiling.
Maybe he hoped that this would make the guy smile and give them more time.
But obviously Mr. Zhang wasn't playing the social game with him as he leaned back with a small smile.
"Oh, how very interesting. I'd love to hear your thoughts so far."
Just great. Why didn't that moron say they hadn't gotten around to talking about it yet?!
He couldn't help glaring at Chanyeol from the side. Luckily he continued, going through with the mess he had started.
"We've already figured that JYP's general course of promotion is not suited for our purpose as it's too shallow to convey the concept of FutureCare."
There's no 'we' in Kyungsoo. YOU didn't figure out .
Mr. Zhang only nodded amiably. Patiently. Waiting for a conclusion.
"That's why we gotta stray from that, adapt it to something more genuine." Chanyeol went on but he could sense the uncertainty in his voice as it raised the tiniest bit to make it sound like an open question.
"Uhm. I haven't had time to think about it yet though. Any ideas Jongin?"
Oh no you didn't.
Jongin would have loved to turn the phrase 'to glare daggers at someone' into something very literal.
"Uh. I've... There are several possibilities of course, and it has to be considered who we're aiming at." he quietly rambled, his thoughts racing. But he felt exposed and his head was completely blank.
"I think the main point is to get the idols in contact with the children. Maybe have them visit orphanages in every country, if their schedule allows it-"
"That'll do nothing for the kids.", Kyungsoo swiftly interfered and for once Jongin wished the boy would have held back on his opinion but it was too late, "This would just benefit the idols. It'll make the children look like a joke."
"Uh yeah. The children should be the main focus, after all. " Chanyeol added as the lamest amount of damage control in history.
"Maybe send them to the idols instead? Give them the opportunity to experience something new?" he blabbed on and Jongin could hear the faintest annoyed sigh of Kyungsoo.
"That would cause the exact same problem PLUS the fact that you're basically rubbing in their faces that this exciting experience is a one-time thing."
This was obviously as far as Chanyeol's patience lasted.
"Well, it doesn't have to be. Can't the whole point be to motivate them to pursue their dream?"
"Can we maybe not choose the least likely career they'll be able to pursue?" Kyungsoo gave back and Chanyeol didn't even miss a beat as he heatedly replied.
"Shouldn't we focus on EXACTLY this career then? If you don't aim high you'll never be able to achieve anything!"
"If you try to get it all you end up with nothing!"
"Better try to get it all than not even trying in the first place!"
They all froze at the calm voice of Mr. Zhang whom they had completely forgotten about. He didn't look angry but rather pretty disappointed as he lifted his hands in a calming gesture.
"It's evident that you need more time to think this through. Just address me as soon as you're ready. And please try to stay professional both in and out of my office."
"Yes Mr. Zhang. We're terribly sorry." Chanyeol murmured and even Kyungsoo had lowered his head, looking as guilty as Jongin felt.
They all got up, trying not to look too eager as they exited the office.

Jongin wanted to kick something(or someone) in frustration. This definitely shouldn't have happened. He could only hope that vice-president Zhang was nice enough not to report them.
They trotted down the deserted hallways and Kyungsoo spoke up in an angry mumble.
"Well that went fantastic. Thanks for all the great input by the way, Jongin."
Chanyeol only groaned at this and turned to look over at him.
"Please, as if it wasn't all your fault. Couldn't you keep your temper in check just this once?!"
"God, just gimme a BREAK already." Jongin hissed before he could help it.
Usually he wouldn't voice his true opinion like that but Chanyeol had been going on his nerves all day long and he had to vent the bottled up annoyance. Park Chanyeol always jumped to his help immediately, no matter whether he asked for it or not. He imposed his supposedly good nature on everyone and Jongin in particular was the one forced to sate his ego all the time. Disgusting.
Now one could argue that Jongin wasn't any different from Chanyeol, constantly putting up a front of being a gullible pushover. Except he was.
He just didn't want to get into trouble. He didn't want any praise or fame or fake friends. Any kind of trouble was a form of stress to be avoided.
"Yeah, because you didn't have a long enough break just now." Kyungsoo replied bitingly.
"Slowly I'm beginning to think the Eastern board sent you just to spite us!"
Jongin didn't say anything in response though he couldn't deny the pang of hurt at this words.
"You can't be serious." Chanyeol cut him off, already throwing up his hands in anger.
"You know, ever since I was young I actually, TRULY believed in everyone being equal and now I'm forced to work with you! You're the personification of every stereotype they tell about the North! I've never considered myself a racist but for you I might just become one if it goes on like this!"

And as they rounded the corner the terrific day became disastrous when the trio was faced with a surprised-looking Bang Yongguk -founder and respective CEO of CARE- who had stopped in his tracks, a paper cup of tea halfway to his lips.

An hour later they received their short but highly unpleasant scolding by the vice-president who -in behalf of Mr. Bang himself- told them that it  couldn't go on like this.
That the last thing they needed was everyone finding out the world's first real project of unity was a big scam.
To make matters worse he was one of those 'I'm not angry but I'm very disappointed'-persons which fueled the guilt like nothing else could.
"I realize that you have all been ripped out of your homes and it's always difficult to work in a foreign environment within a new team. We do want you to succeed though. That's why I'm telling you now to take it easy for the time being. I know you are eager to show the world your potential and to make a change. But it's completely alright if this doesn't happen today. Learn to get together without clawing each others eyes out and then present me with a completed concept for the collaboration with JYP at the end of next month."
"That's gonna waste so much time!" Kyungsoo fell in before catching himself and lowering his voice.
"I mean. That's an awfully long time, Sir."
The Western guy didn't even flinch and though his expression was blank, his voice told them that resistance was futile.
"Mr. Bang has specifically ordered it. You may leave now. We can't expect of you to love each other but please try to behave professional in the future."
"Yes, Mr. Zhang."

This time neither of them spoke a word, not even when the office door closed behind them and they all sank in their respective chairs around the table positioned in the middle. Jongin sighed almost inaudibly as slumped together, the tension slowly leaving his body.
There was no sound except for the faint squeaking of Chanyeol turning from side to side in his swivel chair.
Kyungsoo only rubbed his temples to leave his face buried in his hand.
"." he mumbled into the silence and Jongin hummed in agreement.
Chanyeol threw his head back to lowly hum to himself.
Neither Kyungsoo nor Jongin reacted and it grew silent once more. No one -not even Kyungsoo- seemed inclined to throw an insult since they were probably all well-aware of the fact that every single one of them was to blame.
Since silence obviously wasn't in Chanyeol's nature he was the first one to voice the question looming above them.
"What now? What are we gonna do?"
Kyungsoo snorted bitterly.
"Improve our acting?" he jokingly replied but it lacked the usual venom.
Chanyeol seemed not in the mood to bicker either as he just let the words hang in the air and evaporate.

Jongin was also thinking about it.
What to do.
Thing is, he hated Chanyeol's guts. If he had the choice, he'd just walk out right now and never face this person ever again. Unfortunately he didn't have a choice. And this was what he was best at, right? Finding solutions. Solving a problem the best way possible with the resources they had.
Luckily for him the other two kept their mouth shut for once, wallowing in a moment of hopelessness and it allowed him to actually hear himself think.
And he did come up with something.
Once again he would've loved to avoid the confrontation but there was no choice. Besides, they'd probably never be as receptive as they were now so he just decided to go for it.

"Guys. I might have an idea."
They both looked at him and as he had predicted, no immediate obnoxious complains or praises arose. He sat up straighter and reached for a wad of colorful memo's at the edge of the table and three ball pens.
"I need you to just go along with it though. I think we should... No, I want everyone in this room to write his opinion on the other two on one piece of paper each. His honest thoughts."
"How is this gonna do any good? Sounds like an elementary school method." Kyungsoo protested mildly but Jongin only shook his head.
"Go along with it. If it proves to be useless you can still yell at me later."
This argument effectively shut Kyungsoo up even though he didn't look any less unhappy about it.
"Fine." he said begrudgingly, reaching for a pen and starting to scribble possible vicious words about Jongin.
Chanyeol easily followed along but Jongin didn't miss the flash of hesitation on his face as the tip of his pen hovered over the paper.
"Your honest opinion. Don't even try to sugarcoat anything. That's important." he strictly added and Chanyeol pouted at his harsh tone, causing Jongin to hate him just a little bit more, if that was possible.
They all took their time writing and after Jongin collected them, he immediately handed everyone the two pieces of paper dedicated to them.
While Kyungsoo instantly turned them with the blank sides upwards, choosing not to read them, Chanyeol seemed fidgety, as if he wanted to read and waited for permission.
"This is hardly anonymous, you know." Kyungsoo said and Jongin only nodded.
"I know."
"So what are we supposed to do with them now?" he inquired in a challenging tone and this time he shrugged.
"No idea. It's up to you what to do with this information." he simply said.
Neither of them looked any less reluctant but there was a tinge of curiosity in between the hesitation. Jongin reached for his own two notes and got up, preferring to leave first as always.
"I just felt like we needed to finally put our cards on the table. Let's call it a day and let it all sink in for now."
"Okay." Chanyeol agreed quietly albeit readily and Jongin hurried outside the office before the giant idiot decided to stick to him like he did that morning. But he didn't.
His legs were still shaking a little from the unfamiliar attention and the paper felt like it was burning a hole through his pocket.
He was itching to read them while at the same time he craved nothing more than to throw them into the next trash bin. 




Am I spamming?
You know... I have this one chaptered story with scheduled updates but I don't wanna do this for this fic. I'd like to update whenever I feel like it(probably meaning that there are gonna be more chapters though in uneven spans of time in between them).
I'm just having way too much fun with this three main protagonists and their interactions.

This time it was Jongin's point of view(which might have provided a different perspective about Soo and revealed a lot about Jongin himself) so logically it's gonna be Chanyeol's time to shine in the next chapter! c:

Love, love, love


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This story won at the AFF awards!! You're amazing ♥︎ - I'll think of something to show my love!


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Chapter 30: All I can say is this story is very interesting and I love it! Even though I'm still don't understand how is it to be aual but yeah.. Thank you authornim!
Chapter 30: YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM ABOUT THIS UPDATE OR WELL AN UPDATE OF THIS STORY IN GENERAL. I LOVE IT ♡ Srly I love it. ♡ Drunk nini is super cute ♡ I always miss one of them tho when there are only ttwo interacting x'D (I can totally understand why there are only 2 interacting sometimes tho)
thanks for the update ♡♡♡
Ps. Should I ask questions too so you get more ideas for this? X'D I love this story so much T^T
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 30: Just express your feelings Jongin... there is nothing wrong with it
shorttermandawful #4
Chapter 29: thank you for this chapter, i'm sad its over but it really was fitting. i hope you feel up to extras someday, i would really like to see how their relationship plays out into the future.. dog dads, human dads.. either is good.

i really loved this fic, THANK YOU!
Chapter 29: Tbh I am kinda sad that this story is over. I really love it and I think I will read it again. I mean the end was fitting... But I think I was just not ready to stop with this idek D:
But thank you for this ♡♡♡ The story is gold and the end is just perfect for it ♡
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 29: Great chapter. Thank you so much dear
Chapter 29: This is beautiful, I love the way the story flows and even more so the deep way in which you tell it. I do have a question about the loft, is Chanyeol suggesting that Jongin and Kyungsoo move in together to the apartment? Did I miss something?

Hugs and kisses to you, thank you so much for this ♡
Chapter 29: i was so excited when i saw the update
it was worth the wait
its really good
hope you write more
The pace of the process is perfect. I love their characters and how they work everything out and how we get and they get to know more about each other with every chapter. I love every of their individual characteristics and how you are always able to keep them true to themselfs and think of every characteristics when they interact.
I am so curious about so many things! Will they ever tell yeol about what they did for him before all this? Are baek and yeol in contact again? i am always curious to know more about the back round of the characters, their family and friend BUT the most important thing I am dead curious about is how their relationship will develop! *-* and WOW this was such a (way more than) pleasant surprise! I love their dynamic in bed and I am also keen to read more about that ♡.♡
In short: I just love this story and I am so thankful that you write and share it because I love ot3 stories and slowburn and just EVERYTHING about this!!!! (Like really Idk one thing I don't love about this o.o) thank you!!!!!☆♡☆
I am more than excited for more (but of course take your time your job sounds very time-consuming :o) ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 28: Yes a very early update, I couldn't believe it when I saw it!
Awwww, that was cute (and y) and a very smart way to go around Kai's condition, I'm very curious to see more of this dynamic, and the back kissing, I died imagining the feel of it, so calming.
Chanyeol's mother tho, drama is a-coming
Hugs and kisses, love you!