
Final Bangtan Fantasy X

"Wait, I can handle this," Hoseok channels magic into his hands, and from his fingers, a ball of electricity emerges. Using as much strength as he can, he hurls the ball towards the Sinspawn, managing to shock it a little...literally. The Sinspawn Tyrallis retracts its tentacles, and prepares for a second attack after taking the damage.

"How much more of that can you cast?" Yoongi asks.

"I don't know. Not much, I suppose. My mana power's quite limited," Hoseok shakes his head. 

"No time for dilly-dallying," Namjoon pushes Seokjin away from the front of the Sinspawn Tyrallis as he swings his giant sword, slashing off some of Sinspawn Tyrallis's tentacles. The Sinspawn screeches inhumanly, thrashing its tentacles about, catching a few of the people on board who hadn't run fast enough. 

"Don't look," Seokjin moves over to Jimin and covers his eyes. 

But the sounds tell the wholes story. 

Crunches and screams were heard. This sends a wave of nausea and shivers up Jimin's spine. Feeling sick, he feels bile rise into his throat, and his legs feel weak. He almost had to lean into Seokjin to steady his feet. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear it," Seokjin apologizes, voice full of sincerity, but also full of anger. 

"Taehyung! Get Jimin into the cabin! Quick!" Namjoon shouts. Another ball of electricity whizzes through the air and strikes the squid-like Sinspawn again. There's another screech as the Sinspawn makes a grab for Jungkook, seeing as he's the smallest amongst them all.

"Sh*t!" Seokjin reaches for his sword, but a spiked Blitzball hits the tentacle, slicing it in two. The blitzball flies back towards its owner, Yoongi. 

"I'm not leaving you guys!" Jimin pushes Taehyung away. He raises his staff. "O most honourable fayth of Besaid, prince of the skies, bringer of colours upon the universe, Valefor!" 

The same colours burst from the ground, and flies into the sky. The familiar bird figure dives down, and comes to Jimin's aid. "Go get 'em, girl!" 

Valefor nods, slashing at the Sinspawn cruelly with its talons, the scratches deep and drawing green blood.

"Energy Ray!" 

A beam of light shoots from Valefor's mouth, around the squid. It roars, and the line it drew in the water explodes as if the squid has landed on a minefield. Bruised and burned, the Sinspawn tries to regenerate, to heal by reaching for Jungkook again, who jumps out of the way and aims at it with its spear. Life force streams out from the Sinspawn and it crashes back into the sea. Jungkook coughs out water as he lands on the ground, using his spear to steady himself. 

"What was that?" Namjoon had heard about it in stories, but he'd never seen it happen in real life. It was a Lancet move, one exclusive for Ronsos--allowing Jungkook to leech off the life forces of enemies and possibly even learn their style of attacks. 

"Lancet," Jungkook grins. "But that guy's blood was water! Thought I was gonna drown." 

Seokjin looks around. Sure, the squid was gone now...but it'll most likely be coming back who-knows-when. The boat is practically destroyed. There's almost no way to use the boat to get to Kilika, despite it not sinking. But...there must be another way. 

"Heeeeeeyyy! You alright?" 

Yoongi squints at two figures in the distance...huh. It's not as far from the shore as he thought it was.

Those two seem to be Chocobo Knights, who work for the Crusaders...and the village's Kilika!

Yoongi waves back. 


It didn't take them long to be rescued, but less than half the people survived the attack. The others either drowned or were eaten by the squid. Jimin shivers, clutchign his towel tighter to his body as he attempts to dry himself. Taehyung looks over at him. 

"You're shivering," Taehyung wraps his own towel over Jimin's shoulders.

"Thanks," Jimin takes the towel and puts it again around Taehyung's shoulders. "You're wet too." Before Taehyung can say anything more, Jimin continues, "I need to perform that Sending, you know. So that the people who died...they can get some rest in the Farplane." 

"True, that," Taehyung nods, dropping his head. 

"You're lucky you made it in one piece," a lady looks over at them solemnly. "A lot of the people didn't survive, including the Captain of the ship. Are any of you summoners?" 

"I am," Jimin raises his hand like a child at school.

"We need you to perform the Sending now, if you're up to it," the lady says. "By the way, pleased to meet you. I'm Unidine, of the Chocobo Knights." 

"Jimin." He takes the lady's extended hand. "And I'll do the sending." 


Hoseok watches in both awe and worry as Jimin does the Sending--a sacred rite to send the spirits of the dead to rest. Of course, it involves dancing, and Jimin's skill was out of the world. 

Not, Hoseok thinks, that he can dance better than I can. 

"There." The last of the spirits sparkle off into the distance, in the direction of the Farplane. 

Jimin nearly collapses again as he finishes the sending. Summoning an Aeon, surviving a Sinspawn attack and performing a Sending all in one day has taken a lot out of Jimin...or will take a lot out of any Summoner.

"You're tired?" Unidine walks towards Jimin, who's being supported by Jungkook.

"A little," Jimin nods, closing his eyes.

"There's a little inn in Kilika," Unidine says. "You can go rest up there." 


"Jiminie's fast asleep," Taehyung announces to the group right outside the room, at the lobby.

"Great," Hoseok yawns. "I need to take a little breather too...for the night." 

"Hey, where's Yoongi?" Jungkook looks around. 

"Outside," says Namjoon. "He's practicing Blitzball...I think." 

"Funny. How did a Blitzball player even become a Guardian?" Seokjin mutters, leaning against the wall of the lobby, arms folded. 

"He's motivated and passionate. I'd give you that," Namjoon says. "Look at his arms." 

"And that blitzball," Taehyung pipes up. "I mean, with those strong arms and spiked blitzball, he's bound to kill a lotta fiends." 

I wasn't thinking about the strength of his arms...Namjoon and Seokjin exchange knowing glances.

"What? Yoongi's always been strong. I mean, he once protected us from fiends!" Taehyung flails, as if the group doesn't understand what he's talking about. "He's just...not talkative." 

"Whatever, I need some shut-eye," Hoseok yawns again, heading in the direction of another room.

"That Guado...I don't like the fact that he's a Guardian too," Seokjin grits his teeth.

"Oh please," Namjoon smacks his shoulder. "Stop being racist. The Guados are just another race like humans." 

"Yeah, but..." Seokjin starts to protest, but sees the look in Namjoon's eye, and closes his mouth again.

"Hey, you guys wanna sleep? Jungkook's knocked out already." Taehyung jabs a thumb in the direction of the rooms. Jungkook's missing, they realize. He was there a moment ago. Seokjin rolls his eyes and walks towards the rooms. 

"I'll be in Jiminie's room," Taehyung calls out to Namjoon, who's still standing in the lobby.

Namjoon nods, and does a thumbs-up sign, and watches as Taehyung runs up to Jimin and Jungkook's room.

Namjoon heads out.


The Blitzball spikes pierced his arms, but Yoongi doesn't care. The pain's all that's distracting him from his sorrow the whole time. His pride, ego, everything, even his ability to love, was taken and destroyed in less than a month. He'd been fifteen years old then, playing Blitzball for leisure, until he decided to join a Blitzball team. Blitzball had been his passion since young, and it'd been the one distracting him from the sorrow then.

He huffs as another droplet of blood splashes to the ground, turning the golden sand red. 

"What are you doing?"

Yoongi turns around, to find Namjoon standing there, walking towards him with that confident strut of his.

"It looked interesting..." Namjoon's eyes drop to his bleeding bandaged arms. "And painful."

"I bring a lot of potions. They refill my blood, so I won't die of blood loss." Yoongi wipes the perspiration off his forehead.

"You like Blitzball?" Namjoon asks.

"Yeah," Yoongi nods. He looks down at his arms. They're muscular, and scarred, but they're hidden underneath his bandages. 

"You know, you shouldn't keep hurting yourself like that," Namjoon says.

"Why?" Yoongi narrows his eyes at him. "The physical pain distracts me. I don't need anymore sh*t in my life." 

"But you've signed up to be a Guardian. You know what that entails? There'd be death and destruction everywhere." 

"Yeah, but not like I care about those people," Yoongi mutters. 

"You don't care...then why did you sign up to be a Guardian in the first place?" 

"You know what? I'm done talking to you. I've no reason to." 

"I see. Looks like I'll see you in the morning then. I'm going to stay here awhile." 

"Sure, see you." Yoongi begins trudging back to the inn.

Namjoon watches as he leaves. Sure, he's slightly older than him but...still. There was pain in his voice. Not just pain. Hatred, anger, sorrow. They're all there too.


"Is Jimin still sleeping?" Taehyung asks Jungkook as they munch on their breakfast.

"Yup," Jungkook nods. 

"Yo," Hoseok waves, grinning that lopsided grin of his that'll make anyone smile despite the situation they're in...except Yoongi. Yoongi's still as cold as ever. He's not even taking his breakfast with them. Instead, he's outside, near the beach, where he's sitting on the sand and eating. 

"Where's the rest?" Hoseok asks, joining Jungkook and Taehyung for breakfast.

"The two former Guardians are up there, I suppose, and Yoongi's eating alone at the beach...again." 

"Does he always eat alone?" Hoseok takes a bite of his egg sandwich.

"Yeah," Jungkook says.

"Is the Summoner still sleeping?" Seokjin asks as he walks down the stairs leading to the rooms, along with Namjoon, the two of them washed up and ready to go, with their swords dangling from their belts.

"Yep," Taehyung nods. "Come have some breakfast." 

"I'm not touching something that an Al Bhed touched," Seokjin scoffs, and takes another pack of sandwich that Jungkook is holding out. Taehyung looks a little sad, but he hides it. To Jungkook, it's very clear in his aura. Taehyung has had it of getting treated that way for being an Al Bhed.

As if sensing it also, Namjoon walks forward and takes the sandwich that Taehyung is holding.

"You don't have to take it if you don't want to," Taehyung says, dropping his head.

Ruffling his hair, Namjoon grins, "It doesn't matter. The sandwiches are the same anyways." He takes a bite of the sandwich.

"Why're you guys up so early?" 

Jimin saunters down the steps from the rooms, rubbing at his eyes. 

"Here, sandwiches," Hoseok hands a pack of sandwiches to him.

"Thanks," Jimin takes the sandwiches from Hoseok.

"We're leaving after we finish," Seokjin says. "Hurry it up." 

"Ah, let's just take our time and enjoy life," Jimin says. "I mean, there's a little urgency, but there's no hurry, right?" 

"Yeah, let out some steam, Jin," Namjoon says. "Take your time to eat." 

Seokjin shrugs. 


"Be careful out there." The group meets Unidine as they are leaving. "There are quite a few fiends on the road to Kilika temple--I presume that's where you're headed?" 

"Yeah," Jimin nods. "Thanks for telling us!" 

"Right, there's word of some powerful fiend living in Kilika--we dubbed it the Ochu. According to the villagers, it disguises itself as a giant plant, but it's huge and alive," Unidine says, getting on her chocobo--a large yellow bird resembling an ostrich. "I'm heading off to Djose now." 

"Just wondering, Unidine," Namjoon steps forward. "May I know whether there's a Crusader's Lodge at Djose temple?" 

Unidine shakes her head. "I don't think so. But you can try Mi'ihen Highroad. There should be a Crusader's Lodge there." 

"Will do," Namjoon nods. 

"Crusaders?" Taehyung looks up at Namjoon.

"People who give their lives to battle Sin. Followers of Yevon," Seokjin answers, glaring down at Taehyung. "Not that you'd know." 

"Alright, alright! Let's just go on like a happy family," Jimin yells suddenly, hugging Taehyung, and bringing him ahead of the other party, along with Jungkook, towards Kilika Temple nestled within Kilika Forest.


"Hey! Slow down!" Hoseok calls, realizing that Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are getting further and further away. Namjoon and Seokjin realizes too. The three figures are disappearing into the undergrowth, and no matter how fast they walk, they aren't getting nearer. Is it just a trick of the mind? Also, the three don't seem to hear him.

"Wait," Seokjin s an arm in front of the other three.

"What?" Yoongi grunts.

"There's something not right," Namjoon answers, eyeing his surroundings. Is the fiend that Unidine spoke of nearby? It can bend space? 

"Jiminie's gone," Hoseok says, pointing to where they just disappeared. 

"How can he be gone? He was just there awhile ago!" Yoongi clutches his Blitzball tighter to him, the spikes even stabbing into his side, but he doesn't care. "We need to search for him." 

"But we don't need hotheaded decisions right now," Namjoon says. "We'd best tread carefully and beware of our surroundings." 

"Watch out!" 

A blast of fire hits something right next to Yoongi's face. Embers still spill from Hoseok's hands. The burnt object falls to the ground, useless. Yoongi looks around, prepared to face whatever's coming. It's a...plant? He looks down at the object. It's a large seed--that's for sure. Did that plant just fire its seed at him?

Looks like he owes one to the Guado.

"Sheesh, that thing would've killed you," Hoseok says, walking towards where Yoongi is.

"I would've handled that, Guado," Yoongi mutters. 

Seokjin looks around, sensing a dark aura from the forest. They're surrounded, by plants, hornets and the like. There's a loud crash as something moves in the forest. The thing towers over them--and is just like how Unidine described it to be.

"Sh*t!" Seokjin's eyes widen. 

The large Ochu has got ahold of Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.


"Stop, Seokjin! We don't know what it's going to do!" Namjoon shouts, seeing as Seokjin's going to charge the Ochu.

Despite being surrounded, the fiends don't attack. The Ochu is their king, maybe? Is it...going to do a barter trade? 

Get away...and I'll spare your Summoner...

"No way!" Jimin yells. "I'm not giving up Ifrit! Kilika Temple's just there!" 

"Lord Jimin! Your life's at stake here!" Seokjin shouts. 

"But if I don't get Ifrit, I can't beat Sin!" Jimin shouts back. "I needa get to Kilika Temple!" 

You have one minute to make your decision.

"Lord Jimin, please, we can still get other Aeons. You'd still get training..." Namjoon tries to reason with him.

"No! We got this far! I'm not going to go back without getting Ifrit!" 

"Jimin! Let's just go Djose first!" Jungkook tries, the vine of the Ochu wrapped tightly around his waist, keeping him suspended in the air.

"B-But..." Jimin protests.

Five more seconds.

"I'm not gonna leave!" Jimin yells at the Ochu. 

Suit yourself. 

"Jimin!" Jungkook shouts as the Ochu hurls Jimin into the air. Jimin's stomach drops as he realizes he's going to fall to his death.

"Jimin!" Taehyung tosses something into the air. It looks likea net of some sort.

"Yah!" Jimin hits the net, the soft net keeping him in the air--a few inches from the ground. 

Finally! Fresh meat! The Ochu throws down Jungkook. 

"Huh?" Jungkook rubs his head as he lands heavily on the ground. 

"Go, Jimin!" Taehyung's still held by the Ochu. "Hurry! Go get the Aeon!" 

The Ochu opens its big mouth, revealing dozens of spiked teeth.

"No! Tae!" Jimin yells, getting up from the net.

Suddenly, the Ochu screeches.


The vine is slashed off from the Ochu and green liquid bursts from it. Taehyung yells as he hits Jungkook, sending the two of them sprawling to the ground, the still-twitching severed vine of the Ochu beside them.

Seokjin lands on the ground, his sword covered in green liquid. 

Who dares to defy the king of the jungle? 

"I'm not going to stand by and let my lord's friends get killed," Seokjin says. "He may be an Al Bhed, but he's my lord's close friend. And it is the duty of a Guardian to protect his Summoner." 

If you're giving your life so willingly...I will have to take them.


Again another chappie! If you don't know what an Ochu looks like: 


Hope you enjoy as usual! 

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raileyrain #1
Chapter 46: Omg.. words can't describe this .. Wow just Wow .. that was a roller coaster I laughed my heart out and cried my eyes out .. Not forgiving you for killing my Jimin though hehe .. I really liked this you're amazing
sk8erpanda #2
Chapter 48: Thank you for writing this. It was such a roller coaster of emotions and I really enjoyed reading this. I would love to read one based off of FF7 though.
sk8erpanda #3
Chapter 46: OH MY GOD IM CRYING! I KNEW IT WAS COMING SO WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH?! I loved this story. It was so well written and it actually hurt my heart. Great job, 11/10
Chapter 20: Yes, Jimin got Bahamut's. And those Aeons are freaking amazing!
Will Jimin get Bahamut too? If so, that would be amazing!
herdayu #6
Chapter 14: I am bawling my eyes out.... Hoseok-ah you're not alone....
sk8erpanda #7