Chapter Seven

The Hopeless Romantic

Chapter 7


Haeun’s P.O.V

“Where am I?” I looked around and it was not a familiar sight. Everything was white as milk. I know that this is not a reality. Am I in realm? What happen to me?

“Hello dear.”

A soft and sweet unique voice surprised me. I turned around and saw a lady in her white dress with her flowing brown silk hair. I’m not surprised to see her, I saw her during my coma 13 years ago. WAIT.

Did I fell into a coma?

“Yes, you are, my dear. You’ve suffered the head traumatized.”

This is worse than I thought. What would happen to me now? It’s either I should go under a surgery or waiting for a miracle to happen. But that’s not gonna happen anyway.

“Are you sure you can’t remember anything about your memories, dear?”

I shook my head. No, I can’t remember anything. “I can help you to remember,” the lady offered. I looked at her with my questioning looks, “W-what do you mean?”

Before she can answer, the white walls turn into a place I really knew. It was the house where I currently lived in. But this time was different. Everything looks old and I don’t remember of having the things now.

“Haeun-ah! Come here, it’s time for lunch!”

I was familiar with the voice. It was my mother’s. I looked to the kitchen and saw the young version of my parents and a little girl skipping toward the kitchen happily.

“I-Is that me?” I asked myself. “Yes, that’s you.” I looked at the lady and she was still there.

“Eomma, I’ll go to the park nearby later. I want to play there.” The mini me said and happily eating the foods. My parents just nodded and said, “Take care, okay? Don’t hurt yourself.”

Just then, the surrounding changed. It changed into a familiar park. I unknowingly smiled to the sight.

A crying voice suddenly appeared, I turned around and saw the mini me again crying under the big tree. Now this scene really looks familiar, I remember myself reading a letter from my box and Daehyun’s story.

 “Hey, why are you crying?” I looked to the voice’s owner and to my surprised it was the boy who kept on appearing on my memories flashback, he was a nerd.

“I’m jealous of them, I have no friends to play with.” The mini me said, I chuckled and then, “Then, I’ll be your best friend starting today. I promise.” The little boy said.

“What’s your name?” He asked again. “I’m Kwon Haeun, and you are?” I looked at the little boy and waiting for the scene for him to reply. “I’m Jung Daehyun.”

Now this hit me like a truck.

All of sudden, the scene change again but it was at the park too. I looked at the mini me playing with six boys together. Am I that tomboy-ish enough to hang out with six boys— No way, the boys were Daehyun and his friends?

“They’re your friends too, honey.” I looked at the lady and speechless. I must hurt them too much. I forgot them and even the memories with them. I looked at the scene and it was where we all played together. The sound of laughter filled the environment.

How can I not remember any of this? All of these were such beautiful memories. “There’s this one, it was precious for you and Daehyun.” I was about to ask but the scene changed again.

It was our school, Seokwang Elementary School organized a Halloween Party for their students and coincidently, Daehyun was dressed like a beast while I was in Belle’s dress, we were a matching couple with the theme of Disney’s story, Beauty & the Beast.

       “Haeun-ah, I want to tell you something important and I realized that I can’t keep this to myself anymore.” Daehyun confessed and held his head down, not wanting to meet eye contact with me who was standing in front of him. I looked at him with questioning looks and asked, “What is it Daehyun?”

      Daehyun walked forward to me and planted a soft kissed on my cheeks.

      I froze on my spot and blinked my eyes severely. “Daehyun! Why did you do that?” Fact, my voice was in anger. I was surprised that Daehyun kissed my cheeks without saying anything. “You’re not even my prince charming!”

      “I will be your prince charming, Haeun-ah. I will marry you when we get older. I promise,” Daehyun said without even thinking twice. I looked at him with questioning looks, “How can you be a prince when you’re this ugly?”

      Daehyun flashed his sweet smile to me and promised again, “I will not be this ugly when we grow up. I promise to you that I’ll be the handsome prince charming. Just for you.” My eyes lit up and said, “Pinky promise, Daehyun?”

      “I promise. I like you, Kwon Ha-Eun.”

Not a chance to talk. My head was mix with lots of pictures coming through my mind. My head was spinning like crazy. I grabbed my head and clutched to it very hard.

“You can open your eyes now, dear.”

I opened my eyes as I was told to. But this time it was different. The situation was like right now. I looked to the lady and asked, “What’s happening?”

The lady just motioned me to enter the room. I entered the room without hesitating. The doctor was facing my parents, Daehyun and my friends.

“The head injuries cause her brain to swell and bleed. This is dangerous. The swelling may eventually cause the brain to push down on the brain stem, which can damage everything.”

I flopped myself on the ground, feeling defeated. I swift my eyes to my own figure that was lying on the hospital bed looking very pale, it was hurt to see my own-self in like that condition.

“Do I have any other choice to—“

“You suffered enough, my dear. I hope things will turn out very well when you woke up.”

I looked at the lady and she was starting to disappear bit by bit. I was confused what does she means? I looked around me and everything started disappearing slowly too.

“W-What happen?”


This chapter might confused some of you out there but it was a scene where Haeun was in a realm world and she was there to witness her past memories. I know that some of it were not making any scenes but this is based on imagination only. Hope you understand :)

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um..may I ask which Graphic shop made your poster???
Vwansha #2
Chapter 16: Noo! I wish the story could go on forever, but thank you for writing the story. I really enjoyed it!
Cheesecake143 #3
Chapter 16: Nooo the ending is so sad *sob* but I like the story ^^
nazafa #4
Unexpected sad.. I hate daehyun so much in this story...But it's great story..
Catherin #5
I don't want it to end !!!!!!!
*sob* you are one on my favorite author
Looking forward to your new stories
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 14: Omo...what the...daedae how could you...
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 12: Omo....daedae is a ert....ha..ha...
Catherin #8
Chapter 11: AHH!!!! i am literally screaming after i read what was written in the letter ..... this story is soooo sweet
sapphire11 #9
Chapter 10: omo.... daedae had said the magic words...
Catherin #10
Chapter 5: i love this story !!!! :)
plzz update soon !!!