Chapter Two

The Hopeless Romantic

Chapter 2


Haeun’s P.O.V

Jung Daehyun.

  Jung Daehyun..

    Jung Daehyun...

That name had been replaying on my mind since our last meet, a week ago. But who was he? Did he and I meet before? But the boy in the flashback was different from the reality one. The boy in the flashback was ugly and a nerd one but the reality, I would die for him because He’s handsome, no words can describe him.

There’s a lot and plenty Jung Daehyun out there, Haeun-ah. It’s not like that he’s the only human being in the whole word that named as Jung Daehyun.

But no, I feel like he’s really something to me. I can’t deny it. It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew. I had the urge to go outside today again and who knows that I’ll met the guy named Jung Daehyun again this time.

I leave the house without leaving any notes behind. I know it was so stupid but I happen to be like that every time so, they understand me a lot.

The windy breeze of Seoul touched my bare skin, I shivered enough. I didn’t even bring any coats with me. But in the blink of eyes, someone put their coat on me.

I turned to my right and surprised to myself. Jung Daehyun. I looked at him from head to toe, he was wearing just a simple long-sleeve shirt with ripped jeans.

I almost gave him the coat back but he stopped me, “You wear it. I’m fine.” His voice, it was soothing.

I just nodded and continued walking, not knowing where we were going to. “Where did you come from? You kept on popping out of nowhere.” I asked and said at the same time to Daehyun. He smiled and chuckled, “I just got back from the park nearby and saw you.”

“Park nearby? What are you doing there?”

“It’s a long story,” Daehyun said.

Very well, it sounds very depressing and sad. I felt guilty and cleared my throat. “And where are you going now?” I asked again. Daehyun just shrugged his shoulder and sighed, “I’m not sure. How about you?”

Right, I forgot that I actually went out to meet him. “Hmm, I want to take fresh air for a little. But I didn’t know that the weather were this bad.” He laughed. I repeated, Daehyun just laughed.

“Did you just move here?”

I only nodded and looked at him, “How did you know?” Is he a stalker? That’s what going on my mind right now. Daehyun chuckled and answered, “Just guessing. I never saw you before.”

So we never met before.

I was disappointed.


Daehyun brought me to a coffee shop somewhere in Myeongdong. He ordered an espresso for himself and one latte for me. We sat at the very corner inside the shop at a table for two.

Daehyun was telling me his story about the park. He didn’t hesitate either to tell me or not. He kept on pouring out his past stories to me, to a stranger he barely knew.

“In conclusion, the park means very much to me. The park was where me and her met for the first time and where we vowed our promises to each other.”

It was quiet sad enough to hear his story, but I really felt connected when he told me the stories. I’m not sure what the reason was but I just felt that he’s talking about me. Boohoo, being delusional again Kwon Haeun?

“What about you? Where did you come from?”

I smiled and remind myself to tell him my stories after all he told me his stories. “I came from the States but before that I used to live here anyways.”

I looked at Daehyun and his eyes were lit up. “You used to live here? When?” I chuckled at his curiosity behavior. “I actually grew up here until 2002 before moving to the States.”



Daehyun’s P.O.V

The two of us were sharing each other stories. Not minding that we barely knew each other but to be honest, I felt very close to her. I just don’t know why the reason was.

“I actually grew up here until 2002 before moving to the States.”

2002? That was the year when Haeun was nowhere to be found. And to count the years, it had been 13 years ago since I last met the girl I loved, name Kwon Haeun.

“Why was the reason that you moved to the States? Did your parents own a big company out there?” I asked her, curiosity kills me. I looked at the girl in front of me and she was so calm, she really reminds me of Haeun.

“I didn’t remember everything very well, but as far as I know that I was involved in a major car accident with my relatives for our business trip. I survived but not them, and I actually suffered amnesia.”

Pity her. But it’s a miracle that she survived.

“I-I’m so sorry to ask—“

“It’s okay. To be honest with you, I’m pretty sad that I can’t remember anything about my past, my childhood memories and my friends.” She sighed and took a sip of her latte.

“But don’t you suffer any memories flashback?” I stupidly ask her. It was her privacy! She looked at me and grinned, “I did. But the flashback was everything the same. A little boy coming to me—“

We were interrupted by a phone call from her phone. She apologized and answered her phone call.

“Yes, okay. I’ll be home soon”


“Okay. Bye Eomma.”

I looked at her and smiled, “Your mother?” She just nodded and sighed, “I’m sorry but it was a great time to talk with you. My mother needs me now.”

Too bad, will our conversation just ended just like that?

I just nodded at her and assuring her that it’s okay. But I forgot to ask her name. She was about to leave the shop but I stopped her, “What’s your name?”

She turned around and replied, “Kwon Haeun.”

Kwon Haeun?



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um..may I ask which Graphic shop made your poster???
Vwansha #2
Chapter 16: Noo! I wish the story could go on forever, but thank you for writing the story. I really enjoyed it!
Cheesecake143 #3
Chapter 16: Nooo the ending is so sad *sob* but I like the story ^^
nazafa #4
Unexpected sad.. I hate daehyun so much in this story...But it's great story..
Catherin #5
I don't want it to end !!!!!!!
*sob* you are one on my favorite author
Looking forward to your new stories
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 14: Omo...what the...daedae how could you...
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 12: Omo....daedae is a ert....ha..ha...
Catherin #8
Chapter 11: AHH!!!! i am literally screaming after i read what was written in the letter ..... this story is soooo sweet
sapphire11 #9
Chapter 10: omo.... daedae had said the magic words...
Catherin #10
Chapter 5: i love this story !!!! :)
plzz update soon !!!