Why are you so sweet to me?

The man in high heels

Yongguk then walks into the living-room and Zelo are sitting on the couch. “Well.... Do you want anything? Water, cola?” He asks a bit shy, but the blond haired boy shake his head. Yongguk sits down beside him and then hold Zelo's hand gentle. “You want to see a movie?” He asks.

Then Zelo lift an eyebrow again and move his head to the side. Maybe he has never believed that Yongguk would be that nice to him. He doesn't seems like he is use to people being that nice. Maybe he is use to people just being hash and only wants . Maybe he has been before, being tortured, of course he is a e, but still. Maybe Zelo choose it himself or maybe he didn't have any choice. All those thoughts got into Yongguk's head as Zelo look at him like that.

“Why are you so sweet to me?” Zelo asks and his voice is very sad. “... I mean.... You are so sweet, I have never tried anything like that”. Yongguk hold his hand and then lean closer. His heart is pumping, but he is so scared to do something wrong. Maybe scare Zelo away, is the thing he is fear about the most.

“What do you mean?” Yongguk asks, even he has an idea what Zelo means. “It's just.... You are so sweet to me. No one has ever been that sweet before. Why are you so sweet to me?” Zelo asks and looks away. “Do you know why I came here?” He asks and his words really did hurt Yongguk. He doesn't want to think about it. “Well... Yeah” Yongguk says sad. “You... are here because I want to pay you for it and because I asked you” He says, but it's more a question.

Zelo nods gentle, but then his eyes meet Yongguk's. “It's true, but really.... I am here because I want to” he says and then smiles. “But... I know you want this to be something real Yongguk, but.... I am.... not real. I am just..... a...” He can't finish a word. “A ?” Yongguk says and his voice got really sad.

“You are no Zelo, it's just.... your choice. I won't judge you for your choice. You got a reason for doing that, don't you?” He asks and then hold his hands tight. Zelo looks away and bite his lip. “How old are you Zelo?” Yongguk asks and lift an eyebrow. Actually he doesn't know how old Zelo really are, but he hope he will find out. “20” Zelo says with a small smile. Yongguk just nod and hold him tight. His right arm is around his shoulders. The young boy actually seems a bit shy and blush a bit.

“Zelo, I know what you are. I understand that you choice this, I won't judge you okay. You are right. I am a , I know you wanted to ask” he says and Zelo looks at him fast, like he is saying something about is that true? “Yeah I know it Zelo. I am 25 years old and still , but you know why? Because I never thought the right one. I know you wanna ask me about why I want you then, I can answer you that. Because I like you. Even what you are, I accept that, but even this is just with a or what you wanna be called, I accept that. I care about you and I want you to be my first time. Please Zelo, I know you got feelings inside yourself even how many times you have tried having with someone. I understand your feelings and I do understand your worried. I really understand. It's just.... I know I will never find someone soon that I really want and I want to be with you. Please... Let me have my first time with you and then you can take home and just forget about it. But you need to know. I will never forget about you, I know I want you even more then just a and pay you for it. I do understand if you choose this to just be a one night stand, but please... Zelo... Let me feel you. Teach me how to do it” Yongguk asks and then lean forward. “Teach me how to do it and let me feel you like I want you. Just be my or friend or boyfriend, I don't care. I won't judge you and I will accept you will be gone when I am waking up, even I want you here with me” He says with a lovely voice.

The blond haired boy looks a bit shocked on Yongguk, but then nods. He then looks down and a smile shows on his beautiful face. “Can we go to a place with a bed?” Zelo asks and then an excited feeling gets into Yongguk's body. He stands up and pull Zelo with him into the bedroom. He close the door, but before he could turn to the blond haired boy, Zelo kiss him hard up against the door.

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Chapter 14: Omg, i loved it!!!
Chapter 12: oh please I hope nothing bad happen...
Chapter 11: I see you add more drama here means its gonna be more interesting! Things are gonna be hard for Yongguk ;-; don't lose your hope Bang fighting!