Baekhyun is awake!

When the star meets the nobody

This may be my last story for today, more coming up next week or maybe tomorrow since its Friday ^^

As always, Enjoy and subscribe


~~~Few Weeeks Later~~~

Baekhyun POV

I woke up to see a bright light shining towards my eyes making me close my eyes because of the sudden brightness 

"Where am I?" 

I look to around and saw someone laying beside me. I dont seem to know who this man was

I suddenly felt a huge pain on my head "Ow" I rubbed my head "What... What happned?" Maybe this man will know?

"Uh.. Excuse me" I said at a normal tone as I shake his arm.

I then saw him start to move a bit then I call again "Excuse me" 

Then all of a sudden he just jumped up from his sleep and stared at me with a shocked face

Chanyeol POV

I was sleeping very peacefully when I felt someone shaking me and calling me. I couldn't hear the person very clearly but then I heard the voice again it was... is it...? 

I jumped up from my sleep to saw Baekkie sitting up right looking at me. "B...Baekkie you're awake? Is this a dream?" 

He look at me with questioning eyes "Baekkie...? Who are you? Um.. Do I know you? What happened to me? Why am I here" 

As soon as I heard him as who I am I felt a sharp and painful stab in my heart..

Could he.. forgotten me?

"You dont remember me? I'm Channie! Park Chanyeol, dont tell me you forgot" I said desparately hoping he was just joking 

He simply shaked his head "Sorry.. I really dont remember but what happened to me?"

"You... you got into an accident..." I replied disappointed and starting to tear up

"Accident?? How long was I out? Where's my mom and dad?" he asked looking around

"Few weeks, they just left a while ago"

"oh ... then what is my relation with you?" He tilted his head asking

"I... honestly dont know" I just looked down

"You dont know??! Are you a kidnapper????" he panicked and tried to block himself

I laughed softly and shortly at the immature little Baekkie "Ani~ We're friends but ..." I couldnt finish my sentence

"But what..?" he asked, voice filled with curiousity

"Nothing" I just said and force a smile "We're just friends" saying that made my heart ache, I dont want to be "Just Friends", I dont want to be "Just Close Friends" nor do I want to be "Just Best Friends". I want us to be a couple. I wanted to say this to him but he doesnt remember anything.. I dont want to say this to him at this state or he'll think I'm a weirdo...

"Friends? I dont remember having any friends..." He said suspiciously "I need confirmation from my parents..." 

"Before that you need to do some check ups" I suggest and went out to call the doctor to check him and told him about the amnesia

As I wait for the check up to be over, I called his parents [I got their phone number when I visit his home once] telling him about the good news and bad news.

Not long after, their parents came rushing towards me, as soon as I saw them I bowed 90 degrees to show respect. "Is he really awake?" his umma asked me with tears of joys, I smiled and nod "but he forgot about me, he doesnt believe that I'm his friend, he wants confirmation from you. Help me umma" I said with my puppy eyes

"Aigoo of course my dear" she replied and pinched my cheeks

As soon as the doctor left the ward I asked him "Is it permanent?"

"Don't worry, sooner or later he'll regain his memory, showing him some memories like photos may help him regain his memory sooner"

"Ah.. Ok... Thank you!" I bowed and smiled knowing its not permanent

"Let's go umma!" I opened the door for them and they enter the room quietly

"Baekhyun-ah~" My mom called as soon as she saw her son sitting on his bed

"Mom!" Baekhyun smiled so widely and open up his arms for a hug; I've never seen this side of him

Umma walked towards his bed and hugged her son "Aigoo are you ok? I was so worried!" she said his hair. The expression on his face was like a dog being pet by its owner, i was just adorable, it made me smile.

"Mommy~ is he really my friend?" he pointed at me 

"Of course my dear, in fact, he was your very first friend!" she replied while cupping his face making him look chubby

"Ah... hehe..he... sorry I dont remember?" he laughed awkwardly

I shaked my head as a way to say "Its ok"

Even if he doesnt remember me, as long as he knows that he used to know me, and he'll still hang out with me, I'm happy


That's it for today! See you tomorrow ^^

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totallynotMyaSoriano #1
Chapter 22: Why did you stop??? I really liked the story!!!!!:(((((
Please continue it
ChanBaek_0461 #2
Chapter 4: Please!!!! Continue!!! Can't wait!!! Palli3!!
gerome55 #3
I feel like I wanted to read a chanbaek story, then I saw this ouo