Another Chance

When the star meets the nobody

Its the QUADRA!! Now is it the.... you know what? never mind ^^ I'm just going to write

Sorry it took longer than I expected because I actually already finished the story like 2 hours ago but I accidently closed the browser... so.. everything just got deleted and I had to rewrite EVERYTHING -0-"

Well I hope you enjoy especially after everything I've been through

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Baekhyun POV

I quickly ran out of the ball room sobbing my heart out, it hurts to know that after 2 years of being with him, only now.. When he’s leaving did I realise that I actually love him. It hurts to know that the one I love will be gone… He’s studying aboard and I am just staying here alone once again. I ran far away from the ball room without even realising.

I was wiping off the tears on my eyes when I suddenly felt a strong force on my pelvic area. At that moment, memories of the day I met him flashed across my eyes in a split second before passing out,

Chanyeol POV

I ran out of the ball room looking left and right for that one guy. The one guy that actually makes my heart flutter, the one I will call my true love, my first, my one and only love…  I blew it… I totally messed up, I’m so stupid…

I continue to search left and right while calling out for him in my husky voice. When I reached the main road, there was a crowd in the middle of the road as if someone has gotten into an… No… no….no … no no no…. It can’t … I quickly rushed into the crowd, pushing aside anyone in front of me, and there he was… lying there lifeless blood pouring all over his body. “BAEKHYUN!!!!!!” I shouted and ran by his side carrying him bridal style. My tuxedos were stained with his blood but I couldn’t care less.  I carried him to the hospital, at this hour there was hardly any taxis or buses and I couldn’t let baekkie lay there on the ground lifeless for another second.

While running I kept calling out his name hoping that he would at least open his eyes, but no luck …

I ran towards the hospital at my fastest speed but with me wearing the prom shoes with small heels I had to force mylegs to go faster.

My legs were starting to pain because of the shoes but it won’t make me slow down.

It doesn’t matter that lactic acids was starting to build up and eat up my insides as long as it would save my Baekkie, i'll endure it for him... For my baekkie my love


As soon as I reached the hospital door I yelled out for help and doctors can running to me with the stretcher, I put Baekkie down on to the stretcher carefully and the doctors pushed the stretcher. I was running beside him until he was pushed inside the Emergency room.

As soon as the door of the Emergency Room closed and Baekkie was nowhere to be seen, I dropped on my knees and start to cry so hard that everyone was staring at me with pity in their eyes. I ignored all the attention and kick the wall so hard I could feel my toe starts to bleed… I couldn’t care less… Baekkie is there… lying lifelessly, bleeding from head to toes.. This is nothing. I rest my head on the wall as I sobbed and punch the rough wall. My knuckles starts to blead from the scratches, the nurse was calling out to me to stop but I ignored her and continue to punch the wall.

All of a sudden my head started to spin, my legs could no longer support my body weight, my eyes were starting to get heavy. Everything slowly turned dark and eventually I passed out.

~~~Hours Later~~~

I woke up with a terrible head ache, “Ah!” I winced and rubbed my head, I then look at my hand and toes and there were bandages wrapped around my knuckles and toes. I remembered… I was kicking and punching the wall because of…

“BAEKKIE!” I shouted giving the nurse a fright, I recklessly pull out all the needles that they had put in me, I didn’t care what the nurse was warning me about all I want was to see my Baekkie again.

I got off the bed but as soon as I step on the ground I fell right back down. “You need to rest sir, you’re too weak” the nurse said and helped me up. I grabbed her sleeves and ask her with pleading eyes “Baekhyun!! Where is he?? Where’s Baekkie! The one I was carrying yesterday! Where is he??!” She seem to understand who I was talking about and assured me “Don’t worry sir, he’s in good hands”

“Take me to him please” I begged, she nods and help me to the wheel chair. She pushed the wheel chair to a ward which seems to be Baekkie’s.

She then stops the wheel chair beside his bed and my eyes started to get blurry with all the tears piling up my eyelids trying to escape… I quickly wipe the tears away, I wanted to see him as clear as day.

When I finally manage to wipe off the tears I could finally see him clear, which made me cry once more.. He was lying there almost lifeless with bandages wrapped around his waist and forehead. There were some small bandages on his cheeks.

“Can you leave me alone for now please” I said kindly to the nurse. She bowed and left the ward quietly.

I just stared at the figure in front of me… It’s all my fault … I slowly but firmly held his hand feelings his warmth. I pulled his hand to my nasal bridges and cried… “I’m sorry Baekkie, I’m so sorry! It’s my entire fault… If I had been braver and confessed to you sooner you wouldn’t have been in this situation” he felt so guilty he hated himself it’s hard for him to forgive himself.

I kissed his knuckles “I hope when you wake up, you’ll give me another chance and I promise I’ll be better” I tried to smile and pinky promise with the unconscious Baekkie

I slowly and carefully stood up with the bed as a support and lift my hand to caress his soft, straight but messy brown hair; I smiled at the figure in front of me and bend down slowly to kiss him on his wrapped forehead “I love you, my Baekkie”I sat back down at the wheel chair and stare at my Sleeping Beauty, seeing and hearing the patient monitor beeping at a normal pattern makes me feel relieved. I was still holding his hand and it with my thumb. His hand is so soft and warm it assures me that he’s safe.


They look so sweet together ^^

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totallynotMyaSoriano #1
Chapter 22: Why did you stop??? I really liked the story!!!!!:(((((
Please continue it
ChanBaek_0461 #2
Chapter 4: Please!!!! Continue!!! Can't wait!!! Palli3!!
gerome55 #3
I feel like I wanted to read a chanbaek story, then I saw this ouo