I miss you.

Let's cuddle. wait .. what ?!

The flat line , that was the reflection of my grandmother’s heart beats , that was the day I lost my beloved grandma.

I sat on the ground trying to prophecies my future , the doctors tried to comfort me with their sweet words but that day nothing could comfort my jinxed heart.

Tears were falling unstoppably , I leant my head on the cold wall letting the pain kill all my hopes and dreams and the thought of U-kwon’s disappearance made the situation harder.

I hugged my knees and buried my face hiding my tears and protecting them from doctors’ pity. The fear started getting the best of me and my vision started getting fully hazy.

I gained some strength and stood up trying to leave before my parents arrive , I wore my back-bag and started walking my way to my grandmother’s house , the road was blurry and my feet fragilely dragged me to my grandmother’s house. My quivered hands unlocked the door , I thrown my bag and the keys on the ground and laid above the couch , I grabbed the cushion and I  buried my face in it letting the tears express my pain until I fell asleep.



the ringing bell woke me up , I replaced my feet on the ground and headed to the door in order to open it , the grab of pain that was surrounding my heart loosen a bit when I saw Zelo before me when I opened the door.


“hello there sleepy head! you didn’t call once in the last previous couple days , you didn’t miss me ?!”


I kept looking at him but the only think I could actually think about was my dead grandmother.


“are you okay Hanna ? you look sick”

Without thinking , I thrown myself in his arms then started crying , he locked his arm around me then he said , “what’s wrong Hanna ? you are freaking me out”


“m-my grandma .. Junhong …. My grandma ..,” I felt I was being suffocated , I couldn’t say nor believe that my grandmother actually died. I felt Zelo holding me tighter as he was telling me that he understood what I couldn’t say.

 “you’re going to be ok,” Zelo whispered in my ears.


I rested my head on the couch’s cushion and Zelo sat beside me, he started combing my  messy hair using his soft hand , he didn’t ask me to stop crying because he knew I couldn’t , I kept crying and crying letting the tears wash away the pain.



The sunlight of the next morning forced me to open my eyes , the  first thing I saw was a note from Zelo beside me.


Don’t come to school today , I’ll make sure to record any lecture you attend

Don’t forget to have an energetic breakfast .. you need it !



I smiled at the cute gesture he made , I knew he didn’t think about leaving me go through this woe alone.

I headed to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth then washed my face with cold water. I sat on the couch and looked at my phone wallpaper , U-kwon’s smiling image ached my heart , I unlocked the phone and dialed his phone number willing to call him  using my grandmother’s death as a great excuse to call.


U-kwon answered after the third beep , “hello ?”


“hey oppa..”


“ah .. I’m sorry but who’s calling ?”


 “it’s me .. Hanna”


“Babe ! hey !”


I forced a smile , “how are you ?”


“I’m .. I’m great ! you ?”


“y-yeah .. me too”


“babe I’m really busy , is there something urgent you want ?”


“actually , it’s not urgent but ….”


U-kwon interrupted me , “then let’s talk later , ok ?”


“ah .. yeah sure .. I mi ..,” before I could finish my sentence U-kwon hanged up the phone. , “I miss you..,” I said to myself.




After few hours Zelo was in front of my house ringing the bell , I opened the door and invited him in , he put the canned food on top of the kitchen table , “my mum bought this for you from the grocery shop”


 “that’s so sweet of her”


Zelo sat beside me then he gave me a usb flash drive , “this is your lectures for today”


“oh God , I really don’t know how to thank you Jun-hong”


“you wanna thank me ? how about food ?”


“you’re hungry ?,” I asked


“yes I am , let’s go out and eat”


“now ?!”


“yes now ! go get dressed !”


I followed the order , I wore my jeans and a black T-shirt then headed outside with Zelo to the nearest restaurant possible.

Zelo ordered a lot of food then we started eating silently.


“can I ask you something ?”


“umm ?”


“what’s going on with your family ? when I asked you about them before you didn’t give me a satisfying answer”


I stopped eating and looked at him , “what do you wanna know ?”


“everything !”


“well .. we were a really irresolute , broken family . my mum comes from a rich family so she had to fight against the world to marry my poor dad , but when my dad started earning money he turned his back on my mum”


“zero loyalty,” Zelo commented


“before my parents got divorced my grandmother and U-kwon stood beside me and sheltered me from getting harmed , but now neither of them are around”


“wait … even U-kwon ?!”


I nodded , “I don’t think he loves me anymore”


“really ?..,” Zelo said with shocked eyes


“right now I’m worried about my future , I don’t wanna live alone”


“why don’t you live with your mum ?”


“because I think my mum’s family hate me , they look at me as the daughter of the enemy”


“well .. I know you hate your dad but .. I think you should live outside the country with him for now”


“I don’t think I can even if I wanted”


“why ? you should forget your about your pride for now”


“it’s not a pride issue , my dad remarried , I don’t wanna live with a stepmother that was the cause of my mum’s broken heart”


Zelo sighed and continued eating.





Zelo stopped in front of my house gate , “so see you tomorrow ?”


“yeah .. and thanks again .. for everything”


He tapped my shoulders and gave me a smile forcing me to smile back.

My smile faded away when my eyes spotted my dad’s car , “what’s wrong Hanna ?,” asked Zelo.


“my parents are here”


“are you sure ?”


“it’s my dad’s car,” I said pointing at the car.


“what are you going to do ?”


“I have to face them, I think”


“let’s face them together”


We walked side by side , I unlocked the door and opened it slowly , even though I expected my parents appearance but them sitting quietly waiting shook me. Zelo and I stood beside each other while my parents looked at us.


“what are you doing here ?,” I asked killing the awkward silence.


My mum stood before me , she replaced her cold palms on my cheeks then she painfully said while holding back one of her rare tears , “I missed you baby”


I escaped her frozen hands then I took few steps backwards , I stopped when my feet hit a suitcase , I looked elaborately at it .


“what is that ?”


“it’s your clothes , we already decided Hanna , you’re leaving with me,” my dad said.


“You both decided ?! ,” I asked sarcastically, “you must’ve gone crazy to think I’d agree to leave with any of you”


“it’s our right as your parents to love you Hanna,” my dad said with confidence as if he studied this answer and memorized it before facing me with it.


you vanished for three years and then appear again claiming your dropped rights ?!”


“sweetheart you can’t stay here alone,” my mum said


“I’ve been alone since the day I took my first breath ! don’t come around telling me what I am  not cacheable  to handle”


“then leaving with me would be the perfect decision right now , it is our chance to get along,” my dad offered


“sir I think you didn’t just lose that chance , you killed it long time ago,” Zelo said


“huh ? and why you’re still barking around my daughter since her grandmother got hospitalized ?!,” my dad seethed.


“don’t worry sir , I think I have respect for your daughter more than you both have ever showed,” Zelo grabbed my hand and continued , “forcing Hanna to leave with you will be the most rational decision you’d ever make ..”


My dad interrupted Zelo’s speech by slapping his face , “how dare a kiddo like you tell me what should I decide ?!”


“dad what the hell is wrong with you ?!,” I shouted with anger coming out of my eyes.


“I’m over this radical family !,” my dad declared , “just follow your grandma to her grave Hanna so I can bury the obligation that you forced above my back !”


“how could you say that to my daughter ?!,” my mum said.


“screw you and your daughter !,” my dad glared at me then headed outside the house slamming the door.

The house became suddenly quite , my mum stood in front of me then she said , “I’m sorry for not giving you the family you deserve”


She kissed my forehead then she replaced her hands on Zelo’s shoulders , “don’t let go of her hand”


She forced a smile then she grabbed her luxurious hand-bag and left the house , again.


I immediately checked on Zelo’s cheek  that got slapped by my dad’s fat hand , “it hurts ?”


Zelo  replaced his hand over his cheek then he said , “actually it doesn’t hurt a lot, I think he likes me”


“I’m truly sorry”


He smiled , “idiot .. why are you apologizing ?”.

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Hey guys , I just wanna apologies for any typos , I do rush writing my stories but nobody's perfect right ?? ♡♡♡ thanks for understanding ♡♡♡


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Chapter 16: awhh im crying :'((
nowaywth #2
Chapter 17: Cute one. I like it.
Chapter 17: Hahahaha so cheesy this girl can be. Anyway goodjob
Vwansha #4
Chapter 17: Such a cute ending ^_^ I love this fanfic. Good job on your first fanfic, this is really good for your first fanfic. Good luck on future stories, I'll wait for any other stories.
Vwansha #5
Chapter 15: Noo! I enjoyed reading this. Happy Halloween!
beachjunkie14 #6
Chapter 15: Whaaaat????? Zelo leaving? T-T
Vwansha #7
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD! :0
beachjunkie14 #8
omg Ukwon came back! :( I still prefer Hanna and Zelo! lol
Vwansha #9
Chapter 13: Ahh! There's so many emotions. I don't know which couple to ship.
Vwansha #10
Chapter 12: I feel so sorry for what hanna has to go through. Thank you for the update!