You need MY help ?!

Let's cuddle. wait .. what ?!

The second week passed , I started getting used to the fact that U-kwon was not around , we kept talking daily but we couldn’t find a new things to talk about so most of our conversations were sighs and silly subjects.

He seemed happy there , he really liked how much he was getting paid.




I was reading a book in the library , the book wasn’t fun to read I just read it because I had nothing better to do. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket so I answered it immediately.



No one replied , I looked at the phone number but it’s wasn’t a number I knew.


“Hello ? … I’m sorry but I’m gonna hang up ..”


“it’s me ,” Zelo said


“Junhong-ah ?”


“yeah ..”


“ah .. why are you calling ? something’s wrong ?”


“I need your help in math”


“n-now ?”


“yes now , where are you ?”


“I’m .. I’m at the library”


“don’t go anywhere , I’ll be there in minutes”


Before I could say anything he hanged up the phone. I was little shocked , “since when he cares about passing the exams?”


After few minutes I heard the library huge door opening , I immediately knew that it was Zelo since no one comes to the library at such late hour.


He stood before me holding his notebook , “it’s 7:30 pm .. shouldn’t you be at home?,” I asked


He sat beside me then he said , “shouldn’t you also be at home ?”


I looked at his quivered hands that were holding the notebook then I said , “are you cold ?”


“n-no .. why asking ?”


“you’re hands are shaking”


“I said I’m not cold !,” he said with an annoyed tone


“why you’re getting angry ?!,” I grabbed my bag and took my cloves , “wear this”

He pushed my hand then he said , “do I look like a kid that needs to be taken care of ?!”


I looked at the cloves then I said , “did U-kwon felt the same way when I gave him the cloves ?”


“U-kwon ? your b-boyfriend ?”


“I probably embarrassed him”


“give me the stupid cloves ,” he snatched the cloves from my hands and wore them with a smile on his face , he looked like a kid who was left alone in a chocolate factory.


“what a wired boy , let me see this notebook”


He handed me the notebook and he rested his head on the table only staring at me , I looked at his messy notebook then I said , “what kind of hand writing is that ?! are you at kindergarten ?!”


“shut up and help ! it’s not my notebook anyway”


“it doesn’t belong to you ? then where is yours ?!”


“I don’t have any , notebooks are for nerds”


“aigoo ~ how lazy”


I tried to understand what was mentioned in the notebook , I actually wasn’t that smart in Math but I tried my best to help Zelo.

I took about 13 minutes to understand how the mathematical equation needed to be solved.

“I finely get it !,” I said out of excitement and looked at Zelo, but he was already sleeping peacefully beside me.


I sighed then I whispered to myself , “should I wake him up? what if he gets angry with me? .. he looks so tired”


I also rested my head on the table and kept staring at his innocent face , “he is still as cool as I remember him , he’s even better looking now”

Tuft of his hair landed on top of his forehead disturbing his peaceful nap , I replaced my finger on top of his forehead and removed lightly the tuft to where it was originally placed.

Before I could finish what I was doing Zelo out of a blue opened his eyes , I froze and my eyes grew wider , the sight of his eyes opening made my heart pound , the only thing I could hear is my heart beating until Zelo broke that silence , “what are you doing ?,” he asked in a soft deep voice that made my cheeks burn


“w-what ?”


“what a-are you doing ?,” he asked one more time


I realized how absolutely unpleasant the situation was , I pulled immediately my hand away of Zelo’s forehead then rubbed my head , “th-there was … on top of … you might get … I didn’t mean to .. you know”


“so annoying,” said Zelo when he sat straight back on the chair , “did you understand the hand writing ?”


I looked at the notebook trying to reread what I solved few minutes ago but my pounding heart and my red cheeks didn’t let my brain function probably.


“I-I didn’t understand,” I said


“you’re not that smart after all”

Zelo looked at his phone clock then he said , “let’s just leave , you can take the notebook with you in order to help me tomorrow”


I would argue with him telling him not to order me around but my mouth was completely shut.

We grabbed our bags and headed outside the library , when we reached the college gate I said to Zelo , “you c-can leave now a-and I’ll see you t-tomorrow”


“I’ll walk you to your house,” said Zelo with confidence


“I don’t want you to walk me”


“ME NEITHER !,” he shouted a little but then he said after he sighed , “it’s just dark , what if something bad happened to you? then you’ll run around blaming me for it , I have a reputation to keep”


I rolled my eyes then I started walking and so did he.


We kept silent all the way only listening to the sound of our footsteps , the silence caused of the freezing weather caged people in their houses.

I was only steps away from my house and my hands were too cold , I looked at my cloves on Zelo’s hands then I said , “that’s my house , give me back my cloves”


“is that how you thank people ?!”


“thank you for what ? I didn’t ask you to come”


“you are lucky because you got the chance to enjoy my company”

“what a diva .. give me back my cloves”


“anioo , I’m gonna keep them because I still have 3 blocks to walk , I’ll give them to you tomorrow”


“you better not forget them , I don’t have other pairs”


“you don’t have other pairs ?! how careless”


“will you please leave ~?”


“ok fine , see ya,” he gave me a wink with a smirk then he started walking leaving me teased , I cursed him in my mind then I headed inside my house.

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Hey guys , I just wanna apologies for any typos , I do rush writing my stories but nobody's perfect right ?? ♡♡♡ thanks for understanding ♡♡♡


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Chapter 16: awhh im crying :'((
nowaywth #2
Chapter 17: Cute one. I like it.
Chapter 17: Hahahaha so cheesy this girl can be. Anyway goodjob
Vwansha #4
Chapter 17: Such a cute ending ^_^ I love this fanfic. Good job on your first fanfic, this is really good for your first fanfic. Good luck on future stories, I'll wait for any other stories.
Vwansha #5
Chapter 15: Noo! I enjoyed reading this. Happy Halloween!
beachjunkie14 #6
Chapter 15: Whaaaat????? Zelo leaving? T-T
Vwansha #7
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD! :0
beachjunkie14 #8
omg Ukwon came back! :( I still prefer Hanna and Zelo! lol
Vwansha #9
Chapter 13: Ahh! There's so many emotions. I don't know which couple to ship.
Vwansha #10
Chapter 12: I feel so sorry for what hanna has to go through. Thank you for the update!