I'll leave loving you , i'll return loving you more.

Let's cuddle. wait .. what ?!

“Alright , you may leave now,” said my male tutor after looking at his silver watch.

I grabbed my heavy books and headed outside the class , I met my friend Eun-mi and we walked towards the lockers with each other.

I put my books inside the locker and said , “do you have anything tonight Eun-mi ?”


“yeah actually it’s my boyfriend’s birthday , why are you asking? Something’s wrong ?”


“you asked me before for help in your homework so I thought we can do it tonight together , you know that I don’t have free time to waste”


“well then .. I guess I have an idea,” she opened her locker and grabbed a file full of papers , “hold this”


She gave me the file then she said , “why don’t you do the homework”


I blinked twice then I asked , “me ?”


“yeah ..”


“alone ?!”


“not alone ! I gave the papers didn’t I ?”


“b-but , it’s your homework not mine ..”


She interrupted me , “can’t you do it this time for your dear friend Hanna ? pleeaase ~”


‘damn it .. I should gently reject that awful request,’ I thought.

“pleeaaaaase~,” Eun-mi nagged.


“y-yeah .. sure .. why not”


“you’re the best friend in the whole world ,” she gave me a hug then ran away not giving me a chance to change my mind , I looked at the big file then I sighed.


“you should learn how to say no,” a male voice reached my ear , I turned around to see Zelo behind me.


“Junhong-ah .. what are you doing here ?,” I asked shocked , “are you stalking me ?”


“me ?! stalking you ?! you must be kidding me .. I study here”


“this day keeps getting better and better”


“you call that girl and tell her that you can’t do her obligations”


“no , I can do it for her .. it’s ok”


“aigoo ~ you didn’t change a bit !”


“she’s my friend , I can give her a hand”


“you give a hand when help is needed , the girl is going to celebrate her boyfriend’s birthday while you’re doing that stupid homework”


“it’s alright , she’s my friend”


“friend ??! what kinda friend is she ?! she’s using you Hanna”


“don’t act like we know each other Junhong ?! get of my way please , I have to leave home”


“it’s Zelo not Junhong!”


“I couldn’t care less,” I gave him a cold look then I headed outside the college building.



I rubbed my eyes trying to get a better vision to the homework that I spent hours doing , my ringing phone caught my attention.


“hello,” I answered.


“babe how are you ?,” U-kwon’s sweet voice draw a smile on my face


“little tired because of this homework , but I’m good”


“my girlfriend isn’t just pretty , but also smart”


“huh .. you always say that”


“Hanna , I have to tell you something ,” his serious voice made my heart beats increase


“something’s wrong ?”


“no .. I mean yes .. it’s not serious so don’t worry”


“what is it ? you’re freaking me out”


“I have to say it face to face”


“can’t you tell me now ?!”


“no .. I have to see you”


“alright , just tell me where are you and I’ll come immediately”


“you’re at your grandma’s house right ?”




“don’t go anywhere , in about 30 minutes I’ll be there”


“alright I’ll be waiting for you”


I kept looking at the window waiting to see U-kwon entering , after about an hour he arrived , when I saw him coming from my window I rushed downstairs and opened the door for him.


He gave me a smile and hugged me as soon as he stood in front of me , “you’re late”


“but I arrived , let’s go inside I’m freezing”


I released the hug and leaded him to my room , he jumped on my bed then he said , “how soft”


I sat on my computer table , “so what’s that important subject ?”


He sat up on my bed then he said , “I don’t know how to say this .. umm .. I finely found a perfect job”


“well .. that’s great ! isn’t that what you wanted for the past couple years ?!”


“true but .. this job .. it’s ..”


“what ?!”


“it’s actually far away from here”


“far away ? how far ?”


“my sister called me today and told me that her husband found for me a new job in America”


“in A-America ??”


“yeah .. and if I accepted it , I have to stay committed for one year with the company that is hiring me”


I couldn’t say a word , I was speechless imagining what would happen if I disagreed , I’ll be killing the chance he worked hard for , and if I agreed I’ll lose seeing him daily supporting me and standing beside me.


“so what do you think ?,” he asked me bringing me back to reality.


“I .. I don’t know .. I mean .. I’m in a shock now”


“I was in shock too , I’m worried if I refused this chance I’ll never have another one ever again”


“I see ..”


“but also I don’t want to leave you here , I’m worried that this opportunity will affect the relationship I worked hard building”


“I .. I don’t know .. I will support your decision no matter what it will be”


“really ? even if I decided to accept the job? You’ll wait for me ?”


“of course I will , you know how much I love you right ?”


“Aish ! what was I thinking ?! no way I can’t leave you here alone .. I made up my mind .. I’m not leaving”


“are you kidding me U-kwon ? it’s your dreams job ! you’re just gonna waste your golden chance ?!”


“you probably don’t know how much I love you , I can’t spend one normal day without seeing your face .. it’s a one long year !”


“you’re making me sound like I’m you’re oxygen while indeed I’m not , I think .. I think you should accept this chance”


U-kwon stood up and stopped in front of me , “and what about us ?,” he asked while looking into my eyes


“nothing will change , we will call each other every day and we will have video chats .. problem solved !”


“I don’t know Hanna , I’m scared that I’ll lose you”


“you know you can’t get rid of me”


“but .. what if I saw hot girls there ?”


“what ?!”


“hot girls ! you know that type of girls , tall , blond with short skirts and stuff”


“I’ll go to America and kick your ! before you think about cheating on me you’ll be already dead !!”


He laughed at me , “why are you laughing ?! it’s not even funny “

“I won’t be cheating on you , I’ll just make new friends , do you know that friends in America share a lot of skinship ?,” he teased me more with a smile on his face


“you’re ugly , no one will like you anyway”


“last week you told me I’m the most handsome man alive after Brad Bitt”


“you know what .. I also think that leaving is a bad idea , you should stay here,” I said while jealousy was burning my heart


He left me up from the table and allowed me to stand on the ground , he gave me a warm hug then he said , “after seeing you’re beautiful face , I don’t think I can see no more , I promise you Hanna , I’ll leave loving you and I’ll return loving you more.”

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Hey guys , I just wanna apologies for any typos , I do rush writing my stories but nobody's perfect right ?? ♡♡♡ thanks for understanding ♡♡♡


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Chapter 16: awhh im crying :'((
nowaywth #2
Chapter 17: Cute one. I like it.
Chapter 17: Hahahaha so cheesy this girl can be. Anyway goodjob
Vwansha #4
Chapter 17: Such a cute ending ^_^ I love this fanfic. Good job on your first fanfic, this is really good for your first fanfic. Good luck on future stories, I'll wait for any other stories.
Vwansha #5
Chapter 15: Noo! I enjoyed reading this. Happy Halloween!
beachjunkie14 #6
Chapter 15: Whaaaat????? Zelo leaving? T-T
Vwansha #7
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD! :0
beachjunkie14 #8
omg Ukwon came back! :( I still prefer Hanna and Zelo! lol
Vwansha #9
Chapter 13: Ahh! There's so many emotions. I don't know which couple to ship.
Vwansha #10
Chapter 12: I feel so sorry for what hanna has to go through. Thank you for the update!