You are the only one for me.

Let's cuddle. wait .. what ?!


I was sitting on my bed allowing my head to sink into my pillow refusing to hear my parents arguing downstairs , they usually fight but that night lasted longer than it usually does , I can only describe it in one way , sorrowful.

I heard my name being called from U-kwon’s window , my neighbor.

I headed to my window and saw him waving for me , “are you ok ?,” he asked.


“it’s late , shouldn’t you be sleeping now ?”


“you can’t answer the question with another one”


“well .. I’m fine”


“sure ? your father sounds louder tonight”


“yeah .. nothing’s going well these days”


“just go to sleep now and tomorrow everything will end”


“I can’t go to sleep , my parents didn’t stop fighting and I’ve been listing to their arguments for two hours”


“why don’t you sleep tonight in my place ?,” U-kwon offered.


I draw a small smile on my lips and scratched my head ,“no thanks , you’re my best friend but I still can’t do that,” I said.


“don’t be silly , sleep tonight in my house and I’ll sleep in Zico’s”


“I don’t know , I just don’t think that’s a good idea”


“think about it , we have a test tomorrow , you can’t take it with half closed eyes , just do it for tonight”


I looked at his worried eyes and I could hear my heart pounding , that was the day I fell for my best friend .

And now after three years , everything changed my parents divorced and I started living with my grandma , I graduated from high school and still continuing my studies.

Oh did I mentioned that my best friend has become my boyfriend ?


Walking my way to the garden next to my grandma’s house was simply enjoyable to me , I was taking my time enjoying the silence due the freezing weather , maybe that’s the only reason why I loved December.

I kept smiling all the way knowing that I was in my way to meet U-kwon , one of the blessings my God gave me.

When I arrived to the park I looked around searching for him , I saw him walking around a random tree and blowing hot air in his cold hands.


“U-kwon !,” I said catching his attention.


“oh you’re here ?,” he said after giving me one of his sweet smiles.


I ran slowly to him and gave him a hug , “I missed you,” I said.

He released the hug and said , “how have you been?”


We started walking side by side , “great , and you ?”


“good , but now I’m kinda freezing to death ,”  his words made the guilt rip my heart because I was walking slowly purposely enjoying my time while he was there freezing while waiting for me.

I took the cloves out of my bag and said , “wear these , they should keep you warm”


He gave me a frown and put the cloves back to my bag , he grabbed my right hand and put our locked hands in his pocket , “much warmer ,” he said with a smirk on his face.


I smiled , “now you’re acting like a married Oprah”


“tonight I’ll take you to Zico’s party”


“party ? why he’s throwing a party all of a sudden ?”


“well , it’s more like a family gathering”


“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can go tonight”


“why not ? you’ll have fun”


“I have to study , my finals will start next week”


“you study 7 hours a day ! I do think it’s more than enough”


“they are enough , but after 7 hours of studying don’t you think I need some rest ?”


“and what a better place to rest than your beloved boyfriend arms ?,” he asked dropping on me one of his cheesy words that makes me fall for his charm harder every single time I meet him.


“fine , you win”


“yes ! when should I come to pick you up ?”


“after I finish studying”


“and when is that ?”


“at umm .. I finish at 8pm , you can come at 8:10 pm”


Our conversation was interrupted when a girl jumped out of nowhere in front of us.

“you’re U-kwon right ?”


“ah .. y-yeah .. I am”


My eyes started scanning her , “you don’t remember me ?! I’m Nari”


“oh Nari ! oh God I haven’t seen you in like .. two years?”


She looked at me then she said , “who’s that ?”


“she’s my girlfriend Hanna,” U-kwon introduced me


“nice to meet you Hanna,” she said while giving me a cold look


“oppa , we are in a hurry,” I said


“oh you’re on a date ? sorry if I interrupted”


“don’t worry , you didn’t interrupt”

I stepped on U-kwon’s foot making it obvious that I wanted her to disappear


 “umm .. see you around U-kwon,” Nari said


She patted U-kwon’s shoulder then she left.


I immediately looked at U-kwon and started the investigation.

  “who is that hideous person oppa ?”


“she’s my sister’s friend , the three of us used to spend time together”


“you’re sister’s in America , you spend zero time with her”


“ah .. y-yeah .. did I say my sister ?! I meant my mom !”


“oppa .. are you cheating on me ?,” I asked with worried eyes.


“again ?! again you green-eyed monster ?!”


“then how do you know that girl ?!,” my voice started getting louder.


“I don’t know … I j-just do .. no need to get jealous babe , let’s just enjoy the moment , ok Hanna ?,” he said taking few steps towards his car.


I grabbed my right shoe and through it at him out of anger and - as usual - started crying , everyone started looking at us and some of them started laughing at me which made me angrier so I cried even louder.


U-kwon sighed , he grabbed my shoe and removed the snow that clung on it , he came closer to me then he said , “aigoo you made me look like a cheating jerk”


He crouched and replaced my right foot inside the shoe , he tied tightly the shoelace then stood up facing me , “you’re the girl I’ve chosen , how could I cheat on you ?”


He ended his speech with a kiss on my left cheek and the sweetest hug he could give to anyone , I just enjoyed listing to his heart beats letting the time pass by in his arms.

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Hey guys , I just wanna apologies for any typos , I do rush writing my stories but nobody's perfect right ?? ♡♡♡ thanks for understanding ♡♡♡


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Chapter 16: awhh im crying :'((
nowaywth #2
Chapter 17: Cute one. I like it.
Chapter 17: Hahahaha so cheesy this girl can be. Anyway goodjob
Vwansha #4
Chapter 17: Such a cute ending ^_^ I love this fanfic. Good job on your first fanfic, this is really good for your first fanfic. Good luck on future stories, I'll wait for any other stories.
Vwansha #5
Chapter 15: Noo! I enjoyed reading this. Happy Halloween!
beachjunkie14 #6
Chapter 15: Whaaaat????? Zelo leaving? T-T
Vwansha #7
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD! :0
beachjunkie14 #8
omg Ukwon came back! :( I still prefer Hanna and Zelo! lol
Vwansha #9
Chapter 13: Ahh! There's so many emotions. I don't know which couple to ship.
Vwansha #10
Chapter 12: I feel so sorry for what hanna has to go through. Thank you for the update!