Kim Taeyeon

Lucky Charm

Yuri was mad…no furious at what Jessica did to her. After the 5th call from Jessica, she turned her phone off, two days after the event Jessica came to visit her shop but Sunny turned her away, three days after the event Jessica came to Sunny and gave her a message but Yuri didn’t want to hear.

“You are being a big baby.”

“Am not.”

“Locking yourself up like this won’t help you any. If you are so mad over what Jessica did, go and beat Sooyoung in a race or at least hear what Jessica has to say to you.”

“It was clear. I was used as their little lab rat for their new engine.”

“How do you know that for sure? If you like Jessica as much as you said, then why not hear her out?”

“Sunny why are you taking her side. Did she say something important?”

“Not really but she seemed concerned and worried when I saw her. I am not taking sides other than pointing out that you are acting childish over this whole thing.”

“Am not…I need razor focus to win this race.”

Sunny sat down next to Yuri, “Yul this is a fake racing game…which you beat multiple times already. How about going into a car with a brand new engine and practice? We worked hard on it.”

“I don’t care anymore about winning for Apple. What is the point? I don’t want to benefit Taeyeon in any way.”

Sunny sighed as she got up and turned off the PS2, “Get your up.”

“Hey! I was playing!”

“No you were not if you were in 3rd place.”

“I am still not racing.”

“Fine you won’t race but you are coming with me.”


Sunny pushed Yuri towards the bathroom, “A surprise?”

“Hell no! You are going to take me to Jessica…I don’t want to!!” Yuri whinned like a kid who just got their candy stolen.

“I promise I won’t take you to her. But we are going somewhere.”

Yuri glared at Sunny trying to read if she was telling the truth or not, “I don’t trust you.”

“Fine fine…I swear on my computer that I won’t take you to Jessica.”

Yuri raised her eyebrows, “Wow I never heard you act so serious before.”

“So will you please get showered and dressed?”

“Fine fine. I am going.”

An hour later, Yuri came out not looking like a complete mess, “So where we going.”

“Still a surprise. I will drive.”

Yuri shrugged as she went out to Sunny’s car and drove off.

An hour later Yuri was ready to open the door and hop out of the car, “Noooooo!”

“Yah stop whining!”

“She is the second person I really don’t want to see!”

“We are going in whether you like it or not.”


“Yuri I am seriously going to smack you if you don’t act like an adult.”

Yuri stopped resisting and started sulking, “You are mean.”

“Am not. I am taking you here to show you why you have to race.”

Sunny dragged Yuri up to the double doors and rang the doorbell. A few minutes passed and an older gentleman opened the door, “Ah Ms. Lee did you have an appointment with the misses?”

“No I don’t but I don’t think she would mind a visit.”

“She is a bit busy so she is in her study. Shall I take you both there?”


“May I ask who is your companion?”

“Ah this is Ms. Kwon. Ms. Kim already knows her.”

The two women followed the man toward the back left corner of the door where he knocked softly on the door, “Miss you have a Ms. Lee and Kwon here to see you.” After a few seconds, the light on the door turned green signaling that it was unlocked, “Please go in.”

Sunny and Yuri entered the spacious office, “What a pleasant surprise…and Yuri.”

Sunny walked around and took a seat on the couch, “Taeyeon Yuri wanted to see you.”

Yuri shot a glare at Sunny knowing that she was lying, “Oh? Yuri did? Must be urgent with you coming to my home on a day I’m not working.”

Sunny laughed, “You work every day but I know you are not at the office today. I thought it would be better to do our side business behind closed doors.”

Taeyeon sat back in her chair, “I see. Could I guess Yuri is here after the Jung Corp event a week ago?”

“How do you know about that? I thought it was a closed event.”

“Oh Yuri there is no such thing.” Yuri hated Taeyeon’s cocky attitude and confidence after all she was an arrogant rich kid, “so what about it? The name of Apple got dragged through the mud but Sunny said we have one last chance to recover.”

Sunny got up and went to Taeyeon’s computer, “Yuri this is what I wanted to show you.”

A projector screen fell down over the window showing a computer model of a race course, “This looks like where the next Apple event is.”

Taeyeon stayed seated as Sunny took control of the little presentation, “Yuri doesn’t want to drive for you anymore Taeyeon.”

With a neutral face, Taeyeon nodded as if she agreed with Yuri’s reasons.

“But Yuri you have no choice.”

Leaning forward on the couch, Yuri watched the simulation play out, “It says that I would lose with my car.”

“Yes. The computer simulation with a normal driver like Sooyoung would lose but we all know that you are not average like this. If we modify the model to have habits like your past races, this is what happens.”

Yuri watched as the car she was supposedly driving win by a very large margin, “wow…I must be awesome.”

“Well you kind of are and we need you…specifically you to race in that car. I only built that car for you and things that would benefit your racing style.”

“Sure sure I get that you want me cause I am awesome, but what I don’t get is why I have to race for Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon sat up in her chair, “It is simple. I own you.”

Yuri furrowed her brows, “What do you mean?”

Sunny sighed, “She doesn’t just own you but everyone in our racing group. We are contracted under Apple until we earn more than the investment.”

Yuri not good with numbers was clearly confused, “So we can’t leave? Till when?”

Taeyeon leaned over Sunny to click another tab open, “You see here, you lost 3 races so our investment became higher. Not only do you have to win the next race, you must win four more after that for the contract to be at a stage for release.”

“What if I break contract?”

Taeyeon smirked, “I still own your . Breaking contract would mean I cease all your property that was bought with the winnings you had from being our exclusive racer. Not only would I be after you for reprimandment, you will be sought out by the investors we have in the company and well…I wouldn’t name names but there are some investors involved in the Triad.”

“Damn…Taeyeon you are ing insane and evil! Sunny how can you even associate with that thing!” Yuri pointed at Taeyeon.

“Yuri where do you think black money comes from when we are doing clearly illegal street racing?”

“You knew!?”

“Yuri…Taeyeon approached me about doing Apple in the first place. If Apple fails we all fail and will be tracked down by people like the Triad. Friends and family would be affected. This could mean Jessica too.”

Yuri covered her face in anger and confusion, “God Sunny! What did you do! I didn’t know you could be as filthy as Taeyeon.”

“Hey! Stop saying that! We needed to get out and we needed a way to race and be on top to support ourselves. Don’t act naive or that this whole ordeal wasn’t beneficial. And Taeyeon is giving us a way out. 5 more races. We could be done.”

Taeyeon rocked on her chair, “Yuri we wouldn’t want to lose you after 5 winning races but Sunny is right that is what the contract allows. I know you don’t like me for being with Sunny before but the past is past. Right now I am talking to you as someone who invested in your talents and expect a profit. This is a business Yuri.”

“Taeyeon is right. We are only doing a business deal here. Don’t let your emotions get involved.”

“Wow Sunny you make it sound like no big deal. Past is past? When is it ever that way?”

“It is when we have our work to do. I forgave Taeyeon a long time ago. I know she cheats and I know better now than to start a romantic relationship ever again, but we are not talking about that anymore. We are talking about taking down Jung Corp so we can leave and start our own racing business. A more legal one or one we have more control in running.”

Yuri sat back down on the couch as if admitting defeat, “Sunny…you are truly amazing. Forgiveness? I am not that strong to accept that as an option. Taeyeon will always be someone I hate and for you to pull me into this circus with you was not something I would expect  you to do to me. How can I trust you to be my right-hand man when you side swiped me like this?”

“Don’t say that. You know I always have your back. It is just that…at the time…Taeyeon was our only option. I did what I thought was best for us then. If you want us to leave Apple and Taeyeon forever, then you have to win. You need to put all your anger towards us and Jessica into the next races.”

Yuri sat with her hands interlinked as she thought for a while, “I guess it is time to see how that new car runs.”


Nearly a month later, the roar of engines vibrated through the concrete in an abandoned underground parking lot. With an event nearly double the size of a normal Apple race, the car park was packed with many racers and spectators alike.

Yuri was unfazed by the large turnout for this race…well she expected it for the amount of prize money that was being offered, “still mad at me?”

Yuri slipped out from behind her hood, “Doesn’t matter…you are still my ears while I am on the track.”

Sunny smiled as she handed Yuri her ear device, “I promise I will help you win.”

“You better. You owe me big time for getting me to race in this.”

“It will be fine…” Sunny started until a shrill voice called out for Yuri.

“Yuri Yuri!”

Yuri rolled her eyes wondering how she would be so unlucky to be spotted in the corner, “Jessica….”

Yuri wanted to drool and block out her anger at the same time seeing Jessica in those tight leather pants, knee high boots and dark brown leather jacket, “Yuri I…umm just wanted to clarify something with you since you wouldn’t see me after the event….was it because of the presentation?”

Yuri sighed knowing that this conversation could have very well happened at this race, “Look Jessica I get that you and your daddy’s company wanted to show off their amazing new engine but I don’t like being a showpiece like that. Do you have any idea how bad that made me look as a racer?”

“How could it? The video showed Sooyoung beating one of the best racers in the underground scene. We saw it as an honor to have our engine compare to your skills.”

“Honor? Really?” Yuri chuckled, “You made me look like a fool.”

Jessica ducked down under Yuri’s intimidating glare, “…sorry…I didn’t see it like that…if you did…I am sorry.”

“Jessica…I really did like you. I wasn’t lying when I said all those things to you before, but when I saw that video…it made me think that you didn’t feel that way back. Or didn’t really consider my feelings.”

Jessica opened to say something but then closed unsure of how to respond.

“Well who do we have here with my racer?”

Jessica turned around immediately hearing the voice of the person who approached her from behind.

“Long time no see Jessica Jung.”

Jessica balled up her fist before slapping the woman across the face.

Everyone stood in shock that Jessica Jung just hit the one and only Kim Taeyeon.

Rubbing the spot Jessica just hit Taeyeon smirked, “I didn’t think my fiancé would give me such a warm welcome.”





Author's Note

Hello readers! I didn't know getting a new job would make me so tired every day I get home. All my stories are getting back logged these days because I am honestly so tired every night.

I hope this update was well worth your wait!

How will Yulsic turn out??? This is turning into a Taengsic story haha! I swear it is Yulsic! (says the Taengsic writer haha)

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SayenSoKawaii #1
Chapter 13: I really loved the story, I liked a lot
Chapter 13: Fue muy bueno
Chapter 1: Creí que Jessica seria la conductora
Este fic suena interesante
Kaka_Borneo #5
Chapter 13: Very sweet ending~
And i like how you make it so fit as well, not too much not too little~
I love how how you keep their cool, and adding sweetness~
Thank you~
Please make more Yulsic!!
Chapter 13: The ending was very fitting for this amazing story. I really enjoyed reading this story and love the fluffy ending. These two are so cheesy and cute thinking of each other as their own lucky charm. Thank you for writing an epilogue.
Chapter 13: Thank you for giving us the epilogue! It was short, but it surely satisfied my craving for Yulsic. And it was a perfect end to this awesome fic, too! I hope you create more stories soon.
Kaka_Borneo #8
Chapter 12: Wah!! Amazing story~
Can't wait for another Yulsic from you~
Thank you~
Chapter 12: What? Complete already??
Epilogue pleasee..
I never know this story will be so interesting
jho_2122 #10
Chapter 12: Fluffy epilogue author please :-)