A Date With Minwoo

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

_______ got ready and she walked downstairs.

"Hey what did you wanted to talk about?" ______ asked.

Minwoo smiled then hold _______'s hand.

_______ looked down and she spotted her fingers laced around Minwoo's.

"Are we going somewhere?" _______ asked.

"Yup! For the whole night, you're going to be spending the day with me." Minwoo smiled.

"Minwoo..." ______ smiled.

Minwoo smiled then he started to drag ______ somewhere.

From the house, the girls were watching to see what they were up to.

"Aw...it's an aegyo moment." _______ smiled.

"I agree...but wait? Doesn't _______ like Aj as well?" ______ asked.

"I think you should just give her a chance. Besides, she's just like us. She doesn't know who she actually loves yet." ______ smiled.

"Minwoo, where are you taking me?" _______ asked.

"Some where special of course!" Minwoo smiled.

"Come on Minwoo, I'm serious. Where are you taking me?" ______ asked.

Minwoo smiled and when both of them walked in ______ looked up and made a surprise look.

"An amusement park here in Korea?" ______ asked.

"Well...yeah, I was actually was planning on taking you here before. But, until you fell in love with 2 guys, I actually felt bad." Minwoo said sadly.

"Minwoo...you didn't really have to do this." ______ said.

"Well...it's something special for you." Minwoo smiled.

"Minwoo..." ______ smiled.

Minwoo smiled then he started to drag ______ on mostly all the rides. Later on, Minwoo then won a small bear for ______.

"Aw...gomawo..." _______ smiled.

Minwoo smiled and after that, both of them walked home together.

"Minwoo...you really didn't have to do this all for me." _______ said smiled.

"Like I said, it's something special...and maybe our last date." Minwoo said.

"What do you mean by last date?" ______ asked curiously.

"You know...just in case you picked Aj from U-KISS." Minwoo said sadly.

"Minwoo..." ______ said sadly.

Minwoo smiled and sighed.

"It's alright if you chose him. I'm ok with it. As long as we're friends. But if Aj hurts you...I'll always be by your side." Minwoo said.

"Minwoo-oppa...you don't really have to do that..." ______ said.

Minwoo made a surprise look and he looked up at _______.

"Thanks..." Minwoo smiled.

Minwoo and _____ didn't actually realize that their face were close to each other. _______ closed her eyes and Minwoo leaned in and kissed her.

When Minwoo moved away, he looked up at _______.

"See you tomorrow then..." Minwoo said.

"That might maybe be our last kiss." ______ said sadly.

______ then surprisingly hugged Minwoo and she sighed.

"Thank you Minwoo for being there for me..." _______ smiled.

Minwoo smiled then he hugged her back.

"I'm always with you..." Minwoo smiled.


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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha yes...you're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see