Thanksgiving Special: Chapter 1

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

It was that time of year in Korea, which was Thanksgiving.

_______ woke up and she walked out of her room happily.

"Happy Thanksgiving guys!" ______ smiled.

"You sure are happy today ______." ______ smiled.

"Of course! Wait? Who's going to be cooking the food? It can't just be _______." _______ said.

"She doesn't really have to cook..." ______ said.

"There's going to be a Thanksgiving party at Starship Ent. today. But thanks anyway." _______ smiled.

"Ah! Oh...yeah...I forgot." _______ sighed.

"We understand that you're really happy." _______ smiled.

"Are those 2 still asleep?" ______ asked.

"Yes...I don't know why both of them wake up late." _______ said.

" we're going to miss the party." _______ said sadly.

"No...but it's going to be easier to wake up _______ than it is for ________." _______ said.

"Then I suggest we should wake up _______!" _______ shouted.

All the girls headed to the "twins" room. When they open it, they spotted both of them still asleep.

"I can't believe their still asleep at this time. It's alread 9am." _______ said surprised.

"And I thought _______ was the one that usually wakes up early." _______ sighed.

"Let just wake them up." _______ said.

The girls walked over to _______ since they were kind of afraid to wake _______ up.

"_______...wake up." ______ said as she shook her.

"You're doing it wrong." _______ said.

_______ got a hold of ________ and she start shaking her.

"________ time to wake up!!!" _______ shouted.

_______ made a surprise look and she threw a pillow and hit ________ with it.

"Mwoya?! Can't you see it's still early!" _______ said as she fell back on her bed.

"It's already 9am." _______ said.

"I don't care...I'm going back to sleep." ______ mumbled.

"Aw...come on it's Thanksgiving." _______ smiled.

"Now, I can't sleep since you guys woke up." _______ said.

"Well, since you're awake. Can't you wake up _______." _______ suggested.

"Why didn't you guy did already?" ______ asked.

"We're too scared..." ______ said nervously.

"_______! Time to get up!" _______ called out.

_______ then threw a pillow at ________'s and it woke her up.

"Unnie! What was that for?!" _______ asked.

"Time to get up! We're going somewhere." _______ said.

"But it's a holiday! And I'm going back to sleep." _______ said.

"Aniyo!" _______ said.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see